Chapter 176 The Wife Wants You Allegiance To Wu Anjun

Inside the Zhangtai Palace.

The door of the palace was closed tightly.

Xin Sheng personally led the Guards to guard outside the hall. Without an edict to win the government, no one was allowed to approach the Zhangtai Palace half a step.

“My lord.

“This is the military newspaper of Yongcheng Daying. Please read it.

Mengwu held the military newspaper in both hands, respectfully facing the way to win the government.

Wang Jian and Hengyi did not neglect, and took out the military newspapers of their respective camps and presented them to Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng took it and opened them one by one.


“There are three generals in charge of the camp, and there are few worries.” Winning the government nodded in satisfaction.

“For the great king, the minister waits for his duty.

The three immediately replied respectfully.


Yingzheng smiled mildly, and cast his eyes on Wang Jian and Huanji.


He asked: “Wang Qing, Huan Qing, what do you think of Wu Anjun? Do you think there is too much of the edict?”

Heard this question.

Meng Wu seemed to have thought of something and remained silent.

But Wang Jian and Huanqi were worried. Obviously, the words of winning the government were full of temptation for them.

“The talents of Emperor Wu’an and the ability to command troops are unique in Da Qin, even in the world. Da Qin has Emperor Wu An, the luck of Da Qin, the luck of great kings. Compared with the talents of Emperor Wu, the ministers are willing to worship the wind.

“With Emperor Wu’an in command of Daqin’s millions of sharp men, Daqin will be invincible and invincible.” Wang Jian said with admiration.

“The minister seconded.

“The abilities of Jun Wu’an have never existed in the ages. Even if it was General Bai Qi in the past and Jun Wu’an today, Da Qin attacked the Four Kingdoms. Every time a nation was destroyed, Jun Wu’an made the first merit, and the Kings of the Four Kingdoms all died in Wu’an Jun. Under the sword, the generals of the four countries are the same.”

“With the ability to command the troops and the results of the battle, I would like to ask who has it in the world since the ages?”

“Wu’an Jun controls the military power, and his officials admire him, and he will never fail.” Huandi also spoke with admiration.

All over the world.

As they said.

For example, if the other person is Wuanjun, even if it is a royal family, Huan Xiao and the others are absolutely dissatisfied with the arrogant dynasty.

They only serve the existence of real military merits and awe of the sharp soldiers.

And Zhao Qi, it is this kind of person.

With such great military exploits, they had to obey and respect for the Great Qin’s destruction of the nations.

Although they are much older than Zhao Qi, they think they are ashamed of Zhao Qi.

“If one day, the widow wants you to give everything to support Wu Anjun, what do you think?” Ying Zheng stared at Wang Jian and Huandi, and suddenly said.

The words fell off.

Wang Jian and Hengdi are a little weird.

But in a moment, he replied in unison: “Please rest assured, the king, Wu’an Jun is in charge of the army, and the ministers will respect Wu’an Jun’s orders, and they will never fail.


Ying Zheng shook his head, and then said: “Widow wants you to be loyal to Jun Wu’an, are you willing?”

Heard this.

Wang Jian and Huanqi were completely stunned, looking at the victory in a puzzled manner.

Allegiance to Zhao Qi?

What does it mean?As the generals of the Great Qin, they can respect Zhao Qi’s military order, so that the Great Qin will destroy the enemy and rule the world. What does it mean to change this, and ask them to be loyal to Zhao Qi?

Only Meng Wu had a clear face and was not surprised, but in his heart, he was also very excited: “Finally, he has reached this point. The king is gradually proclaiming the identity of Zhao Qi by his right confidant, and he will dominate the world. When the identity is announced, they can all be Zhao Qi’s supporters.

“Since the widow presided over the wedding for Wu Anjun, have you all felt that the widow is very kind to Wu Anjun, and even treats his family differently?”

“It’s better than treating the widow’s own children.

Ying Zheng smiled slightly and said to the two of them.

“The rumor in the palace is true.

“The great king’s grace for Jun Wu’an is unique.”

“But this is also the result of Wu Anjun’s numerous merits for Da Qin. No one can question this.” Wang Jian and Huandi said one after another.

“Several generals also made a lot of great contributions to Da Qin, but how did the widow ever treat a foreign minister like this?” Ying Zheng smiled and asked again.

Listening to the inexplicable words of Yingzheng, it is all about Zhao Qi, Wang Jian and Huandi are all puzzled.

They don’t know what Yingzheng meant to express?

So they don’t know how to answer the call anymore.

And at this moment.

The words that shocked them appeared.

Yingzheng spoke again: “Zhao Qi, is the son of a widow.”

The words fell off.

Like a thunderbolt, Wang Shuo and Huan’s expressions changed drastically, full of shock and astonishment.

Their minds also buzzed like being bombarded by thunder.

Did they hear it wrong, or did the king say it wrong?

“My lord, what did you just say?” Wang Jian said with some uncertainty.

Huanqi didn’t speak, but there was an unspeakable surprise on his face.

Regarding the expressions of the two people, there is no surprise in winning the government. After all, this matter is for Da Qin and for the world, once it is truly announced, it will cause a shock in the world.

no matter who.

It was impossible to guess that Zhao Qi would have such an identity, even if it was the supporters of the sons, they would never have thought of it.

Because there is no sign, let alone any indication.

Yingzheng said again: “Zhao Qi, is the widow’s son, eldest son, and Daqin’s eldest son.”

Hear this again.

Wang Jian and Huanqi were silent.

At this moment, their hearts are complicated.

They understood, why the king had such a sudden word just now that made them loyal to Zhao Qi and die for Zhao Qi.


Zhao Qi is not a foreign minister, but the royal family of Da Qin, the son of today’s great king.

And when the two people of the dynasty looked at Mengwu next to them, they were suddenly surprised.

“Lao Meng, do you know that Wu Anjun is the son of the great king?” Wang Jian asked in surprise.

“I should be considered the first to know, before the king.” Meng Wu said with a smile, with a smug on his face.

“Why do you know before the king?

“As far as the minister knows, Zhao Qi grew up in Lijia Village, Yongcheng City since he was a child, and was not born of the imperial wife?”

“Does the king also have a confidante among the people?”

Huandi looked at Ying Zhengdao in surprise.

If this matter hadn’t been opened by the winning government, they would really not believe it.

“Have you forgotten that when the king was removed from the throne, there was a lady who followed the king?” Meng Wu said.

The words fell off.

Wang Shuo and Huandi glanced at each other, and immediately recalled that they hadn’t reached such a high position at the beginning, but they were already the leader of the party.At that time, they had not really entered the center of Daqin’s authority, nor had they ever Reused by the king.

At that moment.

The king first succeeded to the throne.

King power, military power, and government affairs are all in the hands of Zhao Ji, the clan, and the powerful.

And then.

Only those who have experienced it will know the great change when Yingzheng just succeeded to the throne.

It was also the first major setback suffered by the vigorously winning government after succeeding to the throne.

“That woman back then?”

“Xia Yufang?

“At the time when the former empress dowager, the clan opposed the great king to set up Madam Xia as the queen, Madam Xia disappeared and left Xianyang.”

“Could it be said that Jun Wu is the son of Mrs. Xia? When he left Xianyang, Mrs. Xia was pregnant with the flesh and blood of a king? That is Jun Wu?”

Wang Qiangheng’s heart and harmony emerged, but within a short period of time, they had already thought of the result.


Wang Jian stared at the victory and suddenly said, “Does the king want to make Wu Anjun the prince?”

Huanqi raised his head, waiting for an answer.

The widow “not only wants to make Qi’er a prince, but also to chase his mother as a queen.” Yingzheng said prestigiously, with an unquestionable and unchangeable domineering attitude.

“Wu Anjun will be the prince, and he will be the king in the future.

“I, Da Qin, can welcome the Lord of the Ming Dynasty after the King.”

“Compared to Wu Anjun, the princes in the palace are far inferior.”

“Jun Wu’an is the crown prince and he is respected by his ministers. He is willing to follow and swear allegiance to the death.” The dynasty said immediately.

“The minister seconded.”

“Jun Wuan’s ability, no matter whether he is in command of the army or in control of a country, he can take on the great responsibility, and the minister is willing to be loyal.” Huanqi also immediately stated his stance.


In the bottom of their hearts, it is naturally a trade-off.

One king and one courtier.

This reason is obvious. After winning the government and really taking over the royal power, the courtiers in the entire court were almost cleaned up, and all those that could not bear much use and those that the king did not like were cleaned up.

When the new monarch takes the throne in the future, the result will be the same.

The new emperor will inevitably support courtiers who are loyal to him.

This is why there is a lot of support behind the young masters now.

This is a rainy day, and it can also be called an early investment. In the future, the sons they fostered successfully ascend to the big position, they will usher in prosperity and become extremely ministers.

All the time.

Wang Jian, Huan Di, the two believe in being wise to protect themselves and not participating in party disputes, because once they join a party fight, once they choose the wrong one, they will be forever.

They are such powerful officials to participate, and if they fail, they will definitely be annihilated.

But now it’s different.

There is no need for them to choose, nor for them to participate in party struggles, but the current king personally chooses for them.

Under the king’s orders.

They naturally obey.

As the generals of Daqin, the nobles in the dynasty, they are loyal to the king’s power, and the king has his destiny, how can he not follow it?


In their hearts, Zhao Qi was a military background, and he was respected by millions of elites in the Qin Dynasty. He will be king in the future, and he will naturally be loyal to the whole army.

This is unmatched by any son.

Hear the statements of the two.

A smile appeared on Ying Zheng’s face.

“Wang Qing, Huan Qing.”You are all important ministers loyal to the widow.”

“Qi Er is the eldest son of a widow, only a few people know about it.”

“The reason why the widow told you today is also to recognize my grandson in the future.”

Among them, “the meaning, should you understand?” Yingzheng said gently.

“The minister understands.”

The ministers and others “willing to fight for the heavenly king and Wuanjun.”

“Whoever blocks the king, blocks the way of Wu Anjun.”

“The ministers will never die with them.” Wang Jian and Huanqi said in unison.


“With the support of two generals, Da Qin dominates the world, and Wu Anjun becomes a prince no one can stop him.”

“Those powerful and powerful may stop it, but can they stop it in the face of my Daqin million sharp soldiers?” Meng Wu also laughed.

For the Meng family who selected Zhao Qi to support at the beginning, now Zhao Qi has two major assistances again, and Meng Wu is naturally very happy.

“Big 643 King.

“Jun Wu An has made countless military exploits for Da Qin, and his reputation in the army has long been unmatched. Wu Anjun has become a prince. There is absolutely no one in the army who can oppose it, but those in the court and the support behind the princes The person will never give up.”

“Once the emperor chases after Wu Anjun’s mother as queen, Wu Anjun will be appointed prince.

“They will all jump out together,” Wang Jian said in a deep voice.

“How can a widow know their mind?”

Yingzheng sneered, close to the world, and Yingzheng has almost no scruples.

“The whole world is unified, Daqin will have no foreign troubles, and real people are still afraid of them jumping?

“More than 20 years ago, the widow could not protect Zhao Qi’s mother. After more than 20 years, if the widow cannot protect Zhao Qi, then the widow will be a father.”

“They’d better be honest, otherwise, the widows don’t mind the murder. Everyone has never forgotten the hatred 20 years ago.” Ying Zheng said, with a cold chill in his eyes.

“The ministers swear to follow the king.

Meng Wu, Wang Jian, and Huan Di shouted in unison, each gaze filled with determination.

For them.

No matter which prince in the palace becomes the crown prince, it is very common for them, because it is beyond their control, but only when Zhao Qi succeeds, they are the most stable in their hearts, because Zhao Qi is a military background. Know the importance of the army.

For the military ministers, in the future of Zhao Qi, Da Qin will still be the first military weapon.

This is the impact of a king’s decision.

“Qi Er.”

“The road, I have already paved it for you.

“Twenty years ago, I couldn’t protect your mother and your son. I let you leave me for more than 20 years. Now, 20 years later, when the world is unified, I will not allow anyone to stop me.”

“Your mother and son were supposed to be in the palace and were supposed to enjoy the family relationship with me, but they were destroyed.

“Best, they all jump out.

“The hatred of the past and the hatred of today will be resolved once.”

“The bloodbath of the Great Unification of Da Qin began with them.

Watching the three ministers of Mengwu and Wu leave, the chill in Yingzheng’s eyes did not recede.

In the heart of Yingzheng.

The weakness of more than 20 years ago has always been imprinted deep in his heart. Although he has dealt with part of it for so many years, most of it has been hidden, showing obedience and not daring to disobey.

Ying Zheng also had no reason to act on them.


How can the past hate win politics be forgotten?

One sentence.

It’s not that the time has not arrived.

Ying Zheng waited for that day to vent all the hatred of the past.

PS: Seek to fix, ask for monthly pass, ask for reward. gratitude.

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