Chapter 173

“The King.”

“After receiving the Qin State War Letter, the minister sent envoys to Qi and Chu countries for help. I believe that news will come back soon.”

A Yanchen replied loudly.

“Qin’s ambition lies in the world. I hope that both Qi and Chu can resist the pressure of Qin and send troops to aid, otherwise, my Dayan will be really in danger.” Yan Wangxi thought with a look of expectation.


“The King.”

“The minister is incompetent.”

“Qi State stayed behind closed doors, saying that my Dayan assassinated Qin’s method, Qin State had already sent envoys to Qi early and convinced King Qi that Qi would not send troops to assist my Dayan.”

At this time, an official dressed in Yan Guo’s official uniform ran quickly into the hall and said in fear.


King “The big thing is not good.”

“The minister is incompetent. The minister went to the capital of Chu, but couldn’t get in. The king of Chu expelled the minister under the edict. Chu State will not send troops to reinforce my Dayan.”

Another envoy of the State of Yan ran to the hall, desperately saying.

“It’s over.”

“I’m done with Dayan.”

“After all, Qi and Chu did not resist the pressure of Qin. Don’t they know that Qin’s wolf ambition? If my Dayan is destroyed by Qin, can they still save it?” Yan Wangxi showed a desperate bitterness on his face.

There is no last resort.

Facing the tyrannical Qin army, there were also elite frontier cavalry.

How could he Yan Guo be an opponent?


“Please let the sons and ministers command the troops, my Dayan soldiers will be united in one mind and will defeat the Qin Dynasty.

“The minister will never let the father down.”

Yan Dan said at this moment.


“It’s all caused by you bastard.”

“You want to be talented, and you want to be able to command the troops without the power of commanding troops. What qualifications do you have to go out with troops?

“Are you worthy?

Hearing Yan Dan’s voice, Yan Wangxi became angry again.

What Yan Dan did has angered the king of Yan.

“My lord.

“Now, Dayan has no choice but to fight Qin to death. I continue to send envoys to Qi Chu for help.” Qing Qin said loudly.


“How many troops do I have in Dayan now?” Yan Wangxi said bitterly.

How he didn’t know the situation of his Yan country.

In the past, Zhao Guo attacked his Yan Kingdom, which greatly damaged his Yan Guo’s national strength.

“King Hui, if you can mobilize all combatable troops, the maximum is 300,000.” Qing Qin said helplessly.

“Is it only three hundred thousand?” Yan Wangxi’s face was filled with waste.

The Handan camp of the State of Qin had an army of 300,000, and Li Mu also had an army of 300,000.

Double the strength of Yan’s country, how can Yan’s country contend.

“If the eighty-thousand army of the northern border is transferred away, will it increase my chances of victory for Dayan against Qin?” A flash of madness flashed in Yan Wangxi’s eyes.

King “.”

“If the army of the northern border is transferred away, the alien Donghu will definitely have a chance. Now it is approaching winter. It is the time of the alien plunder. Withdrawing the troops, for the people in the northern border of Dayan, I will suffer from the alien. Great crisis.” Qing Qin’s expression changed and said in surprise.

“Guobao, how can there be a home?”

“For my Dayan survival.”

The widow “has not been able to control so much in 643. As long as the Qin army can be defeated, the widow will do everything to make up for them in the future, but now, Qin is my Dayan’s enemy.”

There was a kind of madness on Yan Wangxi’s face.

Everyone in the Yan Guo court was full of horror.

“Qin Qin.”

“The widow bestows you a tiger talisman for adjusting your troops, and you can align all the combatable forces of my big Yan to face the Qin army.”

“Also, Prime Minister.”

“For the widows to continuously send envoys to Qi and Chu two countries, no matter what the price is, they must ask for reinforcements.

“Yan Dan, you rebellious son.

“For the widow to go with the army, if my Dayan loses, you don’t need to come back.” Yan Wangxi shouted loudly.

This is already the way he can think of to deal with it.

Facing Da Qin’s offensive, he had no other choice but to fight.

Let him surrender, let him become a prisoner, he can’t do it.

As a king, he naturally has the pride of belonging to the king.

Time flies.

in a blink.

One month passed.

Within the territory of Yan State, Yangcheng was built.

Three hundred thousand Great Qin Ruishi had already breached the border of Yan State, and the border city of Yan State had been broken by Da Qin.

Since the army rushed straight into the Yan realm, it only took less than a day to break through the city of Yan.

Build on top of Yangcheng Pass.

Zhao Qi carried his hands and looked at the city that was already under his control.

“Enjoy Wu Anjun.

“This city has been fully controlled, and the remnant enemies have been eliminated.”

“In this battle, a total of seven thousand enemies were killed and eight thousand captured.” Ju Ya came to Zhao Qi and said respectfully.

“How is Yan State going?” Zhao Qi asked calmly.

“The country of Yan mobilized a heavy defense to Qu Ni. The army has more than 300,000 troops. It seems to be ready to head-on with my Da Qin.” Zhang Han replied respectfully.


Zhao Qi sneered, mockingly.

“The man who ruled the army of the Kingdom of Yan celebrates Qin. With his ability, he naturally knows that he needs to stand by the city to fight against my Da Qin, but that Yan Dan is in the army and gathers the army to fight head-on with my Da Qin. It should have his share of credit.” Zhang Han also laughed tauntingly.

“Yan Dan is my benefactor to Da Qin, if it weren’t for his assassin, Da Qin would not have become famous, and Qi and Chu would not have the opportunity to send troops. Now since he is going to fight my Da Qin decisively, this monarch considers himself to be him.” Zhao Qi sneered.

“Enjoy Wu Anjun.

“General Li Mu sent someone to send a message, and he has already conquered many cities in the Yan Kingdom, waiting for the next emperor’s order.” Ren doctor respectfully said.”The secret report was reported to General Li Mu. The country of Yan moved away the frontier army guarding the northern border. There is an opportunity for the aliens. Let him send a large army to the border to destroy the Yan. This is a war between my own races. Now, that Jun won’t sit back and watch.” Zhao Qi said coldly.

Yan Guo’s movements seem to be secret.

But how can the existence of the shadow go unexplored?

It can be said.

King Yan transferred his troops to respond, and all the news from the Yan Kingdom Court had reached Zhao Qi’s hands through the shadows.


Ren Qi respectfully takes orders.


“In the battle to destroy the swallows, our Great Qin Master is famous, and it is basically to fight fast.

“The Kingdom of Yan will fight my Daqin decisively, and this monarch will naturally fulfill them.”

“Biography (adbc), the general order.”

The whole army “goes to Quni, fights the Yan army decisively, and destroys the foundation of the Yan Kingdom in the first battle.” Zhao Qi coldly shouted.

“Respect Wu’an Jun.

The three main generals on the Chengguan, and many generals all echoed in unison.

Qu Ni.

The two armies lined up.

On one side, the black armor is strong, and the supreme military power belonging to the Great Qin Empire spreads in this void, and countless black clan flags are raised into the air.

the other side.

More than 300,000 Yan army is also waiting in line.

The military appearance is also solemn.

But on morale.

Da Qin gave Yan an invisible scene of crushing.

Under Da Qin’s control, the world knows that Zhengguo sent people to assassinate the King of Qin, and this led to Da Qin’s crusade. Naturally, the army of the Yan Kingdom knew that they were the weaker side in this battle.


“Soon you will know that everything I did was right.

“As long as the Qin army is defeated, Dayan will not perish.

“As long as the Qin army is defeated, both Qi and Chu realize that there is no threat from Qin, and they will definitely send troops to help.”

“I, Dayan, will win this battle.

Standing on the chariot, Yan Dan looked at Qing Qindao beside him, his words full of confidence.


Qing Qin sighed, there was nothing to say.

It is no wonder that the naivety of his prince of the Kingdom of Yan would make the king so angry. The original strategy he adopted was to rely on the city’s defense and delay time with Daqin as much as possible. It is possible to send additional reinforcements.

But Yan Dan is still self-righteous.

As his prince, he forced Qing Qin to directly face Da Qin.

at no choice.

Qing Qin could only agree.

“The general wants to delay with the Qin army and win a battle for my big Yan, but Qin’s national power is strong, and my big Yan is weak in national power, and there is no national power to delay the Qin country. The more than 300,000 army contends with the Qin army. Not enough for three months.

“If it is delayed, where does the grain and grass come from?”

“So, only gathering all your strength to fight with Qin is vital.”

Yan Dan spoke again, his expression full of determination.

And at this moment.

“Where is my Dayan soldier?”

“The Violent Qin violated my Dayan and intended to destroy the foundation of my Dayan. Today, the prince Yan Dan and my Dayan soldiers coexist.”

“A bloody battle with Qin.”

“Victory, my Dayan will continue the country and be strong and prosperous in the world.”

“If you lose, I, Yan Dan, and Da Yan coexist and die.

“All soldiers, prepare for war.

Yan Dan drew the sword from his waist, pointed directly at the Da Qin army in front, and shouted angrily.

“Kill, kill, kill.


More than 300 thousand Yanjun roared in anger.

All over the sky is the sound of killing.

But with the sound of killing, 300,000 Great Qin Ruishi looked at him indifferently.

next moment.

“Yan Dan.”

“A young child.

“Since you are looking for death, then Benjun will fulfill you.” Zhao Qi sneered.

The Zhan Lu sword on his waist was unsheathed and pointed directly at the void.

“Yan Xing acted as a means to assassinate my Great Qin King. Today, my Great Qin is the teacher of great justice, and I will never destroy the Yan Kingdom, and my Great Qin will never withdraw our troops.”

“Where is Daqin Ruishi?” Zhao Wei shouted.

“Wind, wind, wind.

“The wind.

Three hundred thousand big Qin Ruishi shouted in unison.

The overwhelming sky belongs to the great Qin army’s prestige, overturning the world of void.


Zhao Qi waved Zhan Lu in his hand and gave the order.


Around the chariot, hundreds of soldiers immediately galloped towards the whole army.

“Jun Wu’an has orders.


“Jun Wu’an has orders.”

Will Ling soon communicated to the four sides of the army.

The moment of victory between Da Qin and Yan Guo came.

Where the army is.

Zhao Qi’s three main generals drew their swords one after another.

“Strike the battlefield.


The three masters gave orders at the same time.

Three hundred thousand great Qin Ruishi suddenly formed an array.

Two hundred thousand foot soldiers were handed forward to the front Yan army in an orderly manner, and one hundred thousand iron knights rushed out from the two wings of the two hundred thousand foot soldiers.

Attack the battlefield, Kai.

Saw the Daqin army attacking.

Yan Dan still looks confident: “Win the government, Zhao Qi.”

“My Yan Dan will not lose, and my Da Yan will never die.

“In today’s battle, I, Yan Dan, will prove that I will never weaken you.”

“If Yan Dan were the king, I would definitely do better than you win politics.”

Yan Dan has anger and jealousy that originated in his heart. From beginning to end, he hates winning politics and is jealous of winning politics.

I used to be hostage in Handan and suffered all the humiliation, but when I was a child, Ying Zheng had a woman who could die for him as a company. The king.

But when he returned from Yan Dan, he was still the prince.

After that, Yingzheng transformed step by step and controlled everything, and he was still the prince Yan Dan.

He is not reconciled.

He is more jealous.

He is confident that he is better than winning the government, and winning the government today is entirely his luck, but he is different from Yan Dan, and his talents are enough to make Yan country stronger.

Being jealous of demons, this has already made him form his own demonic barrier.

Only true failure will let him know what is inferior and what is fear.

“I am a soldier, attack.

Yan Dan roared angrily.


The army of more than 300,000 Yan Nation rushed out wildly, in this song, against the earth, started a battle against Daqin.


The country of Yan may still survive for some time.


His country of Yan will die.

“I hope I have a military advantage, Dayan can win.” Qing Qin sighed, only praying in his heart.

The war started.

The whole land was trembling deafeningly as the two armies rushed towards each other.

The First World War broke out, a battle that wiped out countless lives.


The two armies collided, swords light and sword shadows, arrows flew across the void, and huge rocks fell.

For Daqin Ruishi.

There is the power of battle formation, the spirit and the spirit are connected, and the battle power is doubled.

In an instant.

The formation of Yan’s army was broken.

Compared with Qin.

Yan is fragile.

Zhao Qi stood on the chariot, and the blood tiger crazily swallowed the bloody breath on the battlefield to strengthen itself.

“A feast of killing.

Zhao Qi said coldly.

After countless wars, this scene of killing can no longer cause any waves in Zhao Qi’s heart.

Destroy the enemy.

Kill the enemy.

This is the ultimate goal of his army.

The war continues.

An hour.

Yan Jun’s formation has been defeated.

Two hours passed.

The Daqin army has surrounded the Yan army and started a real encirclement and killing.

And at this moment.

Among the Great Qin Cavalry.



The sound of countless tigers roared through the void.

Thousands of tiger cavalry suddenly appeared, rushing towards the rear army of the country of Yan, seeming to be giving the last blow to the country of Yan.

What the Tiger Army has fought, biting and killing, brought more cruelty than ordinary cavalry in Daqin.

And in the Yanjun rear.

Yan Dan looked at the scene in horror.

“No, it’s impossible.

“How can my Dayan soldiers be so vulnerable?

“How could they lose?”

“Our army has a clear advantage in strength, how can it be defeated?

Yan Dan’s eyes were red, and he couldn’t believe it.

In his eyes.

The army under his command had been defeated and fled for the fourth trial everywhere, with no fighting power.


Seeing this, Qing Qin sighed.


With this army of more than 300,000, he Yan can delay at least ten days, but now it is only a day, a big defeat, an unprecedented defeat.

“Prince, withdraw.

“We lost.”

Qing Qin said bitterly.

“No, we haven’t lost yet.”

“Qin Jun just broke our army formation. As long as the prince reorganizes his formation, he will definitely be able to defeat Qin Jun.”

“I will not lose to Ying Zheng.”

“Let’s not lose to a courtier of Yingzheng.”

Yan Dan’s eyes were full of madness, unwilling and unwilling.Even at this moment, he did not admit that he had lost.


Can’t wait for him to have a chance to retreat and escape.


The roar of tigers came in the air. Thousands of fierce tigers rushed directly past the heavy Yan army and came towards Yan Dan’s rear army.

Zhang Han came to kill the tiger.

“Protect the prince.

Seeing so many fierce tigers choosing people to eat, Qing Qin hurriedly shouted.

The army behind Yan Jun quickly changed, and Yan Dan and Qing Qin, who were not reconciled, immediately protected them.


Zhang Han gave a cold drink.

Three thousand tigers burst out.

The smell of blood makes the Tigers even more crazy.

It is easy for the Tigers to defeat them.

Time flies.

Another hour passed.

The killing on the battlefield continues.

But at the moment.

Yan Dan, Qing Qin’s rear army has been defeated by the Tigers.

They also became prisoners.

“Enjoy Wu Anjun.

“The prince Yan Dan of the State of Yan, and the general of the State of Yan Qing Qin, have been captured by the final general.

“Jun Wu, please send it down.”

Zhang Han was covered in blood, and brought the two of them to escort with many sharp men.

Two people at the moment.

There was despair and fear on his face.

At this moment.

They knew they were defeated, and they were completely defeated.

“At the beginning, Pang Yuan and Lian Po didn’t dare to confront my Daqin head-on. You Yan Dan was the first one.”

“Without Yan Dan, the country of Yan could have survived for a while, but thanks to your Yan Dan, Da Qin had such a great victory for me.”

“Yan Dan, you are really a great hero of my Great Qin Dynasty.”

“I wonder if your ancestors and ancestors are very happy to see you have done such a great work for Da Qin?”

Looking at Yan Dan with a decadent and unwilling face, Zhao Qi stepped forward and laughed mockingly.

These words fell in Yan Dan’s ears, filling his face with humiliation and despair.

“kill me.”

“You killed me.

Yan Dan snarled frantically, full of unwillingness and hatred towards Zhao.

“rest assured.

“My Lord will kill you, but not now.”

Zhao Qi sneered: “Don’t you always claim to be compared with the king? Wouldn’t it be better to give you to the king?”

“A young prince, incompetent waste, what qualifications do you have to compare with the king?”

“Extremely ridiculous.”

This ridicule made Yan Dan look bloodless, and some were just boundless humiliation.

“If you want to dedicate me to Yingzheng, it is absolutely impossible to suffer this humiliation.

Yan Dan shouted angrily, suddenly opened his mouth suddenly, and was about to bite his tongue and kill himself.

But how could Zhao watch him commit suicide?

Raise your hand.

Volley pointed out.

-Dao Zhen Qi hit Yan Dan’s acupoint directly.


Yan Dan’s body froze and lost the power to control his body.

He looked at Zhao Qi in horror, his eyes filled with despair.

“This monarch has sealed your acupoints, and you will not be able to do anything for a while, but you can rest assured that this monarch will not let you die.” Zhao Qi sneered.

Waved his hand.


“Send him to Xianyang and hand him over to the king for disposal.” Zhao Qi said coldly.


Zhang Han immediately took his command.

“It’s a pity, a pity, and a sigh for the prince in Yan’s state.

“Qingqin, what else do you have to say?”

For Yan Dan, Zhao Qi was full of mockery, but for Qing Qin, Zhao Qi’s tone was calm.

“Wu Anjun.

“Give Qingtai a joy.”

Qing Qin laughed, very free and easy.


Zhao Qi nodded, and the sword at his waist came out of its sheath.

There was a crash.

Qing Qin was in a different place directly.

General Yan Guo fell dead.

“Good life is buried, he didn’t lose, it was the incompetent Yan Dan.” Zhao said, looking at Qi Qingqin’s body.


Li Qing respectfully took his orders.

“Send to the whole army.

“Yan Dan has been captured, Qing Qin is dead.

“Those who surrender, avoid death.”

“Those who do not surrender will be killed without mercy.

The army “prioritizes the pursuit of the fleeing King Yan, and those who escape without permission will kill them without mercy.” Zhao Qi said coldly.

PS: Seek determination, don’t jump, be grateful.

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