Chapter 196: Entering the East Palace!!

“Congratulations to the host for being promoted to the crown prince and crown prince and winning the title “Prince of the Great Qin”. Wearing this title, you will stay awake when dealing with government and military affairs. The speed of dealing with state affairs has been doubled, and the speed of training has doubled.” The system prompts.

Hear this.

A touch of excitement appeared on Ying Qi’s face.

“This title is really amazing.

“If I become a king in the future, what kind of attribute bonus will the title of king bring to me?”

“The speed of state affairs has tripled, and state affairs include too much, military affairs, government affairs, and miscellaneous affairs. The increase is twice as fast. This is too important for me who is in charge of the power of the country.

“There will be another doubling of the cultivation speed.”

“Not to mention this attribute.”

“With this attribute bonus, the 21st-level Grandmaster Realm is in sight. When you reach the 21st level, you should be able to choose a subsidiary class again.

Thought of this.

Ying Qi couldn’t help being excited.

Now he has thousands of low-grade spirit stones, as well as middle-grade spirit stones.

These are enough for him to rise above level 21.

The Grand Master is in sight.

“elder brother.”

“It’s time to eat.”

At this moment, Li Ma’er came over.

At the moment, she is dressed in palace clothes, looks graceful and luxurious, adding another kind of beauty.

in this era.

The grades are very strict, and the etiquette is restricted.

Originally, Li Er’s dress belonged to Mrs. Wu Anjun, but now that Yingqi’s status has changed, Li Yaner has also become the crown prince, the real concubine of the East Palace, and the future Queen of Qin.

The position naturally followed up.

“Let’s go, today our family will have the last meal in Wu’an Jun’s Mansion.”

Ying Qi smiled and walked towards the apse with Li Ma’er’s hand.

And Li Yan’er’s face was naturally filled with a happy smile.

Although many years have passed.

But my elder brother is still the best elder brother to me before, even if my elder brother is now the crown prince, the future king, but my elder brother’s feelings for him have not changed in any way, even if there are so many princesses in the house, each one is stunning, but I can’t let my brother touch real feelings.

Winning Qi is just like his father, Yingzheng.

There is only one’s own love in the heart. As for the other women, they are the medium for passing on from generation to generation.

After a while.

We arrived at the apse.

A table of dishes seems to be ready.

Today is the big day when Ying Qi was crowned the prince, so Wu Anjun’s chef also made the most abundant dishes. Of course, this richness is still in this era.

After all, Ying Qi was born again, and he has other knowledge of this abundance.

“Concubines see the prince.

At this time.

A dozen stunning women came out from the apse, all of them bowed to win Qi’s salute, full of respect.

Ying Qi raised his head and glanced at these concubine rooms. No, he should be called the concubine now.

Nodded: “Sit down.

“Thank you, Prince.”

With awe in their hearts, the concubines took their seats one after another, but naturally they won Qi and Li Yan’er a few places apart.

This is the law of etiquette, and naturally it cannot be violated.

For them, compared to their other kinsmen, they are totally honorable. Originally, they thought it was a blessing on earth to be with Wu Anjun, an extremely human minister of Daqin, but they did not expect the news to be heard yesterday. The husband turned out to be the eldest son of Daqin, and now he is the crown prince.

Their identities also transformed again and became the side concubines of the dignified prince.

In the past, this was also extremely rare for them. Although they enjoyed the dignity that ordinary people could not imagine, as princesses of various countries, the status of women in this era was not high, and most of them were given by their father and king when they grew up. Meritorious minister.

But now it’s different.

They became the side concubines of Prince Daqin.

If they can give birth to a son and a half daughter for the prince, their status will be improved.

In the future, the prince succeeds to the throne and becomes the king, they can also be the king’s side concubines in the palace, and they can be named as wives.

Of course.Regarding the position of Zhengfei, they didn’t dare to think about it, because it was a taboo.

Ying Qi’s feelings for Li Yan’er can be seen by everyone. For Ying Qi, Li Yan’er is his negative scale.

If anyone dared to play anything in this mansion, it would be death.

Moreover, as the princess, Li Ma’er did not suppress them, but gave them the opportunity to serve the prince. They were too grateful.

Taboo absolutely dare not touch.

Let’s have a meal.

“Today is our family’s last meal at Wu’an Jun’s Mansion.

Ying Qi smiled slightly and said.

“Daddy, I want to eat meat.”

“I want to eat too.”

The two little guys spoke immediately.

The etiquette of Yan and Huang is worthy of respect and inferiority.

Win Qi did not speak, naturally no one dared to move.

“You can eat, but you can’t waste it.

“Although there is no shortage of food in the mansion, there are still many people in the world who are short of food, and there are countless people who starve to death.”

Daddy “do not want you to become food waste.

Ying Qi said gently.


“Aye told us that we will not waste food.” Ying Yuqi Tsundere said.

“That’s good.

Ying Qi smiled dumbly and said no more.

Over the past few years.

My dad always took the two little guys. While playing with them, he naturally taught them the truth. Obviously, my dad didn’t want the two little guys to go wrong and become the kind of incompetent young ones. collapse.

“Brother, you eat.

“You finally came back. When you were away all year round, you must have suffered a lot.” Li Ma’er smiled, and directly put a piece of meat to win Qi.

“You eat too.

“I am much more comfortable outside than Xianyang.” Ying said with a smile.

This feeling, this atmosphere made the princesses in the concubine room cast envy.


They have almost no chance to get it.

Being able to stay away from being targeted or bullied in the mansion, and the husband has a very good temper, this is already unattainable, and Ying Qi’s warm attitude towards Li Yan’er will never come to them in their lifetime.


“Where is my grandfather?

Ying Qi suddenly asked.

“I don’t know, I went out early in the morning, so I should go out and relax.” Li Yan’er smiled.


“For his mother, he has taken too much pain in his heart. Yesterday, the father named his mother as the queen. This is also the wish that he promised to his mother at the beginning. This is also a comfort to his grandfather.” Ying Qi said with a smile. .

“Brother, when are you going to relocate your mother’s tomb back to Xianyang?”

“Our family is now in Xianyang, and my mother is alone there. I used to take the children to worship every day, but since I came to Xianyang, I rarely have the opportunity to go.” Li Yan’er’s eyes revealed a touch. Sincerely.

Li Yaner also had feelings for her mother-in-law. When she was a child, her mother-in-law treated herself very well, but it was a pity that she didn’t see her own family, let alone the birth of her grandson.

If you see that your grandchildren are so old and your son is so good, I believe she will be very happy.

“If I were not the prince, maybe I would go back soon to repair my mother’s tomb, but now the father and the king has already delegated the prince to me. This is indeed boundless power, but it comes with a greater responsibility.”

“I must be responsible for this world and the people of Great Qin.”

“So I can’t go back before the county system is implemented.” Ying Qi said with a smile.

“Brother, don’t worry, you will be able to do well.

“Even if the mother knows, she will never blame you.” Li Yan’er said thoughtfully.

“I’m going to move to the East Palace after I have finished my meal.

“Are you ready?” Ying Qi asked.

Li Qing “They are all ready, and they can move directly later.” Li Yaner smiled.

“That’s good.

Win smiled and smiled.

Time is fast.

Finished the meal.

It started to move.

One day.

It’s not too long.

But for the people in Xianyang city, in front of the ancestral temple, the deeds about winning Qi are spread throughout Xianyang city.

The streets and alleys in Xianyang.


Martial arts hall.

The legend of winning Qi is circulating everywhere.

“Have you heard?”

“Unexpectedly, Wu Anjun, who ruled the world to destroy the six kingdoms for the Great Qin Dynasty, turned out to be the eldest son of today’s great king.”


“Now in Xianyang City, who doesn’t know that Wu Anjun is the eldest son of Qin?”

“And your news is too ignorant, Wu Anjun is not only the eldest son, but also the eldest son.”

“Why became the eldest son?”

“Haha, you don’t know if you have anything. I still heard the guard relatives who were on duty at the ancestral temple that day.”

“You actually have relatives in the guard, then your life experience must be very innocent. To be able to be a guard guarding the palace, you must be innocent and loyal to Daqin for generations.

“Haha, that’s not it.”

“My relative is the eldest cousin of my cousin’s sister-in-law’s cousin, this relationship is good.”

“Uh, you should just talk about it.

Okay, “Since you want to know, then I will reluctantly tell you.”

“The reason why Wu Anjun is the eldest son is because the current king has chased Wu Anjun’s mother as the queen. The son of the queen, isn’t that the son.”

“And I heard that Wu Anjun’s mother is the childhood sweetheart of the current king, so she can be so kind.”

“I really didn’t expect that Wu Anjun turned out to be the eldest son of the eldest son. He has the power to rule the sky, destroy the six kingdoms, and set the world. Da Qin can once again usher in prosperity.”

“This is a great thing for Da Qin.

“is not that right?”

“And let me tell you, Wu Anjun is now not just the eldest son, he has been named the prince prince by the king.”



“Just yesterday, Jun Wu’an recognized his ancestors in the ancestral temple, restored the royal family to win the surname, and the king named Wu’an Jun the crown prince.”

Great, “With Wu’an Jun as the prince, Da Qin can definitely be as stable as Mount Tai, and Wu’an Jun grew up in the folks. He must know the suffering of the folks and treat us people of Da Qin kindly.”

“Zhao Si, don’t be bluffed by Zhang San. Now, the news about His Royal Highness has spread in Xianyang. Did the colorful glow of the Great Qin Zongmiao yesterday and the Golden Dragon and Golden Phoenix see you?”

“I didn’t see it. Is this also related to His Royal Highness?”

“This is precisely related to His Royal Highness.”

“It is said that this was the miracle of heaven descending when the great king enshrined the prince, there was a scene of the descending of immortals, and the golden dragon and golden phoenix descended, and he also gave the prince’s seal room to the prince. It can be seen that the prince is really a man of destiny. ”

“Is it true?”

“These things are seen by countless people with their own eyes, can it be false?”

“I tell you, Da Qin has a prince, and he can definitely go to prosperity. We Da Qin citizens will enjoy a blessing.”

Inside Xianyang City.

It’s just one day.

The legend about Yan Qi began to circulate crazily. After all, the appearance of the miraculous scene of the ancestral temple yesterday was seen by the entire Xianyang city. With Xianyang as the center, it spread to the world.

And among them.

Naturally, there will be a black ice platform under the command of the win, and the shadow under the command of Qi will contribute to the flames.

Because this move can lay the cornerstone of the Son of Destiny for Win Qi.

East Palace.

It is more magnificent than the Wu’an Jun’s Mansion, and it occupies a huge area. In the whole world, it may only be inferior to the palace.

Inside the East Palace.

There are many halls, and there are also various official residences of the Eastern Palace, which handle all kinds of government affairs.

It seems to be a replica of Xiaochaotang.

After all, as long as the prince succeeds to the throne, he needs his own confidant, and the courtiers of the East Palace are the solid team of the future court.after all.

Entering the East Palace is the basis for succession.

In this East Palace, Ying Zheng had lived for a while in the past, but he soon moved to the palace to succeed him, because Ying Zheng’s father and Ying Qi’s grandfather had a short lifespan.

Of course.

There have been many accidents in history. He became a prince but did not succeed to the throne and may be abolished.

But for Ying Qi, this is absolutely impossible to tolerate.


One day Qin Shihuang wants to abolish his crown prince, and he won’t be polite to win. The power he possesses can change the world.

He is not the kind of prince who can only live under the king in 657.

Of course.

This assumption is also impossible.

Ying Zheng wouldn’t be like that at all. If he was really scrupulous about winning Qi, he wouldn’t be given such great authority.

Although the East Palace has not been in the Lord for many years, this is where the most noble East Palace in Daqin is located. Naturally, it is cleaned and repaired every day, so the East Palace has been completely renewed for many years.

Inside the main hall of the East Palace.

Yingqi’s palace for handling government affairs is located.

After taking control of the country, many memorials of the Great Qin State Affairs will be sent to the East Palace, handed over to Yingqi for disposal, and then forwarded to the Zhangtai Palace for approval of the winning government.

Ying Qi sat on the main seat, thinking about the county system in his heart.

Of course.

After all, there is historical common sense higher than this era, and Yingqi has already thought about the division of the system of prefectures and counties.

“His Royal Highness the Prince Qi.

“All the officials of the clan, please see me.”

Li Qing came to the hall and reverently started.

“Let them in.”

Ying Qi raised his head and said prestigiously.


Li Qing said respectfully.

For winning promotion, Qi transformed, until today he became a prince.

What really followed Yingqi step by step was not the Meng family, but Li Qing.

He personally followed the allegiance to Win Qi, starting from the centurion, all the way to the promotion, to the top that the military ministers could reach, Wu Anjun, who was in charge of the military power of the Qin Dynasty.

As far as foreign ministers are concerned, there is no way to advance, and there is no way to advance.

However, he never expected that he was the eldest son of Da Qin, the son of the current great king, and now he became the crown prince of Da Qin.

This shock.

Only Li Qing, who has been following Win Qi, can truly feel it.

He belongs to Yingqi’s personal guards, and one day he will become the palace guard, and he Li Qing may also have the opportunity to become the guard commander, and his position is higher than the main general, comparable to the general.

This kind of life experience was something Li Qing had never thought of.

He was just a mountain villager, and he was able to reach the position he is today, completely gifted by his own master.

Li Qing immediately sent someone to pass the order.


“The clan is now in your control, but are they credible?”

“After all, their suzerain committed suicide in Zhangtai Palace, the main reason is because of the Lord.”

Li Qing walked to Ying Qi’s side and asked worriedly.

“Your worries are superfluous.

Ying Qi smiled faintly, with a kind of majesty and calmness.

“Don’t they hate the Lord?” Li Qing was a little confused.

“Do you know what kingship is?” Ying Qi Dan smiled.

“The kingship controls the world and is respected by the people of the world.” Li Qing said in awe.

“I know the power of the king.

“Then you should also know that this palace is now the royal power. If they want to survive, they dare not violate it. If they want to live, they must be loyal. If they want to gain authority and glory, they must obey.”

“My palace can give it or take it.

“Even their life and death.”

Ying Qi Leng said quietly.

PS: The monthly pass is the second, Wu Xian does not want to be the second child, brothers, ask for a monthly pass.

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