Chapter 175: Ying Zheng: Entitled Zhao Qi to Che Hou, Give…

And these days ago.

There was a major event in the palace, which made all courtiers frightened.

Yingzheng issued Wang Zhao.

Without his edict, no son can enter the palace for half a step in the future.

This move caused the whole court to speculate and wonder, but apart from a few people, no one knew what it meant.

But it is conceivable that this is definitely a big change in Da Qin, and Wang Xin is unpredictable.

After winning the government decree that the princes were not allowed to enter the palace without any edicts, another major event happened immediately.The Zhongche Mansion, which was favored by the government in the past, caused Zhao Gao to be demoted, expelled from the palace, and assigned to Huhai Mansion. Attendant.

Moreover, after Zhao Gao was expelled, there was a big cleanup in the palace.

I don’t know how many people in the palace were killed.

Although none of this has been publicized, it is natural for many people in the court to know such a big matter.

As soon as these two measures appeared, everyone was speculating about Wang Xin, and the court did not dare to talk nonsense.

After this invisible shock, the court became more peaceful.

“All right.”

“That’s it for today’s political discussion.

“There are great officials in Da Qin. As long as we guarantee the army’s grain and grass, the weight is transported, and the stability of the territories captured by our Da Qin, it is the key.”

Listening to the courtiers’ report, Yingzheng nodded and said.

“The minister is willing to swear to the death to serve the great Qin and be loyal to the great king.

Manchu dynasty civil and military said in unison.

“Xin Sheng.”

“Is there any news about Wu Anjun?”

Ying Zheng shouted at Xin Sheng who was on duty in the hall.

“The King.”

Wu Anjun has already started the attack on the country of Yan. I believe that soon afterwards, Wu Anjun’s commanding force can definitely bring surprises to the king, and the news received before, Wu Anjun said that he has prepared surprises for the king. ”

Xin Sheng said with a smile.

“This brat.”

“How precious is the opportunity for flying pigeons to pass on the book. Apart from saying that he wanted to surprise the widow, he didn’t say anything about the situation of the battle.” Ying Zheng scolded with a smile.

This seems to be nothing but envy in the eyes of Manchu civil and military officials.

From the title, we can know how much Yingzheng’s favor to Zhao is.

Manchu dynasty civil and military, who is so honored?

Even those sons of the great king, who can get this honor?

“The King.”

“Has Jun Wuan come back from the state of Yan? Why didn’t the minister receive it? What is the story of Flying Pigeon?”

Wang Guan stood up strangely, looked at Ying Zheng and asked.

Not only him.

The civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty were puzzled.

The flying pigeon passed the book, but under the deliberate efforts of Yingzheng, it did not spread.

In the entire palace, no one knew except Xin Sheng.

“Xin Sheng, come and explain to Zhu Qing.”

Yingzheng smiled, “6, 4, 3” is full of pride in his eyes.


Xin Sheng immediately took the lead.

Then he said to the Manchu civil and martial arts: “Flying pigeons is a method created by Wu Anjun that has never been transmitted before. Wu Anjun tamed wild cranes and used the characteristics of pigeons to return to the nest. No matter how far apart, the pigeons They can all come home. In the past, it took ten days to send a message in Sanjin, but with this flying pigeon, it only takes one or two days at most.”

“Now Flying Pigeon has considered the Xianyang Palace as a nest…”

Xin Sheng explained.

When Chaotang Wenwu heard this explanation, all of them looked surprised.

While marveling at the means of communication of the flying pigeons.

They also thought of one point in unison.

“Jun Wu An, Jun Wu An again.

“He still has the ability to tame birds? Let them send information?”

“Is there anything he can’t do? It’s no wonder that he is so graceful to Wu Anjun, his ability is really terrible.

“Today’s court, the king’s favor on Wu Anjun is unique, and no one can offend Wu Anjun, otherwise the consequences are really unpredictable.

Many courtiers were very lamented.

“Now Zhuqing knows what the flying pigeon handed down the book is?”

“With this new method of communication, people can be found in Xianyang and take charge of the affairs of the world.” Yingzheng laughed loudly.

“Congratulations to the king for getting this help.”

“Wu Anjun deserves to be my Da Qin Dongliang.” Manchu dynasty civil servants shouted in unison.

at this time.


“The commander of the guard camp under Jun Wu’an escorted the gift to the king, and now he has reached the gate of the palace.”

A guard guard walked quickly into the hall and exclaimed excitedly.

“Quick, let them in.”

Hearing that it was a gift from Zhao Qi, Ying Zheng immediately said with excitement.


The guard immediately ran out of the hall.

After a while.

Several Zhao Qi’s guards escorted a person to the hall.

When seeing this person.

Ying Zheng’s face was taken aback for a moment and then showed a touch of joy.

After seeing Yingzheng, the person being escorted was extremely humiliated, unwilling, and angry.

It is Yan Dan.


“It looks like Wu Anjun has already done something for me.”

“Prince Yan Ji Dan is now a prisoner.

Ying Zheng said with a smile on his face.

“The King of Enlightenment.”

“Jun Wu An presented the prince Yan Ji Dan as a gift, and gave the Yan Guo a victory report.”

The guardian commander bowed and bowed, holding a copy of the victory written by Zhao Qi in both hands.

“Don’t submit it, just read it.

Ying Zheng said prestigiously, with anticipation on his face.

He is looking forward to his son making great contributions to Da Qin.


The guard commander responded immediately.

Then he opened the victory report in his hand and read aloud: “Chen Zhao Qi pays his respects. After the minister returned to Zhao, he did not dare to miss the opportunity. In half a month, he assembled a 300,000 army. The commanding troops marched eastward.”

“Break the border in one day and seize the border city of Yan State.”The prince of the Kingdom of Yan, Ji Dan, is arrogant and arrogant. He has a total of 380,000 soldiers, but he did not stick to the city. Instead, he fought a decisive battle with the army of his ministers. Naturally, the ministers would not let go of the opportunity to set the Yan fighter in one fell swoop.”

“In the land of Quni, a decisive battle with the Yan army.”

“Fortunately, the minister did not humiliate his life. In the first battle, he defeated the Yan army, cut the enemy by nearly 100,000, captured tens of thousands, and fled tens of thousands.”

“And cut the swallow general to Qing Qin, and capture the swallow prince pill.

“The Yan army has collapsed and is no longer able to compete with Da Qin.”

The good news is finished here.

But there was a touch of excitement and joy on the faces of Manchu Wenwu.


Will destroy another country.

Wu’anjun Zhao Qi, who is known as the God of War of the Great Qin Dynasty, made another great contribution to set the universe in a battle in the land of Quni, cut the main force of the country of Yan, and set the foundation of the country of Yan.

Hear this good news.

The results of the battle of Qu Ni seemed to be presented in front of Ying Zheng, and an excited smile appeared on his face immediately, and he shouted: “Cai.

“Big lottery.


“Jun Wu’an will make new contributions to Daqin’s interest.

“He will once again contribute to the destruction of the country for Da Qin.

Ying Zheng’s excited voice resounded throughout the court.

“Congratulations to the king.”

“Jun Wu’an is the pillar of the Great Qin Dynasty, and if he makes extraordinary contributions, this is the blessing of the Great Qin and the blessing of the Great King.”

The civil and military officials of the Manchu dynasty began to agree with them.


Yingzheng laughed heartily, and finally learned about the situation in the country of Yan, the victory passed back, how unhappy Yingzheng was.

This means that the State of Yan will be destroyed.

Wait until the country of Yan is destroyed.

The only enemies of Da Qin are Qi and Chu. As long as these two countries are destroyed, his victory in politics will create the supreme foundation for the ages and dominate the world.

Achieve the emperor in the mouth of his son.

By that day, Ying Zheng will have a reputation that no one has ever had in the ages. He will chase Donger as queen and Zhao Qi as crown prince.

Everything is in the plan to win the government.

Follow along.

Ying Zheng looked at Yan Dan, full of coldness.

it’s him.

If he planned to assassinate Qin, if it weren’t for his own son to return in time, that arrow interrupted Jing Ke’s assassination, perhaps now he has given his life.

For Yan Dan.

In the teenage years.

Yingzheng regarded him as a close friend. Even after he belonged to Daqin, Yingzheng had some contact with him. But as he grew up, as he understood everything, Yingzheng saw Yan Dan’s narrow-mindedness and gradually broke the contact.

Although countries are enemies, Yan Dan no longer hates him between countries, but his jealousy and jealousy of himself.

“Yan Dan.

“Goodbye again.”

“Unfortunately, you are defeated, and your country of Yan is going to perish.”

“And the knife you gave to the dead Yan is the knife you personally sent. If you didn’t assassinate, how could you be famous for finding someone.” Ying Zheng looked at Yan Dan, condescendingly sarcastically.

“Ying Zheng.

“You did win.”

“But I don’t believe how long your Qin kingdom can last. You destroy the Three Jins and my Dayan. When you die, the world will fall and the six kingdoms will recover, and your Qin king clan will be exhausted by my six kingdoms.”

Yan Dan looked savagely, gritted his teeth and looked at Ying Zheng.


“The defeated general is not brave enough.”

“It’s all defeated, so I dare to be so rampant.”

“court death.

“My lord, these people are not allowed to stay, when the car breaks.”

“Please take care of the king.

Listening to Yan Dan’s scolding, A scolded in anger, both civil and military.

But there was no wave in winning the government, just looking at Yan Dan indifferently.


Yingzheng said coldly.

“It’s over.”

“If you want to kill, you can listen to it. If I frown, Yan Dan is definitely not the descendant of the emperor.” Yan Dan said proudly.

“Send an edict to the widow.

“Ordered Wu Anjun to slaughter the Yan king clan, leaving no one behind.”

Ying Zheng said calmly.

Hear this.

Yan Dan’s eyes instantly turned red, full of anger: “You won’t have to die if you win politics.”

“Exhausting the Daqin royal family, that is the future, but now, the widows can exhaust your royal family.”

“Yan Dan.

“The widow is the same size as you, but you will always be a child who has not grown up, self-righteous.”

“Originally, the widow did not intend to kill the whole family, but your words offended the widow. This is the price.” Ying Zheng said coldly.

Compared with Yan Dan’s madness, Ying Zheng was calm from beginning to end.

Letting go of ruthless words requires time. For his prince who is about to exterminate the country, letting go of ruthless words is tantamount to seeking a dead end and cutting off the life of the family.

“Yingzheng, you are so cruel.

“I’ll be a ghost and I won’t let you go.” Yan Dan gritted his teeth and said.

“I hope you are qualified to be a ghost.

Ying Zheng waved his hand.

Xin Sheng immediately came with a few guards.

“The car is cracked.”

Yingzheng spit out two words coldly.


Xin Sheng respected the leader.

A few sharp men directly captured Yan Dan and prepared to take it away.

“Win politics.

“You will have to die, your children and grandchildren will die.”

“I will wait for you in hell.


Yan Dan laughed frantically at last before he died.

And at this moment.


“Jun Wu’an passed back the flying pigeons, and the country of Yan had a great victory.”

At this time.

A guard hurried to the hall, holding a pigeon in his hand, and a victory was tied to the pigeon’s feet.

“Read it quickly.

Ying Zheng once again expressed joy and said loudly.

The gazes of the civil and military forces of Manchu and dynasty once again gathered, full of expectation.


The guard took down the victory report and opened it to read: “The minister Zhao Qi has not humiliated the king’s life. He has conquered Jicheng and killed the Yan Wang Jixi. All the Yan royal family have been captured. Belongs to the territory of the Great Qin Dynasty.”

There are not many words in this good news, but everything is stated.

“Good, good, good.

Hearing this victory, he was even more excited to win the government, and his expression was agitated.

“No, it’s impossible.

Father “Why didn’t he sow, how could he die.”


“This is impossible..”

But before Yan Dan, who was dying, heard the news, his face suddenly became bloodless, and his body no longer had any strength. He seemed to have difficulty kneeling on the ground.

However, the guard directly stood up and dragged him away.


“Have you been waiting.”

“This is my Daqin Wuanjun.

“I am the greatest hero of Qin’s dominance of the world.”

Ying Zheng stood up excitedly and shouted while overlooking the Manchu Dynasty.

“Congratulations to the king.”

“Yan State is destroyed, our Great Qin Dynasty only has Qi and Chu two countries left to dominate the world.”

“The King will create a unified world and create the foundation of the Great Qin Dynasty.”

Manchu dynasty civil and military all congratulated in excitement.


“Dominate the world, soon.”

Yingzheng laughed loudly.

The whole court is full of excitement.

“The King of Enlightenment.

“Jun Wu’an again made the merit of destroying the country for the Great Qin Dynasty.”


Meng Yi stood up and said loudly.


“Jun Wu’an will make the merit of destroying the country again for the Great Qin Dynasty. If the widow does not reward, how can the people of the world admire him.” Yingzheng laughed happily.


He wants to give his son the greatest authority under one person and over ten thousand people.

Make the final pavement for his recognition.

“Send an edict to the widow.”

“Jin Wu’an Junjue is the first class, Feng Chehou.”

Ying Zheng announced the prestige.

The words fell off.

Manchu dynasty civil and military have been shocked.

Che Hou.

The highest title of the Daqin military merit system, this level of honor, even Shangjun Weiyang, who created the military merit system in the past, did not reach it, even Baiqi, who was called the Daqin war god in the past, did not reach it.

This title.

Now there will eventually be a master.

One person from Daqin eventually reached the highest title of Daqin.

Che Hou.

The first noble of Daqin.

Under one person, above tens of thousands.

“He was sealed.

Li Si’s eyes widened, with infinite regret in his heart.

Once, if he hadn’t targeted, sent someone to assassinate Li Yan’er, and hadn’t been so merciless to Li Yan’er, perhaps the first minister in power was his son-in-law, but all this would have been impossible to restore.

At the time of full consternation.

Yingzheng’s words have not stopped yet.

“Lord of the Marquis of Jin Che.

“Give the guards the right to expand by eight thousand people.”

“Give the whole territory of Yongcheng to the fief.

“Give ten thousand gold, ten thousand cloth, and ten thousand acres of fertile land.”

“Give five thousand servants.

“And, grant Jun Wu’an the right to command the five major military camps in Daqin.”

“Take the hand of my great Qin million sharp soldiers, command the entire army 0…

Ying Zheng immediately announced with prestige.

When these generous gifts fell, the consternation of the Manchu civil and martial arts became greater, especially the commander Daqin million sharp soldiers who heard the last gift, commanding the entire Daqin army.

Every courtier was discolored for it.

This.. This is the greatest authority that can be given to courtiers.

Even if it was the old Wuan Jun Baiqi, his power was far less than the current Zhao Qi. In the past, Bai Qi only commanded the entire army.

Zhao Qi directly commanded the five camps.

Yongcheng, Hangu, Lantian, Yeye, Daidi.

These five belong to Daqin’s big camp.

“The King of Enlightenment.

“It is already a great honor to appoint Jun Wuan as the Marquis of Chelsea. Is it a bit too much to bestow Wu’an Jun as the commander of the entire Daqin army?”

“After all, Wu Anjun is only in his twenties.

Wang Shu was a little untenable, and said loudly.

“The minister seconded.

“Jun Wu’an is still too young, and I have never had such a powerful courtier in Da Qin to command the military power. Where is the royal power?”

“Please consider the decision.” Li Si also stood up immediately.

“The minister also thinks this reward is too much.”

“Also please think twice.

One by one courtiers stood up and began to persuade them.

But this time.

Meng Yi, Han Fei, Feng Jie, and even Wei Liao who had just returned from Guigu stood up.

“Da Qin attacked and destroyed the four countries, Wu’an Jun is the first merit, such a feat, has been recognized by the Da Qin millions of sharp soldiers, with Wu An Jun commanding the entire army, I believe that the Da Qin millions of sharp soldiers will be more admired.” Meng Yi said loudly. .

“The minister seconded.

“Jun Wu’an is superb. With him in command of the entire Daqin army, we will be able to integrate all the forces of Daqin and cut Qi Chu for Daqin.” Han Fei said immediately.

“The minister seconded.”The merits of Jun Wu’an should be so rewarded to calm people’s hearts.” Feng Jie said.

“Da Qin military merit system, merits must be rewarded, if there is a penalty, Wu’an Jun has made war merits, which has not been seen in the ages, commanding the entire Da Qin army, Wu’an Jun is worth it.” Wei Liao said loudly.

“The ministers seconded.”

“Mr Wu’an has done a great job, enough to bear this position.”

Many ministers stepped forward and began to speak loudly.

The whole court.

Two factions appeared immediately.

One faction is opposed, and the other faction is in favor.

Well matched.

But the real decision-making power lies in Yingzheng.

For foreign ministers.

Yingzheng may not have such a reseal, the imperial Feng Chehou has reached the extreme, but Zhao Qi is his son, and the entire Daqin will belong to Zhao Qi in the future. How can Yingzheng be unsuccessful.

Everything today.

It’s all paving the way for Zhao Qi.

Let him be the crown prince without hindrance.

It was also when the politicians of Ying made a decision.

Three figures appeared outside the hall.

“Jun Wu’an commanded the entire Qin army, and the minister agreed.”

“Jun Wu’an’s ability surpasses his ministers and is respected.” One of the three said loudly, it was Wang Jian.

Follow closely.

“The words of the general of the dynasty, the minister seconded.”

“Jun Wu’an made countless deeds for the Great Qin to destroy the countries, and he can command the entire army of the Great Qin. If it is someone else, Huanyou will not be convinced, but Jun Wu, Huanyou will serve.” Huanji also followed.

“The minister seconded.

“Jun Wu’an commanded the entire army, and the world’s great Qin warriors all served.” Meng Wu said loudly.

Three people.

It is the three generals of Daqin.

In the past, Zhao Qi was a powerful minister before joining the army, and he also had a high prestige in the army.

If they jointly oppose it, then commander Zhao Qi will still hinder the whole army.

But at this moment they all agreed that Zhao Qi could no longer hold the Qin army.


For Wang Jian and Huan, this time seems to be to repay Zhao Qi’s past favors. If Zhao Qi hadn’t acted on the spot, they would not be able to break Li Mu and would pay a great price.

Today is the time to pay back the favor.

And Mengwu is of course not to mention, he knows Zhao Qi’s identity, how can he prevent Zhao Qi from reaching such a high position.

After all.

Today they also belong to Xianyang, it is also accidental, not deliberate.

But it played a key role.

Hearing the words of the three generals, Ying Zheng showed a smile on his face.

The decision was originally prepared to be finalized, but now with the agreement of the three, all courtiers will have nothing to say.

“How can they come back?”

Looking at the figure of the three generals, the courtiers who opposed it suddenly became a little helpless.

Even the three generals in the army agreed, what else can they say?

“Have you heard what the three generals said?”

“The generals in the army have no objection, what can you say about 1.2?”

Ying Zheng looked at the officials who opposed the king.

“The officials were worried about opposition in the army, but now it seems that Wu Anjun’s reputation in the army is no one can match.”

“The minister agrees.” Wang Shu, a sleek person, immediately changed his words.

“The ministers seconded.

Those courtiers who just opposed also all agreed.

It seems “All Aiqing has no objections.

“In this way, we will issue an edict in accordance with the guest’s award.”

“Grant Wu’an Jun to Jin Che, the lord of the Marquis, give control of the Qin army, control the whole army, and be directly ordered by others.”

Ying Zheng immediately sealed off his prestige.

This time.

Manchu dynasty civil and military no longer have any objections.

“Great King Shengming.”

“The ministers have no objection.

Manchu dynasty civil and military shouted in unison.


Seeing the emperor’s seal fall, Zheng smiled contentedly.

This time.

Granting his son such a position and becoming the crown prince in the future, it can be said that no one can stop him, and no one can compete with Zhao Qi.

“Why did the three Aiqings suddenly return together?”

Yingzheng smiled and looked at the Mengwu trio.

“For ministers, see the king.”

The ministers and others “commanded no war in the camp. Hearing that Jun Wu’an had done something extraordinary again, he returned to Xianyang to take a look and presented the military affairs of the camp to the king.” The three respectfully said.


“Wait for the three Aiqings to enter the Zhangtai Palace together, to vote for the widows on military affairs.” Ying Zheng immediately smiled.

“Xie Dawang.

The three responded immediately.

“The State of Yan is gone.”

“But it will take a few months to get all hands full.”

“Feng Quji Aiqing contributed to Da Qin’s governance of the Three Jin Dynasties, and also spent a few years outside for Da Qin. It is a rare return.”

“Feng Jie, are you willing to replace your brother back and take charge of Yandi’s administration?” Ying Zheng looked at Feng Jie.

“The minister is willing.

Feng Jie did not hesitate.


“In the three Jin Dynasty, Feng Quji managed, and most of them were calm. Nowadays, government affairs are connected with Xianyang. It can be seen that he has worked so hard. After he is returned to Xianyang, the widow must give him a reward.” Ying Zheng said with a smile.

“Great King Shengming.

All the ministers said in unison.

“All right.”

“Does Zhu Qing have other things to tell?

If not, then disperse the court. Yingzheng said with a big smile.

“The ministers have no basis.

Manchu dynasty civil and military said in unison.

Ying Zheng took a deep look at the Mengwu trio, as if they had decided something, and then announced loudly: “The three generals will go to Zhangtai Palace with the widows, and the other Aiqing will disperse.”

PS: Old irons, I’m really grateful.

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