Chapter 183 Da Qin, dominates the world.

Qidu, Linzi.


King Qi is shirtless, holding a sword in his hand, and the royal family has a jade bi in his mouth.

Behind him.

All of Qi’s civil and military officials followed with their heads down.


It is the last country in the Central Plains, Qi is subject to surrender.

In front of Qi Wangjian.

Zhao Qi stood straight, with a kind of majesty to control an army of millions, which made people shudder.

Qi Wangjian took the civil and military and walked slowly to Zhao Qi.

And at this moment.

Zhao Qi stepped forward, took the jade bi that King Qi had spoken, placed it on the brocade box held by Li Qing beside him, and then took the jade seal.

“Thanks to King Qin and Jun Wu’an for great kindness.

“Give Qi Guosheng the way.


“Qi Wang Tianjian led the Manchu civil and military, more than 400,000 armed men, and millions of people, surrendered to Da Qin, willing to live for Da Qin officials.”

“Please Wu’anjun on behalf of Da Qin.”

“For all beings of Qi, the world is peaceful.

“Accept Tian Jian’s surrender.”

Qi Wangjian knelt in front of Zhao Qi with a bitterness and sorrow and shouted.

“I beg Wu Anjun to accept the surrender of Qi Guo.

After Qi Wangjian, hundreds of officials of Qi State’s civil and military knelt down and shouted loudly.

A kind of sorrow, low, enveloped all of them.

The humiliation of subjugation, the sorrow of subjugation.

How can they calm down.

“This monarch takes the place of Da Qin and accepts Qi State’s surrender.

“From now on, the world will no longer be the same country, but I will be the same.”

“This monarch fulfilled the promise given to Qi, not to commit killings, to benefit the people, and to give the Qi king a wealthy and wealthy emperor, to make the best use of Qi’s cultural and military relics, and to make the best use of his talents.”

Zhao Chengqi took over Tian Jian’s Wang Jian, and said in a prestigious voice.

“Tian Jian thanks King Qin for his great kindness, and thanks Wu Anjun for his great kindness.”

Qi Wangjian took a sigh of relief and said with a bitterness.

Qi State “It’s annihilated.”

At the moment of accepting the surrender, Zhao Qi also breathed a sigh of relief.

It has only been a few months since Chu State was destroyed, and now the army has gone to Qi State.

This put Zhao Qi under a lot of pressure, and similarly, it also put a lot of pressure on Qin Wang Yingzheng. Years of battles have already tightened Da Qin’s finances.

Had it not been for Daqin, who had the sixth generation of Yu Lie and had a strong national strength, perhaps he would have fallen into the redemption of military force long ago.

“Qi Guotian.

“After all, it is not the orthodox of Qi.

“Speaking of which, they also usurped power from the courtiers and seized the royal power that originally belonged to the descendants of Taigong Jiang.”

Looking at Tian Jian who was sad and lonely in front of him, Zhao Qin smiled secretly in his heart.

Tian Clan usurped.

This is also extremely famous in history.

They usurped Qi were not the power of one generation, but after many generations, they succeeded in usurping Qi, and 650 seized the kingship.

They managed to make the people of Qi only recognize the Tian family and not recognize the original Jiang Wangquan.

“Get up all.”


Zhao Qi faced Tian Jian and those Qi civil and martial arts.

“Xie Wuanjun.”

Everyone responded in fear.

“Jun Wuan, after returning, can I still stay in Linzi?” Tian Jian asked Zhao Qi with some fear.

“Wang Qi joked.”

“If you stay in Linzi, how can Da Qin control the land?” Zhao Qi gave Tian Jian a funny look.

Although these people in the Qi country did not show resistance to surrender, they must be constantly thinking behind their backs. Some people are unwilling to destroy the country and let Tian Jian stay in Qi. Isn’t that looking for trouble for Da Qin?Hear Zhao Qi’s words.

Tian Jian was a little disappointed.

“King Qi, please rest assured.

“You surrendered to Da Qin and avoided the calamity of swordsmen and soldiers. It was a great achievement for Da Qin. The king will never treat King Qi lightly.

“This monarch has already played the great king and will find a good fief for King Qi. The whole family of King Qi can live in that fief and no one will dare to offend King Qi.”

“This is different from other kings being imprisoned in Xianyang.” Zhao Qi said with a smile.

“That’s fine.”

Thank you “Wu Anjun.” Tian Jian also breathed a sigh of relief.

According to his understanding.

All the royal families who had been destroyed by the Qin Dynasty were imprisoned in Xianyang and guarded strictly. As long as they dare to communicate with the old days, it must be a dead end. Everything is under the supervision of the Qin Dynasty. It can be said that everything has been lost.

Hearing what Zhao Qi said, he would not be imprisoned in Xianyang, but would look for a fief for his life, which also made Tian Jian feel a little relieved.

After all, he is much better than the other kings.

Facing the power of the Qin Dynasty, it was impossible to contend, and it was the best result to be able to protect the whole clan.

“It doesn’t need to be.”

“This is what you deserve.”

Zhao Qi smiled.

“Wu Anjun.

“There are household registers, soldiers’ roster, and maps of Qi State, all in the palace, and I will give them to Jun Wu’an.” Tian Jian respectfully said.

“Well, lead the way.

Zhao Qi nodded and said to Tian Jian.

At the same time, the right hand had been hung down, and a burst of true energy had already gathered on the right hand.


Where did Tian Jian dared to hesitate, he immediately turned around, and those hundred officials also gave way.

And at this moment.

Zhao Qi’s right hand suddenly moved and flicked towards Tian Jian’s back without leaving a trace. An (adbc) sharp finger directly hit Tian Jian’s dead spot.

Tian Jian walked, his footsteps trembled suddenly, his mind was in a trance, and there was a sudden sharp pain in his body.

“King Qi, what’s the matter?”

Zhao Qi stepped forward and looked at Tian Jian and asked.

“No problem, no problem.

“It’s just in a trance.

Fortunately, the pain disappeared quickly, and Tian Jian immediately replied with a smile.

As everyone knows.

Zhao Qi’s qi has already penetrated his death hole. When the true qi is completely eroded, Tian Jian will die, and this process will be in the process of Tian Jian being sent to the fief, or in the fief.

The whole process will not be noticed by anyone, let alone Zhao Qi’s secret hand.

after all.

Now Daqin has just accepted the surrender of Qi, if he directly kills the Qi king, it will have a great impact on the civil and military soldiers and soldiers that Qi surrenders.

It is impossible for Zhao Qi to make a mistake in this link.

When King Qi left the kingdom of Qi, he returned to the fief where Ying Zheng gave him a home. When he died, no one would know that Zhao Qi started.

After Qi State surrendered.

There is no hindrance.

Zhao Qi directly let the army control the entire territory of Qi.

The last country in the Central Plains, Qi, died.

in a blink.

It has been half a month since Qi Guo surrendered.

Xianyang Chaotang.

“The King.”

“It has been more than two months since Wu Anjun led the army to attack Qi. If it continues to drag on, the treasury will be tight and can no longer provide grain and grass. Please let the king order Wu Anjun to lead his troops back to the camp as soon as possible.” Wang stood up and started loudly. road.

“The minister seconded the words of the minister.

“Guanzhong, Shu land, grain and grass have all been allocated, and there is no follow-up grain and grass. If the tax is increased, it is tantamount to forcing the people of Daqin to rebel. Please make the decision.”

“Da Qin just destroyed Chu, and the morale is indeed like a rainbow, but Da Qin has been fighting for nearly eight years. If Da Qin is not strong enough, how can it support a million army to fight for eight years.”

“The king, please recall Wu Anjun as soon as possible, Da Qin, you can’t drag it any longer.”

One after another, the courtiers played toward the victory, and each one was full of helplessness.


No matter in which era, civil and military are in opposition.

For food and grass, the treasury’s financial resources are fundamental.

Watching the enlightenment of the officials in the hall.

Ying Zheng frowned, but he was also very helpless.

Da Qin started the war of annihilation, and every step was carefully calculated. If it is decided, it must be the overthrow of national power to support the war.

This time annihilation of Chu has already consumed a lot of the power of Da Qin, and the control of the Chu country is even more expensive.Zhao Qi suddenly attacked, and it was indeed a move of greed, but since winning the government believes in Zhao Qi, he will not There will be many words.

“All right.”

Ying Zheng glanced around and said prestigiously.

The chaotic start immediately stopped.

“Since the widow said to give Wu Anjun the time of March, it would be March. One more day will not work, and one less day will not work either.”

“Now there are still more than ten days before the March period given by the widow to Wu Anjun, Zhu Qing, there is no need to be so anxious.” Ying Zheng said prestigiously.

Hear Ying Zheng’s words.

Wang Guan and other officials wanted to say something, but they felt Ying Zheng’s cold and sharp gaze, and they shut up again.


“Perhaps you think that Wu Anjun destroyed Chu and turned to attack Qi. There is a risk of greed for meritorious advances, and there is a suspicion of redemption of military force by poor soldiers.

“In the final analysis, Wu Anjun is to solve the Qi state faster, let Da Qin, let the widows realize the world is unified.”

“Wu Anjun is so Qin, so widowed.”

“In the March period, this is someone who won for him.”

“Widow, trust him.

Ying Zheng stood up and said to the Manchu Civil and Martial Arts.

There is no doubt in the tone, as well as a strong trust in Zhao.

To this.

Even if the courtiers who opposed it had any objections, they would still have something to say after the March period.

But at this moment.


Outside the hall, there was a huge loud shout suddenly.

This sound.

Let Yingzheng, as well as the civil and military of the Manchu dynasty all return to their senses in an instant, and they all looked out of the hall in unison.

Holding a military newspaper in his hand, Xin Sheng walked quickly towards the hall.

Enlightenment, “The King, the Biography of Flying Pigeons from Qi State, written by Wu Anjun.” Xin Sheng said with excitement.

“Read it quickly.

Ying Zheng stared at Xin Sheng, with silent anticipation on his face.

Xin Sheng didn’t dare to neglect, he immediately opened the military newspaper in his hand, and a small piece of cloth was rolled, gathering the eyes of Yingzheng, as well as the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty.

“The minister Zhao Qi, with his troops going northward, is to attack the Qi state for the great Qin to destroy the Qi, and dominate the world, but secretly he pretends to attack. In fact, he gives the Qi state a fright and forces the Qi state to return to Da Qin.

“The ministers sent troops to break through the border of Qi and create a crisis of extermination, which made Qi people fear the power of the Great Qin Dynasty.


“The minister took two months.”

“Finally, he was able to frighten the Qi state, Qi Wang Tianjian has led a hundred officials to return to Da Qin, and Qi State has hundreds of thousands of soldiers and soldiers, but was also taken down by Da Qin.

“Now Qi is gone.

“Central Plains Dading.

“Daqin has unified the Central Plains.

“Chen, Zhao Qi pays homage.

Xin Sheng was shocked and read aloud.

The voice fell.

The civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty were dumbfounded.

Neither military officials nor civil servants thought of the outcome of Zhao Qi’s defeat of the Qi.

Two months.

Zhao Qi actually destroyed a country and suppressed it with force, forcing Qi to surrender.

Although Daqin’s current national power is among them, it is more of an accurate grasp of the general trend.

Zhao Qi was able to do this, winning a big victory amidst countless oppositions and defeating Qi.

This is Zhao Qi’s courage.


Ying Zheng can trust Zhao Qi, countless opposing officials, and this is also his courage.

this moment.

The officials who had rushed to start the retreat under Ying Zheng’s edict completely shut up.

Annihilation of a country in two months is still based on this big country for more than 800 years. I would like to ask who can do it except Zhao Qi.The moment I heard this military newspaper.

Chaotang was silent.

“This brat didn’t disappoint you, Laozi.”

“Destroy a country in two months and force Qi State to surrender with the might of the Great Qin Army. Throughout the ages, except for my son who won politics, who can do it?”

“Hahaha, it’s worth your while Laozi is full of confidence in you.”

“This battle was won beautifully and brilliantly.

In the bottom of my heart, Ying Zheng was also surprised by Zhao Qi’s achievements.

Yingzheng was able to reject all opinions, so that the officials had to support Zhao Qi’s march. In addition to winning the government, he had great courage and his absolute trust in his son.

And now.

His son did not disappoint him either.

Gave him the greatest reward.

Qi State is destroyed.

The six kingdoms are all dead, the world is unified, and Daqin has already ruled the world.


Ying Zheng scanned the Manchu civil and military with pride, and laughed prestigiously: “You Qings, have you seen it? This is the Wuanjun of Daqin, and this is the Wuanjun most trusted by the widow.”

“He didn’t disappoint.”

“he made it.

“Annihilation of a country in two months, if it weren’t for Wu’an Jun, who in the world could do it?”

“You tell the widow, who can do it?”

Ying Zheng’s excited voice resounded in the hall.

Heard this sound.

The palace that wanted Zhao Qi to return to the camp before the war, as well as many civil servants in charge of food and grass, are a little panicked at this moment.

Qi State is destroyed.

It proved Zhao Qi’s grasp of the general trend and strategy.

There was also a severe slap in the face of those fiercely opposed courtiers, which also made it even more serious to those who wanted to secretly take the matter against Zhao Qi.

Great Qin destroyed the six countries.

Zhao Qi played almost all the role. Without Zhao Qi, Daqin’s desire to destroy the Six Kingdoms would never have been completed so quickly, and it would never have been possible to achieve such a result.

One can imagine.

Now in the middle of today.

If the prestige of Yingzheng is the highest, then Zhao Qi’s prestige is second only to Yingzheng.

“Da Qin has Wu’an Jun, Da Qin is fortunate.”

“The ministers admire it.”

Qi State “destroyed, the world will be fixed, Daqin has taken control of the world, and the king is the first person in the ages.”

“The minister waits to respect the king.

The civil and military people of Manchu dynasty congratulated on winning the government.

Although the process of destroying Qi is somewhat of an episode for the court, but when Qi is destroyed, Da Qin has already ruled the world. As the king of Da Qin, winning the government has created an eternal foundation. Then these courtiers are also ministers who participated in the creation of this eternal cause. Must be named in the history.

“Qi Guo” is set, almost without blood.

“Widow, finally created an eternal world.”

“The world will finally usher in unification in the hands of widows.

“Widow has fulfilled the great aspirations of the ancestors of the Da Qin dynasties.”

In front of the throne, the winning government was standing with infinite excitement, and declared his joy to the officials.

Dominate the world.

One emperor through the ages.

He did it after all.

In this process, his son played a vital role.

I met Zhao Qi tomorrow.

The world was shocked.

But what follows must be the name given to him and his father and son in the history of history. Even through the ages, through the ages, their father and son will destroy the six kingdoms, and the prestige of unifying the world will remain forever.

“Congratulations to the king.

In this case, the Manchu civil and military has nothing to say except congratulations.

Of course.

After quelling the news of Qi State’s destruction, all courtiers were excited and happy.

Daqin started the general trend of unification, and they also made great achievements.

They are also participants who pioneered the unification of the past.

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