Chapter 185 Zhao Qi’s Decision!!

“Open the treasure chest.”

Zhao Qi issued the order.

“Host instructions are accepted.”

“Open the mysterious treasure chest, congratulations to the host for obtaining this “Detailed World Map of This Era” with 1,000 middle-grade spirit stones.

“Open the mysterious treasure chest, congratulations to the host for getting a chance to open the “random dungeon world”, high-yield crops “sweet potato”, high-yield crops, “potato”.” The system prompts.

Hear the reward of this treasure chest.

Zhao Qi was taken aback, and then he was ecstatic: “Fuck, it really made a lot of money.”

“It’s a reward for killing the king and destroying the country. It’s too rich.

“Not to mention the world map. In the future, if I take control of the Central Plains, the first thing I will do is to train my own army of hundred battles and slaughters, and to unify this world, this will be countless experience points, which will make me stronger.

“Not to mention the medium-grade spiritual stones, the spiritual energy content in them is dozens of times stronger than that of the low-grade spiritual stones, which has greatly promoted my cultivation.

“And the most important thing is this randomly opened dungeon world.

Zhao Qi thought of opening the dungeon world randomly, which means that Zhao Qi’s idea is not wrong.


Zhao Qi will definitely not be limited to this world.


Zhao Qi can definitely set foot on a higher level of the world, rely on killing to conquer the world, gain countless experience points to improve his strength.

Immortal, god, holy.

These are definitely not dreams for Zhao Qi.

“I don’t know what dungeon world can be randomly reached.

“But it’s not in a hurry.

“It won’t be too late to open this random world after I ask Qin Shihuang to form an edge.”

“As for sweet potatoes and potatoes, high-yield crops, they are gods in this grain-deficient era. After the end of Qin Dynasty, when I take control of the world, I can take out these two gods to conquer the world.

“The gain this time is really great.”

Zhao Qi thought of it beautifully in his heart.


From the very beginning, Zhao Qi aimed at the reward of killing the king. If Wang Qi was let go, and he was killed without the “Six-Five-Zero”, then Zhao Qi would really lose his life.

after all.

For Zhao Qi, the enemy is a monster, and the leader of the enemy is naturally the boss, and the reward for killing the boss is naturally high.


Zhao Qi took out the world map.

Open it and take a look.

In this world, the world’s scenery is presented before Zhao Qi’s eyes.

“Donghu, Xiongnu, Baiyue.

“There are also many countries in the Western Regions.

“And Rome in the West, the Peacock.

If it weren’t for this map of the world, perhaps it would really be a view of the sky. ”

“These alien races are waiting for me to conquer and kill.”

“This is endless experience points.”

Thinking of this, Zhao Qi showed a cold smile on his face, accompanied by murderous intent.

Those alien races are all prey of Zhao Qi.

Time flies.


Three months passed.

Chu land, Qi land.

The original land of the two countries has gradually subsided.

Xianyang also dispatched Feng Jie to take charge of government affairs, accompanied by many talented ministers.

But fortunately.

With Da Qin’s attack on these two countries, although Chu State was defeated, the original order and the original central officials were still there. Although Da Qin’s control of the world would not give them real authority, it could still allow them to govern one side. Needless to say, the whole country surrendered, did not experience the disaster of war, and all order existed, so Daqin naturally took over more simply.

Although there are still some small waves in the Chu area, there is no chaos under the guard of the 300,000 Hangu army of kings and tyrants.

Everything in Qidi is stable, with Handan Daying guarded, and everything is going well.

These three months.Zhao Qi has always been in Linzi.

In just over a year, he destroyed both Qi and Chu for Da Qin successively. Such outstanding feats allowed Zhao Qi to shock the world, but Zhao Qi did not have much yearning for Xianyang.

Zhao Qi did not expect much of Qin Shihuang’s reward.

After all, he is now noble to the prince, and the Qin’s military power is unstoppable.

When I returned to Xianyang, I would at most give some mansions, servants, and gold and silver things.

For Zhao Qi, these are not very concerned.


Inside the main hall of the Qi Palace.

Several confidants came to the draft situation.

“Master, now Qi and Chu are basically settled.”

“The Lord can also belong to Xianyang.”

“Since this period of time, the great king has issued several edicts to the Lord to return to the capital, thinking that he is anxious to let the Lord return to Xianyang to grant a reward.” Tu Wei said with a smile.

“All countries will be destroyed, and the Central Plains will decide.

“The affairs of the country are complicated. I think the king should have a lot of things now.” Zhao Qi smiled.

As “the Lord said.

“Xianyang is not peaceful today.”

“Many things bother the king.” Dunn said with a weak smile.


Zhao Qi was a little bit concerned, and asked, “Tell me about it.”

“When the Lord destroyed the Qi country, Da Qin completed the great cause of the ages and succeeded in dominating the world. In the court, the hundreds of officials used the initial decision of the world and the need to stabilize the country to persuade the great king to establish a queen and set a prince.”

“The two courts in the court quarreled so hard that they were finally reprimanded by the king.” Dunwei said with a bit of coldness.

In the past, Zhangtai Palace gave Dunwei the identity of his lord, the eldest son of Da Qin, and he was also the crown prince and the future lord of Da Qin appointed by the king of Qin.

So for those princes who are vying for the position of prince, Dunwei’s heart is full of coldness.

Fight with one’s own master and seek death.

In the Zhangtai Palace that day, Ying Zheng told him not to tell himself that the Lord had about his identity. In fact, the weak heart at that moment was extremely complicated. After all, it was a deception that he did not tell his Lord after the investigation.

But seeing the pleading of King Qin, and about becoming a prince, becoming a prince.

Too weak can only agree.

If there is any punishment on the Lord, even if he is let him die, he will be willing to be weak.

All for the Lord.

Of course.

That day Dunwei also said a ruthless word to King Qin. If the person who becomes the prince in the future is not his own master, if he is not the master of the prince, anyone who takes that position will kill him desperately. .

“Compete for the prince.


Zhao Qi chuckled lightly, not caring at all.

After all, this is nothing to do with him, this is something within the royal family, if they want to fight, let them fight.

Anyway, waiting for Qin Shihuang’s death in the future, he would not obey Qin Shihuang’s useless sons.

these years.

Qin Shihuang was indeed very kind to himself, but he destroyed the kingdoms and gave him so many things, which is regarded as a return.

This time he returned to Xianyang, Zhao Qi would ask for orders, and then take all his family and children to the border. The emperor is far away, too lazy to return to Xianyang.

No matter how much the Qin Shihuang’s sons are quarreling, how big they are, don’t care about them.

“Fusu and Hu Hai are fighting.” Zhao Qi said calmly.

“The Lord is wise.

“The courtiers in the court are divided into these two factions, and the other princes are not so powerful.

“And when the courtiers of Japan started to play, the king directly refuted the hundred officials with one word. The position of the prince had already been determined in his heart, so those courtiers were fighting over and under.”

“Just to help the people they support become princes.

“This time, the clan, Mengxibai tribes, Xiangbang, Tingwei, and many officials in the court have participated in it.” Dunwei explained the situation of Xianyang’s fight for the crown prince.

“The world is unified, and the prince is indeed the foundation of the country.”

“But they are too anxious to argue.” Zhao Qi smiled mockingly.

Qin Shihuang is still in his prime, and these people have started fighting before he is forty years old. This will definitely make Qin Shihuang unhappy.

But the smart people in the past only wanted to stand under the next king and pave the way for the future of themselves and even the family. They didn’t even think about the rage of the king at this stage.

“It is indeed anxious.”

“Under the impetus of the two courts, Fusu and Hu Hai have both gone to court, all in order to perform more in front of the king, so that the king can make them crown princes, and everything will be settled.”


“In addition to the position of prince in Xianyang, there is also a matter of fiefdom.” Dun said that a heavy news was weak.

“This matter should be troubled by the king.” Zhao Qi smiled, but he showed some interest.

In history.

After Daqin ruled the world.

Two voices also appeared in the court. The first one was to insist on Daqin’s military merits system of enfeoffment, and to grant rewards, kings, princes, and knights to ministers who have contributed.

But in Qin Shihuang’s view.

Da Qin finally completed the unification with great difficulty.

If the world is entrusted again, and like the princes of Zhou Dynasty in the past, Daqin may also become the next remake of Zhou Dynasty, and the kingdoms will gradually become stronger and stronger, and eventually Daqin will be abandoned and become the emperor of Zhou, who has long been annihilated.

Therefore, Qin Shihuang controlled the world in the overall situation, not wanting to implement the enfeoffment system, but thinking of implementing the system of prefectures and counties, and governing the world according to prefectures and counties.

Of course.

Not all the courts wanted to implement the enfeoffment system, and there were also ministers who wanted to implement the system of prefectures and counties.

They naturally know the disadvantages of the enfeoffment system.

One generation is fine, but after a few generations, the world is still contending for the top of the world.

Therefore, in addition to fighting for the crown prince, Xianyang is also constantly fighting for the feudal system and the system of prefectures and counties.

For the princes of the royal family, and for those officials who have made great achievements, it is natural to insist on the system of enfeoffment.

For those princes, even if they cannot get the position of prince in the future, they can still rely on the identity of the prince to obtain the fief in the future. They are kings in the fief, and naturally they are trying their best to promote.

“If the king implements the system of enfeoffment.”

“The Lord’s contribution to Da Qin is enough to be a king.”

Zhang Han said in awe.

Both the gangster and Ren Qi nodded one after another.


“The Lord is for the Great Qin to destroy the Six Nations, who can have this kind of military exploits for thousands of years?”

“Now that the Lord is fully waiting, he is in charge of the military power of the Great Qin, and the Lord has been incapable of sealing. The implementation of the enfeoffment system is a great thing for the Lord. The Lord is shoulder to shoulder.” Ju Wei said excitedly.

“As long as the enfeoffment system is implemented, the princes of the king will be the princes. Nowhere can they be better than the masters. As long as the masters are the kings, then they will be the real first person.” Ren Qi also said.


Each of them also hopes that their lord can be crowned king.

After all, this is a great thing for Zhao Qi..

“Everything is not certain.

“My master’s military exploits are enough to be a king, but the king will not implement the system of enfeoffment.” Zhao Qi smiled.

“Almost the entire court is promoting the system of enfeoffment. Wouldn’t the king disagree?” Dunwei was a little different.

“Don’t think of the king as the kind of master who keeps success. He is a king who expands the soil. He naturally knows the disadvantages of the enfeoffment system. If the enfeoffment system is implemented, after decades, the king will die. It will once again fall into the chaos of war just like the separation of the countries before.”

“So I want to come, the king will not implement the system of enfeoffment, but will implement the system of prefectures and counties.” Zhao Qi said affirmatively.

in history.

This is the case.

And even if Zhao Qi does not use historical records to determine, based on his own understanding of Qin Shihuang, he definitely will not use the enfeoffment system, because he is an emperor through the ages.

“It would be a pity if the king did not implement the system of enfeoffment.

“The Lord has no way to go further.” Tu Wei said disappointedly.

Zhang Han and Ren Qi also had the same expressions, very disappointed.

Almost none of the assertions made by their masters were missed, so they naturally believed very firmly.

“Then you are wrong.

“Even if the enfeoffment system is not implemented, the Lord will go further, and it is a further step that no one can think of. In the future, the world will belong to the Lord.” Dunwei thought secretly in his heart, full of expectations.

In his eyes.

He has long known his master’s layout, and the master’s ambition lies not in authority, but in the world.

In the eyes of the weak.

Perhaps only one’s own master can control this world.

Belonging to the courage of King Qin, only one’s own master can possess it.


“When will you return to Xianyang?”

Suddenly Suddenly asked.

“Wait until everything is settled before going back to Xianyang.”

At least “It’s still a month.”

Zhao Qi thought for a while and said.”The great king has sent Wang Zhao several times to ask the Lord to quickly account for Qi Chu’s military affairs, and then return to Xianyang.”

“And also called his subordinates into the capital.

“Not only the subordinates, but also the generals Heng, Wang Jian, and Li Mu have all been summoned.” Tu Wei respectfully said.


“It’s obvious.

“Now the court is arguing about the position of the prince, the system of enfeoffment, and the system of prefectures and counties.

“The opinions of the Lord and the generals are very important, so the great king is so anxious to issue the edict.” Zhang Han said with a smile.


“This time I belong to Xianyang.”

“My lord will ask the king to be his side.”

“At that time, I will move all the old and young to the border.” Zhao Qi looked at the henchmen in front of him and said.

“As the next step is today, it is the time when the Lord is in the tens of thousands of glory. The Lord is so anxious to avoid suspicion, is it because he is worried about the king?” Tu Wei respectfully said.

“It’s not worried.”

“With the courage of the great king, you will not be able to kill the donkey, but if the monarch stays in Xianyang, it will be fine. When dealing with the courtiers, it is better to kill a few alien races.”

“Life in court is not the wish of the monarch.” Zhao Qi smiled calmly.


“Will the king agree to the side?” Zhang Dao.

“I begged a few times, and I should agree.” Zhao Qi is not worried.

As long as the misfortune of the alien race is shown to King Qin, King Qin 1.2 should know the decision.

If it’s not the bane of alien races.

In the Daqin dynasties, and other countries adjacent to the land of foreign races, the Great Wall will not be built.

In history.

In order to deal with the disaster of the alien race, Qin Shihuang also ordered hundreds of thousands of civilians to build the Great Wall, the purpose is to defend the alien race, for this, a lot of money, food and national power were consumed.

Seeing that Zhao Qi’s heart is determined.

After preparing to return to the capital, it will become an edge.

The subordinates did not persuade anything.

With my own wisdom, everything is in control, how can I not think about it.

As their subordinates, they basically support their own masters.

“In the future, if this monarch becomes an edge, he will transfer Handan Camp to Yandi.”

“This army will be firmly controlled by the Lord.

“You guys are ready too.” Zhao Qi said to several henchmen.

“Subordinates will follow the Lord to the death.” Several confidants said in unison.

“The world is fixed, the penetration of shadows cannot be slowed down.”

“My lord wants the shadow to lay a net in the world, and all the information in the world must be controlled by my lord.”

Zhao Qi stared at the weak, hopeful Tao.

“Shadow, never let the Lord down.” Suddenly said with a stern tone.

All right.

“There is nothing wrong here, so you can withdraw.”

“Tu Sheng.”

“Wait a month later.

“My Lord will return to Xianyang with you.”

Zhao Qi said to Tu yesterday.


Although Tu immediately took his command.


The men bowed and bowed and left the hall.

“One month.”

“It should be enough for me to get to level 20.”

“At the peak of the Xiantian realm.

“It will also make my strength stronger, and the 21st-level Grandmaster Realm is in sight.”

Zhao Qi thought expectantly.

Only the improvement of strength is what Zhao Qi values ​​most.

PS: I am grateful if I ask for a monthly pass.

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