Chapter 194 Heavenly general miracle, ministers, see the prince!!

at this time.

The system prompt sounded suddenly.

“God’s blessing?

“What the hell is this?

Win Qi was taken aback, somewhat different.

There are hidden rewards for recognizing the ancestors and returning to the ancestors.

This is something Zhao Qi did not expect.

“I am the prince, and I can control everything by prestige, but if there are miracles to complement each other, it will be enough to shock the court even more.” Ying Qi thought to himself.

Immediate communication system: “Receive ~ God’s blessing.

“The host’s instructions are accepted.

The reward is “distributed.” The system prompts.

And at this moment.

It was also the words of the temple man who had just fallen off, and all officials of the Manchu dynasty, civil and military, were all shocked by the authority of this edict.

And at this moment.



There was a thunder in the sky.

Instantly attracted everyone’s eyes to the sky above.

“what happened?”

“The day’s eyes on thunder? Is it true that Daqin’s ancestors saw it?”

“Could it be that the great Qin ancestors and all the ancestors are all agreeing to win Qi as the prince?”

“Or, this is the ancestors of the Great Qin who are showing their spirits, otherwise they will win the prince Qi?”

The sudden clear sky and thunder made everyone feel unspeakable.

After all, the theory of ghosts and gods has never been cut off in Yanhuang’s thousands of years of history, and the theory of ghosts and gods is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

But the next moment.

The scene that truly shocked everyone came.

After a clear sky and thunder.

Suddenly a colorful glow appeared above the sky, covering the entire void where the Great Qin Zongmiao was located.

The entire city of Xianyang can be seen.

The eyes of hundreds of people gathered in the ancestral temple one after another.

Accompanied by the emergence of colorful rays of light, it suddenly came.

“hold head high.

Suddenly the sound of dragon and phoenix sounded.

I saw a golden dragon and a golden phoenix above the sky, surrounded by the colorful glow, which seemed extremely sacred.

And in front of this ancestral temple.

Everyone was stunned by this scene.

Even Ying Zheng looked at this scene incredible.

“Could it be that Qi Er’s regaining identity and the miracle attributed to the clan failed?”

“Or are my great Qin ancestors showing their spirits?”

“But the real man returned to Daqin in the first place, and when he recognized his ancestors and returned to the ancestors, he never got such a scene. Could it be that Qi Er is really the son of destiny and is blessed by heaven?” Ying Zheng thought in horror.

The character as strong as Yingzheng was shocked.

Let alone the Manchu civil and military in the Jongmiao Square.

“Miracles”, this is definitely a miracle unprecedented in the world.

“The son became the prince, and he really won the ancestor of the Great Qin, and he was blessed by the heavens. Otherwise, how could there be such a miracle.

Meng Shi raised his hands, raised his head, and exclaimed with great excitement.

This sound.

The hundreds of civil and military officials couldn’t help but stare at the colorful lights on the sky, dragons and phoenix dancing.

“Winning Qi Huo’s crown prince has such a miracle, is he really a man of destiny?

“How can such a miracle be obtained if it is not a man of destiny?”

“A miracle, a miracle that has never been seen before.”

“Perhaps this is a sign given to me by God and even the great Qin ancestors. The son is the prince, and he will be the king in the future. He will definitely revitalize and bring Da Qin to a stronger level.”

“In this way, the son is really the destiny bestowed by the gods on Da Qin. Da Qin destroyed the six kingdoms and ruled the world. Almost all the achievements of the eradication of the country were taken by the son of Qi. Since the ages, who can be left and right?”

“The destiny lies with Young Master Qi, and he has the destiny for the prince.”

“In this way, the princes will have no chance to compete with the princes.”

Seeing this scene, hundreds of civil and military officials exclaimed in awe.

Look at the many sons and daughters of Ying Zheng.

Their expressions are the same right now.

“Brother, I’m really inferior.

“It is not only in Daqin’s achievements, but also in the charm of his personality, which lies in everything.

The eldest brother “becomes the prince, and even the heavens will descend miraculous auspiciousness, maybe the eldest brother is the destiny.”

Seeing this, Fu Su sighed with a bitter smile on his face, but the expression in his eyes was completely relieved.

All the time.

He didn’t like contention.

Just being pushed by his teacher and courtiers who supported him, he had to fight.

And now.

Now I know that Zhao Qi is the eldest son and his eldest brother.

Fusu also breathed a sigh of relief.

Under the blessing of the seal.

A supreme power swept the entire ancestral temple.

Shrouded everyone’s body.

this moment.

Almost all the courtiers in front of the ancestral temple were in fanatical awe.

“For ministers, see His Royal Highness.

Lines of courtiers bowed to Yingqi, with awe that originated in their hearts.

“For ministers, see His Royal Highness.

Loud voices rang from all over the ancestral temple.

Thousands of guards guarded with enthusiasm, all the generals, Jiuqing, all the sons, and princesses all worshipped.

Even if there are some unwilling people among them, but at the moment, all are worshipping to win the Qi pilgrimage and worship the newly born Prince Crown Prince of Da Qin.

this moment.

Only Ying Zheng and Yan Qi’s two children were standing upright in front of the ancestral temple.

“My son wins Qi, it is the destiny hero.”

Donger “.”

“You gave me an amazing son.

“He is really the son of destiny, no wonder he has the power of a fairy god.”

“If you have a child like this, what else can I do to win politics?”

“No, the only thing I want now is that one day Qi will be able to resurrect you, and our family can be reunited. Ying Zheng” stared at the figure of his son, filled with relief, and a kind of expectation.

He expects his son to bring surprises to himself in the future, and even to Daqin as a whole.

For Yingqi, he surpassed him in prestige, power, and even the hearts of the people in the world.

Ying Zheng didn’t mind.

Sooner or later, the world belongs to the winner Qi.

He won the government only temporarily, if one day Dong’er really came back from the resurrection, Yingzheng would even be willing to directly lay down the throne, spend the rest of his life to accompany him, and repay the eighteen years owed to Dong’er.

“Congratulations to the host for obtaining the growthable magic weapon “The Seal of the Kingdom”, which is currently a low-grade magic weapon of the Mysterious Stage. If it is a Qiyun Dynasty, this can suppress the Qiyun dynasty, hold the seal, increase the power of the emperor, and make the group subdued, other attributes : The seal is carried with you, protects your body, and suppresses evil spirits.” The system prompts.

“This seal is really a systematic gift.”

“It turns out to be a growthable magic weapon, and it can also suppress air luck.

Hearing the system prompts, Ying Qi thought very excitedly.

Today’s system, a blessing from heaven, can really be said to have brought countless benefits to Yingqi.

Invisible prestige affects the world.

The preciousness of this seal makes Ying Qi even more excited.

Although Yingqi doesn’t know much about luck, but in his previous life, he knows the great world. In that world, luck is something that even the saints have to compete for. It is helpful to the saints and can suppress the luck. The magic weapon can be said to be extremely precious and rare.

And now Yingqi has a seal that suppresses luck.

Thought of this.

In addition to his excitement, Ying Qi has only one sentence to say: “The future can be expected.”

“Everyone, flat.

Yingqi held the seal tightly and stared at all the courtiers’ voices.

“His Royal Highness, Prince Xie.

All courtiers shouted in awe.

Also at this moment.

The golden dragon and golden phoenix surrounding Qi Ying moved in the air, turning into countless spots of light and dissipating, as did the colorful glow that enveloped the sky.

The miracle that can shock the world ends here.

But for those who saw it with their own eyes, it was unforgettable in a lifetime.

“Today’s ceremony ends here.”

“If there is nothing wrong with the officials, then retreat.”

“Qi’er, you follow the widow into Zhangtai Palace.

Ying Zheng looked at winning Qi Dao.

“Yes, Father.”

Ying Qi nodded in response.

“The minister retired.

Manchu dynasty civil and military said in unison.

Follow along.

Yingzheng got on Luanjia first.

Ying Qi took Li Yan’er and two children, also got on Luanjia, and headed for the palace.

Today’s matter is over.

But the impact of things today will never end.

Xianyang will become the center in front of the ancestral temple today, spreading the affairs of the ancestral temple to the world.

As time goes by.

Everyone knows.

The world in this area is going to change.

With Luanjia left.

The guards on duty guarded Luan and left.

Hundred officials and courtiers also left one after another.

But in front of this ancestral temple.

The expressions of Yinghuai and clan officials were incredibly complicated.

“The Patriarch.”

“Princess Fusu has not been named a prince, what about our clan?”

Some clan officials looked at Yinghou bitterly.

Today’s matter.

It has completely exceeded their expectations.

Originally, they had a lot of confidence in Fusu becoming the prince, but Ying Zheng suddenly chased the queen, announced the identity of the eldest son of Qi, and then directly became the prince.

They were caught off guard, and every method was to make them speechless and speechless to refute.

“Twenty years ago.

“I did one thing.”

Ying Chen looked up at the sky, regret and bitterness flashed in his eyes.

“In the beginning, the king, apart from succeeding to the throne, wanted to make Xia Yufang, the woman who had been with him, as the queen. The former queen mother prevented the king from sealing the queen, and I also prevented it in order to maintain the majesty of the royal family.”

“For more than twenty years.”

“Those who once stopped the king, died of death, retreated, almost no reason for the court, and lost authority.”

“Even if it is me, in charge of the clan, what a glory it was in the past, has the authority to make foreign ministers jealous.

“But now it’s also marginalized.”

“The reason why the king didn’t kill me was probably because of family affection, but I made a wrong choice at the beginning. I chose to maintain the so-called majesty of the royal family and ignored the help to the king. This is what we have today.”

0…seeking flowers…

“Hehe, I asked for all this.

“I asked for it.

Ying Huai said with a wry smile.

Having been suppressed for many years, I originally hoped to become a prince through Fusu and change the status quo in the future.

But now it’s impossible.

Ying Qi is the son of Xia Yufang. Even if Xia Yufang doesn’t bear any grudges, Ying Zheng remembers it, as well as Yan Qi as his son.

As long as he Yinghou is still alive and the head of this clan, the clan will never be reused.


“Everything we did back then is about to be paid back.

“I can’t harm the entire clan because of my fault.”

“This person in Yingqi is not only strong in his own ability, but also possessed by the heavens. The imperial crown prince even has a miracle from heaven. He is a man of destiny. No one can shake his status.” Ying Hou muttered to himself, his eyes flashed. A touch of firmness.

“Where is the clan official?”

After winning, he said loudly.

“The official is here.”

All clan officials responded in unison.

“The clan is the clan of Daqin, and the clan of allegiance to the emperor. In the past, I won the prince and turned the cart before the horse. I violated the king’s power and betrayed the king. , Nai Dawang, and the prince have blood connections and are inseparable from Daqin.

“from now on.”

“All clan families should put allegiance to the king and allegiance to the prince first.

“Do you understand?”

Yinghuai stared at all the clan officials and said loudly.

“The chief?”

“you?”Listening to Yinghuai’s words, the clan officials felt a sense of anxiety.

“Have you heard what I said?” Ying repeated.

“The officer obeyed.

“Allegiance to the king and prince must be the first.” All the clan officials said in unison.


“This Da Qin is the king’s world, and the future is the prince’s world.”

“The kingship cannot be violated.

“Okay, here is my word.”

Ying smiled, with a certain determination, turned around, walked down the stairs, and walked towards the palace.

at the same time.

Fusu Mansion.

“The son.”

“You must never give up.

“No matter how you win Qi, you still have the clan and many courtiers to support you.”

“As long as there is one thing that is not bad to win Qi in the future, it is the chance of the son.”

“King power, the son must not give up.”

“If you give up, how can Confucian etiquette be carried forward? How to govern the world with benevolence and righteousness?

Chun Yuyue looked at the bitter Fusu, somewhat crazy.

The view in front of the ancestral temple today.

Although Chun Yuyue was not among the courtiers, but he also went to the ancestral temple to observe the ceremony, he naturally saw all the causes and consequences.


“Why are you so obsessed with the position of prince?”

“Even if you don’t have the position of prince, can you not promote Confucian etiquette?”

“Furthermore, Confucian rituals and law, with rituals as the first and law as the supplement, win Qi is the eldest son of the father, the mother is the queen, the eldest son of Da Qin, and he has made the merits of destroying the six kingdoms and dominating the world for Da Qin. Who can do this? Compare?”

Although “I help Su Zi to be considered a leader among the princes, but it is far inferior to Big Brother Win.”

“Big Brother Qi will be the crown prince, and he will be king in the future. Everything is right.”

“The teacher asked the disciples to fight, didn’t it violate the etiquette?” Fusu questioned Chunyu Yue for the first time.

Heard this.

Chun Yuyue’s expression changed.

He knew that if he continued to persuade him, Fusu’s rigid character would definitely really question him.

“Did you really give up?”

“The throne of the prince is directly connected to the king’s power. That is the throne.”

“Are you really willing?” Chun Yu Yue asked unwillingly.

Originally, “It’s not mine, why can’t you talk about it?”

“I know that I don’t have the courage and aptitude to become a king. Big brother Qi is the most similar to his father. He is domineering, knows the king’s power, and knows how to control the world.”

“And the reprimand of elder brother is also very right.”

“My Fusu is nothing more than my father’s son, and I haven’t done anything for Da Qin.”

“Teacher, I will find the opportunity to meet my eldest brother, and I clearly want to work for Da Qin. As for the position of prince, I don’t need to think too much.”

“Eldest brother’s things belong to elder brother, and elder brother is king, which can keep Daqin stable.

“Today, the miracle from the heavens can show everything, the clan and courtiers should all understand.” Fusu smiled very relievedly, and completely let go.

It used to be forced to fight.

But now, he doesn’t need to fight, but relaxes.


Seeing Fusu this way, Chunyu sighed, but his heart was full of unwillingness: “Yingqi, I don’t care who you are, even if you are really under the fairy god, you really have the blessing of heaven, I don’t allow anything. People block the revitalization of Confucian etiquette, and only helping Su can accomplish the great cause of revitalizing Confucianism.”

“I won’t sit back and watch.”

Chunyu Yue thought coldly in his heart.

In Huhai Mansion.

“Asshole, asshole.

“Zhao Qi damn Zhao Qi.”

“Born by a lowly woman, he is also worthy of a surname, and he is also worthy of being a prince?”

“How can he compare with this son?

“Because of that damn Zhao Qi, all the favors of my father to me are gone, and the crown prince who should have belonged to me is gone.”

“Zhao Qi, I must kill you.

Hu Hai was furious in the main hall of the mansion, smashing things crazily, and venting his inner anger.

The main hall door was closed tightly.

Only one monk with a shame-looking appearance stood in the hall, quietly watching Hu Hai vent his anger, it was Zhao Gao.

After a while.


“Why don’t you help me scold the goddamn Zhao Qi.”

Hu Hai turned his head and looked at Zhao Gaodao angrily.

“Is scolding useful?”

“Does it work for you to be angry like this?”

“Could it be that you can regain the position of prince?

“My son, don’t be so naive.

Zhao Gao said with some dissatisfaction.

He had high hopes for Hu Hai, but now Hu Hai’s performance is so uncomfortable that he is very disappointed.

Teacher “Is there any other way that can’t be done?” Hu Hai’s eyes floated with expectation, and he immediately ran to Zhao Gao’s side.

“It’s all because of Zhao Qi, the son’s crown prince was lost.

“Moreover, this time the miracle of heaven has given Zhao Qi a very high reputation. Fusu, and even the ministers who supported the son, are afraid that they have already fallen to Zhao Qi.”

“There is only one way to solve it.”

Zhao Gao said in a very gloomy voice.

“any solution?”

Hu Hai revealed strong expectations.

“That is Zhao Qi’s death.

Zhao Gao’s eyes burst out with killing intent.

Zhao Gao’s hatred for Zhao Qi is always imprinted in his heart. Without Zhao Qi, he would still be the awe-inspiring order of the CRRC. Without Zhao Qi, perhaps Hu Hai could become a prince.

But all this was ruined by Zhao Qi.

He wants revenge.

At any cost.


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