Chapter 190 Qin Shihuang’s Promise

I heard the words of Qin Shihuang.

Zhao Qi was stunned.

Fulfill the promise to your own mother?

After sealing?

“In the past I promised your mother that I am the king, and he is the queen.”

“At the beginning, I couldn’t fulfill my promise, and I couldn’t protect your mother, but now I can.”

“Even if your mother goes, I will fulfill my old promise.

“I want to chase her as a queen, the mother of the world.”

Ying Zheng is full of firm words, with firmness that he has never had before.

“What you do will make a big change in the court, and it will be the same if you recognize me.” Zhao Qi slowly said, it is difficult to calm the mood at the moment.

“The blood flowed into a river, killing all the courtiers.

“I win politics and do whatever it takes.”

Ying Zheng stared at Zhao Qi and said solemnly.

That’s it.

Zhao Qi didn’t know what to say.

Looking at Ying Zheng in front of him, all he did was for himself and his mother, and it was false to say that he was not moved.

This is also what Zhao Qi really feels is what father love is.

At this time.

Outside the hall.


We “are here again.

The voices of the two little guys came from outside the hall.

I saw Li Yan’er led the two little guys and walked quickly into the hall.

I haven’t seen each other in the past two years.

The two little guys have grown tall and grown up.

They are now seven years old.

Hear the voices of his two children.

Zhao Qi also showed a touch of miss on his face.

Immediately turned his head.

Looked at the two little guys.


“Daddy is back.”

“Daddy hug.

When Zhao Yuqi saw Zhao Qi, she immediately rushed over with joy.

Zhao Xi was not to be outdone, the two little guys, one from the left and the other, all rushed to Zhao Qi’s body.

“I haven’t seen him for so long, do you miss dad?”

Zhao Qi asked warmly.


“We all miss Daddy.”

The two little guys nodded immediately, it was a sincere one.

Looking at his two children.

Seven years old.

“Six Five Three”

They have also long opened.

Zhao Yuqi is just like a little princess, wearing a red dress, beautiful and cute, and she will definitely be a beautiful woman in the future.

Zhao Xi is the same, very cute and handsome, and will definitely be a silly son in the future.

Both of them have inherited the looks of their parents.


Zhao Qi nodded, his face full of doting.

For winning politics.

He and his children became his sustenance.

It’s the same for myself.

After his mother went, his mother and children became his sustenance.

It is also the meaning of living in this world.

“Qi’er, Xi’er.


Zhao Qi said to the two children.

The two little guys raised their heads and looked at their dad.

“Kneel down to you Aye.

Zhao Qi said in a deep voice.

Without any hesitation, the two little guys knelt directly to Yingzheng.


Zhao looked at Li Yan’er again.

this moment.

Li Ma’er seemed to understand and walked to Zhao Qi’s side.


Zhao Qi directly took Li Ma’er’s hand and knelt down facing Yingzheng.

“Qir, Xier.”

“Your Aye is your biological Aye, I will give you a kowtow.”

Zhao Qi said in a deep voice.

This sound.

Look at Zhao Qi again.

A strong excitement appeared on Ying Zheng’s face.

This means that Zhao Qi recognized him and did not resist him.The two little guys didn’t know too much, but they really liked their Aye. They didn’t hesitate to just kowtow.


Zhao Qi turned his head and looked at Li Yan’er.

And seeing Li Ma’er’s expression didn’t seem unexpected.

“Mom, could it be you?

Zhao Qi said with a surprised expression.

“Brother, I have known for a long time, forgive me for not telling you earlier.” Li Yan’er said a little embarrassed.

“When did you know?”

Zhao Qi was stunned.

The Meng family knew it, and Xia Wu also knew it.

My own mother also knows.

Don’t you know it?

“When you returned to the land of Zhao and attacked the Kingdom of Yan.”

“At that time, I saw that your father’s expression was wrong to you, so I asked Brother Qi about your father’s whereabouts, and the father told me.” Li Yan’er said softly.

“So you saw it yourself.

Zhao Qi nodded suddenly.


Zhao Qi raised his head and looked at Ying Zheng: “Apart from Mom, who else knows?”

“Wang Qiang, Huandi, Meng Yi, Han Fei, they all know.”

“However, under my strict order, they did not leak. Of course, this is also because they knew that it had a great effect on you, so they did not leak.” Ying Zheng smiled slightly.

Han Fei “How did you know?”

“Did you tell him?”

Zhao Qi said in surprise.

If the Meng family and the Wang family know it, it is because they have won the trust of Qin Shihuang. After all, they have been loyal to Da Qin for generations.

But Han Fei.

He entered Qin only after the country was broken. Although he was reused, there was absolutely no way to gain the true trust of Qin Shihuang.

In any case, Qin Shihuang would not tell him.


“The reason why Han Fei knew it was your kid.”

There was a smile on the corner of Yingzheng’s mouth.

Tell me about Meng Yi and Han Fei.

Meng Yi “thinks Han Fei knows who I am and is my supporter.”

“Han Fei thought Meng Yi was my subordinate.”

Hearing this explanation, Zhao Qi was completely stunned.

What is this operation?


This is also an exception.

If it were not because Meng Yi was a supporter of Zhao Qi, perhaps Han Fei would really kill him desperately.

Even if he died, he would not do anything rebellious.

“Yan’er, kowtow.

Zhao Qi didn’t say much.

Bow directly to Yingzheng.

All these things that Yingzheng said today.

Zhao Qi’s heart knot was completely unraveled, and some of the hatred for his father who had never seen him before was also completely dissipated.

For the time being, although Zhao Qi didn’t see it.

But he knows that the court is complicated, and that the rich and powerful are eager for profit. It is unimaginable to win the government at the beginning. Otherwise, his mother would not choose to leave Xianyang in order to protect his father.

Zhao Qi’s family kowtowed directly to Yingzheng.

Watching this scene.

Ying Zheng’s face was full of joy.

This means that his son has accepted him.


“Qi’er, mother.”

“Get up quickly.

Zheng danced with joy, and immediately stepped forward to help Zhao Qi and his wife.

The excitement shown by Yingzheng at the moment is stronger than hearing Zhao Qi’s defeat of the country.

His son finally recognized him.

“Qi Er.”

“Do you know why I announced to the courtier that I am going to the ancestral temple tomorrow?”

Ying Zheng looked at Zhao and smiled slightly.


Zhao Qi nodded.

When in the court.

When Ying Zheng proposed to go to the ancestral temple, Zhao Qi guessed that Ying Zheng chose one of the princes as the prince, so that the ancestors of the ancestral temple would bear witness.

After all, Zhao Qi didn’t even know his identity at that time.

And now another association.

Immediately guessed the purpose of Yingzheng.

Go to the ancestral temple, let yourself recognize the ancestor and return to the clan, restore the winning surname, restore the identity of the royal son, and then take advantage of the trend to make yourself a prince.

Because the acquaintance that had troubled him for so many years finally became.

Donger “.”

“I recognized our son.”

“He forgave me, he didn’t resist me too much.

There was a smile from the heart on Ying Zheng’s face.

This has never happened before.

After a while.

Ying Zheng recovered.

“Iron Eagle.

Ying Zheng regained his majesty.

“The minister is here.

Iron Eagle walked out of the apse.

As the leader of the Black Ice Terrace, if there is no special circumstances, he will always stay in the palace.

“Mobilize all Xianyang Black Ice Platform spies to block Xianyang.


“This capital is going to be bloodied.

Ying Zheng said coldly and quietly, the entire Zhangtai Palace became cold and silent.

Wu’an Jun’s Mansion.

“Boy, you are back.”

Once back, Xia Wuqi walked out and smiled at Zhao Qi.

Looking at the kind Xia Wuqi in front of her.

Zhao Qi also has a kind of complexity.

He has been with his family for seven years, and has also hidden his relatives for seven years, and has been silently taking care of his family.

How not moved Zhao Qi.


“Through your hard work these years.”

Zhao Qin stared at Xia Wuqi and said gently.

The words fell off.

The smile on Xia Wuqi’s face froze, and his expression trembled.

This sound.

He has been waiting for many years.

But now that he heard this sound clearly, he was somewhat unimaginable.

“You, what did you call me just now?” Xia Wuqi said with a trembling tone.


Zhao Qi smiled gently.

“Send, send.

Xia Wu replied repeatedly.

The old face is full of love for Zhao.

At this moment, he has been waiting for many years.

Now I finally got what I wanted.

“Your father asked Xia Wuqi and you.

“He told me everything.

“Before, I thought wrong.”

“At the beginning, his mother left him not because he abandoned it, but because she was forced to leave him..” Zhao Qi sighed and said.


“You father and son finally recognized each other.

“Your mother will be happy if she is alive in the sky.”

“Qi’er, your father has been doing this for a long time.”

“I know his friendship with your mother, and I can see it all in my eyes.

“Many years ago, he heard from you for the first time and learned about Afang’s news. He ran to Lijiacun non-stop and saw your mother’s grave.

“He almost killed himself in front of your mother’s grave.”

“If it weren’t for Meng Wushou, maybe you wouldn’t have seen him.” Xia Wuqi smiled bitterly.

“He committed suicide?”

Upon hearing this, Zhao Qi was shocked.

He is really unimaginable.

Qin Shihuang would kill himself for his mother?

If this is spread out, I’m afraid no one will believe it.

“perhaps.””His feelings for my mother are the same as I am for my mother, maybe even deeper than my feelings for my mother.”

“My mother followed him when he was young, and stayed with him all the time. The weight in his heart is incomparable to anyone.”

Zhao Qi thought to himself secretly.

I was also shocked by his father’s friendship with his mother.

But think about it.

My father became a king for many years, and later he even succeeded in mastering the kingship, but the harem has never been a queen, and the queen’s position has been vacant. All this is because of the friendship with his mother.

Because in his heart, his queen is always only one, and that is Dong’er.


“Now it is the best result.”

“It’s good if you understand your father’s painstaking efforts.

“In the beginning, he really tried his best. I can see everything he did to your mother.” Xia Wuqi said gently.

“Grandpa, don’t worry.

“I understand.”

Zhao Qi nodded.

One emperor through the ages, Qin Shihuang won the government.

Own father.

It is unimaginable that he can do this for his mother himself.

“My lord.

“Han Fei, two adults from outside the house, please see me.

A servant from the mansion came and said respectfully.

“Yan’er, take two little guys to the apse.”

“Don’t bother me.”

Xia Wuqi said with a smile.

Today, like Ying Zheng, he is more happy and excited than ever.

His grandson finally met him.

He has successfully recognized the blood of his daughter in this world.


Zhao Qi went directly to the front hall of the mansion.

The gangster and Han Fei came to the hall and immediately bowed to Zhao Qi: “See the Lord.

“No outsiders.”

“sit down.”

Zhao Qi nodded.

Ju Wei slowly stood up, ready to take a seat, but Han Fei kept bowing down, very panic and helpless.

“Master, the subordinate is guilty.” Han Fei knelt on one knee, feeling ashamed.

“You, what’s the crime?” Zhao Qi smiled flatly.

“The subordinates initially thought that Meng Yi was a person who was loyal to the Lord, and hereby revealed the relationship with the Lord.”

“Furthermore, his subordinates also showed a bit of martial arts power in front of him.

“This is a taboo set by the Lord.

“Lord, please grant sin.

Han Fei bowed his first bow with fear on his face.


“Does the Meng family know your identity with the Lord?”

“And the martial arts is also known by the Meng family?”

Tu Although heard the words, his eyes widened, and he looked at Han Fei angrily. 12

Han Fei, “Why are you so careless, this is our biggest secret, how can you talk nonsense?” Ju Ya suddenly scolded.

“Please punish the Lord.

Han Fei only has the heart to beg for sin.

“The power of martial arts, how much did you show in front of them?”

Hearing this news, Zhao Chensheng asked.


“The subordinate thought that Meng Yi was ours, so he smashed the stone pillar with a palm in front of him, leaving a palm print.” Han Fei respectfully said.


Zhao Qi nodded, not irritated.

If it was in the past.

Before he gets his identity, Zhao Qi will inevitably explode with thunder and anger. After all, the power of martial arts can only be known by him and his henchmen. Apart from this, no one knows. Those who know will inevitably be chased by the shadows. .

But now it’s different.

He is the eldest son of Da Qin, the crown prince and crown prince appointed by Qin Shihuang, and the future successor of Da Qin.

This is the world.

The future is yours.

The emergence of martial arts power is an invisible shock.

And I believe that the Meng family would definitely not dare to leak it out.

“This matter, just let it go.

Zhao Qi said in a deep voice.


“The Meng family knows about martial arts, what should they do?” Tu Wei asked respectfully.

“They will not be against the Lord.”

Han Fei said aloud.

“What do you mean by that?

We “are all loyal to the Lord. Although the Meng family has a long history with the Lord, they have a deep friendship with the Lord, but they are ultimately loyal to the king.”

“The Lord has cultivated many forces secretly, it is difficult to guarantee that the king will not act on the Lord.” Tu Sheng said in a deep voice.

Han Fei looked at Tu Only’s eyes deeply, and watching Zhao Qi’s calm performance, it was obvious that the king had already spoken to the Lord.


Han Fei no longer concealed it.

“The Meng family will not be against the Lord.

“Because the Lord is king.

PS: The tooth hurts badly, brothers, please pay attention to the author, thank you.

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