Chapter 195: When Will You Move Your Mother’s Tomb?

Chapter inside the White House.

Ying Zheng stood in front of the sand table map.

Ying Qi is with him.

Li Yaner took the two children to play elsewhere.

After today.

Yingqi and his family will also move to the East Palace.

The East Palace, which has been hung in the air for decades, has finally ushered in his master.

The future of the Great Qin Dynasty also has a successor.

And in the hall.

There are also Meng and Lu Buwei.

In today’s Great Qin Empire, the most prestigious three dynasties veterans.

“Qi Er.”

“You have seen this world view many times.”

“But after today, you are different from before. In the past, when you were a minister, all you have to do is to obey the edicts of the emperor and rule the world, but from the moment you restore your identity and belong to the genealogy, this world belongs to you. Now, what you have to do is definitely not just to command the troops, but to command the world.

“First of all, you have to change your mentality.”

“This is your world, and it is also your responsibility.”

“All the people in the world are your people, and all beings in the world are your subjects.”

“In this world, this court, and this empire, you must be able to hold it and hold it down.

Ying Zheng pointed to the sand table map, with an instructive tone.

“Children, understand.

Ying Qi nodded solemnly.

The world.

Two words contain everything.

Once upon a time, Ying Qi was also full of enthusiasm for this world.After all, the power he possessed prevented him from staying under people for long, but he could not abandon the great kindness given by Qin Shihuang, so everything he did was looking at Qin Mo. Ten years later, he will check and balance the world and control the kingship.

But now his identity has been restored.

Everything is different.

After dozens of years, he wins Qi to be the true orthodox kingship and heir to the world.

“Two old Aiqings.

Yingzheng turned his gaze and looked at Meng Zhi and Lu Buwei.

“The old minister is in “six five seven”.”

The two immediately responded.

“In the old days, the real man was instructed by the old Aiqing on the military affairs, and by Zhongfu’s guidance on the political affairs.”

“Although Qi’er’s abilities are much better than those of the past, whether it is a military strategist or an understanding of government affairs.

“But a wise man must have a loss with a thousand apprehensions, and a fool with a thousand apprehensions also have a gain.”

“The widow wants you to be the crown prince, the first batch of core ministers of the East Palace, to mention something at a critical moment. I wonder if the two old Aiqings are willing?” Ying Zheng looked at the two.

“As long as the prince and the prince don’t dislike the old minister, the old minister is willing to serve Da Qin until his death.” Meng Zhi smiled.

“The same goes for the veteran.

“For Da Qin, die without regret.” Lu Buwei also said firmly.

“Qi Er.”

“You are outstanding in all aspects, but after all, you are still very young. It is inevitable that you will make mistakes. As the prince, you are in charge of the power of the country, reviewing memorials, and handling national affairs. Every step affects the world.

The two “Old Aiqings, as veterans of the Three Dynasties of the Great Qin Dynasty, saw a lot and saw a lot. If you don’t understand anything in the future, you can ask the two old Aiqings for advice.” It’s all about winning.

It’s still in prime of life now.

But this way pave the way to win Qi, which is extremely rare between the king and his father in history.

In history.

Only one person may have this glory.

That was Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty.

He has the greatest expectations for his son Zhu Biao, and he has formed a Donggong team that can subvert the world for Zhu Biao. Even if Zhu Biao rebels, perhaps Zhu Yuanzhang will follow the trend.

Such expectations are rare in history.

Because in Zhu Yuanzhang’s eyes, Zhu Biao is his son of Zhu Chongba, and the other sons are all the sons of Zhu Yuanzhang.

The situation here is the same for Win Qi.

Although Yingzheng had many sons in the palace, they were all sons of King Qin Yingzheng.

But Yingqi is different. He is the son of the former Handan proton Zhao Zheng, his childhood sweetheart, and his wife.

So for Win Qi.Win Zheng is guilty and wants to repay it, but the bigger one is a kind of gratification to Win Qi, because in terms of ability, Win Qi is his best son, and no one can compare with him.

The real consummation of the Great Qin World will one day be able to be handed over to Ying Qi’s hands.

“Father’s teachings, sons and ministers keep in mind.

Ying Qi first bowed to Ying Zheng, then turned his head, bowed to Meng Nu and Lu Buwei, “In the future, there will be two Tai Fu adults.”

“The prince is polite.

The two immediately bowed in response.

And at this moment.

Zhang Tai’s words.

Suddenly there was a voice.

“The King.”

Yinghuai’s voice came in.

“He, what are you going to do?”

Hearing this voice, Ying Zheng frowned.

For wins.

Things of the past.

Ying Zheng couldn’t forget at all. As his own uncle, his father and king appointed him to support his courtiers at the beginning, but he cut himself in at a critical moment. If it weren’t for blood kinship, perhaps Yinghuai would have died long ago.

But for Ying Hou.

Yingzheng is indifferent in his heart.

I have never seen it in years, only yesterday.

“The old minister wins the servant.”

In the past, “I’m sorry for the king. As a minister of the clan, he is blood relatives to the king, but he disobeys the king, betrays the king, and fights the king with the rebellious minister.”

“The minister is guilty of ten thousand deaths.”

“But for Daqin’s clan clan members, they are not guilty, and everything is done by the veteran and has nothing to do with them.”

“The veteran begs that the king only blames Ying Huang, not to anger the clan.

“Old Chenhou, apologize with death.”

“Repay the king and the queen.”

Ying Hou said loudly.

Suddenly, the voice became determined.

Only heard the sound of the sharp blade unsheathed, there was a crash, and the sound of blood splashing was faintly heard.

At this time.

Xin Sheng rushed into the hall: “Majesty, the leader has killed himself after winning Hou.

Hear this.

Ying Zheng was silent.

For Ying Huang, Ying Zheng had a hatred in his heart, but with the death of Ying Xi, everything was naturally empty.

after all.

Yingzheng also attaches great importance to blood kinship.

Haosheng” bury it.

Ying Zheng sighed and said prestigiously.


Xin Sheng respected the leader, and then quickly backed out.

“The act of winning Huang finally wiped out his old sins.”

“In the past, Ying Hou always admitted that he was wrong. Like the rebellious officials, the first thing the clan was to be loyal to the emperor, not the so-called etiquette.” Lu Buwei said with a sigh.

More than twenty years ago.

Lu Buwei can be said to have seen and participated in the whole process, but he is also the only veteran who has retired from the whole body and is truly trusted by Yingzheng.

Because since entering Qin in the past, Lu Buwei has pursued something that everyone respects.

Even though he was an extremely human minister, he always respected the royal power and did not dare to go beyond it.

Even though the entire court was a voice of opposition, and the emperor’s face was indifferent, but Lu Buwei always abide by the principles of courtesy, uphold the victory, and finally secretly protected Xia Yufang.

This makes Lu Buwei’s influence in Yingzheng’s heart indelible.

“It is ridiculous how many people impose etiquette on the king.

Ying Zheng sneered.

He looked at Ying Qi.

“Oh, you were right when you reprimanded Fusu. The law of rituals, the law of Qin, and even the law of the world are all weapons for the royal power to control the world, but if these so-called laws are above the royal power, then these laws must be paid back What’s the use?”

“Since the king has to sit in this position, he needs to drive himself, instead of being controlled by these, he will eventually fall into his control.

“However, the emperor is in charge of the world, and he can be respected by the world only when he is good for the people and all beings.” Winning said in a solemn voice.

“Erchen understands.” Ying Qi nodded, thinking deeply.

For Win Qi.

The status change at every step made him ask himself to change.

As a centurion, what he wanted to do was how to lead his subordinates to kill the enemy and make meritorious deeds.

When he was a general of ten thousand people, he wanted to get even more meritorious deeds.

With the increase of power, Yingqi’s disposition is changing step by step, becoming stronger and more perfect. For the Great Qin Wuanjun, to control the military power of the Great Qin, Yingqi thinks farther than any general.

Now he is the prince.

Not only in charge of the army, but also in charge of the power of the country.

This change requires Ying Qi to adapt, and it will not happen overnight.

“For the clan, what do you think should be arranged?”

Ying Zheng suddenly faced Win Qi Dao.

imperial clan.

They are all royals with the surname Ying, and it can be said that they are all blood relatives of the royal family.

Since that incident, the royal power of Yingzhengtang and the authority of the clan have been marginalized in the court. Over time, the clan power that existed in any country’s court was disintegrated by Yingzheng.

Until now.

“They’ll leave it to Erchen to make arrangements.” Ying Qi thought for a while and said.


“Yinghou is dead, and the affairs of the clan will be left to you to arrange in the future.” Ying Zheng immediately agreed.

Give the authority to win Qi.

Yingzheng has no scruples.

Now Ying Qi is the prince, but the power that belonged to Jun Wu’an to hold the military power of Qin has not been recovered, and the power to supervise the country is added.

It can be said.

There is not much difference between the power of Yingqi and the kingship at this moment, and the only thing that is really bad is that he is enthroned.

“Thank you, Father.” Ying Qi immediately thanked him.

“Qi’er, when are you going to move your mother’s tomb to the king’s tomb?”

Ying Zheng’s eyes revealed an expectant question.

This is not a direct order, but an inquiry.

This incident was not meant for him to win the government alone, it still depends on his son.

“First, the Donggong team was formed, and after the county system strategy was implemented, the sons and ministers returned to the village to move the mother’s tomb.”

After all, “If the Dading is set today, the enfeoffment system has been abandoned. If the system of prefectures and counties is not completed quickly, the world will have a great influence on it.” Ying Qi said in a deep voice.


“Qi’er, you can take this seriously, my father is very pleased.”

Ying Zheng smiled with relief.

Originally, he thought that Ying Qi would have no hesitation and directly requested the order to move Dong’er’s tomb, but now that he has become the crown prince, Ying Qi has quickly taken over this responsibility.

“Qi Er, what do you think of the system of prefectures and counties?

“The two Aiqings can speak freely.

Ying Zheng also returned to seriousness, and looked at the three of them and asked.

“The Central Plains are so big and vast.”

“After the extinction of the six countries, the vast territory of the Qin Dynasty, governed by counties and counties, should integrate the population of all regions in the world.”

“This matter, Erchen’s heart is already concerned.” Ying Qi said.

after all.

Yingqi has insights far beyond this era, and has long had ideas about the system of prefectures and counties.

“His Royal Highness is right.

“Counties and counties govern the world.”

“It must be carefully considered. The ministers request to discuss this matter with His Royal Highness, and negotiate together.” Lu Buwei stood up and said loudly.


“With the help of the father, the system of counties and counties will inevitably be implemented soon.”

Seeing Lu Buwei’s request, Ying Zheng was also very relieved.

Lu Buwei’s talent is absolutely beyond doubt. With Qi Er who helps him, he can definitely make children take a lot of detours and win Qi to determine the county system, and he can definitely become his first prince to benefit the country. Great work is enough to make Win Qi even more prestigious.

“Today’s affairs are almost over.”

“Qi Er, you also go back and prepare to move to the East Palace.”

“When the county system is implemented, the father will return to Lijia Village with you.

“I didn’t see your mother for the last time, how could Father Wang miss this time again.” Ying Zheng said with a smile.

That being said.But I can clearly hear the sadness in Yingzheng’s tone.

Even though it has been so long.

Winning politics can’t completely erase the sadness in his heart, especially today, he successfully fulfilled the big wish that he could not accomplish in the past.

“Father, you rest early.”

“Children retired.

Ying Qi bowed and bowed to Ying Zheng.

Meng Shi and Lu Buwei also bowed one after another.

The three of them gradually withdrew from the main hall of Zhangtai Palace.

Inside the Zhangtai Palace.

Desolation was restored again, and the temple door was closed.

After no one else.

Yingzheng sat on the ground with a touch of joy and sadness in his eyes.

Donger “.”

“Have you seen it in the Spirit of Heaven?”

“Brother Zheng has fulfilled the promise he made to you. Now you are the queen of Da Qin, the true mother of the world.

“Moreover, our son has recognized his ancestor and returned to the clan, and he has also become the prince of Daqin. The future of this world belongs to our son.”

“You didn’t tell your child about me at the beginning, or you were afraid that your existence would cause me trouble, but you have hope in your heart to meet and recognize me, so you left the jade pendant I gave you to your child. .”

“You know that after I see Jade Pei, I will know who Qi Er is.

“But Donger.”

“It is almost impossible for you to find Qi Er, but you underestimate Qi Er’s ability.

“He is more brilliant than you and I thought. In eight years, he destroyed the kingdoms for Da Qin and established the world for Da Qin.”

“But it just happens to be so brilliant, otherwise how could I find him so quickly.”

“Speaking of which, you may not believe it either.”

“I had heard of Qi’er’s name when he was removed from the army and joined the army, but at that time it was impossible to think that he would be my 1.2 son…

Ying Zheng took out the portrait of Dong’er from the couch, stared at the portrait and muttered to himself, laughing for a while and sad for a while.

For winning politics.

You must show majesty in front of anyone, but only in front of Dong’er, he doesn’t have any pretense, no concealment.

Because of him, Dong’er knows everything.

Dong’er has also known the embarrassment since he was a child.

Leaving Zhangtai Palace.

“Two masters, see you later.”

Ying Qi said to Lu Buwei.

“Prince, when will the prefecture system be agreed upon?” Lu Buwei asked.

“There are still five days before the Great Dynasty Meeting, and tomorrow can be discussed, and Taifu Lao will have a visit to the East Palace.” Ying Qi said.

For Daqin.

The North Korean Association is naturally different.

There are two divisions between the small dynasty meeting and the big dynasty meeting.

The Xiaochao Hui was in the Zhangtai Palace, Yingzheng negotiated with some important officials, and the Dachao Hui was the Manchu civil and military together.

And the North Korea will naturally not open every day.


Lu Buwei nodded, no longer said anything, but in his heart was contemplating the implementation plan of the county system.


Ying Qi also returned to Wu’an Jun’s Mansion.

But live today.

Tomorrow Yingqi will all relocate to the East Palace.

The Crown Prince belongs to the East Palace.

Back to the sleeping hall.

Win Qi Ping regained his mood.

“Promotion to the crown prince is higher than Wu Anjun.”

“There should be promotion rewards.”

Ying Qi thought to himself.

According to his thoughts.

“Congratulations to the host for being promoted to the crown prince, and rewarding a mysterious-level treasure chest, may the host open it?”

“Congratulations to the host for being promoted to the crown prince and crown prince, winning the title “Prince of Qin”…

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