Chapter 193: Recognizing the Ancestor and Returning to the Sect, Eating Crown Prince!!

Ying Zheng’s voice fell.

In front of the entire ancestral temple, everyone’s eyes gathered.

Fusu, Hu Hai.

At this moment, they clenched their fists, full of aspirations, and decided that their next moment was about to come.

Becoming a prince is the future kingship.

Able to succeed and control the world.

How do they not expect it.


“A Fang was persecuted by the adversary.

“For the sake of widowhood, she left Xiren and Xianyang.

“For the sake of real people, no longer show up, hiding in the mountain village.

“It’s been over twenty years.

“Because the rebellious ministers separated the widow from Afang Tianren, and didn’t even see the last side of Afang.”

Yingzheng spoke again, and his tone was full of hatred for those who persecuted him.

The words fell off.

In front of this ancestral temple, many previous experiences, the faces of the participants turned pale.

It is clear.

This is the victory of the government.



“The sky has eyes, bless me Yingzheng and Daqin.

“Although Afang left, he left a son for the widow and a successor to Daqin.

Win Zheng once again said prestigiously.

The words fell off.

Excluding those in Mengwu who knew the inside story, all court officials were shocked.


“Then Xia Yufang gave birth to a son for the king?”

“What are you kidding?

“Listening to what the great king said is to make the son of Xia Yufang the prince.”

“He doesn’t plan to establish Young Master Su and Young Master Hu Hai.”

“What exactly is the king going to do?”

“After he chased Xia Yufang, the son she gave birth to was Da Qin’s son. No other son can compare to him in terms of identity.”

“My lord, he wants to make the illegitimate son of the folks the prince?

“No, this is definitely not possible.

“If this is the case, wouldn’t it be a mess.”

“The king’s move to the clan, where is the most ritual?”

Those courtiers who supported Fusu and Hu Hai suddenly changed their complexions and panicked in their hearts.


“You didn’t even plan to make me a prince.”

Fusu, Hu Hai’s heart sank at this moment, and his original expectations suddenly disappeared.

At the moment, they are all in the same mood, and they are extremely unwilling.

Seeing that the position of prince was about to be handed over, a concubine was killed.

“My lord.

“I don’t know what you mean by this?”

“Xia Yufang was born as an illegitimate son by the great king. Even if he is now named as a queen, his son is also a protagonist, but he has never grown up in the palace and has never been subjected to clan rituals. What is the crown prince?”

“A private illegitimate son who has nothing to do with Da Qin, what is a prince?”

“How to convince Baiguan and Daqin people?”

Yinghou couldn’t stand any longer, and immediately stood up with a question from the clan.

He has already bet on Fusu. If Fusu can become a prince, their clan will be able to return to the court again, but now they have killed a prostitute halfway through, how can he bear it?

“Please think twice.

All the clan officials stood up and said in unison.

And among courtiers.

At this moment, all the supporters of Fusu and Hu Hai stood up.

One after another loudly said: “Please think twice.

For these.

all of these.

Naturally, Ying Zheng had long anticipated it.

Today in front of this ancestral temple.

Ying Zheng has made plans to blood-stain the ancestral temple.

In the past, he could not protect Dong’er mother and son. Today he has absolute authority to win the government. If he can’t protect them, then he wins the government and becomes a husband and father.


Ying Zheng sneered, turned his head, and looked at Zhao Qi softly.

“You said this illegitimate son of a widow in the folks has never been taught by the state clan?”

“You said he is an illegitimate child, and he is not qualified to be a prince?”

“You said he had nothing to do with Da Qin? Hundred officials refused to accept it, and Da Qin people refused to accept it?”

The voice of winning the government was cold, resounding through the ancestral temple.

“Is it possible?”

“What did the king said about Xia Yufang’s son?”

Among the courtiers, there are many smart people who have seen Ying Zheng look at Zhao Qi.

At this moment.

They thought of a terrible possibility that shocked them.


In the face of Yingzheng, Yingxi replied calmly: “As the head of the clan, the minister is in charge of the clan affairs, and he is naturally responsible for the Daqin clan.”

“Good. 657”

“The widow will tell you only.”

Ying Zheng sneered.

The prestige said: “The clan, besides gaining power, what use is there? The chaos of Zhao Ji in the past, the chaos of Miao Du? Where is the clan?”

“Let you wait for the teaching, how are the sons of the widow in the palace being taught by you? Have you ever done something to Da Qin?”

“Besides, the illegitimate child has no identity?”

“Widow tell you.”

“The widow is no longer everyone who was 20 years ago. Now Afang is the Queen of Da Qin, the lord of the harem, and the mother of the world. Her son is Da Qin’s son and the eldest son.

“As for what you are talking about?”

“That person will tell you again.”

“Destroying the Six Nations, does it count as the achievement of setting the world?

Yingzheng shouted coldly.

The sound resounded through the ancestral temple, and these sounds were deafening and reached the ears of every courtier.

At this moment.

Ying Zheng said that Xia Yufang’s son had already surfaced and was thoroughly revealed in the bright face.

“He… he is…

Ying Huang’s face also changed at this moment, and he looked at Zhao Qi dumbly.

Fusu, Hu Hai.

Even all courtiers who didn’t know Zhao’s identity before looked at Zhao Qi.

“He… Zhao Qi.”

“How could he be a son?”

“How could he be the son of the king?”

“How can this be?

The expressions of the civil and military of the Manchu dynasty all changed drastically, unbelievable.

“No, it’s impossible.

“How could Zhao Qi be the father’s son? How could he be my elder brother?”

“It’s impossible.”

“He should be a foreign minister, how come he became a son.

“He is a young man, who else is worthy of fighting with him in this world? Who can fight for him to win?”

Fusu, Hu Hai, and many young masters looked surprised.”Hahaha.

“The identity of Wu Anjun has finally been announced.”

No need to hide and tuck again in the future.

Mengwu, Wang Jian, and Huandi laughed.

Meng Yi and Han Fei also laughed very happily.

“How is this going?”

“Do you all know?”

“Wu Anjun is the eldest son?”

Feng Quji, Li Mu, and some courtiers who had some friendship with Zhao Du all looked at Meng Yi and them in a daze.


“We’ve known this for a long time.”

“It’s just that the king made a strict order, and only after the world is unified, the king will personally recognize Master Qi.”

“Even if it is Young Master Qi, maybe he didn’t know until he returned yesterday.” Meng Yi several people in the know laughed.

“Wu Anjun is the eldest son.

“This is really a great thing for Da Qin.”

Feng Quji, Li Mu and others were horrified.

Especially Li Mu, he remembered what Zhao Qi had said in his mind to persuade him to surrender: “What I want is the unity of the ethnic group, no more soldiers, so as to be consistent with the outside world, the foreign race is the enemy of the Yan and Huang.

“If this generation of kingship cannot benefit the world and treat the world equally, then one day, I will treat the people of this world equally.

Think of this sentence.

There was a look of excitement on Li Mu’s face: “Okay, okay, great. In the future, there will be Wu’an Sovereign, who will treat the people of the world equally. He deserves my Li Mu’s swearing allegiance.”

Of course.

In the shock of all courtiers.

There are many courtiers who support Zhao Qi in excitement.

There is another person who is unimaginable and desperate.

“Impossible, it is impossible.”

“Zhao Qi, how could he be the eldest son?”

“It’s impossible.

Li Si’s face turned pale.

He couldn’t imagine.

In the past seven or eight years, the small people in the mountains and fields that he could not see at all have gone from an ordinary soldier to the most powerful courtier of Da Qin, and now he has become the eldest son of the eldest son, and it is still set by Ying Zheng. Prince.

This feeling made Li Si extremely regretful.

He actually pushed out such a son-in-law himself.

But it is also an enemy, and there is no way to ease it.

If there is regret medicine in this world, Li Si will definitely take it.

But now it is gone.

“Now, what else do you want to say?”

Yingzheng sneered and looked at Yinghou.

He wanted to see the head of the clan, who used to prevent him from establishing a house as the queen, (adbc) what else to say about Zhao Qi now.

Yinghuai looked at Yingzheng and looked at Zhao Qi.

With a frustration on his face, he said bitterly: “Chen, there is nothing to say.”

If it is another illegitimate child, even if he becomes the eldest son today, perhaps Ying Hou can still veto it by virtue of his meritorious service to Daqin.

But for Zhao.

No one can question his military exploits and everything he has done for Da Qin.

The merits of destroying the six nations.

Set the world’s merits.

Kill the kings of the kingdoms.

General in all countries.

Destroy the enemy forces of all nations.

These feats are well known in the world.

How did the chief of his clan veto Zhao Qi? Is he worthy?

“You guys, what else can you say?

Ying Zheng sneered and looked at Manchu civil and military affairs.

At this moment, how much Zheng hopes to have that kind of prominence, he wants to kill the chicken and the monkey.


It was always Ying Zheng who underestimated the power of his son.

“The ministers have nothing to say.

The courtiers who originally supported Fusu and Hu Hai were all pale and did not dare to say anything more.

Because they have no reason to refute.

In Daqin, in the world.

Wu Anjun Zhao Qi.

The prestige is second only to Yingzheng.

Zhao Qi is the eldest son. With his prestige, his influence in the army, and his merits, who can prevent him from becoming a prince?

Their presence at the moment is tantamount to looking for death.

Everyone was deterred by the power of Ying Zheng and Zhao Qi and his son.

“It seems that the widow has underestimated Qi Er’s prestige.”

“The merits of destroying the six nations are the merits of the world.”

“Enough to make the world uniform, not to mention these hundred officials.

Seeing the panic of Baiguan at this moment, Yingzheng smiled with relief in his heart.


He is going to make this ancestral temple a place of blood, and use the blood of those opposing courtiers to establish Zhao Qi’s crown prince.

But obviously.

Ying Zheng was wrong.

I was wrong about my son’s power and his influence in Daqin and the world.

“Jun Wu’an recognizes his ancestors and returns to his clan and restores his royal status. It is gratifying and congratulatory.

“Wu Anjun is the crown prince, and the minister agrees.

Meng Wu directly stood up and said loudly.

“The minister seconded.

Wang Jian, Huan Di, Li Mu, Ju Ya.

The generals of Daqin all echoed the Tao.

Follow closely.

Wei Liao, Meng Yi, Feng Quji, Han Fei, and some courtiers who had old relations with Zhao Qi stood up and echoed loudly.

Compared with the courtiers who supported Fusu and Hu Hai, those who support Zhao Qi at the moment are the kind of officials who really control the real power.

It is simply not something that the supporters of the sons can match.

See this support.

Wang Xiao, Li Si, and even Fusu’s faces became very ugly. Compared with Zhao Qi, they were inferior, and compared with the supporters, the supporters were even worse.

Let’s talk about the king’s grace again.

When did these princes in their palace be so favored by their father and king?

This scene.

It is full of complexity in everyone’s eyes.

“It’s no wonder that the king would favor Zhao Qi’s family and give other sons and princesses a favor that they have never had before.”

“After all.”

“The King has long discovered that Zhao Qi is his son, and Zhao Qi’s child is also the King’s grandson.”

“It’s ridiculous that we used to think that the king was a grace to Zhao Qi alone for his contribution to the great Qin. Now it seems that it is not the case at all.”


“Why didn’t the king ever say that now we support Young Master Fusu and Young Master Hu Hai, and we have all lost.”

“You lost too thoroughly.”

“Even though the great king has many sons, which one can compare with Master Qi?”


Baiguan looked at Zhao Qi’s family, who had received infinite favors, and was full of taste in his heart. ,

For today agreed to the prince.

Each of them is extremely self-confident and feels that the sons they support can become crown princes and govern the power of the country.

But now the sudden change makes them completely dumbfounded. No matter how unwilling they are, they want to refuse, facing Zhao Qi’s prestige, it has become a joke.

Zhao Qi was originally an extremely human minister.

Great Qin Bingquan.

Have military power and be respected by millions of sharp soldiers.

Possess the prestige of awe of the world.

Now he has become the eldest son.

Just ask.

Who has the power to stop Zhao Qi?

Compared with Zhao Qi, the son they support, what is it?

It’s not just courtiers that are complicated at the moment.

Fusu and Hu Hai, the two sons who were fighting for the crown prince, were also completely frustrated. They had no power to stop them and could only watch them, but obviously, their mood could not be calm.


Li Yan’er led the two little guys to Ying Zheng’s side.

“Qi Er, take your two grandchildren and kneel down in front of the tablets of the ancestors and ancestors in the ancestral temple.”

Ying Zheng said prestigiously.


Zhao Qi did not hesitate. At this moment, his heart was also shaking.


He wants to truly recognize his ancestors and return to the clan.

After paying homage to the ancestors, he truly completed the recognition of his ancestors, became the surname of Ying, and will become the successor of this great Qin Empire. Zhao Qi will rule the world.

“Qi’er, Xi’er.

“Come with Daddy.”

Zhao Qi is holding one in one hand.

I walked to the spiritual seat of the great Qin ancestors that the clan had prepared for a long time.

These were originally prepared for Fusu or Hu Hai.

But now it is for Zhao Qi.

Look at these tablets.

From the ancestors of the ancient times of Da Qin, he created the Ying Feizi of Da Qin, and then to the later emperors, Xiao Gong Ying Quliang, Hui Wen Wang Ying Si, Zhao Xiang Wang Ying Ji, all the memorial tablets of the Da Qin dynasties are on it.

“History, Daqin, the world.”

“Now I am no longer a drop in the world, but integrated into it.”

“It is the royal family of Da Qin, the successor of Da Qin.”

Zhao Qi stared at the tablets, and an unspeakable excitement also emerged in his heart.

For the Yanhuang ethnic group.

No matter how far you are.

Recognizing the ancestors and returning to the ancestors, and falling leaves to the roots, this is what every Yan and Huang ethnic group pursues.For the former Zhao Qi.

After his mother left, Zhao Qi turned into a dust of no belonging in the world, but fortunately, Li Yaner gave birth to a pair of children for Zhao Qi, which also allowed Zhao Qi to regain roots.

And now.

When Zhao Qi recognizes his ancestors and returns to his ancestors, he truly has the foundation and found his own foundation.

He is from the Daqin royal family.

The son of today’s great king Yingzheng, the eldest son, and the future successor of Daqin.

His surname is Zhao.

“Qi Er.”



“Three prayers to the great Qin ancestors and ancestors.

Ying Zheng walked to the memorial tablet and said prestigiously.

Without any hesitation, Zhao Qi glanced at Zhao Yuqi and Zhao Xi beside him.

Then he knelt down and bowed three times to the tablets of the ancestors of the Great Qin Dynasty. Seeing his father like this, the two little guys were also very obedient.

For the Yanhuang ethnic group.

Filial piety is great.

In this era.

Sacrifice to ancestors is to kneel before, to show respect for ancestors.

“The Great Qin ancestors and ancestors are on top.

“The descendants of the Zhao family pay tribute to the victory.

Ying Zheng walked to the memorial tablet, bowed and said loudly: “Today, I have Zhao’s surname, Sun Qi, and I live in the folks, but the heavens help Ying Zheng find it.”

“Today, Yingzheng welcomes the Zhao family to recognize the ancestor and return to the clan with a sacrificial ceremony.

“In addition, Zhao clan wins Qi and has a pair of children, both of my royal blood. The eldest daughter is Zhao clan Ying Yuqi, and the second son is Zhao clan Yingxi.”

“Today, recognize the ancestors and return to the clan, and restore the winning surname.

“I would like to ask the ancestors and ancestors of the Daqin dynasties to learn from it.

Yingzheng bowed to the ancestor’s tablet and bowed.

After a while.

“Qi Er.”

“Nine prayers to ancestors and ancestors.

Win Zhengwei said.

Zhao Qi did not hesitate, and once again bowed to the tablet.


Li Cheng.


Ying Zheng waved to the temple man not far away.

The temple people immediately understood.

Immediately holding the prepared royal edict, he read aloud: “Zhao Qi, Wuanjun of the Great Qin Dynasty, is his eldest daughter Zhao Yuxi and son Zhao Xi. Today, he recognizes his ancestor and returns to the ancestor.

“Given the great king, Zhao Gongzi should use the emperor’s identity as a jade pendant and record it in the Zong Treasury.


“Recognizing the ancestors and returning to the ancestors is complete.”

“Zhao Qi should say that Zhao wins Qi, and that he wins Qi.”

“Zhao Yuqi claims to win Yuqi.

“Zhao Cong called Yingxi.

The monk read aloud.

After this.

Zhao Qi regained his surname Ying, and he should be commensurate with his surname in the future.

“Congratulations to Jun Wu’an for restoring his identity and belonging to the royal genealogy.”

“Congratulations to Wuanjun.

“Congratulations on winning the eldest son Qi.”

See here.

Manchu dynasty civil and military shouted in unison.

In this high voice.

Zhao Qi, no, win Qi.

Staring at the tablets of the Great Qin ancestors in front of me, there is a kind of excitement in my heart, and a sense of responsibility that I have never had before.

“The ancestors of Da Qin are on the top.”

“Please rest assured.

“I win Qi, since I recognize the ancestors and return to the clan, I should inherit the legacy of the ancestors and the ancestors, and make the Great Qin stronger and pass it on for generations to come.”

“Now I have destroyed the countries and let Da Qin dominate the world, but this is far from enough.”

“In the future, I will make Da Qin stronger and more prosperous, and even become the Immortal Wu Da Qin above the heavens.”

Ying Qi stared at the ancestral tablet, and vowed secretly in his heart.


Yingzheng became the king, inherited the legacy of the ancestors in the past, and is based on dominating the world. Now, Yingqi belongs to the royal family and his identity is unified. Naturally, he inherits the legacy of the ancestors in the past generations and prospered the Great Qin Dynasty.


“You should have seen Qi’er in Tianyouling, right?”

“Father did not let you down. The promise he made to you was fulfilled. Now you are the queen.”

“You wait for Qi’er for a while. Soon, Qier will move your tomb and let you be buried in the royal tomb. When you become a god in the future, you will definitely be resurrected.

There is a firm way in Ying Qi’s heart.

Become a god.


This is Zhao Qi’s goal, but it is Zhao Qi’s great wish to resurrect his mother.

What he really wants is not only authority, not only becoming a god, but also a family living together forever.

“Qi Er, get up.”

Yingzheng looked at his son and grandson gently.

“Thank you, father.

Win Qi replied.

This is also the first time that Ying Qi used the title father king to confront Ying Zheng.

Heard this title.

There were waves in Ying Zheng’s eyes, and there was even more excitement in his heart.

“Good, good.” Ying Zheng laughed repeatedly, very pleased.


I finally got the father-in-law of my own son.


“Father will honor the promise of the past.”

“Qin’er, the future belongs to you in this great Qin world.

Yingzheng smiled gently.

Then slowly turned around.

At the moment of turning around, he turned into that majestic and indifferent king posture again.

“Continue reading.”

Win Zhengwei said.

The monk immediately understood, and once again took out a Wang Zhao, and read it aloud: “The eldest son Ying Qi has already recognized the ancestor and returned to the family tree.

“To win the eldest son of Qi, to destroy the six kingdoms for the Great Qin Dynasty, with outstanding achievements in the battle, no one in the world can match, noble to be a master, to control the military power of the Great Qin, to be respected by the hundred officials of the Great Qin, the world’s elites, and the people of the world.”


“The emperor was granted the crown prince, the crown prince of the Great Qin, bestowed the East Palace, bestowed the crown prince seal, bestowed the crown robe, bestowed the crown prince golden crown, bestowed the crown prince jade belt, bestowed the right to form the Donggong civil and martial arts, bestowed the power to supervise the country, the temperance of the hundreds of officials, and the right to cut first and then play. “The temple man read aloud.

Hear this series of bestows.

All the courtiers on the ancestral temple square were stunned.

To know.

In the past, although the prince had the authority and the power to supervise the country, he was only limited to handling some government affairs for the king.

But there is no authority that Ying Qi has right now.

It is not only the power to supervise the country, but it can also control hundreds of officials, and it can also cut first and then play.

What authority is this?

It seems to be a pirated King of Qin.

How can this kind of authority keep the whole court from losing its color?

“It is detected that the host recognizes the ancestor and returns to the clan, joins the clan, triggers hidden rewards, “Blessings of Heaven”, can randomly drop the rewards that match the host’s identity, and accompanied by the miracle of God, do you receive it when visiting the host?”

At this moment, the system prompt sounded in Ying Qi’s ears.

PS: The two-in-one chapter, just wrote it together, thank you brothers for your support, please pay attention to the author number, thank you.

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