Chapter 181 Ying Zheng: Qi Er, Laozi, You Are Going to Fight

On that day, Zhangtai Palace had to say it personally.

Wang Jian and Hengdi naturally understood them.


Zhao Qi will be the successor of Da Qin, the future King of Qin.

“Generals, how are the results?”

Zhao Qi looked at Wang Jian and the admiral and asked.

“Back to Wu Anjun.

“This time the destruction of Chu, Wu Anjun grasped the opportunity of the Chu chaos, and our army’s battle was fruitful.”

“The state of Chu is strong, and it is not weaker than the state of Zhao in the past. There are 600,000 to 700,000 soldiers in the whole country. If it were not for Chu Chu’s civil strife, my Da Qin would have to pay a lot of casualties if it wanted to destroy Chu. It’s not just a year’s work that can destroy Chu.” Wang Xiu said aloud.

“General Wang Jian makes sense.”

“The Kingdom of Chu is located in the southern border of the Central Plains. It has a vast territory and fertile land. It is stronger than the national power of other countries, and the Chu army is also very good at fighting. If it weren’t for our army to take advantage of Chu’s civil strife, it would take at least three years to destroy Chu.” Huan Ji also agreed. Said.

“This time, Jun Wu’an seized the opportunity, and our great Qin spy forces used extraordinary means in Chu State to intensify the civil unrest in Chu, and only then did we achieve a great victory.”

“This big battle.

“Our army has killed more than 200,000 enemies and captured more than 300,000. Under the absolute superiority of troops, our army has lost tens of thousands, mostly casualties.” Tu Sheng also said immediately.

“The State of Chu is destroyed.

“This monarch has not lived up to the king’s expectations.”

“Today’s Central Plains, Daqin’s enemy is only one country left.”

Zhao Qi smiled slightly, but his eyes showed Leng Rui.

“Encourage Wu Anjun.”


“Chu State asked Qi State for help when it was still in Huainan, and King Qi agreed, but the Huainan Chu Army was annihilated by our army on the way to the Qi army’s march, and the Qi army retreated as a result.”

“Just wait for Chu State to be fully controlled.

“Da Qin kills Qi easily.” Wang cut out his voice, with confidence in his tone.

Calculate time.

It has been less than seven years since the Great Qin eradicated Han, and now it has eradicated Chu.

In the historical record.

It took a total of 14 years for the Great Qin to destroy the six kingdoms. Now that Zhao Qi has entered this era, he can’t help but dominate this era, speeding up the process of the Great Qin destroying the kingdoms and unifying the Central Plains.


“My Lord has an idea.”

Zhao Qi slowly said, with a kind of madness in his eyes.

All the generals in the hall cast their eyes on Zhao Qi.

“Passing on this king’s order.”

“Admiral Wang Jian unified Hangu Daying, guarded Chu, and watched his soldiers.

Lantian “Daying, Handan Daying, marching northward.”

“Strike together.

Zhao Qi scanned the generals in the hall, and in vain issued a general order.

The voice fell.

The complexions of all the generals in the hall suddenly changed.

“Jun Wuan.”


“Now that Da Qin has just destroyed Chu, the Chu area is vast, and 03 has not yet settled. If you rush to attack, the three tribes of Chu remnants will inevitably make waves, which will definitely be detrimental to Da Qin Zhang Chu land.” The dynasty said immediately.

“Yes, Wu Anjun.

“In the battle of the Great Qin State to destroy the country, haste is not enough, and we must deal with it calmly.

“This time Ding Chu land has already consumed a lot of national power. Nearly a million troops have already strained the national treasury. If we attack Qi again, we will definitely not be able to destroy Qi in a short time. This will only increase the consumption of the national treasury, which will definitely affect the stability of Da Qin.” Huandi Then he said immediately.

The other generals in the hall did not speak.

But obviously.

Most people have the same thoughts as Wang Jian. They have just destroyed Chu at this moment, and it is really not easy to send troops to fight together.

Seeing so many people opposed.

Zhao Qi didn’t have any abnormalities either, just smiled slightly: “This attack is not a real attack, but a shore attack.”

“As far as the generals are concerned, Zhida Qin consumes a lot of food and grass, and the food and grass are tight. Does Qi Guo know?

“In the battle of Qi, what I think is a soldier who won’t fight against others.

“Forcing Qi Guo to surrender.

Hear this.

The generals in the hall also hesitated.

“Jun Wuan.”

“Forcing Qi to surrender, this method seems a bit difficult.”

“Although Qi is not as strong as Chu, it still has four to five million troops. If they swear to the death, they want to resist my Da Qin, what about it?”

“If Qi State stubbornly resisted and attacked Chu, this would not be a good thing for Da Qin.” Wang Jian said in disbelief.

It was not a wise move to send troops to attack the Chu just as soon as Chu was determined, but a risky move.

“Wang Qi is not so bold.

“What I want to bet on is that he is afraid of death, afraid of the dead.”

“This matter, I have already decided.”

“If there are any problems in the Northern Expedition, Qi Ru will be borne by the monarch.”

“Gentlemen, do it according to my command.”

Zhao Qi stared at the generals and shouted with prestige.

A wordless power enveloped the entire earth, making every general a single place in his heart, and no one dared to refute it.

“It is worthy of being the son of a great king, so bold, so powerful, and he will inherit Daqin in the future and be a great king.”

“I’m not as good as this courage.”

Wang Qiang and Zhi Di looked at each other, and they were secretly thinking in their hearts.”Other.

“Put the Dingchu victory report to Xianyang, Piao Ming.”

Zhao Qi finally said one more sentence.


The generals responded in unison.


No one objected anymore.

In the Great Qin Army, General Order is Heaven Order.

Even the emperor cannot be changed in the military camp. Zhao Nai is the Wuan emperor who was entrusted by the king of Qin himself, commanding the military power of the Qin army. In the army of the Qin army, his words are the order of heaven.

Everything has been explained.

Zhao Qi also asked all the generals of the three major battalions to leave.

“This time it should be possible to reach level 19.

The “nine levels of innate” are about to arrive, even the ten levels of innate.

Zhao Qi screened his guards back, and his mind was completely sinking into the rewards of the system.

This time the Great Qin army conquered 900,000 troops, cut the Chu army so much, and Zhao Qi took control of the army. These are all Zhao Qi’s experience values.

Zhao first opened the properties panel.

Level: 18 (Innate Eightfold Realm)

Stamina: 9000

Infuriating: 8000

Cultivation method: Consummate the basic inner strength, nine yin and nine yang (regenerate and regenerate, can restore true qi,)

Experience required to upgrade: 35600.

This time.

Zhao Qi’s own practice has also increased a lot of strength, and has added more than 40,000 experience points to himself.

With the higher the level of cultivation, the more difficult it is to break through, so it can be seen that killing the enemy to gain experience is a shortcut to breakthrough, which belongs to Zhao Qi alone.

“There are no accidents when you reach level 19.” Zhao Qi thought to himself.

Immediately communicate with the system: “Settle the experience value of killing the enemy.

“Host instructions are accepted.”

“Congratulations to the host’s army for killing 235,474 enemies and gaining 78491 experience points.

Congratulations, “The host has reached the level of upgrade experience, do you want to upgrade?” the system prompts.

“Upgrade.” Zhao Qi did not hesitate.

next moment.

A golden light enveloped Zhao Qi’s whole body, and the zhenqi in the dantian began to grow rapidly, and finally directly rushed through the two most critical main channels of the innate state, the Ren channel.

Martial arts practice.

As long as the two channels of Ren and Du are opened up, the peak of the innate realm can be reached, and now Zhao Qi has reached this critical point.

“At level 19, innate nine-fold realm, it’s finished.”

“Up to level 20 requires 42891 experience points.”


“But it’s coming soon.” Zhao Qi thought to himself.

Pause for a moment.

He said: “Continue to settle the reward.”

“Congratulations to the host for killing Yin Liyuan, the order of Chu State, for gaining 800 experience points and a bottle of “Qi Pill”.”

“Congratulations to the host for beheading the king of Chu, gaining 1,000 experience points, and obtaining a middle-rank martial skill “Finger Magic”.” The system prompts.

Look at this reward.

A smile appeared on Zhao Qi’s face.

“Zhengchou doesn’t know how to kill King Qi.

“Flick the magical powers, killing people is invisible, you can use this trick to kill King Qi at that time.”

Zhao Qi thought of it beautifully in his heart.

According to historical records, Qi was forced to surrender by Da Qin, and the whole family of Qi King was treated kindly.

After all, with the fall of Chu State, Qi State no longer has foreign aid. Apart from descending, they were annihilated and perished.

If King Qi is forced to land by Da Qin, it will be impossible for Zhao Qi to kill him openly. The secret method is the right way, and this magical power is invisible to kill. With Zhao Qi’s shot, it is estimated that no one will kill King Qi. Know who made it.

“Learning magical powers.” Zhao Qi gave instructions to learn martial arts.


Gold glitters.

The martial art of Snap Finger Supernatural Power was instantly introduced by Zhao Qi.

Use “promotion point to improve martial arts comprehension to perfection.” Zhao Youdao.


More than 100,000 promotion points were consumed, and Zhao Qi’s magical powers were fully realized by Zhao Qi.

If Zhao Qi still desires experience points, then promotion points are Zhao Qi’s most luxurious things. Every six months, prestige rewards can be used to settle promotion points rewards.

Now Zhao Qi has more than two million promotion points.

This is also the effect of prestige conversion.

The source of prestige rewards lies in Zhao Qi’s reputation. The more people who know Zhao’s reputation, the greater the prestige gained.

For now, Zhao Qi only has so many martial arts, so the promotion point consumption is not that big, but after that, Zhao Qi has learned the martial arts above the ground level, even the sky level, then the promotion point is only Not enough.

Check out “Finger Magical Power Attributes.”

After this martial skill was upgraded to the complete mastery, Zhao Qi immediately checked the attributes.

Came into view.

Perfect Snap Finger Supernatural Power: Everything in the hand can hurt people, contains powerful finger power, nothing can point the Qi to kill people in the invisible, within a hundred meters, the finger Qi can play all the power.

Seeing this attribute, Zhao Qi couldn’t help grinning.

Invisible means murder.

This King Qi is dead.

The reason why Zhao Qi is so keen on killing kings is mainly because of the generous rewards for killing kings.


After killing the six kings, Zhao Qi wants to bet whether the system will have any hidden rewards.

He is a data-based physique, the only game player in the universe, this world is a large copy for him, and there may be hidden rewards.


It’s all gone. ”

“Exit all.

“The war in the Central Plains is over, you can go to kill the alien.”

“That’s countless experience points.

There was a look of longing on Zhao Qi’s face.

In the Central Plains, Zhao Qi has always been restrained in destroying the country and killing the enemy. For the soldiers and the people, there is no wanton massacre.

After all, they are all ethnic groups of Yan and Huang, belonging to the same race.

In Zhao Qi’s eyes, he wants to swallow the world in the future. The people of the same race in the Central Plains will be his people in the future, and the source of his military power in the future.

But for aliens.

Zhao Qi is not so tolerant.

In future wars against foreign races, Zhao Qi will not keep alive the soldiers of those foreign races. Those are all experience points and cannot be wasted.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

This sentence is remembered in Zhao’s heart.

in history.

The Yan and Huang ethnic groups have suffered multiple exterminations, all because of foreign races.

If Zhao Qi takes control of the world in the future, he will uproot the alien races and suppress them forever.


Palace of the King of Qin.


“Jun Wu’an is worthy of being the pillar of the Great Qin Dynasty, and an important minister of the widow.”

“One year.

Actually “Chu State was destroyed by the widows.”


Ying Zheng held the military newspaper from Chudi in his hand and laughed loudly.

Go to the hall.

Baiguan was not too surprised by this.

Since Zhao Qi’s name appeared in the court, it can be said to be victorious in all battles. The military report about Zhao Qi must be a victory, and it must be a victory.

over the years.

Zhao Qi has made countless achievements for Da Qin, not only the respect of millions of sharp warriors of Da Qin.

Wu Anjun Zhao Qi, never failed.

“Congratulations to the king.”

“Jun Wu’an makes another contribution to destroying the country.”

“From then on, the world is so big that only Qi will survive, and Da Qin will dominate the world.”

“The king will create a great achievement through the ages.

The civil and military officials of the Manchu dynasty congratulated on winning the government.

Daqin “can have today.

It is not “the work of a few people alone, all the Qing dynasties, and the millions of sharp men of the Qin Dynasty, are all indispensable.”

Yingzheng said with a big smile.

Zhao Qi makes new achievements, how can the father be unhappy.

After learning about Zhao Qi’s deployment of troops last year, he took advantage of the civil chaos in Chu, and then fueled the flames. This policy made Yingzheng very gratified.

However, under Ying Zheng’s speculation, it will take a long time to destroy Chu, and a protracted battle must be fought.

But in just one year, Zhao gave him another big surprise.

“The King of Enlightenment.”

“Jun Wu’an shall be rewarded for his efforts to destroy the country.

Meng Yi stood up and said loudly.

Heard this.

The Manchu civil and military also couldn’t help showing a taste.

Zhao made great contributions again and wanted to be rewarded.

But now Zhao Qi is under one person and over tens of thousands of people. The title has reached Che Hou, and he is in control of the military power of Qin.


“Jun Wu’an has made new achievements in destroying the country, and he shall be rewarded.”

Ying Zheng readily agreed to Meng Yi’s initiation, and then said with majesty: “Grant Wu’an Jun Wanjin, Wanbu, and Ten Thousand Servants, and Princess Chu, Princess Yan, and Princess Wei to Wu’an Jun as a concubine.

“Great King Shengming.”

A reward for Yingzheng.

In addition to the taste of Manchu civil and military, there was also some jealousy.

Naturally, there is no reason to oppose it.

“Wu Anjun Zhao Qi is really a blessing. Nowadays, apart from my Da Qin and the princesses of Qi, the princesses of all countries have become his concubines.”

“Even though those countries are dead, they are still princesses. If a man can marry a princess, his ancestors will burn incense, but Zhao Qi can marry so many princesses from other countries. .”

“The king also has several daughters. Perhaps the king will accept Wu Anjun as his son-in-law for a greater reward in the future.”

The hearts of the Manchu dynasty civil and military have a bit of a tasteful thought.

“The King of Enlightenment.

“The State of Chu is now set.”

“Whether there is no need to continue to collect grain and grass.”

“With the grain and grass transported to Chu land today, it should be enough for the three major battalions for March.” Wang Shu stood up and said respectfully.

“Continue sending.

Ying Zheng shook his head.

“My lord.”In the past few years, Daqin has been fighting. When Han was eliminated, half of the grain and grass stored in grain depots in Daqin were consumed. After Zhao was eliminated, all the accumulated grain and grass were consumed.”

“In the subsequent eradication of the country, I will be in a hurry for Daqin’s food and grass. Now the food and grass needed for the destruction of Chu are all in Daqin, and even the territories of the original countries are obtained by increasing taxes.”

“For the food and grass matter, the folks no longer know how many people have no food to eat. The continuous warfare will almost consume all of Daqin’s taxes for the next five years. If we continue to transport grain and grass, Daqin will be dragged down.”

The Wang Pavilion reluctantly started.


No matter it is this era or later generations, they are the most expensive.

Although the Great Qin was able to quickly destroy the nations, a million troops went out and consumed so much food and grass.

There is also the placement and compilation of the descendants.

All this is the money consumed, 647 grains, food consumed.

As Da Qin Xiang.

Wang Shuo is in charge of this government affairs, and he naturally knows how big the treasury is now in Daqin.

The war subsided.

Daqin wants to restore national strength, at least five years, or even longer.

“Jun Wu’an has already mobilized troops to attack.

Ying Zheng said with prestige.

The words fell off.

The faces of the court officials and the officials changed drastically.

“The King.”

“Please also send an edict to stop Wu Anjun quickly.”

“Da Qin really can’t consume it like this anymore.”

“Otherwise it is really difficult to maintain.

“Jun Wu’an just destroyed Chu and launched an attack again. This is to redeem his army and is absolutely not desirable.” Wang Shao’s expression changed and he said loudly.

“Sangbang makes sense.”

“My Da Qin just settled Chu.”

At least “it needs to be recuperated for a year. When Guanzhong, some grain and grass can be produced in the Shu area to relieve the urgent need, but Jun Wu’s attack at this moment, where does the money and grain come from?”

“Please also the king to stop Wu Anjun as soon as possible.” Li Si also stood up.

“The minister seconded.

“Please also the king Shengjuan.”

The ministers spoke one after another, and almost half of the courts opposed it.

“The world is so big that only Qi is left.

“Destroy the Qi country, and the whole world will be unified.”

“Daqin will have no enemies anymore, and he can rest with the people.

This “battle” is also the last one.


“Be sure to raise 600,000 troops across the country for another three months.”

Looking at the opposition from the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty, there was no ups and downs in winning the government. On top of this good news, there was a personal letter from Zhao Qi, his son.

“To attack together is to attack the heart.”

“The officials bet that King Qi was afraid of death, and King Qi did not dare to gamble on the lives of the whole family.

“Please give the minister three months to give Daqin the opportunity to create unification.

This is what Zhao Qi said to Ying Zheng.

This letter is written so firmly, which shows Zhao Qi’s determination to fight.

How did Yingzheng not support it?

“My lord.

“In Qi State, there are hundreds of thousands of soldiers with armoured soldiers. How can we destroy Qi in a mere three months?”

“This is absolutely impossible.

Wang Shu said with a bitter tone.

“Three months of food and grass, at any cost.”

“If you can’t eliminate all in three months, that’s it, and the widows will issue a truce for two years.”

“Widow, I believe Wu Anjun will not disappoint.

Ying Zheng stared at the palace and said prestigiously.

There is no doubt about this sentence.

Meet Ying Zheng’s gaze.

No matter how unwilling Wang Shu was, he could only nod his head in agreement.

“Chen, leader.”

Wang Shu bowed and bowed, very weak.

The hundreds of officials in the courtroom also looked heavy.

Especially for civil servants, the next few months will be difficult.

“Qi Er.”

“You must not let Laozi down. This time, Laozi has resisted the pressure of the dynasty. If you fail to kill Qi.”

“You, Laozi, will really be condemned by the pen, and the people of Da Qin will hate you Laozi and go.”

Seeing that this matter has been pushed forward forcibly, Ying Zheng can only secretly look forward to Zhao Qi’s victory in his heart.

after all.

If Zhao Qi didn’t write a letter by himself, so full of determination, it was other generals who wanted to ransom and attack continuously, then Yingzheng would really not agree to it, and would even impose harsh reprimands.

But for Zhao Qi.

How can I not believe in winning politics.

as always.

He believes that Zhao Qi will not let him down.

If it fails, Yingzheng will be under a lot of pressure, from the court and the people.

But if it succeeds.

Then Zhao Qi will make new achievements and create supreme prestige.

PS: Update to, ask for confirmation, ask for monthly pass, ask for a reward.

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