Chapter 184: On the Position of the Crown Prince as the Crown Prince!!!

“Sangbang, now, what can you say?”

Ying Zheng’s gaze turned, and he looked at Wang Xiao with a kind of playfulness.

These days.

It was the royal palace arguing that the national treasury was exhausted and the food was not sustainable.

The goal is to get Zhao Qi to withdraw.

On the bright side.

Perhaps it was really because of the lack of food and grass, but in the dark, Wang Shu must have his careful thoughts.

Zhao Qi repeatedly contributed to the great Qin’s destruction of the country. It can be said that he was the first minister in Da Qin, and the limelight was overwhelmed by Wang Shu. Zhao Qi had to withdraw his troops and returned without success. Perhaps he could also take advantage of this to gain momentum.

To be able to serve as an official in this court, everyone is not an ordinary person, such as Wang Shuo is ~ scheming.

Now that Zhao Qi destroys Qi country, it can be said that he has given Wang a big slap in the face.

“The king’s vision is worse than the minister.”

“Jun Wuan’s courage is worthy of the world’s number one general, and his ministers admire him.”

Wang Shao bowed and bowed, admiring it from the bottom of his heart.


Ying Zheng smiled faintly, and gave Wang Shao a deep look.

Then he said to the Manchu civil and martial arts: “In a widow court, the most fearful thing is to fight for power in the court, and the courtiers turn against each other. I hope that the princes will not let people down.

The words fell off.

Wang Guan’s heart trembled, and he naturally understood that Ying Zheng was talking about him.

The speaker has the heart, the listener has the intention.

“Now that Emperor Wu’an destroys Qi, the world will be settled.”

“Qi has not launched a war for many years, and my soldiers do not need to worry about food and grass.”

“Sangbang, you don’t need to allocate grain and grass anymore.

After a word of warning, Yingzheng spoke again with prestige.

“The minister leads the edict.”

Wang Shu bowed his head.

“Qi State will be destroyed, and the world will be determined.”


“This eternal accomplishment, unifying the world, was completed in the hands of the widow.

“Zhuqing, you must have done a lot.

“However, it is not yet the time when Zhu Qing can be completely happy.”

“Governing the world is more difficult than fighting the world.”

The widow “hopes that all the qings will work together to govern this great definite world, and let Daqin make the world truly definite.”

Ying Zheng stared at the civil and military, and said prestigiously.

“The minister waits for the leader.”

Manchu dynasty civil and military shouted in unison.

“The policy of governing the world should be drawn up with Xiangbang as the leader, and then handed over to the Zhangtai Palace for review by the widows.” Ying Zheng said prestigiously.

“The minister leads the edict.” Wang Shu said immediately.

“Except besides.”

“According to Emperor Wu Anjun, he explained the affairs of Qi and Chu, and after he determined the two places, he returned to Xianyang to report his duties.”

Ying Zheng said loudly again.

And in Yingzheng’s mind.

I have been waiting for this day for a long time.

When Zhao Qi returned to Xianyang, it was when their father and son met each other.

And that day.

No one can stop winning politics.

“All right.

“Zhuqing should be fine, right?”

If nothing happens, then the dynasty will disperse.

Ying Zheng waved his hand to the officials, and was about to leave the Palace of King Qin.

But this time.

Wen Chen a column.

Not much power in the court, but a person who must be in awe of courtiers stood up. He was the teacher of the eldest son Fusu, Chun Yuyue.

All the time.

He did not participate in the court, regardless of politics.

All those involved are also etiquette.

“The minister has this play.”

Chun Yuyue stood up and said loudly.

“What’s the matter?”

Ying Zheng’s eyes condensed and fell on Chun Yuyue’s body.

“Qi Chu is destroyed, our Great Qin has dominated the world, and the great king created the great cause of eternity, surpassed any king in the eternity, and is the first person in the eternity.

“For the inheritance of the foundation of the Great Qin Dynasty, the minister advises.”

“The king should respect etiquette and law, govern the country with benevolence and justice, and use etiquette and filial piety to teach the world. Only in this way can the world be conquered.”

“For the country through the ages, inheritance is the most important.”

“Since the king succeeded to the throne, there has been no queen in the palace, and the lord of the harem has been suspended for many years.

“There is a lost ancestor’s inheritance of rituals.”

“In the past, the world was uncertain. The king cared about the world, and he should have given priority to the world and ruled the world.

“As far as the Dading is made today, for the governance of the world, etiquette and law are the basis.

“For the world, the king is the world.”The harem is stable, the back position is uncertain, and Daqin is unstable.”

“Yu Chaotang, Yu Guo, the crown prince and the crown prince are undecided, and the Qin Dynasty is unstable.”

“The minister remonstrates that if the great decision is made today, the great king should establish the prince to stabilize the heart of the world and establish the foundation of the great Qin eternal inheritance.”

Chun Yuyue stood up and said one sentence after another.

Opening the mouth is the etiquette, and closing the mouth is the ancestor.

Hearing that Yingzheng frowned a little, while Chun Yuyue’s words fell behind, the corners of Yingzheng’s mouth became hot, and a sneer appeared.

“The people of Chunda make sense.”

“In the past, the world was uncertain, and the king did not establish a prince to be a national priority, but now the world is fixed, Daqin has no foreign troubles, and Daqin should also have a prince to supervise the country, so as to share government affairs for the king.”

After Chunyu Yue’s voice fell, Wang Shao also stood up immediately and started loudly.

When Chao Xiangbang speaks.

The civil and military of the Manchu dynasty all spoke out one after another.

“The words of Master Chun.”

“With admonishment.

“The ministers seconded.

The civil and military officials of Manchu dynasty opened their mouths one after another, and there was a sound of echoing.

But there is also no sound, calmly watching.

“Prince Li, indeed.”

“The rule of the world is when the great king established the prince, but you are not supported by the choice of the prince.

Meng Yi and Han Fei looked at each other with a smile in their eyes.

But in their hearts, there is more of an expectation.

The king said in the past.

To dominate the world is when he recognizes Zhao Qi, the eldest son. At that time, the king will chase Zhao Qi’s mother as the queen, Zhao Qi’s identity will become the eldest son, and Yingzheng will take advantage of the situation and establish Zhao Qi as the prince.


“When you return.”

“It was when you recognized your ancestors and returned to your clan, Da Qin belonged to you.” Han Fei was also very excited.

When the shouts of Manchu civil and military war fell.

Win Zheng just watched calmly.

After the Chaotang was completely quiet.

Ying Zheng spoke: “Indeed, the widow should also establish a prince.

Heard this.

A touch of joy appeared in Chun Yuyue’s eyes.

The king agreed to make a prince.

“My son, today the teacher will push you to the position of prince.” Chunyu Yue said with joy in his heart.

Then he spoke again.

“The King of Enlightenment.”

“The son who supports Su, is kind, righteous and virtuous, and is the eldest son of the great king. He is the best candidate for the position of prince, in terms of etiquette and law, and ability.”

“The minister proposed that the king make his son Fu Su as the prince.”

“Determine the foundation of the country and establish a national policy.

“The lord of the harem should be Mrs. Zheng, the mother of Lord Fusu.”


“Allow Qin Dading to make the world stable.”

Daqin “must be passed on for generations to come.”

Chun Yuyue started again loudly.

Pause time.

Supporters in the court and belonging to the Fusu line spoke one after another.

“The minister seconded.

“The son of Fusu is the eldest son of the great king, and I am the eldest son of Daqin. I am the eldest son and crown prince in Da Qin, so I can convince the public.

“The minister seconded…”

Supporters of the Fusu line spoke one after another, and even the officials of the clan and royal family spoke up.

Fusu is the eldest son.

It is also the clan, the rich and powerful, and the supporters are the most among the princes.

“The King of Enlightenment.”

“The minister doesn’t think so.”

The position of the prince, generally speaking, is to stand for long, but for my Daqin, since ancient times, he has been a virtuous and virtuous man. .”

At this time.

Li Si stood up and started loudly.

“This guy actually fell to Hu Hai. It seems that the Hu Hai sent him to draw him in. He entered the party fight so early, and he was given to him by the master if he wanted to come. He wanted to be attached to a young man so that he could fight against the master. ”

But Li Si, you still think too much.

“The status of the lord is higher than that of any prince in this palace. You bet the wrong treasure again.”

Looking at Li Si who stood up and recommended Hu Hai, Han Fei smiled.

“Wei Ting’s words are reasonable.”

“Prince Hu Hai is smart and eager to learn. With a little instruction, he will become the most outstanding crown prince of my Da Qin in the future.

“Prince Hu Hai is the prince, the minister seconded.”


The courtiers who supported Hu Hai spoke one after another.

Look at it at a glance.

The courtiers who supported Fusu and Hu Hai accounted for half of the court, and even many courtiers expressed their support.

“The widows usually seem to be disappointed these days. Nowadays, there are quite a few people who support them when talking about the crown prince.”

“Fusu, Hu Hai.


Ying Zheng glanced at the courtiers who were vocal in the hall, and sneered in his heart.


There is no Zhao Qi.

Ying Zheng also didn’t know that Zhao Qi was his son.

Perhaps Yingzheng will give Fusu to the prince’s expectations. Although Fusu is not up to date, he is the smartest person among the princes.

This is true in history.

Qin Shihuang was full of expectations for Fusu, but the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment.

Even when he was old, Qin Shihuang never appointed Su as his prince. When Dune died, he left his edict and was tampered with. It also caused the most incompetent Qin II, Hu Hai, to ascend to the throne and let the great Qin Jiangshan of Nuo Da Qin Jiangshan. The second generation died.

in history.

Countless people commented in later generations.

If Fusu succeeds to the throne, even if it is to perform the benevolent governance he wants, although the world will continue to be turbulent, but the supporters of Fusu, the Meng family, and the Mengxibai tribe, clan, and nobles.

This is enough to set the world.

Daqin’s national flower will also be extended for a long time.

And when Hu Hai ran into that stupid boy, it’s no wonder that Da Qin Hui II died.


This is a historical record after all.

Now there is Zhao Qi.

When the Great Qin destroyed the six kingdoms, Zhao Qi’s first contribution was taken. Among the six kingdoms, the kings of the five kingdoms all died in the hands of Zhao. The merits of destroying the six kingdoms? What feat is this?

If it is an ordinary king, I am afraid that Zhao Qi will be the master.

After all, this feat is too great.

Zhao Qi’s prestige in the army has also reached the extreme, and he is awed by millions of warriors in the Great Qin Dynasty.

But as far as Ying Zheng is concerned, even if Zhao Qi is not his son, he will not slay a donkey. If he wins the government without even this amount of tolerance, then he is not the emperor of the ages, Qin Shihuang.

And know that Zhao Qi is his son.

Not to mention.

Regarding Zhao Qi’s efforts to destroy the country, winning the government is not only gratified but gratified.

Compared with Zhao Qi, these sons in my palace are really like the difference between a group of ants and a real dragon.

They are really far from Zhao Qi.

“Wang Shu supports Fusu, and Li Si supports Hu Hai.”

“There are also the three tribes of Mengxi and Bai who support Fusu, and the public officials support Hu Hai.”

Yingzheng glanced around, looking at all the officials of the two factions who supported the two sons, and seemed to remember them all in his heart.

Manchu dynasty civil and military all replied in panic.

As for Yingzheng’s words, the courtiers who supported Fusu and Hu Hai were also beating in their hearts.

The winning government has already decided on the candidate for the crown prince.

Who is it?

But Wang Xin is up, how would they know?

In the past, when Zhao Gao was in the palace, he might still have a chance to spy a bit of Wang Xin, but now he is just an ordinary monk. He has lost his power in the past, and he is nothing.

“All right.”


Zheng glanced at Chaotang, said no more, and waved his hand.

Leaving directly from Chaotang in a big stride.

“The minister is waiting to send the king off.

The civil and military officials of Manchu dynasty bowed to Yingzheng and watched Yingzheng leave.Until Ying Zheng’s figure completely disappeared in the court.

The civil and military courtiers left their positions one after another.

More or less, leaving in droves seems to be preparing to discuss the matter of the prince and the crown prince.

“Li Si, I still look up to you after all.”

“Participating in the party fight so early.

Han Fei walked to Li Si’s side and said a bit sarcastically.

“What am I doing, what is it to do with you?” Li Si coldly refuted, his face full of hatred for Han Fei: “Don’t get too proud of it too early. Although Zhao is an extremely human minister, he is a king and a courtier. It is not certain who will win.”

“Then I am really looking forward to it, I hope you can win.”

“However, when you lose in the future, the price will not be small.” Han Fei sneered and staggered directly from Li Si’s side, turning to leave with a kind of sarcasm.

“I won’t lose.

“Fusu has a lot of supporters, and the odds of winning are indeed great, but Hu Hai will not necessarily lose with my support.”


“Controlling Daqin’s military power is indeed powerful.”

“But everything is bestowed by kingship. You have offended the two princes, and what you will end up in the future is not certain.” Li Si thought to himself, full of anger and hatred.

His eyes turned.

Qi ground.

“My lord.”

“All the troops of the Qi Kingdom have already taken over. The 100,000 troops left behind in the cities have been removed. Tian Ping’s main battle army has 300,000. The General and General Heng have mixed them into our Daqin camps. middle.

Tu Shou told Zhao Qi about the situation of the Qi army.

“well done.

“Compared with the former soldiers, the soldiers of Qi State are easier to reorganize. After all, their kings are all descended.” Zhao smiled slightly.

“By the way, Lord.”

“One more thing.”

“The King Qi and his party were sent to Yongcheng half a month ago.” Ju Ya said respectfully.


“My lord’s fief.”

“The king put the Qi royal family in Yongcheng, and it seems that he is going to let Yongcheng Daying take care of it.” Zhao Qi smiled.

Tian Jian’s identity is there after all.

Once the king of a country, the hatred of subjugation will not be forgotten.

If they were allowed to be free, it would be a blockade for Daqin.Although they would not be reduced to prisoners like other royal clans in the countries, they would always be guarded by the Black Ice Platform, but they were also the same in Yongcheng, except that they were better than those who were destroyed. The royal family has more freedom.

“As the king of a country, it is actually a shame that you cannot coexist and die with the country.” Ju Wei sighed.

“All right.”

“You keep busy.

“The imperial court has not sent officials to take over political affairs, so at this stage you still have a lot of things to do.

“If there is any decision-making, please come to this table to report to my lord. You will make your own decisions on small matters.


“I have strict discipline in the Qin army, and we must not oppress the people. All the countries in the world have now belonged to the Qin Dynasty. They are all of the same race. Don’t go too far in everything.” Zhao Qi warned solemnly.

“Please don’t worry, you.

“My Qin’s sharp soldier is not a soldier.”

“If anyone dares to oppress the people, they must be engaged in military law.” The gangster responded immediately.

“Go ahead.”

Zhao Qi nodded.

“I will retire at the end.”

The gangster bowed and retreated from the main hall.

“Counting the time, Tian Jian’s old thing should be dead.”

Zhao Qi thought to himself secretly.

It has been more than half a month since Tian Jian was escorted to Yongcheng, and the finger of Qi that Zhao Qi penetrated into his body should have exploded during this time.

Reward for killing the king.

There may be rewards for killing the kings of the six kingdoms, but Zhao Qi is looking forward to it.

In response to Zhao Qi’s expectation.

Zhao Qi’s tentative communication system: “Settlement rewards.”

Congratulations, “The host killed Tian Jian, the king of Qi, rewarded 1000 experience points, and rewarded the improved farming tool “Qu Yuan Plow” for making pictures.” The system prompts.

“Qu Yuan Plow?

“Not bad.

“Better than nothing, then Tian Jian is finally dead.” Zhao Qi smiled from the bottom of his heart.

Then look forward to it.

“Congratulations to the host for assisting Qin in killing the kings of the six kingdoms, completing the hidden task, and rewarding a mysterious treasure chest.

“Congratulations to the host for assisting Qin in destroying the six kingdoms, completing the hidden task, and rewarding a mysterious treasure chest.”

“Does the host open the treasure chest?”

Hear this.

A touch of excitement appeared on Zhao Qi’s face immediately: “I think it’s right.”

“Killing the king and destroying the country all have hidden mission rewards.

It’s the same as playing a game.

“In this world, and even in the heavens and all realms, I am the only game player, with a data-based physique and unlimited improvement.”

“It’s two more mysterious rank treasure chests, this time it really made a lot of money.

“I hope that this time I can open better things in the treasure chest.”

With anticipation.

Zhao Qi directly gave instructions to the system.

“Open the treasure chest.

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