Chapter 180 The Throne Can Still Be Seated

in a blink.

Another two months have passed.

It has been five months since Zhao Qi conquered the Kingdom of Yan and took over the land of Yan.

South Korea.

Xinzheng City.


“I just received the information from Chu State, and the three clans of Chu State are ready to do it. Within this month, the Chu State will inevitably undergo major changes.”

Suddenly came to Zhao Qi’s face and told respectfully.

“The fighter to Mie Chu has finally arrived.

A smile appeared on Zhao Qi’s face.

It’s been nearly half a year since I waited for this opportunity.

“Pay close attention to the movement of the Chu State. Li Yuan can’t die. He told Li Yuan all the three clans of the assassination plan, and pushed all the three clans and officials involved in the plan to Li Yuan.” Zhao Qi faced him. Suddenly said weakly.

“The Lord is wise.

“It is the three branches of the Chu royal family who intend to kill Li Yuan. They have great authority in the Chu state. At the same time, there are many generals in the Chu army participating. If Li Yuan is dead, if their plan is completed, there will be no Li Yuan. Manipulating the Kingdom of Chu is still a bit tricky for Da Qin, but if Li Yuan is not dead, and the three tribes who are planning to raise the teacher, Chu will inevitably be in chaos, and the shadow will add to the flames, and the effect will be better.

Suddenly smiled immediately.

“Go ahead.”

Zhao Qi said prestige.


Suddenly turned around and retreated.

After he left.

Li Qing “.” Zhao Qi shouted to the outside of the hall.

“My lord.” Li Qing walked quickly and bowed.

“Fei Ge passed the book to Wang Jian, and the two generals Huandi, who ordered them to immediately mobilize troops, according to the original route of the monarch, all the way out of Hangu, all the way through the Shu area.

“As soon as the chaos in Chu State began, they immediately began the process of attacking Chu.

“Also, Fei Ge passed on to Xianyang.

Tell, “The king has already mobilized troops, and the king has to make arrangements for the food and grass.” Zhao Wei said.

“The last general takes the order.” Li Qing wrote down all of them, and then quickly withdrew from the hall.

“The country of Chu has a vast territory, and such troubles can be done in one year. After Chu is destroyed, the country of Qi will be difficult to support. With that not very upright Qi “64” king, he may be directly scared to surrender. After all, it is recorded in history that Qin Sweeping Liuhe, as the last Qi State to be exterminated, directly surrendered.”

“The power of the shadows is now much stronger than I thought.”

“Handling the world’s intelligence has a natural intelligence advantage, and it is really powerful.”

“However, the source of the jade pendant has not been found, even the Qin Palace Zongku has no trace.”

“He, who is he?

Zhao Qi’s face was thoughtful, and it was difficult to calm down in his heart.

Chu State.

The capital city Shouchun.

At the time when the court meeting was opened in one day, under the escort of hundreds of guards, Li Yuan drove into the palace gate by the king’s car and headed towards the palace from the official road.

Since the assassination of Chunshen Jun Huang Xie, who was originally in charge of the state of Chu, Li Yuan has successfully taken control of Chu, even more excessive than what Huang Xie has done to Chu, even the superior king is his son, it is him. Control the puppet of Chu State.

These things are not secrets to Chu State.

But being afraid of Li Yuan’s power, no one dared to say anything.

Inside the palace.

The three branches of the Chu royal family are divided into Zhao, Qu, and Jing, all of which are branches of the royal family.

The three clans have great authority, but facing Li Yuan today, they are not as good as they are, but for Li Yuan’s actions to Chu, their dignified and royal clans have been suppressed, and they have reached the point where they can’t bear it.

Several adults. ”

“Li Yuan is about to enter the palace.

A Chu will come, solemnly.

“Everything is ready?”

Asked a tribe who planned.

“It’s all ready.”

“The generals who are loyal to Li Yuan have all been distracted. Now the thousands of soldiers at the palace gate are all ours. As long as we solve Li Yuan in a short time, we will get Li Yuan’s Trolling Tiger Talisman, Xiang Yan. The general can enter the city to quell the chaos and firmly control the capital, and then we can smoothly wipe out all of Li Yuan’s party members.” The general respectfully said.


The people of the three clans nodded one after another.

“Everyone, plan for half a year, it’s up to today.”

“Li Yuan pretends to be domineering, and even taints the blood of my Da Chu royal family. I and others are all royal clan families. Li Yuan and me are endlessly unending. Only by killing Li Yuan can we regain control of Da Chu. The man with filthy blood was deposed.”

“After the event, Li Yuan died, you are all heroes of Da Chu, and Da Chu will also usher in prosperity.

The head of the tribe said to the general in front of him.

“For the sake of Da Chu, die without regret.

The generals said in unison.

“Go ahead.

The people of the three races nodded one after another.

For today.

After working hard for half a year, everything has been taken care of.

Just wait for Li Yuan to get into the set.

The gate of Chu Palace is located.

Li Yuan’s car was slowly approaching. As always, as Li Yuan’s car arrived, the Chu State Guards on duty immediately turned on, and they all bowed to worship, not daring to be disrespectful.When Li Yuan’s car was escorted to the palace gate by hundreds of guards.


Anomaly is coming.

“Kill the country thief.

“Kill Li Yuan.

“Guan Fu Da Chu.


The gate of the palace was closed, and there were bursts of shouts of killing from all around the palace. Thousands of guards from the State of Chu drove towards Li Yuan’s car.

Pause time.

Inside the palace gate is a scene of fighting.

The whole palace gate was stained red with blood, and the corpses were everywhere.

Under the absolute advantage of troops, another surprise was killed.

The guards guarding Li Yuan were all killed.

Li Yuan’s car has been surrounded by groups.

“My lords, it’s done.

After the bloody battle, the guard general looked at Li Yuan’s car, who was already surrounded, and said with excitement.

“Kill Li Yuan.”

The tribesmen who planned the plan immediately shouted.

With dozens of spears, Chang Ge stabs the car severely.


There was no one in the car.


Li Yuan “not in the car.”

A guard soldier said in trepidation.

The words fell off.

The people of the three tribes who planned and the guard generals who participated in the assassination all turned pale.

“It’s over.”

Li Yuan “knows about our assassination plan.”

“He deliberately led us to the bait.”

Looking at the deserted car, the faces of the tribes who planned the plan turned pale.

Just then.

Ta Ta, Ta Ta Ta.

Outside the palace gate.

Like thousands of troops rushing in.

Hear the sound.

The complexion of the people of the tribes who planned the plan became even more pale.

“My lords.”

“The plan was leaked.

Li Yuan “must know everything.”

“You are the pillars of my great Chu country, and there must be no accidents.

“You quickly escape from the side door and find General Xiang Yan to join. General Xiang Yan is in Kuaiji. There are a hundred thousand troops. Maybe you can only fight head-on with Li Yuan. Li Yuan will never let you go.

The Chu who was responsible for the assault and killing would face the humanity of the three clans.

“General, you are the pillar of my great Chu.”

“We will never let you down, we will definitely punish the country’s thieves in the future.”

“Those who betrayed us will definitely find out and pay tribute to all the heroic souls.”


The people of the three races quickly fled toward the side door, far away from this place of right and wrong.

In the capital of Chu State, everything is under Li Yuan’s control.

If not, they would not attack Li Yuan by attacking and killing them.

“Everyone, national thief Li Yuan, cholera is the root of Da Chu. We are Da Chu Erlang. For Da Chu, we fought against the national thief.

“Open the palace gate.”

Guardian Chu will shout loudly.

The palace gate opened.

Outside the palace.

Already overwhelmed by the black army, where the Chinese army was, Li Yuan, who was covered in fat, looked at him coldly with a terrifying aura.

“A group of miscellaneous things still dare to assassinate Ben Ling Yin.”

“court death.

Li Yuan snorted coldly and waved his hand: “Don’t leave one.”

Ling Yin “There are orders.”

“Don’t keep one.


The general next to Li Yuan shouted immediately, and the army rushed towards the rebels at the palace gate, and a killing broke out.

One by one, the soldiers regarded as rebellious by Li Yuan died under the massacre.

“Chen Shi, this time you have insight into the rebellious assassination and saved Ben Ling Yin’s life. What reward do you want, just say.”

Li Yuan looked at one of his subordinates and said with a smile.

“It’s the subordinate’s duty to serve Ling Yin, and the subordinate does not ask for rewards.” This subordinate named Chen Shi immediately enchanted.


“Your credit will be remembered by Yin.” Li Yuan laughed, very helpful.

But I don’t know.

All this is in Zhao Qi’s calculations.

The chaos in Chu’s country has already begun.



“Chu, it’s messed up.”

“Shadow told Li Yuan about the assassination plan of the three clans of Chu. Li Yuan took the plan and directly inflicted the three clans directly in the palace of Chu, disintegrating the power of the three clans in Shouchun, and then encircled and suppressed the three clans in the entire Chu state. The people and the tribes of the tribes have completely torn their faces with the tribes.”

“And the three clans did not sit still, and gathered all their strength to contend with Li Yuan.”

“The state of Chu now has a complete civil strife.”

Suddenly said with a weak sneer.

-The chaos of the country is controlled by the shadows. It has to be said that the shadows now have become the top forces that can influence the general situation of the world.

“well done.”

Zhao Qi praised the weak.

“Let Dark Shadow continue to work in Chu State and assassinate the direct line related to Li Yuan and the three clans.”

“This monarch wants to add chaos to Chu State.

Zhao Qi shouted coldly.


Suddenly bowed and bowed, then flashed, and disappeared directly into the hall.

“Li Qing.

“Send a message to this monarch about Tu Sheng, Zhang Han, Ren Qi.”

“Armed to attack Chu.

“Xing Wang Jian, Huan Di, attack Chu according to the plan set by this lord.

Zhao Qi waved his hand and shouted with prestige.

Like the power of the king who dominates the world.


Li Qing responded loudly and quickly sent the order.

This “war.”

“My Lord mobilized three battalions, an army of 900,000.”

“There will be another dark shadow in the Chu state to disturb the Chu state, provoke its internal disputes.”

“Within one year, Chu Kingdom will be destroyed.

To convey the order, Zhao Qi’s eyes are also full of coldness.

This battle.

Different from the past.

Before Qin Shihuang gave him the power of the Qin army, this battle was the first battle of Zhao Qi commanding the nation’s military power.

The three major battalions were mobilized.

Wang Qiang and Huan two old Qin generals were also under Zhao’s command.

With the three major battalions and 900,000 troops, it is not difficult to destroy a civil strife in Chu State.

“Li Yuan, King Chu, your head belongs to the original monarch.” Zhao Qi looked expectantly.

The three major battalions attacked Chu from three sides. Only when the soldiers approached the Shouchun day, Zhao Qi will also appear in Shouchun 0…

As for Qi State.

Zhao Qi has no worries at all.

Because Zhao Qi had passed the order to Li Mu, staring at Qi, as long as Qi dared to send troops to aid Chu, he would attack immediately.

The battle to destroy Chu.

It’s already started.

Time flies.

One month later.

Under Zhao Qi’s general order.

The three major battalions of Daqin attacked Chu at the same time, from three directions.

Handan camp sent troops from Korea, and 300,000 troops marched south to attack Qufu.

Wang Jian commanded the 300,000 army of Hangu camp, and went out of Hangu to siege the city.

Huandi passed through the land of Shu, and commanded the 300,000 army of Lantian camp, out of the land of Shu, and attacked Ruocheng.

The three-way army attacked Chu with a siege.

Under Zhao’s control, the Chu state had become a mess. Facing the attack of nearly a million soldiers from Daqin, Chu did not have the power to parry. The three major battalions were killed and the territory of Chu was lost steadily.

But three months.

Most of Chu’s territory has been captured by Da Qin.

At this moment.

It also came to the real crisis moment of Chu State.

As a last resort.

Li Yuan could only stop the encirclement and suppression of the three clans, and wanted to unite the three clans to fight against Da Qin, but the result was obvious.

Shadow played a key role in destroying Chu.

As long as the people of Li Yuan wanted to unite with the people of the three tribes, their direct descendants would be assassinated and died.

Time lasts.Li Yuan’s plan to unite the three tribes is not going to end.

Facing Daqin’s offensive, he could not resist at all, and could only gather a large army to defend the capital.

Attacked Chu for six months.

Under Shouchun City.

Hundreds of thousands of troops are coming.

In addition, two large camps attacked from around Shouchun.


It was time to break through the capital of Chu.

Shouchun City is closed.

Li Yuan looked panicked.

What was once incomparable, now there is only despair and fear.


“The strength of Shouchun City is only tens of thousands, and Chu State is already at the end of the battle.”

“The morale of our army is high and we can break the city at any time.

Tu Shou looked at Zhao Qi on the chariot and told respectfully.

“Li Yuan, King Chu.

“My Lord wants to live.

Zhao Qi nodded, then spit out: “Tack.”


The slaughter immediately took his orders.

Hundreds of soldiers quickly galloped towards the army formation, conveying general orders.

Follow along.

With the voice of hundreds of thousands of Qin Ruishi, the army launched an offensive.


Naturally, there is no suspense.

The civil unrest in Chu lasted for several months and consumed national power. The Great Qin attacked with troops, and the power was like a broken bamboo. For Chu, there was no power to resist, and naturally there was no military will and morale.

Shouchun City is broken.

Daqin Ruishi attacked the city and started a frenzied killing.

In the end, Li Yuan and his son, now the King of Chu, were brought to Zhao Qi and were killed by Zhao Qi himself.

As the capital of Chu State was breached, the extermination of Chu was not over yet.

King Chu died and Li Yuan died.

The three branches of the Chu royal family did not give in. In Huainan, the unoccupied Chu region, Ningwu, who supported the blood of the orthodox Chu royal family, was the king. With the original general Xianyang as the pillar country, the commander of the Chu Kingdom now has a total force of 200,000. Daqin contended and sent envoys to Qi State for help.

Intent to fight Da Qin stubbornly to the end.

However, under Zhao’s encirclement policy, Qin Miechu was already a certainty, unable to turn back at all.

The three major Daqin battalions encircled Huainan and stormed Huainan for two months, and finally defeated Xianyang in Huainan.

And it is worth mentioning.

Although the appearance of Zhao Qi greatly changed the original historical process, it took three years for the Great Qin to destroy Chu, but now it has been shortened to one year.

But before Xiang Zheng died, he still shouted out the words that have been passed down to later generations for thousands of years: “Although Chu has three households, Qin will perish.”

Inside the Shouchun Palace.

“See Wu Anjun.”

Wang Qiang, Huan, Tu Sheng, and their generals almost all came to the hall.

A few months ago.

Zhao Qi played Xianyang in a memorial, and asked Tu Wei to be the general of Handan Daying, and he was naturally granted the win.


The identity is here.

Even if it was Wang Jian, the old admiral of the past, Huan and they all bowed and saluted Zhao Qi.

Whether in North Korea or in the military.

The level cannot be violated, and the military rank cannot be violated.

“The generals are exempt.

Zhao Qi glanced at the generals and said prestigiously.

“Xie Wuanjun.

The generals said in unison.

“All generals, please sit down.

Zhao Qi smiled and waved to the left and right: “The king decides the kingdoms, and their palaces and kings have been there, but it is still the most magnificent palace of the king of Chu, but it is cheaper than Daqin.”


“Jun Wu’an makes sense.”

“These seats for the civil and military of Chu State are now for us to take.”

Hearing Zhao Qi’s words, all the generals laughed.

Everyone sat in the civil and military positions of Chu without being polite.

“Then Ben Jun is not welcome.

“The king can’t sit, so sit on this ladder.”

Zhao Qi sat directly on the stairs below the throne, and smiled as he watched the generals of the three major battalions.

Heard this.

Both Wang Jian and Hengdi are brilliant: “Others may not be able to sit on the throne, but you Wu Anjun can still sit in the future.”

PS: Seeking to fix, ask for monthly ticket, I am grateful,

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