Chapter 174 Another Breakthrough, Grand Master Realm is in sight

For Daqin.

Destroy the Yan.

It’s not difficult at all.

In the past, Zhao attacked the country of Yan, and the country of Yan had already suffered a great loss of national power. If Daqin had not sent troops to deter Zhao, the country of Yan might have been destroyed by the country of Zhao. Although it has been a few years since that battle, how could the country’s national power be? Recovered so quickly.

The army of more than 300,000 is already the soldier of the nation of Yan.

Under the leadership of their wise prince Yan Dan, head-to-head with Zhao Qi, and ultimately defeated.

This battle.

Zhao Qi’s subordinates successfully beheaded countless and captured countless. Although many escaped, it didn’t matter. This battle allowed Handan to win countless or enslaved soldiers and successfully acquired the status of a real Daqin soldier.

time flies.

Zhao Qi issued a general order.

The 300,000 troops under his command were divided into three groups, and each commander commanded the 100,000 troops to attack the territory of Yan Kingdom.

The main force of Yan State was defeated by World War I.

The great Qin Ruishi had no obstacles at all. When the city broke the city, everyone in the entire Yan country was in danger, and the chaos continued in the Yan country. .

The entire country of Yan.

It’s messed up.

They have no fighting spirit at all.

The territory of Yan Kingdom was swallowed frantically.

Time flies.

Three months passed.


“Wind, wind, wind.”

“The wind.”

Inside and outside of Jicheng, countless great Qin Ruishi’s voices rang out.

Countless people in the country of Yan, the powerful and powerful, were terrified.

Yandu was completely messed up.

The Yan army on the city pass had no intention of fighting, and abandoned the city pass and fled. The city was full of people fleeing chaos, and soldiers were mixed among them, and there was no order at all.

“Run away.”

“Qin Jun broke the city.”

“Our prince assassinated King Qin, and the Qin army will surely slaughter the city.”

Run away” Ah.

“Qin Jun has entered the city.

“It’s over if you don’t run away…

In Jicheng, fear spread, and there was a mess everywhere.

And the city gate that had lost the defense of the Yan army was knocked open suddenly under the hammer of Da Qin.

Countless black armored Qin troops rushed into the capital of Yan State in one file.

This means that Mieyan has come to an end.

Inside the Yan Palace.

King Yan was sitting on the throne, with a despair of national extinction on his face, but he was not afraid of death. Most of the civil and military officials in the court looked panicked, and there was fear in their eyes.


“The King of Enlightenment.”

“Qin Jun is already attacking the palace gate.”

“The guards can no longer resist.”


The palace gate “has been broken by the Qin army, and the Qin army has already entered the palace.

From time to time in the hall, Yan soldiers rushed in one after another, reporting in fear.

After listening to the news one by one, the civil and military personnel in the court were extremely disturbed.

But the Yan Wang in the high position had no waves on his face, and seemed to have no fear anymore.

“If you want to escape, let’s run away.

This period of “time you should arrange should have been arranged.”

“Flee from the palace gate of the harem.

“If my Dayan still hopes to regain the country in the future, I hope you still remember that you are the officials of Dayan.”

King Yan sighed happily, and said to the chaotic courtier in the court.

“The King.”

Many courtiers looked at King Yan in panic, but for most of them, there was a kind of hope in their hearts.

Let’s go.

“Let’s all go.”

“My Dayan will die, and the widow will live and die with Dayan.”

Yan Wangxi gave a sorrowful laugh, his face was already full of weakness, and waved his hand to these courtiers.

“The king is great, and the minister has no intention of retributing it. In the future, the minister will have his brains and brains on the occasion of rebuilding Dayan.

“Xie Dawang…


One by one courtiers fled from the hall in a panic.

in a blink.There were originally more than a hundred officials of the State of Yan, and there were only a handful of less than ten people left.

See this scene.

There was also a sadness on Yan Wangxi’s face.

The country was about to die, and there were only a few people left who belonged to the great dignitaries.

“The country is about to die, and the catastrophe is imminent and fly separately.”

“Widow is really a failure.”

Rebellious son “It’s all the rebellious son.”

If it weren’t for “he, how could my Dayan fall into such a situation.”

Yan Wangxi’s eyes were full of anger.

But here it is.

It’s too late.

If he knew that there was such a thing, he really wanted to shoot Yan Dan directly to death.

“You guys, don’t you go?”

Looking at the few remaining courtiers in the court, King Yan said with joy.

“We are the officials of Dayan. We swear allegiance to the king and wish to live and die with Dayan.”

These remaining courtiers said in unison, their eyes were determined to coexist and die with the country.


“On the death of a country, loyalty and traitor can be distinguished.

“Today the widow will accompany you on the road.”

“The bloody battle with Violent Qin is the last.

Yan Wangxi laughed.

Walk down from the throne.

Holding the hilt tightly in his hand, he drew the sword out.

“Follow the king to the death.”

These remaining courtiers also drew their swords one after another, guarding Yan Wangxi’s side.

Everyone stared at the open door of the palace.

The screams and screams in the palace are getting closer.


There was a burst of sound of the armor, and the bodies of many soldiers of the Yan Kingdom slammed on the door of the hall, and blood flowed into the hall.

Countless black armored soldiers rushed directly into the highest authority of Yan Nation.

In the hall of the court hall.

In an instant, there were Daqin Ruishi holding spears and sharp swords.


“The King Yan is here.”

“Here is the great work.

When looking at the tense King Yan and a few courtiers in the court hall, all the great Qin Ruishi’s eyes were full of fire and heat.


“This time I caught a big fish.

“He would have followed Wu’an Jun to fight for many years. When he defeated the Three Jins, every king was a greedy and fearful of death, but today I saw a king who was not afraid of death.”

Tu yesterday ran into the hall, looked at King Yan who was heavily surrounded, suddenly burst into laughter.

“Hurry up and report to Wu Anjun.”

“The King Yan is here.

“Please come to deal with Wu Anjun.” Ju Ya shouted loudly.


The sharp guard around the gangster went to handle it immediately.

Then Ju Diao strode forward, and said with a touch of praise to King Yan: “King Yan, you are a good man.”

“It’s a pity that your son is too trash. If it weren’t for him, it would take me at least half a year for Da Qin to destroy your country, but now it’s easy. You gave birth to a son.”

This mocking compliment made Yan Wangxi’s face turn blue.

“If the widow is defeated, he is also the king.

“If you die, you must have the dignity of a king.”

“Where is Zhao Qi? Can you dare to come and meet a real person?”

King Yan held the sword tightly and shouted angrily.

“rest assured.”

“As long as you don’t commit suicide, you will see Wu Anjun.”

“After all.

“Ben will also admire you very much, because you are the only emperor who did not escape after our army attacked Sanjin.”

“The kings of the Three Jin Dynasties, the pillars are the kings, who are greedy for life and fear of death, all died at the hands of my Great Qin Emperor Wu’an.

“You are worthy of admiration.”

Facing Yan Wangxi, who was already surrounded, the gangster did not conceal his praise for him.

The dignity of the widow is not your turn to comment.

King Yan snorted coldly, ignoring the slaughter.

And at this moment.

The sound of Bingjia came from outside the hall again.

“Welcome to Wu Anjun.

All the sharp guards looked out of the temple one after another, shouting in unison, every sharp guard was full of awe.

Follow Zhao Qi into the hall.

All the sharps gave way.

“Qin Wu Anjun, Zhao Qi.

Yan Wangxi raised his head and stared at Zhao Qi.

“King Yan.”

“Your country, Yan is the fourth country that your lord has attacked and destroyed. The first three kings are all kneeling in front of your lord, and you are the only one standing.”

“You are better than them.

“But it’s a pity.

“The general trend cannot be violated.”

Zhao Qi looked at King Yandao indifferently.


“Perhaps the general trend cannot be violated.”

“But you can destroy my country of Yan, but you can’t destroy the foundation of my Great Yan.”

“Widow people don’t believe that Qin can continue Guo Zuo. One day, Dayan will make a comeback.”

King Yan burst into laughter, as if after seeing the Wuanjun Zhao Qi who had destroyed another country, he felt his wish.

“Maybe it will.”

“But you can’t see it anymore.”

Zhao Qi said plainly.

in history.

Qin Shihuang swept Liuhe, ruled the Central Plains, and condensed the Yan and Huang clan, but after all, the kingdom of Zuo ceased and Qin II died.

It was not only because of Qin II’s incompetence, but also the unwillingness of the extinct six kingdoms to restore the country, secretly looking for opportunities.

“Zhao Qi.”

“Can you dare to fight one-on-one with the widow?”

Yan Wangxi held the sharp sword in both hands, pointed at Zhao Qi and shouted.

“You don’t need to be one-on-one, you guys go together.

“Everyone is scattered.”

Zhao Qi glanced, and said in a prestigious voice.


All the sharp soldiers pushed away one after another, and the hall was instantly empty.


“Kill Zhao Qi, and death will also drag him to hell.”

King Yan exclaimed with joy.

Holding the sharp sword tightly and rushing towards Zhao Qi, several courtiers around him also rushed over.

Each one means a fight to the death.

However, Zhao Qi’s view of their fighting to death is so powerless.

Their speed, strength, and Zhao Qi are far from each other.

If Zhao Qi wants, one palm can send them on the road.

But it is still hidden now, there is no need.

Looking at King Yan who rushed over.

Zhao Qi’s figure moved, and the Zhan Lu sword was unsheathed. The sword of benevolence had a pleasant edge. In the hands of Daqin Killing God, benevolence could still kill people.

Zhao Qi easily escaped the sword of King Yan.

The sword moves.

The blood was gone.

King Yan knelt directly on the ground, his head separated.

Then Zhao Qi went down with a few swords.

All of these king Yan’s loyalties were killed by the sword.

There are corpses all over the hall.

After Zhao Qi glanced, Zhan Lujian returned.

“The burial of King Yan is good for his life, it is considered to be all his royal etiquette.”

“Control Jicheng, Zhang Bang Anmin.

“Are you not subject to me, Daqin.”


“In addition, the news that King Yan is dead and that the Kingdom of Yan is extinct is passed on to Xianyang by the flying pigeons.

Zhao Qi said aloud, then turned and left the hall.


The generals replied in unison.

For Zhao Qi’s vigorous and resolute vigor, every sharp person is full of respect.

With the death of King Yan.

Jicheng has fallen under the control of Da Qin, and Yan Kingdom can already declare its demise. It only takes two or three months at most, and the entire territory of Yan Kingdom will be controlled by Da Qin.

0…seeking flowers…

Partial hall of Yanwang Palace.

“System, settlement rewards.”

Zhao Qi gave the expected instructions on his face.”The host’s instructions are accepted.

“Starting to settle rewards.

“Congratulations to the host’s army for killing 135564 enemies and gaining 45188 experience points.” The system prompts.

“Congratulations to the host for killing Admiral Yan Qingqin, reward 800 experience value, reward 1 bottle of “Little Return Pill”,

“Congratulations to the host for beheading the Yan Wang Jixi, rewarding 1,000 experience points and rewarding 1 bottle of “Zengyuan Pill”.” The system prompts.

“The harvest is not small.

“Level 18 is coming soon.

There was a touch of joy in Zhao Qi’s eyes.


Open the properties panel.

Level 17 (Innate Seventh Realm)

Stamina: 8000

Infuriating: 7000

Cultivation method: Consummate the basic inner strength, nine yin and nine yang (regenerate and regenerate, can restore true qi,)

Cultivation of martial arts: perfect basic swordsmanship (one sword cuts out, sword energy is invisible), perfect yellow-level middle-grade martial arts “Fight Tiger Fist”, one punch can make a tiger roar, and one punch can gather 10 times the power of the whole body and blast out.

Consummating the profound level martial arts “Sacred Arrow Technique”, comprehending Consummation, three hundred zhang arrows without false hair, ten arrows in succession, contains bursting arrow energy.

Perfect Xuanian martial art “Overlord Halberd”, perfect Xuanji martial art “Wudang Tiyun Zong”

Weapons: Zhanlu sword, overlord halberd, stainless steel sword, body armor, ten crossbows.

Possess a magic weapon: Jiangxin (with training attributes, the host commander can increase morale by 100% and increase combat power by using the battle formation.)

Possessing characteristics: Wu’anjun authority (the subordinates, all in awe, the god of war in the army, respected by millions of sharp soldiers in the Great Qin Dynasty.)

Title: Wu Anjun (The overlord commander can kill one-third of the enemy by killing the enemy, and can use the passive magic power “Kill Dao” to gain one-third of the enemy’s murderous intent.)

Experience required to level up: 23540.

“This is my current strength, too strong.”

Innate “eightfold realm, coming soon.”

“Sure enough, the experience of killing the enemy is the fastest way to improve my strength. For me, there is no bottleneck and mood at all. As long as the experience value is reached, my strength will increase. The greatest benefit of physique.

“With this, in order to really have a chance to break this world, I want to form an army of killing, to kill the enemy into a god.

Looking at his current strength, this kind of peak feeling in control of everything, Zhao Qi is confident in the future.

“Zengyuan Pill, this is the first time I have obtained this pill.”

“I don’t know what’s the use.

Zhao Qi’s heart moved, and Zengyuan Pill appeared in his hand.

Then, when he took a closer look, the attributes that belonged to the Zengyuan Pill appeared before him.

Zengyuan Pill: Mysterious-level middle-grade pill, below level 21, each one can increase 5000 experience points, below 31 level, each one takes 3000 experience points…


“This Zengyuan Pill can be used. It has the same effect as the previous Qi Zeng Pill, but this effect is many times stronger than the Qi Zeng Pill.” Zhao Qi thought very excitedly.

Before getting Qi Qi Dan, the increase in experience value was only 1000.

Now this Zengyuan Pill has directly increased five times.

“A bottle of ten pills of Zengyuan Pill is equivalent to 50,000 experience points.”

“Today I was promoted to level 18, to Xiantian Eightfold.

Zhao Qi did not hesitate.

I opened the porcelain bottle directly, took out five Zengyuan Pills, and swallowed them directly into my stomach.

The pill melted in the mouth, and a rush of heat immediately poured into Zhao Qi’s body. The zhenqi in the pill began to boil and grew crazily.

It didn’t take much time at all.

Zhen Qi reached a apex, moving towards a meridian pulse that hadn’t rushed through the eight meridians of the odd meridian.


Zhen Qi broke through the meridians in an instant, and then fell into the dantian.

Zhen Qi skyrocketed again.

Congratulations, “Host successfully upgraded to level 18 (Innate Eightfold Realm).” The system prompts.

“very good.

“It’s only 2 levels away from the peak of the Xiantian realm.”

“This time, Qin Shihuang will give me a great reward for the work of killing the king and the work of destroying the country. I will control everything in the five major army regiments of Daqin.”

“This kind of power may be the first person in Da Qin who is truly second only to Qin Shihuang.


“With such authority, I can only think about it. I am a foreign minister, not a royal family. Qin Shihuang will not agree to it. Even if Qin Shihuang agrees, hundreds of officials will not agree.”

“It depends on how Qin Shihuang gave me a reward this time.”

Zhao Qi thought secretly.

But it is conceivable.

It was another effort to destroy the country, and it took only a few months to destroy a country for Da Qin, and Da Qin did not consume much food and grass. Such outstanding achievements must be rewarded.

This is the permission of Qin Law.

The military meritorious system of the Great Qin Dynasty is the embodiment of Qin law.


Palace of the King of Qin.

The North Korean meeting is in progress.

Ying Zheng sat in a high position with a majestic and indifferent expression, overlooking Chaotang.

Without being alone with his sons and grandchildren, Yingzheng is such a majestic look, which, to any courtier, seems to be superior and inviolable.

PS: Iron sons, please find out, thank you. Ding.

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