Chapter 191 The ancestral temple is opened, and the ancestor is returned to the ancestor.

“The Meng family will not be against the Lord.

“Because the Lord is king.

Facing the dirty words, Han Fei suddenly said.

The words fell off.

The slaughter had a different face: “What do you mean by this? Who is the king?”

Han Fei glanced at Zhao Qi and said in awe: “Because the Lord is the son of today’s great king, the eldest son of Qin.”

“Han Fei, what are you talking about?”

“How could the Lord be the son of the great king?”

Tu Youyou’s face was dumbfounded.

At this moment, he looked at Han Fei’s eyes very strange, just like looking at a fool.

In addition to being an extremely human minister in Daqin, his master had grown up in Daqin, but he couldn’t get along with the son of the king at all.

“Lord, how do you decide this.”

“The Meng family already knows that the master is cultivating forces, and the power of martial arts has also leaked.”

“The king might really do something to the Lord.” Ju Soong said to Zhao Qi with a serious face.

Zhao Qi said calmly, “Han Fei, what he said is true.”

“Master, what are you talking about?”

Hearing what Zhao Qi said, Tu Youyi was stunned, then opened his eyes wide and looked at Zhao Qi in disbelief.

What Han Fei said is true.

“I am the son of the king.” Zhao Qi said with a helpless expression.

Ju Wei may not believe what others said, but this is what his master said, so how could Ju Ya not believe it.

“How is this possible?

“Master, the subordinates can’t make sense.”

“The Lord is the son of the Great King, that is Da Qin’s son, and the Lord is the oldest, that is, the eldest son of Da Qin.”

“Doesn’t that mean that it is possible for the Lord to inherit Da Qin’s world?”

The gangster held it, his face was shocked and ecstatic.

“It is not possible, but inevitable.

“The great king has already spoken, he wants to be the crown prince in the emperor, and the king in the future, to control the world.” Han Shensheng said.

“Then that would be great.”

“If the lord is the prince, then you can supervise Daqin and rule the king without going to the border, and the lord is the prince, and those useless sons of the lord are worthy of fighting with the lord?”

“If the lord becomes the prince, the millions of elites in Daqin will respect the lord and support the lord. In the world, who dares to fight with the lord?” Ju Wei said excitedly.

“My lord, did you say everything to the lord today?” Han Fei asked respectfully.

“All said.

Zhao Qi replied, still very complicated in his mind.

Being the son of Qin Shihuang, Zhao Qi never recovered.

I’m afraid it will take a few days to fully accept it.

“So you can be sure.”

“The courtiers in the court today persecuted the prince Li, and the prince directly set the prince in the Mingri ancestral temple. It is conceivable that he wants the lord to recognize the ancestor and return to the ancestor, and tomorrow he should announce that he will be the prince.” Han Fei was very pleased.

He became the prince, the future king of Qin.

It is a great thing for Zhao Qi’s confidants. In the future, they will not only have an influence on one side, but they will definitely be Zhao Zhenqi’s confidant above the court, which no one can compare.


When eliminating Zhao Qi, Han Fei saw that he was in the world, but he was always waiting for opportunities.

And now.

There is no need to wait for this opportunity.

Because his lord is the king’s power, the heir of the world.

“Anyway, let’s go one step at a time.”

“If there is nothing wrong with you, please withdraw.”

“Tomorrow, let’s see what the situation is.

Zhao Qi’s mind is very complicated.

I have been searching for my father for many years and wanted an explanation to my mother. Now I have indeed successfully found it and got the explanation he wanted.

But Zhao Qi never thought that the father he was looking for would be Qin Shihuang.

Tonight, Zhao Qi is destined to be unable to sleep.

How to say.This is a great thing, for Zhao Qi, a great thing.

To gain kingship, gain the world.

Pure blood.

No one can hinder him.

Compared with him, he will be more upright in the future to seize the world in the end of Qin Dynasty.

Subordinates “retire.”

Seeing Zhao Qi’s thoughts on his face, the gangster and Han Fei didn’t dare to bother anymore, bowed and bowed, then turned and left.

Fusu Mansion.

Inside the hall.

The palace, as well as several officials from the imperial court, gathered here.

Chunyuyue is naturally among them.

Fu Su sat on the main seat.

“My son, tomorrow is the day when the king declares the crown prince.”

“As the son of the prince, the position of the prince must belong to the son of the son, so please don’t feel sorry for the things of today. As long as the son becomes the crown prince, everything can pass.”

The Wang Pavilion faced Fu Su Dao who looked pale.

He naturally saw it.

In the hall today, Zhao Qi’s words had a great impact on Fusu, and it was not enough to make the twenty-year-old Fusu feel a shock and it was difficult to return to his senses.

“Master Xiangbang is right.”

“The son.”

“Don’t put Zhao Qi’s bold and rebellious minister in your eyes. No matter how powerful he is, he is only a foreign minister after all. As long as the son becomes a prince and holds the power to supervise the country, Zhao Qi’s madman is nothing. ”

“If the big appointment is made today, the foreign troubles have been cleared.”

“Da Qin no longer needs so many troops, the future court will belong to the world governing the heaven and the underworld.

“Their military ministers are destined to be suppressed.

Chun Yuyue also said with an angry expression.

Today, I lost such a big face in the court, and was directly erected by a few guards and thrown out.

This made Chunyu Yue endured incomparable humiliation.

In my mind, Zhao Qi has been regarded as his greatest enemy.

“However, I think what Zhao Qi said makes sense.”

“As far as the country is concerned, the system of enfeoffment is indeed a great disadvantage. Maybe I am really wrong.” Fusu slowly said, with a sense of helplessness in his eyes.

“The son.”

“The enfeoffment system may have its drawbacks, but it is inherited from ancient times. Even if there are drawbacks, it needs to be determined by the king. What qualifications does Zhao Qi, a foreign minister, have to make irresponsible remarks? Besides, he scorned his identity and treated him like you. Insult? How rampant is this?”


“Tomorrow, you will be the prince, and the prince can already control part of the royal power. Zhao Qi is also a courtier to you.”

“As far as the future king is concerned, your words are right, and he cannot be tolerated by a foreign minister.

Where would Chunyu Yue see Fusu like this, and immediately faced Fusu Dao.


“As the eldest son of Daqin, the son should be a king. Tomorrow we people will recommend him as the prince.”

“Furthermore, among the many princes of the great king, you are the most orthodox heir to the crown prince, only Young Master Fu Su. Whether you are born or learned, who can compare to you?

“Tomorrow, the old man will do his best to help Young Master Su ascend to the throne.” Wang Wanyi said righteously.

“The same goes for the minister.”

“We must do our best to help the son ascend to the throne.”

Those big officials who supported Fusu, the rich and powerful spoke one after another.

Thank you, “My lords.

“If Fusu becomes a prince, he must fulfill his duties and revitalize Daqin, and he will never let the adults down.” Fusu came back to his senses and said to all people.

at the same time.

In Hu Hai’s mansion.

It was also a gathering of many court officials.

Tomorrow is the time when the current king agreed on the position of the prince. Fusu and Hu Hai, who had the most support from the court, seemed to all the courtiers, that the position of the prince naturally came into being among the two.

“My lords.”

“Presumably the situation has been understood.”

“Tomorrow the king will decide to establish a prince in the ancestral temple.”

“Now in the court, perhaps in the eyes of the king, there are only two candidates for the position of prince, the first is Fusu, and the second is Master Hu Hai.”

Zhao Gao stood beside Hu Hai and said to everyone in the hall.

Although it has been two years since he was demoted to Hu Hai’s mansion, Zhao Gao has his wrists after all, and Hu Hai also trusts him extremely. He is naturally Hu Hai’s first-class adviser, and he has made suggestions for Hu Hai.

Even Li Si supported Hu Hai without leaving Zhao Gao’s persuasion.


“It’s the king of the future.”

“As long as Hu Hai can successfully ascend this throne, he will never forget the support of the adults. In the future, Hu Hai will become the king, let alone the adults.

Zhao Gao stared at everyone in the hall and immediately began to win over.

“My son, don’t worry.”

“Fusu’s character is docile, and he was even ruined by Chun Yuyue. Even the king ran into him and was hated by the king.”

“Tomorrow, the king agreed with the prince, and the opinions of the important ministers of the court can definitely play a key role.” Li Si said.

“Wei Ting is right.

“Fu Su has been wicked against the king after all. Even if he is the leader, Daqin has always been the master of virtues since ancient times.”

“Yesterday, when discussing the enfeoffment system, Wang Shu and the others were talking about it. I waited to sit and watch, and did not disobey the king, but Fusu became an accomplice of Wang Shu and their disobedience to the king.

“With this, the king will never forgive Fusu easily.


“Prince Hu Hai must be able to ascend the position of prince.”

“I will give my full support to Young Master Hu Hai…

After Li Si’s voice fell.

These courtiers gathered in the hall, the nobles and dignitaries spoke in agreement.

Hear these.

Sitting on the main seat, Hu Hai showed an expectant smile.

“So many people support this son, the crown prince must belong to me.” Hu Hai thought to himself, very excited.

for him.

The position of prince can be said to be within easy reach.

“Zhao Qi.”

“At the beginning, it was you who caused me to leave the palace and was ousted from the position of the Central Vehicle Mansion Order by the king.”

“Whether Fusu or Hu Hai became the prince, you can’t please.

Zhao Gao thought coldly in his heart, full of hatred for Zhao Qi.

In the bottom of his heart.

If it wasn’t because of Zhao Qi.

He will not be expelled from the palace at all.

One day.

The whole Xianyang city is not peaceful.

For countless courtiers, they all acted secretly, because today’s great king has already said that tomorrow will be in front of the Great Qin Zongmiao to negotiate the crown prince.

And become the candidate for the prince.

Now it has been shown in front of all courtiers.

One is Fusu, the eldest son.

The other is the son Hu Hai.

In today’s court, the two sons of them also received the most support from courtiers. As for the other sons, either did not receive support or showed no enthusiasm for the position of prince.

But for all the princes, their hearts are naturally not peaceful.

Because the decision of the crown prince is in the hands of their father and king.

As the sons of Yingzheng, if they do not yearn for that position, they are naturally false.

So until the last moment, they always hold a bit of luck. If they get the seal of their father, their fate will be different.

One day passed quickly.

The next day.


Xianyang City had closed its gates, and seemed to be on guard, and the abnormal movement of guards in the palace seemed to indicate that something major was about to happen.

Except besides.

Daqin’s most mysterious spy agency, the Black Ice Platform, was also secretly turned around.

But all this.

It’s all done in secret, no one knows.

Ancestral temple.

Not in the palace.

But in a place in Xianyang City.

As Daqin worshipped the ancestors of the past dynasties, where the ancestors and ancestors were located, they belonged to the clan control.And now.

When the Daqin clan still existed relative to other countries, the clan and royal clans of the countries that were active in the court, the Daqin clan were much lonely.

All this is because of what they did in the past.

Forcing Yingzheng could not establish Zhao Qi’s mother as the queen, and there were not many talented people in the clan. Over time, the clan had lost the capital active in the Great Qin Dynasty.

Nowadays, there is only the name of the clan, and there is no authority that belonged to the clan.

But all this.

They all asked for it.

In the past, it was because their authority was too great, they were based on the clan, and even violated the royal authority, and they were eventually weakened to this point.

And now the head of the clan.

The relationship with Yingzheng is also a close relative.

He is the elder brother of Yingzheng’s father Ying 653 Zi Chu, Ying Huai.

He has been in charge of the clan for many years.

Outside the ancestral temple.

Yinghuai has prepared everything.


Blood food for sacrifices.


“The great king has not visited the ancestral temple for many years. This time the great king ordered to come to the ancestral temple. This time, it is related to the choice of the crown prince of Daqin and whether my clan can regain a foothold in the court hall full of foreign ministers.”

“The prince’s candidate must be an orthodox, benevolent and righteous son.”

“And this person is Lord Fusu.

“If the king did not appoint him as the prince, my clan should persuade the king with orderly etiquette during his childhood.

“If Lord Fusu becomes a prince, my clan will return to the court, do you understand?!

The slightly old Ying Hou looked at the clan official in front of him, and said solemnly.


All the officials of the ancestral temple responded in unison.

They all belong to the royal family with the surname Ying, and everything in the ancestral temple belongs to them.

Mentioned that they had returned to the court and rejoined the authority, and they were full of expectations.

“My lord.

“You really have a strong wrist.”

“You suppressed the clan with your own strength, but this Da Qin is not yours alone, but belongs to the clan with my surname. Although you are powerful, you are still a human being after all. You will grow old and die.

“Your son Fusu doesn’t have the skill of yours. He will have to rely on the clan in the future to be able to control the country.”

“At that time, I will tell you that this Da Qin can’t do anything without the power of my clan.” Yinghuai stared at the ancestral temple, secretly said in his heart.

Time passed gradually.


It was the time agreed by the court and the ancestral temple.

The civil and military officials walked to the square in front of the ancestral temple in an orderly manner.

Everyone was dressed in official robes, very solemn.

Wen Chen was headed by Wang Shuo.

However, the head of the military ministers did not see Zhao Qi, but Meng Wu was the head.

After seeing this, the royal pavilion on the opposite side could not help but frown, a little displeased.

“This Zhao Qi is really too arrogant.

“Today is the big day when the king agreed with the prince, he didn’t come?”

“It’s really too much.

Wang said inwardly, even more unhappy.

He is now old, and it will not be long before he retires from the position of the state, but in order for his royal family to prosper in the future, he must settle down in the court again and Fusu becomes the prince, so as to protect his Wang family’s prosperity.

He naturally pays special attention to it.

Following the civil and military officials came to the ancestral temple square.

After a while.

Many young masters and princesses under Ying Zheng’s knees all came to the ancestral temple one after another.

And they also rely on their respective identities, and Fusu deservedly stood in the first place, and Hu Hai also stood side by side with Fusu.

All this was naturally arranged by the ancestral temple.

As the two most powerful candidates for the prince, their ranks are naturally higher.

This time it was about the clan’s return to the court, so Yinghuai made all arrangements extremely properly.

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