Chapter 192 Ying Zheng: Chasing Xia Yufang as Queen!!!

With hundreds of civil and military officials, princes and princesses all came.

Everyone entered the waiting.

With a loud shout came from a distance.

“The king is here.”

This loud shout.

Let the entire civil and military officials, princesses and princesses in front of the ancestral temple square all come back to their senses.

“The ministers welcome the king.”

“Erchen respectfully welcomes the father.”

Loud shouts resounded in front of the entire ancestral temple.

Everyone bowed their heads to greet each other.

I saw it under the escort of the Janissaries.

Nine Horse Luan came slowly to the ancestral temple, and was treated in awe of the Manchu civil and military.

And at this moment.

Jianjia stopped.

The curtain opened.

Zhao Qi, dressed in an official gown, walked slowly from Luan.

“Zhao Qi.”

When seeing Zhao Qi, all civil and military officials who don’t know Zhao Qi’s identity cast excellent eyes.

Today is such an important day.

Zhao Qi was able to ride a luan car unexpectedly.

This is an honor that Fusu and other sons who are about to be promoted to the crown prince do not have.

“Zhao Qi.”

“Father is really too much to you.”

Even Fusu, who had always been more upright, was a little bit offended at this moment.

Let alone Hu Hai and the others.

At this moment, their eyes are very jealous.

Even if Zhao Qi contributes to Da Qin again, he is only a foreign minister after all. Why did he get such a favor? This is a privilege they never had as a son.

“When the prince is settled, we must suppress Zhao Qi’s arrogance.”

“Now that he is in the dynasty, he really doesn’t put the Manchu civil and military in his eyes.”

Young people, don’t you understand the principle of being easy to break?”

When Chaotang Wenwu saw this scene, they were very jealous.

“Share a ride.

“Today’s important matter can be determined.”

“Wu Anjun is finally going to announce his true identity.”

“The Crown Prince, the future King of Qin.

“It’s been a long time waiting for a day.”

Meng Wu, Wang Jian, Huan Di and others thought to themselves excitedly.

Especially Mengwu.

He is the first person to know the identity of Zhao Qi, and he is looking forward to this day for a long time.

“Wu Anjun Zhao Qi.”

“Now the most prestigious courtier of the court.”

“I was so rude to Fusu Young Master, after all, he was just a warrior and didn’t understand the way of human officials.”

“One king and one courtier, in front of the royal power, all the merits you have made are vain.


Yinghuai’s eyes fell on Zhao Qi for a moment, and a flash of sarcasm flashed through his eyes.

In today’s court hall.

Most of them are very thoughtful old foxes, more terrifying than the shadows of swords and swords on the battlefield.


“Promoted to the crown prince.”

“In the future, the Great Qin World will belong to the Lord.

Tu Sheng, Han Fei was even more excited.

“Chaotang, Baiguan.”

“I understand why the king asked me to review the memorials. From that moment on, he has been cultivating my ability to handle government affairs.

“On the battlefield, the sword can be set, but in the hall, you can’t rely on the sword.

“After today, let me, Zhao, really meet you for a while.

“From now on, Da Qin will be my Da Qin.”

Zhao Qi glanced over the hundreds of officials.

One night time.

Zhao Qi also fully accepted the fact that Qin Shihuang was his father. For Zhao Qi, there is absolutely no harm, but the greatest benefit.

He doesn’t need to ask for a side anymore.

He does not need to have any cover.

He, the forces cultivated can no longer need to hesitate.

Because he is the successor of Da Qin, all this is a matter of course.

As Zhao Qi walked down Luanjia, he walked to the front of the ancestral temple.

Ying Zheng also walked out of Luangjia.

Ying Zheng walked directly to the stairs of the ancestral temple, glanced around, and said prestigiously: “Zhou Qing, flat body.”

“Xie Dawang.

All the officials thanked him in unison.

“How about preparing for sacrificial offerings?”

Ying Zheng looked towards Ying Hou Dao, his voice was majestic, without any respect for his uncle.

And all this is what Yinghuai asked for in the past.

“Back to the king.

“The minister has prepared all the sacrificial ceremony.”

“As long as the king agrees with the prince, the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the ancestors can be opened.” Yinghuai replied immediately.

He didn’t care about Ying Zheng’s cold attitude.

It seems that he has been used to it over the years.

In the face of winning the government, he did not dare to express too much ambition. After all, at the beginning of Yingzheng’s succession, the clan also had a lot of authority in the court, but as the winning government gradually controlled the king’s power, it was impossible in the past. His clan also gradually withdrew from the court and became in charge of clan affairs.

That’s it.Ying Zheng said no more.

His eyes were on the Manchu civil and military, as well as those children.

It is also the fall of his gaze.

It seems that the key moment of the edict of the crown prince has been opened.

“The King of Enlightenment.

“Today is the time when the emperor appointed the crown prince.”

“Now that the Qin Dynasty has wiped out all the countries and unified the world, the great king’s merits are in the ages and create a great cause for eternity.”

“But for the foundation of the Great Qin Dynasty’s inheritance, the crown prince must not be left empty.”

“The eldest son supporting Su is a model of benevolence and righteousness, and he is also the first of all sons. He is convinced by hundreds of officials, and he is also the eldest son.

“The officials thought that Lord Fusu should be the prince.

Wang Shu took the lead to stand up and start loudly.

This sound.

He directly expressed his choice of the current minister.

“Sangbang’s words.”

Ministers and others “seconded.”

The disciples who belonged to the palace, and the supporters of Fusu all stood up, and loudly seconded.

For a time.

Most of the courts are the voices supporting Fusu.

Can tell.

Fusu, the eldest son, has a higher reputation for support than any other son.

Seeing that Fusu has such a reputation for support.

Hu Hai’s eyes were all cold.

“Fusu, I will never lose to you,”. “Hu Hai clenched his fists, his eyes flashed with unwillingness.

And at this moment.

Li Si stepped out slowly and said loudly: “Although the son of Fusu is long, Daqin has always been the master of virtue since ancient times. Although the son of Fusu is the eldest son, he is too rigid and puts too much emphasis on the so-called rituals. In vain of Gu Guoben, before even advocating enfeoffment system, contrary to our Great Qin State, it can be seen that Lord Fusu is not suitable for the prince.”

The minister recommended Hu Hai as the prince.

“When the system of enfeoffment and the system of prefectures and counties are agreed upon.”

“Prince Hu Hai thought for the great Qin Wanshi, and did not approve of the enfeoffment system, but proposed the system of prefectures and counties.”

“Prince Hu Hai is the prince, and the Great Qin can last forever.

Listening to Li Si’s awe-inspiring words, Hu Hai laughed at the bottom of his heart.

These months.

The court ministers have been advocating the system of enfeoffment, but Zhao Gao knows Yingzheng’s character well, and naturally knows that Yingzheng will not adopt it, so early in the morning he suggested that Hu Hai should not participate in it and wait and see in the court.

Zhao Qi came back yesterday.

Directly abandoned the enfeoffment system, Fusu and the others who advocated the enfeoffment system were all defeated.

And Hu Hai stayed out of the matter, this is the result of Zhao Gao’s guidance.

Today is considered to be of great use.

Ministers and others “seconded.”

“Prince Hu Hai is the crown prince, which will surely allow the great Qin to continue forever.”

“Prince Hu Hai is so clever, he should be the prince.

One by one Hu Hai’s supporters stood up and shouted loudly.

At this moment.

Hu Hai’s support for courtiers overwhelmed the voices of Fusu supporters.

In front of the entire ancestral temple.

There was once again the sound of disputes in the court.

But for all this.

Yingzheng just looked at it coldly and didn’t care much at all.

Under the kingship.

These courtiers can only play a role of quick talk, and the fundamental decision-making has nothing to do with them.

The support of courtiers can only make those kings who are uncertain about the prince hesitate, and finally choose the one who supports the louder, but for Yingzheng.

Looking at the court, which is almost divided into two factions, Ying Zheng’s heart is very cold.

If these two sons are allowed to become crown princes, Da Qin will not be able to speak forever, even for a lifetime.

Perhaps historically.

Qin Shihuang also happened to see this, so he hasn’t established the crown prince for a long time. In the final analysis, it was because he couldn’t see the glory of his sons. The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment.

Finally, before his death, he set a will to let Fusu succeed to the throne.

That is also a last resort.

Because his people are even less brilliant except for Fusu.

And now.

With Zhao Qi.

A son who is stronger than his father, there is no other choice for Ying Zheng.

“All right.

Ying Zheng shouted with prestige.

The voice fell.

The courtiers who shouted in support of the son in front of the entire ancestral temple all quieted down.

Almost all courtiers looked forward to winning the government.

Because they know that the moment to make a decision about the prince will finally come.

“Do you think the crown prince will only be produced in Fusu and Hu Hai?”

“It’s ridiculous.”

Mengwu and Wang Han were smiling from the bottom of their hearts. They already knew about this moment.


“It is indeed a prince.

“For this, the widow has waited too long.”

Yingzheng said with prestige, and there was a kind of tenderness in his tone.

“Before the prince was established.”

“The widow wants to announce a decision.

Ying Zheng spoke with prestige.

Manchu dynasty civil and military are all solemn.

“In the old days, banquet people except when they succeeded.”

“There used to be a woman who was always with people. She was called Xia Yufang.”

“At the beginning, the widow once promised her that if the widow becomes a king, the widow will make her a queen, so that she will be the mother of the world and have the glory that women in the world can hardly get.”

Ying Zheng spoke slowly, mentioning the woman he loves most, his eyes were full of tenderness.

But the words fell off.

All the civil and military forces in the Manchu dynasty were lost, with different faces.

Except for those courtiers who knew what happened back then.

“Xia Yufang?

“That lowly civilian woman back then?”

“What did the king mention about her?”

“For so many years, she doesn’t know life and death, does the king still miss her?”

Yinghuai, Wang Shuo, those who have experienced victory in politics in the past can’t help but frown at this moment.

And in the courtier’s column.

Officials of the Mengxibai tribes.

There are still many powerful people who have prevented the establishment of victory in the past, and they all have one will in their hearts at this moment.

Such a moment.

They don’t know why the Winning Council suddenly mentioned this matter.

After all, this has nothing to do with the Prince Li.

Although more than twenty years have passed.

But no one dared to mention what happened in the first place.

“Xia Yufang?”

“Who is that?

“The king once wanted to establish a queen?”

“Why never heard of it?

“Why did the king mentioned this suddenly today?”

Those courtiers who didn’t understand this matter all differed and were very puzzled.

“For this name.”

“Maybe some of you are familiar, and some have never heard of it.”


Yingzheng paused, and his face showed an inviolable coldness: “Whether you know it or don’t know it, all of this is irrelevant.”

“Big King.” Listening to the words of winning the government, Zhao Qi also has a complicated thought in his eyes.

He naturally knew what his father was going to do.

In front of this ancestral temple today, it is destined to be a blood-stained place.

All this is for his mother.

There is also guilt for the repayment that was given for being unable to protect the mother.

His father will declare to the entire court and to the people of the world.

In the past, he won the government and did not protect the woman he loves most. This is his incompetence. But now, he has the power to protect her in winning the government. Today, he wants to give everything that originally belonged to the woman he loves most. Go back.

“Because today the widow will mention Ah Fang again.

“It’s because the widow wants to bring back everything that originally belonged to her.”

Ying Zheng’s voice rang again.

And this moment.

Ying Hou, Wang Guan, and many courtiers who knew about the existence of Xia Yufang all changed their faces.

They naturally knew what Xia Yufang had lost. As the mother of a country, the mother of the world, the queen who controlled the harem.

They wanted to say something, but they found that Yingzheng seemed to be desperate.

Don’t give them a chance to speak at all.

“The imperial edict.

“Xia Yufang was named Queen of the Great Qin Dynasty, and he gave the queen’s seal, the hall of the hall, and the mother’s ceremonies in the world.”

Yingzheng waved his hand and shouted with unparalleled domineering power.

The sound fell.

The expressions of everyone in front of the ancestral temple changed drastically.

They never expected that Ying Zheng would chase the queen at this moment.

And listening to the meaning in Yingzheng’s tone, the person named Xia Yufang has passed away.

This made people who didn’t know Xia Yufang’s expression suddenly changed.

Since ancient times, mothers are more expensive than children.

Today, if a son is crowned a prince, then their mother can be crowned as a queen, but at the moment, Ying Zheng has directly sealed a person who is not the biological mother of the sons as the queen.

Even if they become crown princes, they are not prostitutes.

They can’t understand what it means to win politics.

“It should have been so.

“Wu Anjun’s mother was named the queen, and Wu Anjun is the true eldest son.”

“No one can shake the status.

“Furthermore, the merits of Wu Anjun for the Great Qin’s destruction of the country, let alone those pampered sons, who can compare Wu Anjun’s merits even in the entire court?

Meng Wu, Wang Jian, Huan, and Zhao’s henchmen all smiled at the moment.

They naturally knew who Xia Yufang was.

That was the biological mother of Zhao Qi, Wu’anjun, the highest-ranking imperial court.

“The King.”

“This matter, this matter.”

Wang Shu stood up with a hesitant expression. As soon as the words reached his mouth, he immediately met Ying Zheng’s fierce and murderous eyes.

This is an inhumane look.

Wang Shu knows.

If he dared to speak up against it, winning the government in the next moment will kill him desperately.

More than twenty years ago.

After Ying politicians established Xia Yufang, the voice of opposition from the whole dynasty is still vivid for Wang, and there are even many participants in the past, but fortunately, Wang Xiao did not participate in it at the time, just watching, so he was able to sit. In the position of the state.

m^ The widow set up as the queen. ”

“Can anyone object?”

Ying Zheng stared at everyone and asked with prestige.

This time.

No more than twenty years ago.

This time.

Ying Zheng has no ambitions, he is the king, the lord of the world, everything is logical.

He wanted to wash away all the shame of more than twenty years ago, give him the greatest honor to A Fang, and take back everything that A Fang had lost.

If anyone dares to stop it, he will be killed if he wins the government.

He is now.

It is no longer the naive child who had not ascended to the throne at the beginning, but the king who is high above and in charge of the world.The old man.

The kingship is not in control.

Chaotang has no supporters.

And now he.

Everything is under control.

What is he afraid of?


He wanted to give an explanation to the deceased A Fang, and even more to his son.

This is what he owes them mother and son.

In the heart of Yingzheng.

If I knew how to hold back and exposed my mind before he had no control over the kingship, and did not mention the establishment of A Fang, perhaps A Fang would not leave his side and would not be assassinated.

When he took control of the king’s power, and then set up a house, everything went smoothly.

That way, I can always accompany A Fang and protect Zhao with his own eyes when he grows up, but because of his ignorance of the court at the beginning and the hatred of the courtiers, everything is ruined.


It’s the prelude to scrub the original.

Facing Yingzheng’s cold eyes.

Whether it is a courtier who knows what happened in the past, or a courtier who doesn’t know the past at all, they all lower their heads and dare not look at each other with Yingzheng. The majesty of the eternal emperor and the majesty of the lord of the world are all revealed at this moment.

Let every courtier know who the ruler of this world is.

This kingly hegemony made them afraid to say a word.

“It’s ridiculous, it’s ridiculous.

“At the beginning, the whole court opposed it, but now no one dares to disobey it.”

“This is kingship, this is real right.

“At first, real people didn’t understand.”

Seeing this silent scene, Ying Zheng smiled, but sneered in his heart.

“in this way.”

“Xia Yufang is the queen, so it is decided.”

The widow “will choose a day to move A Fang’s tomb to the royal tomb, and the other day will die, and he will bury the tomb together with A Fang.” Ying Zheng once again declared prestigiously.


That is one of his purposes.

When he first saw A Fang’s tomb, Ying Zheng thought about moving the tomb to the royal tomb, but was stopped by Meng Wu and Xia Wuqi.

Everything today.

It makes sense.

After the victory voice fell.

Zhao Qi stood up directly and said loudly: “Great King Shengming.

Stand up in Zhao Qi.

The five generals of Daqin, Meng Yi, Han Fei, Feng Quji, and the courtiers who were truly loyal to Yingzheng, shouted: “Great King Shengming.

(Wang Lihao) This scene.

Yingqu and many courtiers were at a loss.

They dare not say a word.

“A Fang has passed away.”

“This edict will be picked up by Afang’s father.”

“Xuan Xia has nothing to do with it.

Ying Zheng said prestigiously.

“The king has.

“Xuan Xia has nothing to do.”

The temple man who served on the side immediately shouted loudly.


Xia Wuqi was dressed in a black robe. Although he was old, he seemed very vigorous today.

He walked quickly to the Jongmyo Square.

He bowed to Yingzheng: “Chen Xia Wuqi, thank you for your grace.”

“My father-in-law.

“At the beginning, the widow agreed to what Afang had done, and he did it.”

“The widow has made her a queen and let Afang be the mother of the world.”

Father-in-law, “Abandoned person didn’t disappoint you, didn’t let Afang down, right?”

Ying Zheng’s voice is still majestic, but he has a sadness at this moment.

Majesty “She has seen everything she did for A Fang.”

“The veteran will thank the king on behalf of Afang Xie.

Xia Wujie bowed in tears.

this moment.

How much he wants his daughter to see.

Because this is the promise of her daughter’s most beloved brother Zheng to her.

Even Xia Wuqi saw the scene when Ying Zheng made a promise to his daughter: “Dong’er, don’t worry, when Brother Zheng really becomes the king in the future, he will definitely make you a queen. We will always be together and never separate. .”

“Brother Zheng, I don’t like the queen or anything. I only like being with Brother Zheng and stay together forever. Dong’er” said while snuggling in Yingzheng’s arms.

“Fang, you are not shy, A-da is still there.” Xia Wuqi smiled and cursed.

At the beginning, these warm pictures appeared in Xia Wuqi’s mind one by one.

“Xia Wuqi, Yu Doctor Xia turned out to be the father of the woman the king loved the most?”

“Xia Yufang?

“The daughter of Yu-Doctor Xia?”

“No wonder, no wonder.”

“For many years, the king has always treated the doctor Xia differently, with great kindness. It turns out that this is Aiwu and Wu.”

Seeing Xia Wuqi appear to take the seal for his daughter, the courtiers who didn’t know Xia Wuqi’s true identity were suddenly stunned.


When Xia Wuqi was in the court, he would be fine if he didn’t go to court. No one dared to offend Wang’s favor. At that time, no one knew that Ying Zheng would treat an imperial doctor like this.


Everyone understands.

“The position of the queen has been decided.


“It’s the prince’s turn.”

At the moment when Baiguan was shocked, Yingzheng’s majestic voice rang again.

PS: Seek to be determined, please pay attention to the author number, thank you. private.

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