Chapter 189 Father and son recognize each other, the first emperor burst into tears!!!!

The words fell off.

Zhao Qi’s expression was stunned, and then revealed a strong desire for knowledge, and asked loudly, “Who is he? Where is he?”

“Do you hate him?

Ying Zheng felt a little nervous and couldn’t help asking.

“Hate, maybe a little bit.”

“But Chen is not a kid anymore. If he can give Chen a satisfactory reason, why abandon me and my mother in the first place, maybe I won’t hate him.”

Zhao Qi calmed down and said with a sigh.

“You have the jade pendant your mother left for you, right?” Ying Zheng asked.

Zhao Qi nodded: “Before my mother passed away, I gave the jade pendant to me. The jade pendant was divided into two pieces. I gave one to Yan’er, and I took the other with me.”

“That’s it.

Zhao Qi said, taking out the only jade pendant that could find clues to his father from his arms.

“My lord.

“This jade pendant belongs to the royal family of Qin and Zhao, is he a member of the royal family of Qin and Zhao?” Zhao asked earnestly.

Since Yingzheng has spoken.

Having successfully found his father, Zhao Qi naturally wants to break the casserole and ask the end.

“This jade pendant, a real person hasn’t seen it for many years.”

Looking at Qi’s jade pendant in Zhao’s hand, Ying Zheng couldn’t help taking it, and a reminiscence smile appeared on his face.


“Your father didn’t really want to abandon your mother and child.” Ying Zheng held the jade pendant tightly and suddenly said.

Zhao Qi looked at Yingzheng, but did not speak.

“Your father and your mother have known each other since childhood, and the relationship between you and your mother is the same.”

However, “compared to the tranquility of you and Ma’er in the mountain village, what your father and mother have endured since childhood is bullying and precarious. They have to endure bullying from those bullies at all times.”

“But your mother is very brave, even if she is a girl, but she has the courage to be as good as a boy. Whenever someone bullies your father, your mother will grit her teeth and use her not tall body. He stood in front of your father. At that time, your mother was much braver than your father, and your father was too cowardly.”

Ying Zheng held the jade pendant and spoke slowly.

Looking back on the past, his eyes were red, and a few tears dripped from the corners of his eyes.

And these winning politics have not been discovered.

But Zhao Qi saw it.

“Could it be that?”

“No way?”


“how is this possible.

“The person Qin Shihuang loves the most is a maid, how could it be my mother?”

“My mother Dong’er called.”

“Am I… the son of Qin Shihuang?”Seeing Ying Zheng recounting his father’s past with tears in his eyes, Zhao Qi still couldn’t understand.

But this moment.

How dare he believe it?

However, Ying Zheng did not see Zhao Qi’s expression. His eyes were completely on the jade pendant, and he muttered about the past: “Your mother was with your father when he was a few years old. At that time, your father was cowardly. inability.

Even “Your mother has no way to protect, but in your father’s heart, he always has a dream, which is also his spur to himself.

“He wants to have the power to protect your mother, and he wants to give your mother everything in this world.

“Until your father was ten years old, things turned around. Your grandfather sent someone to take your father home and return to Xianyang to meet his real kingdom, and the envoys who came to take your father back to Daqin Having said that, I want to take your father back to be the prince, and he will become the king in the future.”

“Your father knew the news. He was overjoyed. He fell into ecstasy. He knew that his destiny had been changed. He was ecstatic that he could become a king in the future. He could have power and protect your mother.

“So he couldn’t wait to tell your mother, but your mother was not as happy as she thought, because your mother’s status is low, how can you be worthy of your father?”

“But your father is stupid. He didn’t see your mother’s thoughts. Your mother showed that she was happy that your father was able to go back and was no longer bullied, but she hid her thoughts.”

“That day.

“Your father promised to your mother in Handan of the Zhao country that he will give your mother glory that no woman can get. If he becomes a king in the future, he will make your mother a queen, in charge of the harem, mother Yitianxia.”

“When your father returned to Daqin, he was still dreaming, weaving the dreams he promised to your mother.

“At that time, your father was really stupid.”

“My wife looked at herself too high, and she looked down on this world too much, and she looked down on Chaotang.”

“When your grandfather passed away, your father succeeded to the throne and became the king.”

“That was the first day he became a king. Just before the king, he told your mother that the first thing he did to become a king today is to make your mother queen and honor what he gave to your mother in the past. Promise, the mother ritual world.”

That’s it.

Ying Zheng’s eyes have turned red and tears are streaming down his face.

If it were not for the deepest love, how could Yingzheng Tan behave like this, and how could he be without the majesty of a king in front of Zhao Qi.


“Everything is your father thinking too much, he is too stupid, too arrogant.”

“The day when he announced to the Manchu civil and military forces that he would make your mother his back.”

“He imagined that it was the Manchu dynasty’s civil and military support. After all, he is already the king, and no one dares to violate his words.”

“But he was wrong.”

“He has no rights as a king, he is just a decoration, he first ascended the throne, there is no foundation.”

“After making your mother an honor, he failed him.”

“This is also his first failure in spirit after returning to Qin.”

“He couldn’t fulfill the promise he made to your mother. He was not reconciled. He wanted to try again, but he still thought wrong.

“His mother and queen describe your mother in a lowly status, and you will never allow your mother to become a queen. Those clans, those powerful, those big clans, they all persecute your father with etiquette.”

“Your father is cowardly, incompetent, and powerless.

In the face of so many people targeting him, he had no way, and even they directly sent an assassin to kill your mother. ”


“Your father has always had a person who silently supported him. That was the Xiangbang at the time. He sent someone to protect your mother so that your mother could survive.”

“But from that moment, your mother knew that her existence would be a drag on your father. One day, she suddenly left your father without saying goodbye.”

“Since then, your father has lost news of your mother…”The tears in Yingzheng’s eyes kept falling. He wanted to control his emotions, but found that he couldn’t control it.

He looked at Zhao Qi with tears in his eyes.

Zhao Qi’s expression was also stunned.


There were also tears in Zhao Qi’s eyes.

How can people be ruthless if they are not vegetation.

From the words that Ying Zheng murmured, Zhao Qi didn’t understand that Ying Zheng was his father and his love for his mother.

this moment.

He seemed to understand the reason why his father would leave his mother in the first place.


It’s all because of rights, because of etiquette, because of those powerful and powerful.

And his father was very powerless for all this, but he tried his best to protect his mother, but his mother did not want to drag his father, resolutely chose to leave.


My mother came to Lijiacun and gave birth to Zhao Qi.

“Qi Qi’er.

“You, do you hate me?”

Ying Zheng stretched out her hand tremblingly towards Zhao Qi.


Zhao Qi wanted to say something, but couldn’t say anything.

For Ying Zheng.

For the eternal emperor, Qin Shihuang, who has passed on the history through the ages.

Zhao Qi always maintains a kind of awe in his heart.

He admired Qin Shihuang and admired his pioneering achievements.

But in any case, Zhao Qi never thought that his father would be him.

One emperor through the ages, Qin Shihuang.

He is Zhao Qi’s father.

He Zhao Qi is not a mountain boy, he is the son of Da Qin, a prince.

this moment.

Zhao Qi’s heart couldn’t calm down.

He never thought of it.

His father, who had cultivated hard for a long time, would be someone he never expected.

The current King Qin, the future Qin Shihuang, is his father, Zhao Qi.

He really couldn’t think of it.

“After your mother left me, I sent people to search her whereabouts frantically, but like a needle in a haystack, I searched hard.”

Launched “the power of the entire Da Qin to search, but you can’t find your mother.”

“Until one day.”

“Your mother’s father found me, handed in his resignation, and returned to Lijiacun to take care of your wife and children.”

“I also knew your life experience at that time. My mother died and my father was missing, so I asked the people at Black Ice Terrace to investigate.”

“As a result, I found your mother’s name.”

There was a silent friendship in Yingzheng’s eyes, and he muttered.

Donger “.”

This “name is actually not your mother’s real name.”

“Your mother’s real name is Xia Yufang, and your grandfather calls her A Fang.”

“But your mother is different here. I call her Dong’er because I got it for her.”

Ying Zheng said with tears in his eyes.

“My mother’s name is Xia Yufang.”

“A housemaid in history.

“The person who built the Afang Palace to commemorate the Emperor Qin Shi Huang.

“It’s also the reason why Qin Shihuang didn’t have a queen in his life.

“A maid.

“It was my mother?”

Listening to Ying Zheng’s account, Zhao Qi was completely stunned. At this moment, he was really unimaginable.

Memories many years ago.

When Xia Wuqi first saw herself.

In the Korean military camp.

Xia Wuqi saw that his gaze was wrong at first sight, and he was still asking about his own life experience, but he thought it was Xia Wuqi that he was thinking too much, and even more wrong, he didn’t take it in his heart at all, and he didn’t take it back. thing.

Because my mother’s name is Zhao Dong’er, not Xia, and she is not the legendary housemaid.

But this moment.

Zhao Qi fully understands.

His mother’s name is fake, which is what Qin Shihuang called her in the past.

Although he left Xianyang, he left Qin Shihuang.

But her love for Qin Shihuang never disappeared, so she used this as a pseudonym and lived in Lijiacun and never left.

Even if the Black Ice Terrace explores the world again, it is impossible to find that her mother will hide in a small mountain village. After all, she has never left since she went to Lijia Village.

He never left until he died.

“No wonder Xia always looked at me like that and asked me like that.”

“He recognized me at a glance.

“He suddenly left the palace and resigned from the position of the royal doctor. The fundamental reason was that he discovered that I was his grandson. He saw that it was not easy for Ma’er to take two children by himself, so he went to take care of Mei’er and the others. To take care of his great-grandson.”

this moment.

Zhao Qi wants to understand.

Xia Wujie, who had no relatives with him before, would suddenly be so good to herself and so good to her family.

He even stayed in the mansion for as long as possible to take care of the three mothers and children.

At that time, Zhao Qi thought it was Xia Wu and was really alone. He stayed in the mansion for the sake of old age.

But now it seems.

Everything is his own, he was wrong.

Xia Wuqi.

Are his relatives.

Is his grandfather.

There is also winning politics.

Why you are so good to yourself is not simply because you have made countless achievements for Da Qin, but the most important thing is that you are his son and the bloodline of winning politics.

This is also true.

In the eyes of outsiders.

Ying Zheng has an infinite favor to Zhao Qi and even Zhao Qi’s family, giving no one has ever had a favor.

Everyone thinks that Zhao Qi made great contributions to Da Qin, even Zhao Qi thinks so.


Everything is wrong.

All courtiers and dignitaries also thought wrong.

After all.

It is because Zhao Qi is his winning son, Zhao Qi’s son and daughter are his winning grandsons.

He has been taking care of his sons and daughters, and even coaxes his sons and daughters personally. In the final analysis, it is because they are his grandchildren who won politics.

this moment.

Zhao Qi fully wants to understand.

“Could it be that.

“The Meng family also knows?”

Zhao Qi’s voice trembled a little, staring at the victory.

“Your grandfather was the first to know, but he didn’t tell anyone, and Mengwu guessed it by looking at your grandfather. Similarly, he chose not to tell anyone.”

“only me.

“Be deceived by them to the end.


“They are also for my good.

Ying Zheng said bitterly.

“How could I be yours…

After listening to Ying Zheng said so much, Zhao Qi is still a little unbelievable.

“Qi Er.”

“do you hate me?”

Yingzheng asked again, with an expectation in his eyes.

Heard this question.

Zhao Qi was silent.

After a while.

“Before, I might hate it.

“But it’s not to hate you for not taking care of me, but to hate why you abandoned my mother, but now it seems that I was wrong. You didn’t abandon her at all, but she left by herself.

“It’s no wonder that she has been protecting you while she is alive.” Zhao Qi said with a trembling voice.


“It’s good if you don’t hate me.”

Ying Zheng’s eyes were tearful, but an excited smile appeared.

For this day.

Father and son recognize each other.

0…seeking flowers,

Victory has been looking forward to it for a long time, but always think of acknowledging each other. Victory is worried. He is afraid that Zhao Qi will hate him and that Zhao Qi will not forgive him.

Upon hearing Zhao Qi’s words of no hatred, Ying Zheng was relieved.

His heart relaxed completely.

“I have been looking for your mother for twenty years.”

“Twenty years later, I found you and also found your mother.”


“Your mother has left me.”

“After seeing your mother’s grave, I, my heart aches.

“But thinking of you, thinking of my grandson.

“These are all left to me by your mother. If I die, how can I protect you?

“For you, I can’t die.”

“For you, I resisted the idea of ​​acknowledging you immediately. Until now, son, can you understand me?” Ying Zheng said softly and said everything.

For this day, winning politics has been preparing for a long time.

“I see.”

Zhao Qi sighed and said.

He finally understood.

Why did Qin Shihuang suddenly come to Lijiacun a few days before his wedding when he was married? It was because he knew himself and heard the news of his mother. He was desperate to see it. He couldn’t believe that his mother had passed away.

In those few days.

Zhao saw Qi see a lifeless Qin Shihuang.

At that time, Zhao Qi was guessing what happened to Qin Shihuang that would make him do this.

It was also in those few days that the relationship between his two children and Qin Shihuang quickly warmed up, after which Qin Shihuang was desolate and dead.

And then.

Qin Shihuang personally presided over the wedding for himself, and also gave him Zhanlu, the sword of benevolence.

He even divided the Heshibi, which was used to create the Jade Seal of the Kingdom after the world was unified, into several parts and gave them to his family.

that time.

It made Zhao Qi feel the favor of Qin Shihuang to him and the importance he valued, but he never thought that it was Qin Shihuang who was making up for it. It was Qin Shihuang who knew that he was his son.”He didn’t recognize me at the beginning to protect me.

Zhao Qi secretly said in his heart.

A complex emotion emerged in my heart, or moved, but there was also a different feeling. This, perhaps, was feeling the love from my father.

With Zhao Qi’s cleverness, how could he not understand.

If Qin Shihuang recognizes himself, and relying on his military merits, he will become the first person to fight for the throne.

Although Zhao Qi has the power to fear everything.

But how does Ying Zheng know that he is not afraid of those people?

The starting point of all this is to protect yourself.

And now I recognize myself.

That is, Yingzheng knows.

The world is settled, foreign troubles have been eliminated, and winning politics is no longer afraid of anyone.

“Qi Er.”

“Have you seen it.”

“This is the world…”

Ying Zheng directly took Zhao Qi’s hand and pointed at the huge sand table map in front of him.

The view of the world is in front of you.

“Father did it for you.”

“In the past, my father was incompetent and unable to protect your mother, but now my father is different and has absolute power. My father will no longer let anyone harm you, as well as your wife and children.”

“In this world, your father wants to give you.

Ying Zheng pointed to the huge map and said loudly.

The sincerity and friendship in the tone.

Let Zhao Qi clearly feel it.

Looking at this map of the Great Qin territory, Zhao Qi may have been calm in the past, but at this moment he was shocked.

Because of the Ying Zheng in front of him, his father said that he would give this world to him.

This world.

How could Zhao not want to get it.

Since gaining authority and strength, Zhao Qi has been aspiring to the world.

As a prophet, he knows exactly what will happen in the next few decades.

When the first emperor dies, the world will be divided.

Qin Mo came.

In the course of history, Qin II died.

At the end of Qin, Zhao Qi could take advantage of the trend to take the world, but from now on, Qin Shihuang is his father, and he will give the world to himself.

If you want to control the world, you don’t need to wait until the end of Qin Dynasty.

Perhaps in the near future, the world belongs to him.

“No wonder Qin Shihuang’s attitude towards Fusu is so bad, no wonder Qin Shihuang decides to establish a prince tomorrow.”

“All the reasons are because of me.”

“I am the son of Qin Shihuang.”

“The successor in Qin Shihuang’s heart.”

“My God, isn’t this a dream?”

“I turned out to be Qin Shihuang’s son?”

Until now.

Zhao Qi’s mood was also difficult to calm down, and it was difficult to return to his senses.

The world seems to be about to be held.

The Qin Mo that I had previously planned to seize the world seemed unnecessary.


“Conquering the world may be easier than imagined, but guarding the world is bound to be extremely difficult.”

“If you don’t show up, if I die.”

“With Fusu, with my useless sons, they can’t hold onto this world.”

“only you.

“Only then can this world be guarded and controlled.”

“Because you were the one who defeated this world.

Ying Zheng pointed to the map of the world, and said in a very serious tone.

Recorded history.

When the first emperor dies, the world will be divided.

This is not empty talk. When Qin Shihuang was alive, the remnants of the Six Kingdoms only dared to make trouble in the world, and did not dare to go too far, but when Qin Shihuang died, it was like losing the existence of suppressing the world, and the remnants of the Six Kingdoms all jumped out, and finally The world is in chaos and Daqin is destroyed.

As Qin Shihuang said.

Those of his sons couldn’t hold it at all.

But Zhao Qi can be different.

Zhao Qi led the army to fight this world. The remnants of the Six Kingdoms all know Zhao Qi’s prestige, and he also knows the terrible Zhao Qi.

For them, Zhao Qi is a killer, a evil star.

His deterrence is no less than Qin Shihuang who controls Daqin.

If Zhao Qi is in charge of the world, the remaining evils of the Six Kingdoms will definitely be feared. With Zhao Qi in charge of the world, Daqin will definitely not be chaotic.

Wu Anjun is the name of Zhao Qi.

For Daqin’s millions of warriors, he was the god of war in the army, and for the enemy who was destroyed by his own hands, it was a nightmare.

“Qi Er.”

“Maybe you still have trouble accepting me.”

“But all my promises to you are true.”

“In this world, the future is yours.

The widow “swears by the ancestors, Da Qin will definitely hand it over to you in the future.”

“Moreover, I want to honor the promise I made to your mother.

Ying Zheng put his hands on Zhao Qi’s shoulders and said with a firm gaze.

PS: Toothache is dead, nothing is written while enduring the pain, brothers who support, remember to pay attention to the author number of Wuliang, so that you can find Wuliang in the future, thank you. Ding.

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