Chapter 182: The Secret

Qi State.


Above the entire court.

All present a depressing and solemn scene.

The Kingdom of Chu has been destroyed by Qin.

The world is so big that now he is the only country left.

Look at the world.

There are no other allies of the Qi country.

Even the territory of Qi State has been surrounded by the territory of Daqin.

“Qin has destroyed Chu State, how do you think?”

King Qi looked at the court civil and martial arts with a worried look.

Qin’s ambition.

Everyone knows.

But even so.

In just seven or eight years, Qin has completed the annexation of the world, and most of the world’s territory has fallen into Qin’s mouth.

Now he is the only one left in the Qi country, isolated and helpless, and no successor. Da Qin does not need any division to be famous for mobilizing troops to him.

No matter how much he was dissatisfied, no matter how Da Qin attacked his Qi country anonymously, they would have nothing to do.

“The King.”

“Qin and I, Daqi, have always had a good relationship. In the old days of King Qin Zhaoxiang, Qin and I, Daqi, agreed to be the emperor together. Don’t move your troops.”

“This may work.

Qi Xianghousheng stood up and reverently started.

“does it work?”

Qi Wangjian himself is very unconfident.

Respect King Qin as the Western Emperor.

Respect yourself as the East Emperor.

This sounds kind of funny.

He Qi is in the world, and its national strength may only be stronger than that of Han and Wei, which is inferior to other countries.

However, Da Qin annexed the world, and the number of armored men was nearly two million. Compared with the size of Da Qin, the country of Qi was completely weak.

“My lord, it must be possible.”

“You must know that the king’s sister is the wife of King Qin. Before King Qin gave birth to a son, it is said that he is still the most favored son of Hu Hai.

Relying on “this level of relationship, King Qin will definitely not refuse.” Hou Sheng said very confidently.


“Widow’s younger sister is King Qin’s wife, and everyone is considered to be married to King Qin.” Qi Wangjian nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.

“The Prime Minister, I have to work hard for you and send someone to Qin State to make it clear that Da Qi is willing to form an alliance with Da Qin Yong, and I will never commit any conflict.” Qi Wangjian looked at Hou Sheng and said.

At this moment, he has no other way. The later victory proposed this covenant method. Qi Wangjian was also playing drums in his heart, but besides, he had no other way.

“The minister will never let the king down.

After winning, naturally he readily agreed.

But at this moment.


Outside the hall, a hurried shout came.

One of them ran into the hall in a panic, with a frightened expression.

“What’s wrong?”

Seeing such a frightened general, Qi Wangjian’s face also changed.

“The King.”

“Oh no.”

“Qin State Wuanjun Zhao Qi, who directly controls the two major camps of Qin State, has breached the border between China and Qi, please make the decision.”

“General Tian Ping now leads the defense, but with the offensive of the Qin army, it will definitely not last long.

The general’s panic vote announced.


“Qin will attack me now?”

“Didn’t they just attack the Kingdom of Chu? Why do they still have the power to attack me?”

Qi Wangjian’s face turned pale, extremely frightened.

“What should I do, Zhuqing, what should a real person do?”

“Qin has already attacked, how can we withstand the Qin army with the strength of our Qi country?” Qi Wangjian asked in a panic.

But the gaze swept across, and there was no sound. All the Qi State officials bowed their heads and didn’t know how to face them.

Even if it was the spirited spirit who wanted to win the match with Qin Menghao, it was the same at this moment, with his head down and nothing to say.

“You…are you all at a loss?”

“What’s the use of real people raising you?”

Looking at the silent court hall, Qi Wangjian said angrily.

“The king calmed down his anger.”

All the civil and military officials of the Manchu dynasty said with trepidation.Qin Guoguo was “strong and powerful, and swallowed the territory of the world.”

The Qin Kingdom’s “Wu’an Jun Zhao Qi is also known as the Qin Kingdom’s God of War. He has fought for many years without fail. Moreover, all the generals and kings of the countries have died in his hands. Who can compete with him in Daqi? ”

Qi Wangjian muttered, even more fearful fear emerged in his eyes.

Especially when talking about the king who died in the hands of Zhao Qi.

Qin destroyed all nations.

The royal family was reduced to prisoners, but the kings, without exception, all died in the hands of Zhao Qi.

That’s right.

There is no exception.

As long as the city is broken.

Zhao Qi must personally slay the enemy king.

This is widely known in the Qin army and even in the world.

Tian Tian “How does General Ping defend where? How long can he resist the Qin army?” Qi Wangjian asked in horror.

“King Hui, the general is now guarding Mocheng and has mobilized the 300,000 troops originally aided by Chu, but in the face of Qin Guowu Anjun, the general has no confidence in how long he can hold on…” This ticket told the general Qi. Said with trepidation.

“Don’t even know how long the general can resist?”

“Could it be that the widow can only wait for Qin Jun to break the city?”

The more Qi Wangjian thought about it, the more disturbed his heart became.

He does not have the bloody nature of coexisting with the country like King Yan, and he is afraid of death, which is also a common problem of most kings.

Because they were born to be noble, they have never suffered, everything is smooth, and they have experienced big setbacks.

“The prime minister.”

“Now, don’t you have anything to say?”

Qi Wangjian cast his eyes on the victory, and a look of anger emerged in his eyes.

“Violent Qin has no way, and attacked me for no reason, and should be spurned by the world.” Hou Sheng said in fear.

“What a violent Qin Wudao.

Hearing this, there was no strategy for the victory, and there was no responsibility for the appearance of a country. Wang Qi’s face was full of disappointment, and there was a kind of regret.

“The prime minister.”

“And my great officials?

“Do you still remember the time when the nations asked me for help in the past?”

“Han is dead, and the nations under the world have not recovered, they can only watch Qin State annexing Han.”

“Then Qin attacked Zhao, and Zhao Shi asked the world for help. What happened?

“You said that the Qin State’s attack on Zhao was Zhao Zixun’s death, and it was also a matter of his Three Jin Dynasty. It has nothing to do with my remote country, so the widow did not send soldiers to rescue him.”

“Qin defeated Wei, similarly, the State of Qin is known as a teacher, and you tell the widows not to wade in this muddy water.


“Qin Mieyan”, indeed, the State of Yan assassinated Qin, and the division of Qin was famous. I, Qi, cannot send troops, nor can Chu State send troops.

“But in the end.

“Qin destroys Chu, Chu State requested Qi State to send troops. For more than five months in a row, you have persuaded the widow not to send troops, and not to be an enemy of Qin, but the result?

“In less than a year, the State of Chu was destroyed, and it was too late for the widow to send troops to assist Chu.”

“The widow just watched the Qin state step by step to destroy the countries, and in the end I was left with the Qi state, isolated and helpless, and no country could send troops to help.”

Qi Wangjian spoke to the Manchu civil and military with a bitterness and helplessness.

Unwillingness, regret, and grief and anger were all filled with Qi Wangjian.

“How many of you people have been bought by the State of Qin?”

“Now my Qi country will be destroyed, are you happy?”

Qi Wangjian smiled bitterly, with helplessness.

“The king calmed down.

The civil and military men of the Manchu dynasty bowed to pay respects, except that they could not do anything.


Qi Wangjian sighed, and his whole person became very old.

The inability to do anything, and the inability to resist, may be what Qi is facing right now.

In the old days of Yan and Chu, they might be able to send envoys to ask for help, but Qi could not even ask for help.

The whole court fell silent at this moment.


“The envoys of the State of Qin are already outside the palace, begging to see the king.”

At this time.

A guard general ran quickly into the hall and told loudly.

“Qin State Envoy?”

Qi Wangjian returned to his senses, and a ray of expectation flashed in his eyes.

“Great King, the State of Qin sent envoys, maybe things still have a turn for the better.” Hou Sheng said immediately.

“Quickly, announce the envoy of the State of Qin.”

“No, you must not be rude to invite Qin’s envoys in.

Where did Qi Wangjian dare to hesitate, and immediately shouted.

No matter what era, weak countries have no diplomacy.

If it is Qi Qiang and Qin weak at this moment, envoys come, and it is estimated that Qi Guo will treat him indifferently, but under the current situation, Qin Qiang is weak, how dare they offend Da Qin envoy.

What a country’s envoy represents is the face of a country, and should not be humiliated.


A man dressed in a Daqin official uniform walked slowly into the hall.

Walk into the hall.

Qi State and Manchu dynasty civil and military have a kind of ambition, even the superior Qi Wang is very worried at this moment.

“The foreign minister Zhang Han, met King Qi.

Zhang Han clasped his fists at King Qi, without even seeing it.

This is the prestige of the envoy of a great power.

“Zhang Ye?”

“That was a powerful general under Qin State Wu’anjun, and his iron cavalry even defeated Zhao’s Hufu cavalry.

“The envoy of the State of Qin turned out to be him, not a civil servant.

“What does Qin State’s move mean?”

Hearing the name of Zhang Han, the civil and military officials in Qi Guochao Hall had aspirations in their hearts.

Over the years.

Qin destroyed all nations.

Wu’anjun Zhao Qi’s name is well known all over the world, and the prestige of Zhao Qi’s generals is naturally spread.

The world knows that Qin Wu’an Jun has three powerful generals, all of whom are generals of the world.

And Zhang Han is one of them.

“General Zhang Han” quickly flattened out.

Qi Wangjian said quickly, with a panic in his tone.

“The foreign minister was ordered by Emperor Wu’an to come to discuss with King Qi, and he also gave King Qi a chance to choose.”

Zhang entered the hall, without too much nonsense, and went directly to the subject.

“I wonder if Wu Anjun has anything to discuss?” Qi Wangjian panicked in his heart.

“If King Qi surrendered, Wu Anjun promised to save King Qi’s life, protect the life of King Qi, and give the King Qi family wealth and nobility. King Qi and even the whole family will not be like other kings. Become a prisoner of the Great Qin Order.”

“This opportunity was given by Jun Wu Anjun under the circumstances that Qi and Daqin had been in a good relationship.

“In the past, when Wu’an Jun conquered the countries, he had never given any country such an opportunity.

“Therefore, Wu Anjun sent foreign ministers to discuss with King Qi.

Zhang Han stared at King Qi and said loudly.

These few words are clearly a threat.

If King Qi surrenders, Zhao Qi can preserve his entire clan and give him a lifetime of wealth, but if he does not surrender, the fate of the kings will be the fate of the kings of Qi.

Heard this.

The expressions of Qi and Manchu’s civil and military affairs changed drastically.

But no one dared to refute Zhang out loud.

“Is there no room for tactfulness?”

Qi Wangjian also looked at Zhang Lang very humblely.

He didn’t want to surrender, let alone die.

For him, if the State of Qin could retreat, it would be the best ending.

Before the last minute, Qi Wangjian really didn’t want to give up.

“Jun Wu’an only gave Qi the two choices. First, the king of Qi led Qi to surrender to Daqin, and Jun Wu’an could protect the safety of the whole family of King Qi. Second, Jun Wu’an would send troops to attack, and Qi would be destroyed by Wu’an Jun. It’s the same in all other countries.” Zhang Han said without changing his color.

Even if he was in the court of the enemy country, Zhang Han didn’t have any fear.

Why didn’t the envoy send civil servants this time, but Zhang Han, Wu came to the future, the purpose of which was to express Daqin’s determination to attack Qi.

The use of military commanders as an envoy represents an endless war.


Qi Wangjian hesitated, struggling very much: “I wonder if this is the meaning of Emperor Wu’an or the meaning of King Qin?”

He really didn’t want to surrender.

So I still want to find opportunities.

“Jun Wu’an is in charge of the military power of the Great Qin, and all wars are at the disposal of Jun Wu’an, which is the grant of royal power.”

“The meaning of Jun Wu’an is the meaning of my Great Qin King.” Zhang Shensheng said.

The voice fell.

Zhang You took a deep look at Qi Wangjian: “The foreign minister has already brought Wu Anjun’s words.

“How to choose depends on the king.

“Jun Wu An gave King Qi ten days to consider. After ten days, our Daqin army will really attack. When that happens, King Qi will have no chance.”

“Foreign Minister, goodbye.”

Zhang Han finally said, turning around and striding out of the hall.

This process.

The king of Qi did not dare to stay, and the civil and military of the Qi State Manchu Dynasty did not dare to speak too much, so he could only watch Zhang Dabu leave the court.

Within the territory of Qi.

Daqin Barracks.

The crowd will gather.

Zhao Qi sat in the main seat, indifferent and majestic.

This temperament gave all those who knew Zhao Qi’s identity a feeling that it seemed that the current king was sitting in this barracks.

The same majesty, the same domineering.

It’s really in the same line.

“My lord.””I have brought your words to King Qi, but I don’t know if he will surrender.”


The final general “looked at the Qi Guochao Hall, they have been discouraged in the civil and military dynasty, and the king of Qi is the same.” Zhang smiled and told Zhao Qi.

Zhao Qi nodded, then looked at Huandi and asked, “General Huanqi, how long will my rations last?”

“Back to Wu’an Jun.”

“The king has issued an order to allocate a batch of grain and grass. If our army can save a little bit of use, it can still be used for more than two months.” Huandi replied.

“More than two months.

“As long as Qi is forced to surrender, one can obtain food and grass in Qi.

During these years, “Qi has been free from war and has sufficient food and grass, which can relieve our army’s worries.” Zhao Qi slowly said.

“Wu Anjun, will King Qi really surrender?” Huan Xiao is still a little unconfident now.

“Will do.”

Zhao Qi said affirmatively and glanced at the generals: “China is so big that only Qi is left. Facing our army’s attack, Qi is already isolated and helpless, and the entire Qi is surrounded by our army. King Qi is not a hero, and this monarch bet that he will surrender.”

“I will believe in the Lord at the end.

Qi State “will definitely drop.

The slaughter shouted loudly.

“Next, just wait quietly.”

“The monarch gave him ten days, and now only four days have passed, and there are still six days left.”

Zhao smiled slightly, without any worries.


Gradually pass.

For Qi Guo, the ten days that Zhao Qi gave were naturally very tormenting.

But they had no second choice other than surrender and stubborn resistance.

It’s the seventh day.


(Wang? Zhao) Suddenly.

The city gate opened.

Lines of Qi army came out of the city.

General Tian Ping, the general of Qi State, the descendants of Tian Ji, walked out with his generals.

And on the opposite side.

Countless blacks were crushed, and the Great Qin Army made it clear.

Zhao Qi stood on the chariot, watching with majesty.

Holding his saber, Tian Ping led his generals and walked towards Zhao Qi step by step.

Seven days.

After this not long torment, King Qi finally couldn’t help the pressure of the country’s extinction and chose to surrender.

After Tian Ping, who guarded Mocheng, got Wang Zhao, he immediately surrendered.

“The defeated general Tian Ping was ordered by our king to lead his army out of the city and surrender to Emperor Wu’an of the Great Qin Dynasty.”


“Three hundred thousand defenders in Mocheng, all went out of the city and surrendered. I also hope that Jun Wu’an belongs to the Yanhuang clan and has the same roots, and accepts the defeated army to surrender, and don’t make killings.

Holding the sword, Tian Ping came to the chariot and bowed to Zhao Qi.

“Please Wu’an Jun to come down.

Dozens of Qi State generals held their sabers one after another, shouting in trepidation.

And at this moment.

Zhao Qi got off the chariot.

He walked slowly in front of Tian Ping and directly helped Tian Ping up.

“How can you deprive the general’s sword.”

“My Lord, accept Qi Guo’s surrender.”

“Besides, I promise you and all the soldiers that Qi will be attached to the country, and that you will never indiscriminate killings, and that the people of Qi State in Daqin will treat them equally.”

Zhao Qi said prestigiously, with a promise.

“The defeated general Xie Wuanjun.

All Qi State generals shouted in unison, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

“Wu Anjun.

“My king is waiting in Linzi, and Jun Wu’an is invited to come and surrender.” Tian Ping respectfully said.

“Huandi, Juwei.” Zhao Wei said.

“It will be at the end.

The generals of the two camps said in unison.

“Receive the army.

“Don’t treat it lightly.

Zhao Wei said.


The two generals replied in unison with the awe of Zhao Qi in their eyes.

The policy of forced surrender was really successful.

Zhao Qi, once again bet right.

PS: Seek to fix, ask for monthly pass, ask for reward, thank you very much.

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