Chapter 188 Ying Zheng: I found news about your father

“It’s worthy of being Wu Anjun, and it’s worthy of being the number one hero of Da Qin.

“And you generals, you deserve Daqin humerus.”

The widow “has the fortune of the lords, the fortune of the widow, the fortune of the Qin Dynasty.”

“If the entire court and even the world can understand the generality like a few Aiqing and have the heart to serve the country, the world will be great.”

Ying Zheng stared at Zhao Qi, as well as the generals, and laughed very relievedly.

In this tone, full of dissatisfaction with the instigation of the sub-vassal system, everyone can hear it.

Wang Shuzhi and his ilk’s complexion also became very ugly at this moment.

This time they instigated the enfeoffment system, and they had no idea that Zhao Qi would oppose it. If not, they would not have repeatedly pretended not to understand the Wang Xin who won the government in the past few months.

“In the words of Jun Wu’an, the enfeoffment system should be abandoned.

“A few people agree.

“Does Zhu Qing have other opinions?”

Ying Zheng glanced around the court and asked.

This question.

Because Zhao Qi angered Zhao Chaotang, no one dared to speak out anymore, and the discussion of enfeoffment system was put on hold.

And at this moment, those ministers who madly promote the system of enfeoffment are absolutely terrified at this moment, because they may have been recorded by Yingzheng.

“No one seems to object.

“The widow decided today to completely abandon the enfeoffment system and establish a system of prefectures and counties in the world. The power of the world is gathered in the court and the power of the world is in the hands of the widow.”

Seeing the silence of the civil and military crows in the Manchu Dynasty, Ying Zheng smiled from the bottom of his heart, and immediately announced with prestige.

“Great King Shengming.”

Zhao Qi happily agreed loudly.

Behind him.

The five generals also agreed immediately.

From this scene, we can see Zhao Qi’s position in the minds of several generals, and we can also see how much power Zhao Qi controls now. The generals on the side are so convinced that they have no resistance at all. force.

“Zhao Qi.”

“Really plump wings.”

It is rude to dare “to be an enemy of the whole court and to criticize the eldest son like that.”

“If Zhao Qi is allowed to be on top of this court, he will be so graced by Wang Sheng, and the court will never have a foothold for me in the future.”

“In the future, we must find an opportunity to suppress Zhao Qi.”

“As with today’s decision, the army is not as important as it is. The future world will belong to my civil servants. How can Zhao Qi be a martial artist…”

Looking at Zhao Qi’s figure.

Many people in the courtroom cast their jealousy and hatred.

No surprises.

Today, Zhao Kaiqi’s move to abandon the enfeoffment system is to touch their big cake, how they don’t hate it.


Perhaps it is also the key part of Zhao Qi’s denunciation of Baiguan and Fusu today.

This offends them and believes that they will not let themselves stay in Xianyang. If they ask Qin Shihuang for an order, they will definitely help them. They will use 650 to deal with themselves and let themselves go to the bitter and cold place on the border. Why not? for?

“Great King Shengming.”

“The ministers seconded.”

this moment.

All the civil and military of Manchu dynasty shouted in unison.

Abandoning the enfeoffment system has completely become a foregone conclusion.

While Fusu sat in the hall, his eyes were a little gloomy and full of loneliness.

Being so mercilessly angry by Zhao Qi, once again made Fu Su feel puzzled by all the rituals he learned, and everything he learned, is it really useful to learn those things?

There is also Zhao Qi angrily denounced as unscrupulous descendants.

Regardless of the foundation of Daqin.

This seems to be right.

“Perhaps as Zhao Qi said, I am nothing but father’s son. I have never done anything for Da Qin or father.” Fusu smiled bitterly.

“Fortunately there are a few.

“If it weren’t for him to come back, it would not be so easy to show these bastards.”


“Seeing that they absolutely hate Er, if I recognize Qi Er, they will never sit back and watch.”

“Tomorrow, it will be the time when Da Qin is bloodied.” Ying Zheng thought secretly in his heart, and his eyes scanned the entire court, filled with a kind of coldness.

Zhang Taiyan.

as always.

Little toys for children are piled up in a mess.

Can think of.

This is what Zhao Qi’s two children did.

Zhangtai Palace.

The palace of the Qin kings in the past dynasties is a majestic place awed by the people of the world.

For the situation in Zhangtai Palace, countless people may think that it is extremely coercive and solemn, but after seeing this, I am afraid that they will drop their jaws in shock.

“These two brats.

“It’s the Zhangtai Palace in charge.”

“Hey, Qin Shihuang is really good for my family, but I’m almost paying it back.”

“Anyway, let’s go one step at a time.”

Looking at the situation in Zhangtai Palace, Zhao Qi can think of the appearance of his two children playing in Zhangtai Palace.

Went to Zhangtai Palace.

Ying Zheng carried his hands on his back and stood in front of the huge sand table map.

“The minister sees the king.”

Zhao walked to the Qi Le Hall and bowed.


Look at Zhao Qi, look at his son.


It has not been seen for almost two years, and Zhao Qi’s performance is also becoming more and more mature, and his power is not to be ignored.

“come on.”

Yingzheng said gently.

For Zhao Qi, his son, (adbc) Yingzheng always has a debt.

Therefore, he will also give gentleness that no son can imagine, and hope.

Of course.

This is also Zhao Qi’s vigor, and he has made great achievements in destroying the country for the Great Qin Dynasty. No one has been able to achieve this through the ages.

This is much better than those sons who are pampered in the palace.

Zhao Qi was not welcome, and walked over directly.

Look at this huge sand table map.

The outline of the Central Plains is presented. All the clan flags that were inserted on the map have disappeared. The huge Central Plains territory only has the Daqin clan flag.

Zhao Qi. ”

“See this map?”

“The world is set.

“Since the ages, the world has been segregated, dynasties have changed, and countries have changed. In the past, Shang, thousands of princes have built the world. Although the world is a monarch, the princes have rebelled and the business has been destroyed by the system of enfeoffment.”

“Then Zhou.

“Zhou eliminated Shang and established himself. In the final analysis, he was a prince under Shang, and he was rebellious.

“Even if Zhou is able to destroy the Shang, the world still remains unchanged. The princes are still divided into the world, respecting Zhou in name, and secretly rejecting them.”

“Until now.

“Da Qin succeeded in unifying the world and annihilating all countries. This is different from the previous dynasties. When the princes comply, the dynasties can be changed. Da Qin leveled the world with absolute power and made the world no princes.

“It’s totally different.”

“The world is determined.

“If you continue to use the enfeoffment system, as you said, see you.”

Decades”, hundreds of years later, the chaos in the world will continue.

“The disaster of war will never end in my Yanhuang clan.”

“Zhao Qi.

“In all the world, you are the best and the farthest you can see.

“Of course.”

“The courtiers in the court have also seen it, but for their own selfishness and their power, they did not see it. They did not pass on the great Qin eternal inheritance and put the safety of the Yan and Huang clan in their eyes.”

“You Zhao is righteous and respectful.”

Ying Zheng stared at Zhao Qi with a very serious look and a little admiration in his eyes.


Yingzheng’s identity is not a father, but the king of Daqin, the king of the world.

At this moment, he is expressing his gratitude to the great Qin Wuanjun who has set the six kingdoms and set the world.

Enfeoffment system.

Zhao Qi rejected the merits of being a king.

What a courage this is.

But Zhao Qi really refused.


How disrespectful to win politics.Even if it is Zhao Qi’s father, at this moment, he admires his son.

Because his son, like him, is not blindly pursuing authority, but has the world in mind.

“The minister is ashamed.

Seeing Ying Zheng’s emotion and admiration, Zhao Qi quickly replied.



But Zhao Qi naturally still has his own selfishness in his heart.

If you start the enfeoffment system.

How did Qin Mo easily sweep the world and avoid the casualties of his clan?


Zhao Qi was born again from later generations, and he is familiar with history. He clearly knew that Qin Shihuang would not initiate enfeoffment, so why use this to offend Qin Shihuang.


“You are for Daqin, for the righteousness of the world.

“It deserves to be respected by tens of millions of people all over the world.” Yingzheng smiled and said very solemnly.

“What’s the important thing about the king’s summoning today?”

Zhao Qi directly changed the subject, looking at Ying Zheng and asked.

“I want to say something to you.

Ying Zheng stared at Zhao Qi and wanted to speak, but there was a bit of anxiety and hesitation in his heart.

After so long, it finally came to dominate the world.

Yingzheng wants to tell Zhao Qi directly: “I am your father.”

But Ying Zheng was afraid that Zhao Qi would not be able to accept this sentence once he said it, and then could no longer have the relationship that the two of them could talk about in the past.

If this is the case, winning the government is really unacceptable.


Now it has dominated the world.

It’s too late.

In the past, Yingzheng had to repay the shame of the son and mother.

Otherwise, what is his conscience?

“My lord.

“Actually, I also want to tell the king about something, and I want the king to agree.” Zhao Qi smiled and said.

“What’s the matter?” Ying Zheng looked at Zhao Qi differently.

“If the Dading is under today, the countries have been destroyed, and China is no longer fighting. The minister is a martial artist, so naturally he can’t take it easy. Therefore, the minister wants to ask the king for permission to allow the minister to form the border and guard the other side.”

“Let the minister deal with those alien races.

Zhao Qi said directly.

The words fell off.

Ying Zheng’s expression changed, and a kind of anxiety emerged in his heart.

“Are you worried that widows are the kind of people who shed their grievances and kill donkeys?”

“Do you want to protect yourself since becoming a side?”

Ying Zheng said with a trembling tone, staring at Zhao Qi.

If he really is like this in Zhao Qi’s mind, then Yingzheng may be very disappointed.


Zhao Qi shook his head: “The king is definitely not the kind of person who shed the grievances and kill the donkey. The reason why the minister wants to ask for the side is indeed to protect himself, but he is not worried about the king, but does not want to enter this chaotic court.”

In the world “Dading, the ministers are naturally useless in the world, and staying in the court hall to fight against those insidious and cunning courtiers is not what the minister wants.

“Furthermore, the world is determined. It is time for the king to establish a prince, and the minister does not want to participate in it.”

Zhao Qi said what was in his heart very seriously.

After all, this is also true.

In this way, it would be able to impress Qin Shihuang.


“Today the widow asked you to come here for one thing to tell you.”

Looking at Zhao Qi, who was very determined, Ying Zheng knew that he had to say something.

“What’s up?”

Zhao Qi is also interested. Seeing Ying Zheng’s serious appearance, it seems that there is really something serious.

“Aren’t you looking for your father’s whereabouts all the time?” Ying Zheng stared at Zhao Qi, seeming to want to see his expression.


Zhao Qi nodded: “But the minister has no news of him.”

“The widow found news about your father.”

Yingzheng felt uneasy and said aloud.

The words fell off.

PS: The tooth was pulled out, it was so painful, I couldn’t help it, and the anesthetic was useless.

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