Chapter 178 Suddenly Weak: News about the Lord’s Father.

“The host’s instructions are accepted.

“Congratulations to the host Jinjue Che Hou, who reached the highest level of the Qin Dynasty’s nobility, rewarded a “Xuan Tier Treasure Box”, and from the treasure box, rewards no less than the Xuan Tier level can be drawn.

“Congratulations to the host for gaining the position of commander in charge of a country’s military power, reaching the highest military position in the Qin Kingdom, and rewarding a “Xuanxian Treasure Box”.” The system prompts.

Hear the prompt of the system.

A smile appeared on Zhao Qi’s face.

“It seems that I have reached the apex of the minister, and the rewards of the system are also unique.

“It’s no longer a random reward, but a reward that must be at the level of profound-level techniques, pill, or magic weapon.

Zhao Qi thought to himself that he was full of expectations for these two treasure chests.

After all, this is the reward for the promotion of the title to the top and the promotion of the official position to the top.

In other words.

As far as Zhao Qi is concerned, the road to promotion in Daqin has reached the top, unless Qin Shihuang will open a higher level of title in the future, otherwise Zhao Qi will really reach the top.

“God bless you, come out good things.

With anticipation, Zhao directly ordered: “Open all the two treasure chests.”

“Host instructions are accepted.”

“Open the mysterious-level treasure chest, congratulations to the host for obtaining the low-grade pill “Yangshou Pill”. Each pill can prolong life for ten years, and each creature can only take it five times in a lifetime. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the low-grade spirit stone 1000.”

“Open the mysterious treasure chest, congratulations to the host for obtaining it. The high-ranking “Expansion Column” can be used to increase the host’s primary profession. Concurrently study two ways, congratulations to the host for obtaining the low-grade Lingshi 2000.” The system prompts.


“This is really a lot of money.

Looking at the rewards before him, Zhao Qi couldn’t help but yelled.

Yanshou Dan.

Although it is not a real elixir of life, it can increase longevity. A bottle of ten pills for life extension means that it can increase longevity by one hundred years.

What is this concept.

It is indeed a territorial pill, it is really too strong.

In addition to this earth-level pill reward, there are 1,000 spirit stones, which is worthless to say.

The second reward.

It is even more exciting to Zhao Qi.

Transfer expansion column.

It is equivalent to that Zhao Qi can not only be limited to martial arts, but can also open up other major paths.

Part-time cultivator.

For ordinary cultivators, this is tantamount to looking for death, but what can be imagined is that this has a great improvement in strength. Martial arts lies in a fierce attack, and other cultivation methods have their own circumstances.

The magic of immortality.

The Confucianism and Taoism are righteous.

The fierceness of the magic way.

The belief in Shinto.

Having obtained the expansion column of the class level on this day, it can be said that Zhao Qi’s luck has exploded.

He is a data-based physique, and there is no such thing as a delusion in practice.

“It’s not in a hurry to have one more major in the profession. It won’t be too late to change to practice when you really get another cultivation way in the future. Moreover, in this world, the martial arts is inherently transcendent, and there is no need to cultivate other ways.”

Zhao Qi calmed down from his excitement.

The reward this time made him very excited.

Destroy the Yan.

Not only the increase in power, the control of the Qin military power, but also the increase in strength.

“Settle the kill reward.”

Zhao gave instructions again.

“Congratulations to the host’s army for killing 56871 people and gaining experience value of 64718957.” The system prompts.

“Open the properties panel.”

Came into view.

Level: 18 (innate heavy realm)

Stamina: 9000

Infuriating: 8000

Cultivation method: Consummate the basic inner strength, nine yin and nine yang (regenerate and regenerate, can restore true qi,)

Experience required to level up: 62145.

“It’s only two levels away.”

“Grandmaster level, coming soon.”

When I “killed Qi Chu and helped Da Qin unify the Central Plains, I squatted and asked Qin Shihuang for orders to guard the border and kill foreign races there. Then I waited for the Great Change in the Central Plains and the end of Qin Dynasty.”

Zhao Qi thought to himself secretly.

To the future.

He has already planned it.

Time flies.

At night.


Tu Wei, Ren Qi, and Zhang Han came to the hall together and bowed to Zhao Qi.

“How was the task entrusted to you before the Japanese Lord went to Xianyang?”

Zhao Qi put his hands on his back, looked at the three of them and asked.

The subordinates “did not disappoint the Lord.”

“The subordinate’s cultivation base has reached the peak of the acquired realm.” Ju Fei said excitedly.

“The same goes for your subordinates.” Zhang Handao.

“The subordinates are much inferior to the two generals, and the cultivation base is still eightfold.” Ren Ying respectfully said.”Remember what I said to you a few months ago?”

“When you reach the peak of the Houtian Realm, this monarch will bestow you more profound techniques.” Zhao Qi smiled and stared at the three of them.

“Subordinates swear allegiance to the Lord.”

The three said in unison.

“Be happy, I will teach you the exercises.”

Zhao Qi spoke with prestige.

Follow along.

The first layer of the transmission technique “Wu Sha Code” is given to three people.

This technique is a real innate realm technique. By operating this technique, the internal force turns into innate true energy, and the strength increases sharply.

The three of them are Zhao Qi’s confidantes, and naturally they can be trusted by Zhao Si.

If there are any fluctuations in their loyalty, the loyalty system will sense it, and Zhao Qi will directly take action to kill them.

Zhao Qi employs people.

Loyalty comes first, ability comes second.

He has the confidence to give it and naturally has the ability to take it back.

If anyone dares to betray, Zhao will let Qi and the others know what the price is.

After a while.

There was a mysterious exercise mental decision in the three people’s minds.

This is many times more subtle than their basic internal skills.


Tu Wei and Zhang Han did not hesitate, and immediately began to practice Wu Shadian. The aura of the two began to increase rapidly, the internal force in the body began to change rapidly, the dantian was opened, and the true energy was formed.


They did not disappoint Zhao Qi, and broke through to the first level of innateness.

“This is the power of the Innate Realm, it’s too strong.

“My internal strength has been transformed into a stronger strength. This should be the true energy the Lord said.”

“Different from internal power, I feel that this qi can be released outside.

After the breakthrough.

Ju Shou Zhang Han and the two felt the power of the moment with excitement.

Acquired, congenital.

One word difference, but the strength is very different. Innate is the threshold to truly enter the martial arts, and the day after tomorrow is only hovering on the threshold of martial arts.

“Thank you, Lord, for your kindness.

“Subordinates swear allegiance to the Lord to the death, and swear to the death without regrets.”

The two returned to their senses and bowed directly to Zhao Qi on one knee.

In a world with a strong spiritual energy, the strength of the two people can break through to the innate in a few years. It’s pretty good.

After all, after they became Zhao Qi’s confidant, Zhao Qi not only gave them the pill, but also the spirit stone. This is why they can break through in a few years.

Without Zhao Qi’s gift and guidance, it is estimated that they would never break through.

“Ren Shu.”

“Your martial arts entry is a long time later than them, but you have the spirit stone that the monarch bestows on you. If you seize the time to practice, you can also break through the innate within half a year.” Zhao Qi said to Ren Qi.

“Subordinates will never let the master down.” Ren Jiang replied respectfully.

“The power of martial arts does not exist in this world. Without the command of the monarch, it must not be displayed in front of anyone. Those who violate the order will be cut.”

“If someone discovers the power of martial arts, kill.

Zhao Qi said prestige.

“Subordinates understand.” The three replied sternly.

“In the Central Plains, Daqin has only Qi and Chu as enemies.”

“Soon, Daqin will pacify the Central Plains and unify Yan and Huang.”

When “On that day, I will appeal to the king to guard the border.” Zhao Qi said to the three generals the thoughts in his heart.


“To dominate the world, the Lord is the number one hero in the ages of the Qin Dynasty. Please order to guard the border. Why is this?” Zhang Han looked at Zhao Qi in a puzzled manner.

But Ju Diao directly gave Zhang Han the answer.

“Lord, this is a wise strategy to protect yourself.”

“Now the Lord is already an extremely human minister, under one person, and above tens of thousands.”

“As far as the Lord is concerned, there is no way to enter the court. The Lord will go to the Great Qin with a million soldiers, and the Great Qin will be unified. The position of the prince has always been vacant. As far as the master is concerned, it is a pool of muddy water, and the master can only truly protect himself if he stays away from Xianyang.”

“after all.”

“Under the king’s power, the lord now has power and can also seize it.” Tu Wei said in a deep voice.

Zhang Han and Ren Jiang finished listening.

Nodded unanimously.


After the world is unified.

Perhaps there is no war.

Zhao Qi, who is a magnificent one-million-dollar soldier of the Qin Dynasty, will be unable to protect himself if he is caught in the torrent of Xianyang position.

Although Zhao Qi’s strength is not afraid of everything, but he can avoid the muddy water, but can continue to develop his power in the world, which is naturally better.

“Now that this monarch is in charge of the military power of the Great Qin, the general position of Handan Daying has been vacant.”

“This monarch is going to let Tu yesterday take over as the general.

Zhao Qi said prestigiously.

“Thank you, thank you.”

Although Ju respectfully worshipped, his expression was full of excitement.

Neither Zhang Han nor Ren Qi had any objections.

They are all loyal to Zhao Qi, and everything is naturally based on the Lord.

“You can stay in the Central Plains. After Qi Chu is destroyed, the monarch will return to Xianyang. Before you ask for orders to guard the border, all you have to do is to firmly control the 300,000 army in your hands.”

“They were brought out by the Lord, and I don’t want them to be swords in the hands of others.

“They can only be the sword of the Lord.”

Although “it is still too early to destroy Qichu, control of military power is the most important thing.”

Zhao Qi said to the three seriously.

“Please rest assured, Lord.

Over the past few years, the subordinates and others have been arranged confidants in charge of the army. All the generals above the commander of the Handan camp are all loyal to the Lord, and those who are unfaithful have been secretly demoted by their subordinates. Up.”

“Moreover, the 300,000 soldiers of the large camp only take the Lord’s orders as the heaven, and no one else can get involved in the half-divided military power.” Tu Ya said confidently.

“very good.

“With the military power in hand, I can be fearless of everything.”

In the future, “If there really is a big change, with this army in hand, this monarch is not afraid of everything, even if it is the enemy of the king.” Zhao Qi’s eyes flashed with fearless light.

“Follow the Lord to the death.

The three generals said in unison.

“All right.”

“Go back.

Zhao smiled slightly and waved to the three generals.


The three generals bowed and retreated from the main hall.

After the three people left.

Suddenly, Suddenly appeared in front of Zhao Qi with a kind of fascination, and it was faintly visible that an afterimage appeared in the place where he came out.

“How do you feel about Xiantian?”

Seeing that he was weak, Zhao Qi gave a faint smile.

“It’s more than ten times stronger than the next Heaven Realm.”

The subordinates “have reached a speed that ordinary people can’t see at all. Even if they sneak into the Great Qin Palace, no one can find their subordinates.” Dunwei said with a smile, his eyes full of awe of Zhao.

Shadow “It was originally an assassin’s technique, the way of secret ghosts and charms, you entered the innate, you have already exerted some power of the (adbc) shadow, now you can be called the world’s number one assassin.” Zhao smiled slightly.

“Everything under you is bestowed by the Lord.

“Stay down and never forget it,” said weakly grateful.

“There is no need to say any extra words. What I want is actions, not loyal words.”

“I asked you to check it, did you find it?” Zhao Qi asked.

“Master, this is your jade pendant.”

Dunwei took out Zhao Qi’s jade pendant from his arms and handed it respectfully.

Zhao Qi took over.

Suddenly, he said: “Now the shadows have spread all over the world. It can be said that the world is under the control of the Lord.

“Subordinates investigated the source of this jade pendant and found two points.”

The first is “from the royal family of Zhao, and the second is from the royal family of Qin.”

“In other words, the Lord’s father should be a member of the two royal families.”

“Because of the same clan of Qin and Zhao, all of them are named Zhao, and this jade pendant is made of high-quality jade, not owned by the royal family of Qin and Zhao.” Dunwei replied respectfully.

“Qin Zhao royal family?”

“My father?”

Zhao Qi’s face was thoughtful.

My mind is complicated.

Zhao Qi really doesn’t know much about his life experience.

When my mother was still there, I had asked many times about the news about my father, but my mother had never said it, and asked Zhao Qi not to ask again.


The key for Zhao Qi to find his father lies in the jade pendant his mother left for him, which is also the only thing his father left for his mother.

After he had the right, he created the shadow. When the shadow spread all over the world, Zhao Qi also really began to search for his father’s whereabouts.

“go on.

Zhao Qi came back to his senses and confronted the weak point.

“This jade pendant belongs to the royal family of Qin and Zhao, but the style of each jade pendant is different because it is a symbol of the royal family’s identity.”

“The subordinates entered the Zhao Palace to read the Zhao royal family’s classics. During the war, there was a lot of lack. The style of this jade pendant was never found in the Zhao royal family. I don’t know if it is in the absence of war.”

“As for the classics of the Qin royal family, they are under the control of the royal clan in the Qin royal palace. After this table report, the subordinates are going to infiltrate the Qin royal family’s clan to investigate and see if there is any news that belongs to this jade pendant.” Dun weak respectfully said. .

“It’s pretty good that you can find these.”

“Continue to investigate.”

“If you find news about my father, tell me immediately.” Zhao Wei said.

The subordinates “lead the order.” Suddenly said respectfully.

“Take these fifty spirit stones back, and your keen confidant of the Shadow can help them break through the cultivation base.”

Zhao Qi waved his hand, and a brocade box appeared in front of the weak.

Thank you “Master.

The weak immediately thanked him.

“Well, if there is nothing else, then retreat.” Zhao Qi said.


“There is indeed one more thing.”

“About Chu State.

“But for the Lord, it’s not a big deal.” Suddenly recalled the matter and said immediately.

“Now that the country of Yan has been decided, the king is going to destroy Chu in the next step. Let’s talk about what is going on in the country of Chu.” Zhao Qi said.

“The three clans of the Chu clan are discussing secretly, and there are many generals in the Chu state who are involved in plotting to abolish the king and kill Li Yuan.” Dunwei respectfully said.

“Destroy the king, kill Li Yuan?”

Zhao pondered slightly.

Seems to think of something.

“There seems to be such a record in history. Today, the king of Chu seems to be the son of Li Yuan, not the blood of the Chu royal family, but the puppet of Li Yuan who controls the kingdom of Chu, and Li Yuan has also contaminated the blood of the Chu royal family.”

“Later, he was killed by the historical king of Chu, Ningwumenke, and Ningwu succeeded in becoming the king of Chu.”Li Yuan is in charge of Chu’s military and administration, and his authority is overwhelming. Once he dies, Chu will be in chaos. This is a great opportunity to destroy Chu.” Zhao Qi thought to himself in his heart, and he became interested directly.

“go on.”

“How long have they conspired?” Zhao Qi asked.

“Go back to the Lord.

“Now that the three clans have just conspired, it should be planned for a long time. After all, Li Yuan is the first official of the Chu Kingdom. He is protected by personal guards when he travels. Moreover, if he is in charge of the military and administration, if he fails, it will be tantamount to extinction for those conspirators. So they don’t know how to do it yet.” Suddenly replied weakly.

Pay close attention to the situation in Chu State.

“As soon as there is news that they want to do something, report it immediately.” Zhao Qi said solemnly.

“The Lord is planning to take advantage of Chu’s internal chaos and send troops to destroy Chu?” Dunwei immediately understood.


Zhao Qi nodded: “Chu’s national strength is inferior to that of Zhao’s in the past. Although there are not as many generals as Zhao, he wins in a vast territory and has a lot of troops. If Chu is prepared to attack, it will be against Da Qin. The loss is a bit big, but if you take advantage of the chaos in Chu, the result will be different.”

“Furthermore, it is only waiting for Da Qin to move troops to mobilize shadow power to assassinate the nobles of Chu State and cause great chaos in Chu State. This will allow this monarch to attack Chu State more quickly.

You secretly dispatched elite assassins to Chu, waiting for your command. Zhao Qi said to Dunwei.


Suddenly weak immediately took the command.

“Okay, step back.”

“What’s the matter, I will call you.” Zhao Qi said.

“Subordinates retire.”

After a weak bow, he picked up the spirit stone box and retired respectfully.

in a blink.

Disappeared directly in the main hall, it seems that he has never been here.

“It was a very wise thing to accept the weak fruit in the first place.”

“Unconsciously, the shadows have penetrated the world, and I also control an assassin force that is completely loyal to me.”

“He is from the royal family of Qin and Zhao?”

“Who is it?

“When my mother passed away, she never forgot about him. I found him and asked him back then. This was an explanation I gave to my mother.”

Next, “I can only take one step and look one step at a time, and wait for the next step to investigate.” Zhao Qi muttered to himself.

Time flies.

Another three months have passed.

For Daqin.

The situation is very good.

The country of Yan has completely become history. There is no country of Yan in the Central Plains, only the land of Yan belonging to the Great Qin Dynasty.

For Daqin.

The situation is great.

But for both Qi and Chu, it is natural to bear the deterrence from the growing power of the Qin Dynasty.

At the border with Daqin, the two countries also deployed military defenses to guard against Daqin’s offensive.

If it is said that Da Qin destroyed the Three Jins by surprise, then the extermination of Yan was carried out under the eyes of Qi and Chu. Although they knew that Da Qin’s destruction of Yan was not a good thing for them, Yan had Yan Dan and assassinated King Qin. This move caused Yan to be taken. Da Qin confessed that they had no reason to send troops to rescue.

But afterwards.

They naturally regretted it again.

But there is no regret medicine in this world. They have no other choice but to watch out on which day Da Qin will attack.


Royal palace.

There are countless guards guarding the entire palace, as long as there is a difference, it will be guarded by thousands of guards in an instant.

It was in the night.

Guards holding torches were everywhere.

But in this dark night, a figure swiftly rushed above Gonglian. The ghostly figure seemed to be completely integrated into the darkness, especially when the volley jumped up and flew over another Gonglian in the blink of an eye.

If someone sees it, I’m afraid it will be called a ghost.

After all, this is a thaumaturgy that has never appeared in this world.

This dark shadow swept in the palace, even though there were many guards patrolling below, no one could notice it.


In the depths of the palace, the place where royal classics are stored.

It is also the place where the clan of the Great Qin clan holds the hall.

At the gate of the temple.

There are two guards on duty.

Just then.


A dark shadow passed in front of them.

Don’t wait for them to return to their senses.

Stele, stele.

The black shadow moved directly on their bodies, and the two guards had no time to react at all, and their bodies could no longer move.

They didn’t even see the existence of the dark shadow.

Acupuncture “Fa, really powerful.”

“It’s worthy of a magical power bestowed by the Lord.

With a secret cry in the weak heart, he opened the door and walked directly into it.

Then closed the door.

Walked into this heavily guarded royal family classics storage hall.

As far as the weak of the congenital realm cultivation base is concerned, the whole world can be obtained.

“The King Zhao family did not find the source of the jade pendant of the Lord, so it depends on whether there is inside the library of the Great Qin Zong.” Suddenly thought to himself, he walked into the hall.

Came into view.

PS: I update nearly 20,000 characters every day, and I have two dolls with me. I did my best. Thank you for your support.

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