Chapter 179 Weakness: The Lord Turned Out to be the Eldest Son?

Came into view.

It is the bookcases where the clan classics are placed one by one, and every bookcase is covered with bamboo slips and classics.

“There should be records about the clan of the Qin royal family here.”

Suddenly entered the hall for a glance, and immediately fixed his eyes in front of a bookcase.

Since it is here this time, Dunwei has naturally prepared for it, and secretly investigated the storage-place of various classics.

Weakly walked over.

Begin to browse through the classics on the bookcase.

as predicted.

What is recorded in these classics is the record of the jade pendant on the royal clan status of the surname Ying.

“The Lord’s father, maybe it’s recorded in it.” Suddenly weakened with excitement.

Opened the bamboo slips that recorded the identity of the clan.

The styles of various jade pendants are presented.

He quickly scanned the jade pendant with a weak gaze, and he put down the bamboo slips one by one, but they didn’t get any results.

These “all are the identity signs of the ordinary royal family, and now there is only one bamboo slip that I haven’t seen.”

The weak expression was a little disappointed, this time the investigation may have to return to no avail.

Now only the last bamboo slip is left.

At the top of the clan classics, the identities recorded in this record are incredible. They all contain records about the identity of the true kings.

Only the branch belonging to the current king can be included in it.


Naturally, I don’t have any hope for this weak moment.

After all, now King Qin has nothing to do with his father.

No matter how much he thought about it weakly, he never thought that Yingzheng would be related to his master.


The last one is the bamboo slip, so naturally I still have to look at it.

Open the bamboo slips.

Came into view.

It is the identity mark of a jade pendant.

When seeing this.

The weak expression was startled.

“How can this be?”

“Why is the identity of the jade pendant of the Lord’s father the same as that of the Qin king’s jade pendant?”

“Is it possible, who is the Lord’s father?”

Dunn weakly stared at the jade pendant pattern carved on the bamboo slips, and was stunned. At this moment, my heart was also unspeakable. No, it was unbelievable.

The style of the jade pendant is stored in the Zongku, which is a unique clan design.

The king of Qin who lived in Yingzheng was naturally different from the former king of Qin, or in other words, the king of Qin in each generation was different.

“Is it wrong?”

“It shouldn’t be.”

This place “is the Qin State Zong Treasury, and it is absolutely impossible to make mistakes.” Dunwei could not calm down in his heart.

Check it out.

It is indeed a fantasy to find out that the current Qin Wangzheng is the father of his master.


Recalling the kindness of King Qin to the Lord.

Suddenly, I couldn’t help but hesitate.

“In the beginning, King Qin personally presided over the wedding ceremony for the Lord, and then he favored the Lord’s family. Even the sons and daughters of the Lord were often in the palace to accompany King Qin.”

“This kind of grace is not something a foreign minister can get.”

Could it be that “King Qin is really the father of the Lord? And King Qin already knows the identity of the Lord?”

Dunwei is a wise man. After associating everything, he immediately affirmed the possibility of this jade pendant style.

Follow along.

He put back the bamboo slips, but there was still a kind of complexity on his face.

“Leave the matter to the Lord to decide.

“There is news about his father, I did not disappoint the Lord after all, and successfully found it.”

After thinking about it for a long time, Dunwei had already affirmed in his heart that his father was King Qin, but in the end, he still needed to be dealt with by himself.

Thought of this.

Suddenly turned around.

Walked towards the outside of the hall.

However, compared to the calm when he entered the temple, the sudden weakness at this moment has secretly collected the true energy and protected the whole body.

“The next step is to break the siege.””It is indeed the palace of the Qin Palace, the most guarded palace love among the nations. I was found so careful that there are also capable people in this palace.”

Suddenly muttered to himself.

Outside the hall.


I don’t know when hundreds of people in black appeared, each holding a crossbow and aiming at the entrance of the hall. The surrounding area was illuminated by torches.

After seeing the weak come out.

These people in black did not immediately make a move.

I saw it.

A headed person walked out of the men in black, looked at the weak figure, and said with a smile: “Mr. finally came out.”

“Black Ice Platform.

After a weak glance, he immediately smiled.

No wonder it came so fast, before the appearance of the shadow, it was known as the black ice platform of the world’s number one espionage organization.

If the shadows are now infiltrating everywhere in the world, then the Black Ice Platform has been infiltrating for many years.

“It looks like you knew I would come?”

He smiled weakly and said.

“Indeed, the entire black ice platform of the palace has been armed, otherwise it would be really difficult to find him if he did this by Mr.,” Tie Ying said with a smile.

“Nevertheless, but,

After a laugh, he glanced at these guarded black ice platforms and took a secret look: “It seems that I want to keep me with this, it seems not enough.”

“It’s not enough.

“Because we didn’t plan to keep Mr. Qin at the beginning, after all, Mr. Qin is not Da Qin’s enemy at all, but his own.” Tie Ying smiled, and said with deep meaning.

Heard this.

Suddenly, his expression was slightly shaken, and he could naturally hear the deep meaning of these words.

Is it true that “King Qin is really the father of the lord? Hei Bingtai’s attitude this time obviously already knows the identity of the lord.”

“Why have you kept hiding from the Lord?” Dunwei was very surprised at the moment.

“The king would like to ask Mr. to explain, and Mr. to move.” Tie Ying invited very politely.

“Invited by King Qin?

“What if I refuse?”

“How are you doing?” Suddenly weakened with a smile.

With these spies on the Black Ice Platform, even the most powerful assassin can hardly escape death, but he is now a cultivation base of the Innate Realm, and he wants to escape easily.

Mr. “If we want to leave, we can’t keep Mr.”.

“But it’s about Mr. Master’s matters, don’t Mr. Don’t want to know?” Tie Ying said with a smile, not in a hurry.

“you sure?”

It’s about one’s own master, and his expression immediately changed when he was weak, and he became interested.

“Mr. Yi’s ability, is it impossible for us to stay if we want to stay?” Tie Ying smiled.

“So, then I will meet King Qin with you.

I thought about it for a moment, and agreed.

Judging from the evidence obtained now, the current King Qin may really be the father of his master, and now King Qin is still summoning, Black Ice Terrace has not shown hostility to him, it seems that it has long been expected, all this shows a point , Yingzheng is the father of the Lord.

If not.

The moment I just came out is the coming of the war.

“Sir, please come with me.”

Seeing this, Tie Ying breathed a sigh of relief, then smiled and led the way.

The surrounding black ice platform spies all disappeared into the darkness in an instant, and it seemed that they had never been here.

Zhang Taiyan.

Even in the middle of the night.

The lights are still bright.

But this is also limited to the main hall of Zhangtai Palace, where the lights have been turned off at the king’s couch.

It is faintly visible that there are two little guys sleeping on the couch.

Yingzheng sat on the edge of the couch and looked at them tenderly.

For his two grandchildren, the grace given by Yingzheng is unlimited.

At this time.

Outside the hall.

There was the sound of footsteps.

Ying Zheng also recovered. After covering the two grandchildren, he walked slowly towards the main hall.

“The minister sees the king.

Tie Ying bowed immediately.

“I have seen King Qin.

The weak just bowed slightly.

A smile appeared on Ying Zheng’s face as he looked weak.

“In the clan warehouse, what did you see?” Ying Zheng asked with a smile.

Seeing “there is an identity mark about the jade pendant of the Lord.” Dunwei said directly, staring at the victory without fear.

For the weak, the strength of the innate realm is now available in the world.

With such obstacles in this palace, even if tens of thousands of troops are defeated, it is impossible to join forces, and it is impossible to keep himself. For the weak, all he respects in his heart is his lord, except for the lord, the weak is for anyone People can only keep a bit of defense, even if it is the king of Qin today.

“The Lord’s appearance is really very similar to King Qin.”

“Is it possible that the Lord is really the son of King Qin?”

Seeing the appearance of winning politics, the unconscious contrast in my mind with my own master suddenly seemed to have a sense of overlap.

“Then what do you want to understand now?” Ying Zheng smiled slightly and looked weak.

“As expected of King Qin.

“Even if I haven’t entered the martial arts, the coercion of such a king makes me feel a panic.

Even with a smile on Yingzheng’s face at the moment, the impossibility of anger was shocking.

“King Qin knows my origin?

Not anxious to answer, he asked rhetorically.

“When you were in Zhaodi, your spy can make the widowed black ice platform suffer a great loss.” Ying Zheng smiled.

“Why do you think I did it?” Suddenly was a little puzzled.

Since the original confrontation with the Black Ice Platform, with Zhao Qi’s order, Shadow also stopped the confrontation with the Black Ice Platform. After all, the original confrontation was purely unintentional. Lurking around his master, so he had to take measures.

After doing it.

I solved all the spies around my master, only to discover that these spies were from the Black Ice Platform, and they were the masters who were ordered to protect themselves.

From then on.

After the Shadow discovered the Black Ice Platform, it was no longer hostile.

at the same time.

Hei Bingtai discovered that Shadow didn’t even make a move. At that time, he was weak and very surprised, what had happened.

“When Wu’an Jun returned to Xianyang, people tried to test him. Although he did not admit it, the widow knew that the black ice platform was a brand new spy force, and they also knew that they belonged to Wu’an Jun. Later, the widow died. The Black Ice Platform does not need to fight with you anymore.” Yingzheng smiled slightly.

“That’s it.” Suddenly felt weak.

It’s no wonder that the Black Ice Terrace didn’t take any action against the Shadows, obviously it was also an instruction to win the government.

“Then why do I enter the palace and the treasury, will King Qin know?” Suddenly asked weakly.

I was investigating the mystery of the master’s life experience, except for the master, no one knew how the King Qin knew.


Hearing this, Ying Zheng laughed.

“In the final analysis, the real person knows Wu Anjun’s character. He has been looking for his father, and that Yupei is the key to his finding his father. The real person also knows that the source of that Yupei is only two places, one is Zhao Guo, and now Zhao Guo Extinct, the royal family’s Zongku is under the control of Wu’an Jun. It is easy to check yourself, but if you can’t get the answer in Zhao Guozongku.

“You will naturally think of the last goal.”

“That’s the Zongku of the Great Qin Clan.”

“So, the widow made the Black Ice Platform defend Zongku early. As long as there is any disturbance, even if you are careful, you will be spotted.” Ying Zheng laughed and said.

“As expected of King Qin.

“Countless strategy.”


He looked at Ying Zheng with awe in his weak eyes.

0…seeking flowers…

Surprised by the advance layout of the winning government.

“King Qin, really the Lord’s father?”

Suddenly recovered, staring at Ying Zheng and asked.

This question.

It’s about the truth that we are looking for.

“Qi Er.”

“It is indeed the son of a widow.”

“Da Qin’s eldest son.

Ying Zheng said with a serious face.

The voice fell.

The weak expression became shocked.

What was found in Zongku was not affirmative after all, it only made Dunwei doubt it, but now that he heard King Qin’s personal affirmation, Dunwei’s heart was shocked.

“The Lord is really the Prince of the Royal Family?

“Or the eldest son of King Qin today?”

“How can this be?

“I have been missing for so long, except that the jade pendant is related to the royal family of Qin and Zhao, there is no news about the Lord.”

“Is it possible that the Lord’s mother is the wife of the palace? But this is not right? The Lord has always grown up in Lijia Village, and the old lady has also been in Lijia Village until she passed away.” The weak heart was shocked, unimaginable .

“Is it hard to believe?”

Ying Zheng stared at the weak spot.

“It’s really hard to believe.”

“Under the whole world, who can imagine that Emperor Wu’an, who is now under one person and above tens of thousands, will be the son of King Qin today as the commander in charge of Qin’s military power?””I didn’t think of this, nor did the Lord think of it. No one can think of it.”

He replied weakly and honestly, and his voice was shocked.

“Qi Er, he is indeed the son of a widow.”

“His mother is a widowed wife.”

Ying Zheng said in a deep voice, but when it comes to Dong’er and Zhao Qi, there is a warmth on Ying Zheng’s face.

“Since the king already knows that the Lord is your son, why don’t you recognize the Lord?”

“Doesn’t the king know that the Lord has been searching for his father?” he asked incomprehensibly weakly.

“Widows naturally know.”

Ying Zheng turned around and carried his hands on his back, with a helpless tone in his tone: “When Qi Er was married, the real person knew that Qi Er was the widow’s son when he was in Li’s village. At that moment, the widow wanted to be with him. He recognized each other directly.”

“But for the safety of my children, everyone must hold back.

“The court is complicated, and the world is more complicated.”

“The widow does control the kingship and the military power. No one can defy the widow, but it’s not for Qi Er.”

Hear this.

Dunwei immediately understood.

“An open spear is easy to hide from a hidden arrow.

The king “is afraid that he will target the Lord?” He was weak.


“So the widow has never recognized Qi Er, what is waiting for is the best opportunity, and that opportunity should be expected with your cleverness.” Yingzheng smiled and looked weak.

“Dominate the world.

Suddenly replied immediately.

“After dominating the world.

“Foreign troubles have been eliminated. For widows, for children, if there is any internal disturbance, what can I care about?” Ying Zheng sneered.

Never recognized each other before.

It is to take care of the overall situation, after all, Da Qin has not yet dominated the world.

But after the rule of the world, they recognized that foreign troubles have been eliminated, and Yingzheng has no worries at all.

“Dare to ask the king.

“I wonder what do you expect from the Lord Xu Yi?” Dunwei raised his head, staring at Yingzheng and asked.

“Royal Power.”

Ying Zheng replied straightforwardly.

If it weren’t for “this is the case, why do you need to cover up the confession between people and Qi Er, because what the widow wants to give the child is the crown prince. With Qi Er’s ability, he can control the country, and he will be able to rejuvenate Daqin in the future.” Win the political power.

“What does the king need to do?”s

Suddenly spoke again weakly.

That’s how it is when talking to smart people.

Today King Qin summons, there must be hidden feelings in it, if not, there is no need to summon him at all.

“You now know the relationship between the real person and Qi Er.”

“The widow has asked the guard to give him a word. After Qi Chu is eliminated, his class will return to Xianyang, and the widow will give him a surprise.”

“So before that, Widow does not want you to tell him that Widow is his father.

“Because of this relationship, only someone can tell him.” Ying Zheng stared at the weak with a serious expression.

Heard this.

Suddenly hesitated.

He is shouldering the task of finding life experience for his master, and now he has successfully found his master, but King Qin asked him not to tell his master now.

“For Qi Er.

“People in the world may harm him, but widows will not.”

“Because he is the widow’s biological son.”

“What the widow has to do is to hand over Da Qin to him in the future.” Ying Zheng said again.

This statement.

Touched by the weak.


“The minister promised the king.

“I will not tell the Lord what happened today.

Wait until “the world is unified, the king will tell the Lord himself.”

“However, I hope that the king will not deceive his ministers. The king gives the lord the power, not a son.

If “in the future, this kingship is inherited by someone other than the master, the weak will do everything possible to kill him.”

Suddenly raised his head weakly, a firmness flashed in his eyes.

His allegiance to Zhao Qi in his entire life is what belongs to the master, and that is his master.

If anyone dared to take advantage of it by accident, he would never let it go, even if he was a superior king.

Hear the weak words.

Ying Zheng didn’t have any anger, but laughed: “Okay!!

PS: I am very grateful for seeking confirmation, monthly pass, and rewards. Ding,

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