Chapter 172 Ying Zheng was touched by Zhao Qi


Wu’an Jun’s Mansion.

“Brother, are you back?”

Seeing Zhao Qi’s return, Li Yan’er greeted him with joy.

“What about the children?” Zhao Qi smiled softly.

“Sleep.” Li Yaner smiled.

“That’s good, today I have to accompany my mom’s sister.” Zhao Qi smiled, holding Li Ma’er.

Walked towards the apse.


Naturally everything is in the unspeakable.

Early the next morning.

Freshen up.


“I want to go back.”

Zhao Qi said to Li Ma’er gently.

Hear the sound.

A look of reluctance floated on Li Yan’er’s face, she naturally knew what Zhao Qi meant.

“Brother, you go.

“I take care of the two children.”

Li Yaner said with a smile.

“I don’t know the return date this time on the expedition. Take care of yourself.

This “is a gift to the king. You will give it to the king when you bring the children into the palace with you.

Zhao Qi stroked Li Yan’er’s hair and took out a porcelain bottle from his arms.

“Aren’t you going to say goodbye to the king?” Li Yaner asked after taking the porcelain bottle.

“I said goodbye to him yesterday, so I won’t go today.”

“Don’t send me off, I’m leaving.” Zhao Qi said softly, put down his hand, and turned to walk outside the house.

Outside the house.

The five thousand guard battalions have been ordered, and the entire Wu’an Jun’s mansion has been enveloped in majesty.

“Li Qing.

Zhao Wei said.

Enlightened, “Wu’an Jun, all the guards have been ordered, and they can set off at any time.” Li Qing said respectfully.

“Blood Tiger.”

Zhao Qi shouted with prestige.


There was a tiger roar.

The blood tiger, which is now twice the size of a normal tiger, quickly came to Zhao Qi’s side.It is blood-red, with a tiger saddle on the north, and a horse error. On the tiger saddle, there is also a quiver and a strong bow. , As if armed to the extreme.

Today’s blood tiger is incredible.

As a sacred animal bloodline, it has now reached level 11, reaching the level of the martial arts cultivation base, and it is more overbearing than that. Of course, for it, it is still in its infancy and growth, waiting to grow.

It has the blood of a sacred animal, and the future can be expected.


Zhao Qi turned on the blood tiger, staring at all the guards, and shouted with prestige: “Leave the journey.”


Li Qing responded loudly.

Under the guard of the Five Thousand Guards, Zhao Qi is in the middle army, with mighty momentum, in the awe of hundreds of people, he set off to the Handan camp.

Daqin Palace.

“Majesty, Jun Wu’an has left the capital and is leaving for Handan.” Xin Sheng came to the hall and reported to Yingzheng.

Heard this.

Ying Zheng paused with the knife in his hand, and after a while, he picked up the knife and reviewed the memorial again.

The widow “and Qi Er are not the father and son of ordinary people after all. He has his great responsibilities, and so does the widow.”

“However, born in this chaotic world, the world has never been unified, let alone a widow who cannot always get along with his son, even the father and son of ordinary people.

“Only by putting an end to war and chaos in the world, and we will no longer have civil strife in the world, everything can be stopped.”

“The people all over the world can enjoy the happiness of family.

Ying Zheng said quietly.

“Jun Wu’an is the number one commander in Great Qin, and the country of Yan sent assassins to assassin the Great King. Twenty days have passed. The Kingdom of Yan must have received the letter of war from Great Qin. It makes sense.”

“I believe that with Wu’an Jun’s ability to command the troops, we will be able to pass another victory.” Xin Sheng respectfully faced Ying Zhengdao.

“Qi Er’s ability, how can you not believe it when you find someone?”

“Okay, you can withdraw.” Ying Zheng smiled slightly and said nothing more.

He is the king.

Excessive words are unnecessary.

When the world is ruled, everything will be unspoken.


Xin Sheng bowed, slowly left the hall, and continued to guard outside the hall.

“Qi Er has returned to Handan.

“It’s time for the widow to solve the problems in this palace.”

Ying Zheng put down the carving knife in his hand, and his heart was cold.

When he returned yesterday, the winning government was ready to deal with it, but thinking that it was already night, that was all.

Follow along.

Yingzheng shouted to the outside of the temple: “Zhao Gao.”

Outside the hall.

Zhao Gao took several monks under his command respectfully and waited for orders. Since he had Zhao, he who had served in the hall in the past has also lost his former glory, just like ordinary monks, waiting outside the hall.

Hear Ying Zheng shouting to himself.

Zhao Gao was overjoyed in his heart, but then he had a kind of forgetting.

On that day, Zhao Qi gave Hu Hai’s calculations to the king’s ears. He hasn’t said anything to him these days, but Zhao Gao’s heart is naturally very ambitious.


Zhao Gao didn’t dare to stay any longer, and immediately ran to the Zhangtai Palace and bowed his head: “The minister is here.”

“How long have you been in the palace?”

Ying Zheng asked calmly.

No emotion can be heard in the tone.

And this question.

But it made Zhao Gao’s heart tighten, full of panic.This is clearly a precursor to censure.

“The minister is panicked.

“I don’t know where I did something wrong, and I ask the king to forgive me.”

Zhao Gao knelt down abruptly and said in fear.

“How long have you been in the palace?” Ying Zheng said again.

“Return.. Return ticket king.”

“When the great king succeeded to the throne, it was also when the minister entered the palace. It has been more than 20 years now.” Zhao Gao replied in fear, with cold sweat on his face, disguising his anxiety.

“You have been by widow’s side for more than 20 years. You should know what widow hates most.” Ying Zheng said quietly.

The words fell off.

Zhao Gao became even more frightened, his face pale, and he hurriedly begged for mercy: “The minister is terrified, and please forgive the king.”

“Widows” hate the kinship of relatives the most, and what they hate the most is small actions.

“And you did it all.”


“In the beginning, the real person asked you to be Hu Hai’s teacher, so that you can teach him etiquette, but now, you have taught Hu Hai to fight for the position?”

The widow “has not yet died, you help Hu Hai fight, if the widow dies, are you going to let the widow’s son and brother kill each other, the blood palace?” Ying Zheng said in a cold tone.

This sentence after sentence made Zhao Gaorulei, his whole body became cold and trembling.

King”, the minister dare not, the minister dare not.

“None of this was what the minister wanted. It was Young Master Hu Hai who asked the Minister to do this. The Minister was only doing things for Young Master Hu Hai. Although the Minister was given the title of Master Hu Hai’s teacher, the Minister was just a humble person. How could he manipulate the Young Master? .”

“Also please King Mingjian.

In these crises, in order to save his life, Zhao Gao directly sold Hu Hai. He naturally knew that Hu Hai was the king. No matter what, the king would not treat Hu Hai anyway, but he was different, although he served the king. For more than 20 years, but if he really sits down to help Hu Hai fight for a position, calculates to support Su, and calculate Zhao Qi, then he will really be dead.

Zhao Gao is a shameless person, and he naturally understands that if he wants to save his life, he must push everything to Hu Hai and turn him into a chess piece, so that he might still be alive.

Hear what Zhao Gao said.

Ying Zheng frowned slightly.

Lasted for a moment.

At the moment when Zhao Gao seemed to endure endless hell, Yingzheng spoke: “As an order of the CRRC, you should know who you want to be loyal to.

“What do you intend to participate in the fight between the princes?”

“If you don’t know it, what do you intend to do?”

Hear this.

Zhao Gao breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Whether he can save his life depends on now.

“Return to the king.

“It’s not that the minister didn’t report it, but the minister didn’t dare.”

“Furthermore, Hu Hai and his ministers also have a friendship between master and apprentice. If you report this to the great king, you will be disrespectful as a minister and a teacher.”

“If the king really wants to condemn crimes, then all guilt will be placed on the ministers, and you must not anger Young Master Hu Hai.

“Don’t affect the feelings between father and son.”


Zhao Gao kowtows to Yingzheng, looking at death as his home.

But I don’t know.

This is also Zhao Gao’s genius. He has served Yingzheng for more than 20 years, and he naturally knows the temperament of Yingzheng. Although he does not have so much affection for the son of the palace, he takes the family affection very seriously in the heart of Yingzheng. Heavy.

This is also his chance for Zhao Gao to survive.

Hear what Zhao Gao said.

Ying Zheng’s expression was indeed moved.


Ying Zheng snorted coldly: “From now on, you don’t need to stay in the palace.

“Since you are Hu Hai’s teacher, you can go to Huhai Mansion to be a servant in the future.”

“From now on, you will not be allowed to enter the palace again.

“If there is any more participation in the dispute between sons and sons, the widow will not forgive you again.”

Heard this.

Zhao Gao’s heart was full of unwillingness.

For more than 20 years of service, he sat on the order of the Central Vehicle House in the palace and was also the highest position of the poet. Deprived of it.

Under the kingship.

No matter what status he has achieved, he can be deprived of it in a word.

“Xie Dawang forgive me.

Zhao Gao bowed his head and did not dare to say anything more.

Being able to survive this time is the best result, at least the life is saved, then there is still a chance for the lost things to come back.

“get out.”

“This is the last chance everyone gives you.”

Ying Zheng said coldly.

“Xie Dawang.

Zhao Gao kowtowed again, and then walked out of the hall in fear. When he turned around, there was a survivorship on his face.


He is going to be finished.

“Zhao Gao.”

“This is the last chance.

“For more than 20 years of service, the widow will spare you your life.”

“I hope you don’t want to die.

Ying Zheng said coldly and faintly.

For Yingzheng.

Zhao Gao is nothing more than an ant. If he wants to squeeze him to death, it is easy to kill him or not. It has no effect on Yingzheng.


Just as Zhao Gao understands about winning politics in his heart, although winning politics is a superior king, he always cares about family affection. Killing Zhao Gao must let the court know about the struggle between his sons and brothers. This is the winning politics. Seen.

After all, Zhao Gao insisted that he was instigated by Hu Hai.

Moreover, Zhao Gao served him for more than 20 years, without merit and hard work, which is one of the reasons.

after all.

The king’s heart is extremely unpredictable.

However, as long as Zhao Gao was deprived of the position of the Central Vehicle Mansion Order and left the palace, he would be a trash and useless.

“Iron Eagle.”

Ying Zheng shouted to the apse.

“The minister is here.

Tie Ying immediately came to Ying Zheng from the apse.

“Clean up all the people in the palace, prevent the affairs of the palace from leaking out, and Zhao Gao, who is staring at the widows to death.”

“As long as you dare to make any changes, then you dare to participate in the disputes between real people’s unsatisfactory sons and kill them.

Yingzheng said coldly.

“Lead the minister.” Tie Ying respectfully led, and stepped back.

For winning politics.

Everything is naturally prepared with two hands.

Forgiving his life is to care about his old feelings, and the black ice platform monitors to prevent future troubles, as long as he dares to have a half-distance change and dare to participate in it, the black ice platform will immediately end him.

“Qi Er.”

“The obstacles in the palace have been removed for you, and there will be no one against you in the palace in the future.”

As for “Outside the palace, no one should be able to help you.”

Ying Zheng thought secretly.

And at this moment.


“We are looking for you.”

“Aye, are you in there?”

Outside the hall.

Suddenly there were two naughty and lovely voices.

Hear this voice.

Ying Zheng’s indifferent smile immediately showed affection, and his eyes looked out of the temple with expectation.

His two grandchildren rushed in.

Aye, “Two good grandchildren are here.”

Ying Zheng immediately stood up, squatted down, and spread his hands.


The two little guys immediately threw themselves into Ying Zheng’s arms and ran into one full of arms directly.


Yingzheng sat down on the ground, pretending to be in pain.

“What’s wrong with Aye?”

The two little guys immediately looked worriedly at the victory.

“Aye’s good grandson has grown up, and his strength has grown.” Ying Zheng pretended to suffer.

“Aye doesn’t hurt, I’ll give Aye a cry.” Zhao Yuqi immediately worried, blowing into the face of Yingzheng.

“I’m here to give Aye, too.” Zhao Xi was also polite.

The two little guys blew at Yingzheng, making Yingzheng unable to open his eyes.

“Ha ha.

“Aye’s grandson is still great, Aye is fine.”

Ying Zheng immediately said with a smile, holding his two grandchildren, and stood up.

Although Li Yaner had seen this level of doting many times, she was shocked every time.

The lofty king, the majestic Qin Wangzheng, has no one to favor his two grandchildren alone.

Perhaps “I always carry the guilt for the mother-in-law in my father-in-law’s heart.”

“So he tried every way to make up for his brother.” Li Yan’er thought secretly in her heart.



“We cured Aye.”

“It’s not great.” The two little guys said triumphantly.

“Awesome, really amazing.” Li Yan’er complimented.


“Why did you enter the palace with the two little guys today?” Ying Zheng looked at Li Yan’er softly.

For his daughter-in-law, Ying Zheng is also very indulgent.

after all.

There is only one daughter-in-law in his eyes, and that is Li Yan’er, and Zhao and Qi’s concubine rooms are not counted.

So in this era.

For women, the position of becoming a wife is very high. For concubines, the position is not so high, and all the children born are concubines.

In the future, Zhao Qi became the crown prince, the king of Qin, and even the emperor of Qin.

The candidate for the prince will only be Zhao Cong, not the concubine’s concubine, unless it is how unbearable Zhao Xi is, but now Yingzheng takes them personally and teaches them from childhood. difficult.

“The King.”

“My brother asked me to pass it on to you.”

Li Yan’er stretched out her hand, and there was a porcelain bottle on it.

Seeing this porcelain bottle, Ying Zheng’s eyes widened, and he didn’t understand why it was the same porcelain bottle that Lu Buwei had taken before.

“It seems that when I was in Luoyang yesterday, Qi Er saw that the priest had taken the elixir he gave me, but he was worried about me, so he gave me another one and kept it for future use.”

“Qi Er, I’m interested.

Staring at the porcelain bottle in Li Yaner’s hand, Yingzheng was deeply moved.

This kind of elixir that cures all kinds of poisons, cures all diseases, and strengthens physique is absolutely unique. Otherwise, there would be such a magical effect, and his son would have given him two in succession.

All this is not because the winning government is the king who controls the royal power, but because Zhao Qi simply remembers his kindness in his heart, so he will give it.


Why Zhao Qi only gave it to him and never gave it to others.

“My brother said that there are not many medicines, so the king can no longer give it to others, and he must carry it with him, otherwise in case there are assassins again, the brother said that he will not come back so fast to save the king.”

Li Ma’er looked at Ying Zheng and smiled.

Now that she knew the identity of Yingzheng, Li Ma’er was not as restrained as she used to be. After all, she was a family.

“This brat.

“I have to take a real meal after I leave.”

Ying Zheng put down the two grandchildren and took the porcelain bottle with a smile on his face and cursed with a smile.

He didn’t know that this was Zhao Qi who was ridiculing that he was assassinated by the Yan Kingdom assassin. I came back so promptly every time.

This kind of concern is very useful for Yingzheng.

My own son is not in vain.

Although they haven’t recognized each other yet, Yingzheng already has confidence at this moment. When they recognize Zhao Qi, they will not have so much resistance to himself.

Time flies.

Yan country.


Above the chapel.

Yan Dan knelt in the hall with no blood on his face.

The civil and military people of the Manchu Dynasty have a sad look, with a kind of silent fear.

And Yan Wangxi was sitting on the throne, his face was even greener, and he was holding a scroll tightly in his hand, on which two large characters of Qin, Zhanshu could be seen.

“Yan Dan, do you know you are guilty?”

Yan Wangxi was full of anger, and finally turned into boundless coldness.”The son-chen knows his mistake, but he is not guilty.

“Qin’s wolf ambition is well known in the world. Even if my Dayan does not resist, Qin will not give up fighting against my Dayan.”

“My son will assassinate Qin this time and fight to the death. As long as Yingzheng is dead, the danger of my Dayan can be resolved, and the State of Qin will fall apart, and my Dayan will have the opportunity to attack Qin.”

“It’s a big win in politics, and Zhao Qi’s return in time will make the children’s ministers shattered. If this is not the case, winning the government is dead.”

“Qin country must collapse.”

Yan Dan raised his head, a stubborn expression in his eyes.

Even now.

Assassination of Qin failed.

Yan Dan didn’t have any regrets either. He only hated the injustice of the sky and why Zhao Qi went back to save Yingzheng at a critical moment. If not, Assassin Qin had already succeeded.

His plan was completely successful.

Seeing Yan Dan still unrepentant.

Yan Wangxi was completely angry.

He stood up suddenly from the throne.

He took out the copper-inlaid belt and walked towards Yan Dan, first with a kick.



Yan Dan screamed in pain.

He collapsed directly to the ground.

Yan Wangxi took the belt and slammed it at Yan Dan, yelling at the same time: “Asshole.

“It’s all now.”

“You still don’t know how to repent.”

“Because of you, I lost my Dayan.

“Because of you, beast, you want my big Yan to have no foundation.”

“Up to now, you still don’t know how to repent, and the widow killed you, an unfaithful and unfilial beast.”

King Yan roared with joy and beat fiercely.

Manchumen and Martial Arts watched this scene, and no one dared to step forward to stop it, because they also felt that Yan Dan should fight. If it weren’t for Yan Dan, their country would not be defeated by the Great Qin.

“Ah. Father, the children are not guilty.”

“If you want to beat your father, you can kill your son.” Yan Dan said stubbornly, even if he was beaten up at this moment so painful, he still had no regrets.


“By now, do you still know what’s wrong?” Yan Wangxi was tired, sitting on the ground, full of anger.

“Erchen is certainly at fault, but the fault is that he didn’t tell his father in advance, but his father fears Qin’s character. If the child tells you, the father will definitely not agree.”

“The fault of the erchen lies in the fact that heaven did not protect the erchen, why is the heaven on the side of winning the government.” Yan Dan still shouted stubbornly.

Now that he is like this, he also sticks to his heart.

Asshole “.”

“The widow killed you, a beast.”

King Yan was overjoyed when he heard it, and he was even more irritated.

But Qing Qin, General Yan State, stepped forward immediately.

“The king calmed down his anger.”

“If you continue to fight, the prince will really want (the king) to be beaten to death by you.”

“Now that the big mistake has been made, now we must find a way to gather all our forces against Qin, otherwise my Dayan is really in danger.” Qing Qin said loudly.


“The State of Qin has already issued the war script, and the King of Qin has even appointed Qin State Wu Anjun Zhao Qi as the general to attack my Dayan.”

“Zhao Qi showed his ability in attacking the three Jins. He attacked me, Dayan, and was more powerful than Mengwu, Wang Fei and others.

“I, Dayan, really want to guard against it.”

“Otherwise, Dayan won’t be able to resist Qin.”

“Please calm down your anger…”

After Qingqin stood up, all the Yanchens also stood up and spoke out their advice.

Hear these.

The anger on Yan Wangxi’s face lessened less.

But looking at Yan Dan who collapsed on the ground, the anger and hatred in his eyes could not be concealed.

“Animal, rebellious son.”

“You haven’t admitted wrong until now.”

“Do you know that you brought me Dayan into the end?”

“Because you assassinated Qin, you gave Qin State to attack my Dayan to speak truthfully. I was famous as a teacher, and I was beaten by you to unrighteousness, and I was beaten to death.”

“Because your assassination of Qin was originally a means. Qin attacked my Dayan, and Qin retaliated. There is no reason for Qi and Chu to send troops to help each other. All of this is caused by you.”

“This, you…you still don’t know the crime?

Yan Wangxi scolded with anger and sorrow.

“Without the two countries of Qi and Chu, my Dayan generals can still defeat the Qin army.”

“I, Yan Dan, are willing to fight with my fate to defeat the Qin army.”

“I, Yan Dan will not lose to Ying Zheng, let alone Zhao Qi.” Yan Dan raised his head, fearless in his eyes.


Yan Wangxi looked at Yan Dan, raised the belt in his hand, wanted to pull it off, but stopped.

He found.

How failed this carefully nurtured son of my own.

At the same age as Yingzheng, but so ignorant, just like a young child.

It’s no wonder that when Ying Zheng talked with Zhao Qi, he would describe Yan Dan as being not grown up, because he really didn’t grow up.


“Report to the king.”

“On behalf of Li Mu, the army has been deployed.

“The soldiers have already approached our Dayan border and will attack at any time.

A legend from the State of Yan made the soldiers ran into the hall in fear, and said loudly.

This sound.

The expressions of the entire Yan Guochaotang were greatly changed.

“Li Mu mobilized troops?”

Yan Wangxi was panicked.

As the general of Zhao, Li Mu guarded the land, and his army was powerful and elite. I don’t know how many times he repelled the aliens, he was stronger than the frontier army guarding the border of Yan.

The word Li Mu is like a thunderous in the world.

After learning that Li Mu had invested in Da Qin, Qi Chuyan and the Three Kingdoms were all in a state of anxiety, because for Da Qin, this was just like a tiger.

“Has the envoys sent to Qi and Chu countries not returned yet?

Yan Wangxi looked at the Manchu Civil and Martial Arts, and asked in a panic expression.

PS: I am very grateful if I ask for a fix and a monthly pass.

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