Chapter 171 Ying Zheng: What an Eternal Emperor

Level 17 is now, and only three levels away, you can reach level 20. ”

“Then it’s the 21st-level Grandmaster Realm.

After the breakthrough, his true energy skyrocketed, and a smile of excitement appeared on Zhao Qi’s face.

Every breakthrough that brings about a transformation in strength makes Zhao Qi excited,

Kingship bestowed.

For the king’s power, a word can be taken, but one’s own cultivation base belongs to one’s own, and no one can take it away.

“Fortunately, there are spirit stones.

“Otherwise, it would be too difficult to break through the realm with cultivation based on the thin aura of this world.”

Zhao Qi thought of it happily.

Now he still has more than a thousand spirit stones, which is enough to be used in front of his grandmaster, even without resorting to the experience of killing the enemy.


“It would be great if a god fell from the sky and killed me. Will the experience value of killing gods make me become a god instantly?”

Zhao Qi had some dreams.

this world.

After all, the level is too low.

Experience points can only be obtained by quantity.

But if it is a higher level world, the result will be different.

If there are martial arts cultivation skills, it would be even more different.

In the future, in the kind of world with fairy gods, for Zhao Qi, it will be like heaven, killing enemies and becoming gods.

Data-based physique, this is not fake.

“It’s too early to think so much.

“Now Da Qin hasn’t unified the Central Plains, and Qin has not yet the end, just wait.”


“After all.”

Qin Shihuang “has been so good to me, but after all, his foundation is not mine. I can only watch Da Qin fall, and then I will be shipped out.”

Zhao Qi sighed in his heart.

Since I met Qin Shihuang, I first led a hundred officials to greet him, and gave him a courtesy he had never had before, and then hosted the wedding for myself. I was very kind to the family. If I said I was not grateful, it was naturally false.

But if Zhao Qi is to surrender his sons in the future, Zhao Qi really can’t do it.

With this kind of power, Zhao Qi will always surrender to others and be a minister of others, Zhao Qi really can’t do it.

“Let’s take one step at a time.”

“It’s still early to the end of Qin, so I can repay Qin Shihuang as much as possible for what he has done to me. After Qin II succeeds to the throne, I will save some of his bloodline for Qin Shihuang, even if it is a kindness.” Zhao Qi can only do so. .

The authorities’ mystery is clear, and the bystanders are clear.

For outsiders, Qin Shihuang’s favor to Zhao Qi is all because of Zhao Qi’s achievements, which created many achievements in destroying the country for Da Qin.

Zhao Qi naturally thinks the same way.

After all, except for the other.

There is no other reason.

Just in Zhao Qi’s immersion room.

Bang bang bang.

There was a knock on the door from outside the room.

“Jun Wu’an is awake?”

“The King and Lord Hou asked Wu Anjun to go for breakfast.”

The steward of Lu Mansion respectfully said.


Zhao Qi recovered and walked off the couch.

open the door.

The butler’s respectful face appeared in front of the eye.

“Please Wu Anjun to come with the villain.”

The steward respectfully said, bowed, and did not dare to be rude. After all, he was in front of him, Wu Anjun, who is the most powerful in Daqin today, the first military minister, and he has the grace of the current king.

Who in the whole Da Qin dare to be an enemy of Wu Anjun?

Partial palace.Ying Zheng and Lu Buwei are already seated.

Seeing Zhao come.

“Boy, it looks like you had a good rest last night.”

Seeing Zhao Qi, Ying Zheng smiled.

For his own son, Ying Zheng showed only the majesty of the elders, but not the majesty of the king.

“It’s not bad.

Zhao Qi said with a smile.

“The mansion is simple, don’t be offended by Jun Wu’an.” Lu Buwei said with a smile, and his voice returned to his youthful spirit.

Zhao Qi glanced.

I looked at Lu Buwei’s white hair yesterday, but today he has a lot of black hair and a lot of wrinkles.

This moment.

Zhao Qi naturally knew what had happened.

Qin Shihuang must have given Lu Buwei the big return pill he gave him, otherwise there would be such a miraculous effect.

“Wen Xinhou is polite.

“The kid is a mountain kid. He has slept in the mountains, and the whole world can be home. It is a blessing for the kid to be able to write to Xinhou’s mansion for one night.” Zhao Qi smiled.

“Although Wu Anjun is young, he has an extraordinary temperament.

In the future, “for decades, the world will be Wu’an Jun’s world.” Lu Buwei smiled and said, this sentence is even more meaningful.

“Wen Xinhou is a shameless kid.” Zhao Qi smiled.

“The mountain boy, I’ve slept in the mountains.

“Qi Er, this is Dad’s negligence. From now on, Dad will never let you suffer any wrongdoing.”

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. Zhao Qi’s unintentional remarks made Yingzheng even more self-blaming.

Majesty, don’t you ask Wu Anjun to sit down? Seeing Yingzheng’s thoughts, Lu Buwei said immediately.

This sound also made Ying Zheng come back to his senses immediately.

“Sit down and eat.

Yingzheng said gently to Zhao Qi.


Zhao Qi is not welcome, and sits directly on the side.

The three of them started to eat breakfast.

Naturally, there is not much language in the process. In this era, the use of Teng is to eat, and it is generally rare to mention things when eating. This is a kind of etiquette.

Finished the meal.

Zhongfu “But I was the first person in Daqin’s government affairs in the past, Xiaozi Qi, if you don’t understand government affairs in the future, you can often come to Luoyang to discuss with your father.” Ying Zheng laughed.

“Ha ha.”

“Thanks to the great king’s praise, but the old minister is indeed involved in government affairs. If Wu Anjun wants to understand the government in the future, he can indeed ask the old minister to discuss something.” Lu Buwei also readily agreed.

“It is a blessing for the kid to be able to discuss with Wen Xinhou.” Zhao Qi naturally replied with a smile, and did not refuse.

Then the three of them chatted without a word.

For Zhao Qi, this is a torment.

Listening to them writing articles here, Zhao Zhenqi has no interest.


“This time, let the kid accompany me. First, I haven’t seen Zhong father for many years and want to see him. Second, let Zhong father meet my Da Qin’s Wu Anjun.”

“I’m over now.

“I should go back too.

I don’t know how long it took, Ying Zheng suddenly spoke.

“My lord, won’t you stay in the old minister’s house for a few more days?” Lu Buwei said disappointedly.

I haven’t seen Ying Zheng for a long time, but now he has only stayed for one day, and he is inevitably disappointed.

“When Father Zhong returns to Xianyang in the future, I have time to meet with my father.” Ying Zheng said with a smile.

“The old minister just waited for that day.

Seeing this, Lu Buwei was also very helpless, but there was no way.


Ying Zheng took Zhao Qi to leave Lu Mansion and boarded Luanjia again.

Started the return journey.

Lu Buwei looked at Jianjia who was gradually going away, and his face also showed a reluctant expression: “Zi Chu, you should also rest assured that Zheng’er has really grown up and has become a real king.

“My Lu Buwei did not live up to your expectations of me.

“Zheng’er is a person who values ​​love and righteousness. This time he has given the old minister a new life. Perhaps in the near future, the old minister will be able to do his part for Da Qin again.”


“Your Zheng’er also brought his most hopeful son to see the old minister.

“Your grandson is fighting for you. Just like the old minister, your grandson was born in Wei Mo, but he was not defeated by the world. As far as Daqin is concerned, I am the most qualified successor.


“Da Qin will have at least a hundred years of national fortune to continue, because your grandson can live in town.”

At this moment.

Lu Buwei has countless close friends in his heart, and it is also his allegiance to the king to say.

“Master Hou, why not see you all night, you feel a lot younger.

The housekeeper looked at Lu Buwei’s younger face, a little surprised.

“Perhaps it is because I have met the king, and my wish has been solved for many years.

Looking at the old housekeeper who had been serving him, Lu Buwei smiled slightly.

“The king has been secretly protecting Lord Hou for so many years. His friendship with Lord Hou has never existed in the ages.” The butler sighed.

“He is my student. As a teacher, how can he not know the student?”

“With this student, I am lucky to be Lu Buwei.” Lu Buwei is also very pleased.

His eyes turned.

Luanjia above.

“Are you confused?”

“Why is the rumored Great Qin Xiangbang Lu Buwei still alive?”

“After all, in the world, Lu Buwei should be dead.

Ying Zheng looked at Zhao Qi next to him and smiled.

Want to come.

At this moment, Zhao Qi was very confused about coming to Luoyang, picking it all night, and going back.

But in Zhao Qi’s view.

Qin Shihuang should have come to recount old love with Lu Buwei on purpose.


“In the past when Miao Du rebelled, Wen Xinhou was demoted by the king and returned to the fief. After that, many countries often harass Wen Xinhou, and many countries issued a seal, inviting Wen Xinhou to join him, but they were all He refused.”

“After that, various countries often sent spies into Da Qin, which created the illusion that Wen Xinhou betrayed Da Qin.

Baiguan “angry, the king is also angry, and he issued an edict to demote the whole family of Wenxinhou to Shu.”

“After that, Wen Xinhou drank and killed himself.”

“This is what the minister knows.”

“But now it seems that Wen Xinhou is still alive and still in the fief. It can be seen that this is the arrangement of the king.” Zhao Qi said slowly.

“On the bright side, Wen Xinhou is indeed dead.”

“But in the dark, Wen Xinhou has been alive, everything about Luoyang has been banned, and the black ice platform is full of spies. As long as they find other spies, they will be killed immediately.”

“Moreover, there must be no imperial edicts, and no one may enter Luoyang without authorization.” Ying Zheng slowly said.

“The king is really serious about Wen Xinhou.” Zhao Qi said with a sigh.


Yingzheng shook his head: “It is Zhong’s father who values ​​love and righteousness for widows. When people first entered Daqin, all government affairs and life and life were taught by Zhong’s father.”

“Even later, the gangster rebellion was put down, the army was retreated, and the king’s power was consolidated. All the middle fathers participated in it and helped to find people.

“At last.”

“After I waited until Da Qin everything was restored to order, and the real king was in full control. Father Zhong knew that his existence would hinder the widow’s control of Da Qin, so he found a reason and transferred the responsibility for the rebellion to him. Taking advantage of the trend, he directly solved Xiangyin and left Xianyang.”

“In the old days, when he left Daqin, he lived for himself and to gain authority.

“But after the death of the widowed father, everything he lived was to live for Da Qin. You should know that the mother of the real person, gave up the gratifying and chose a wild man, but from the beginning to the end, only Zhong father defended me. ”

“The rest of his life is all for widows.”

“How can a widow forget this kind of friendship?”

Ying Zheng smiled, but there was a sense of suffering in his tone.

Not to oneself, but to one’s own priest, to outsiders, the former officials of Da Qin, even Lu Buwei, who was called by the world to suppress the royal power, suffered.

The world thought that Lu Buwei was corrupted by authority and regarded him as unfaithful.

In the end, Yingzheng had to eradicate him, consolidate the kingship, and let Daqin return to his control.

But in addition to Yingzheng.

Who knows that everything Lu Buwei did was for Da Qin and his students.Lu Buwei doesn’t care about all the views of the world, what he cares about is his personal participation, the powerful Da Qin.

He also cares about Ying Zheng.

But all this.

Only Ying Zheng knows.

And today.

Regarding the secrets of Lu Buwei, Ying Zheng also told Zhao Qi that there is one more person in this world who knows Lu Buwei, the former prime minister of Qin Dynasty.

I heard these causes and consequences.

Zhao Qi also fully understood.

“Historical records show that Lu Buwei is a power minister, corrupted by power, and ultimately defeated by royal power, but from Qin Shihuang’s mouth, it is completely different.”

“Lu Buwei has been loyal to Da Qin all his life, and has devoted his life to Da Qin, which shows his courage.

“History is only history after all, and not all records are true.

“Today, I also know the real Lu Buwei’s heart.” Zhao Qi thought to himself in his heart, and there was also a huge wave in his heart.

Melt into history and see history with your own eyes.

For a reborn person, this is also considered magnificent.

“Wen Xinhou.”

“Have Qin in your heart and be loyal to the king.”

“Such affection is rare in the world.”

“The King remembered everything he did for Daqin, and Wen Xinhou was the most moved.

Looking at Ying Zheng, who was suffering from Lu Buwei’s suffering, Zhao Qi said with a smile.

640 “Perhaps so.”

“But Sai Ren is ashamed of him. He used to be able to go to all kinds of rivers and mountains, but now he can only be in a small city.”

“People in the past want to welcome the priest as a face, so Zhongfu can get out of this prison, but for the sake of Daqin, for the gratifying, he didn’t.”

“He was a widow and sacrificed too much for Da Qin.” Ying Zheng slowly said.

“Now because there are foreign enemies, because of the influence of the dynasty, the king has to ban Wen Xinhou in this small city, but after the world is ruled, no one can stop the king.”

“Who dares to oppose Wen Xinhou’s ban when it will be lifted?

“So the king, please be relieved.” Zhao Qi smiled and comforted.

“Dominate the world, one emperor through the ages.”

Ying Zheng’s eyes condensed, and when he heard the four words “Eternal Age and One Emperor”, Ying was shocked, and seemed to be completely attracted by these four words.

“If the king unifies the world, he will create the best of the ages, and reintegrate the world that has separated from the ages into one. This will be able to complete this general trend, and establish the unification of the Yan and Huang, and the battle of Yan and Huang’s internal troubles. An emperor?” Zhao Qi said solemnly.

The four words “Eternal One Emperor”.

It did not appear in this era. This is the recognition of Qin Shihuang’s supreme achievements and the awe of Qin Shihuang.

Only four words contained the glory that belonged to Qin Shihuang’s life.



“You said it well.”

“If the widows really complete the unification of the world and unify my Yanhuang, who is known as an emperor through the ages, who can deter people?”

The widow “is the honor of one emperor through the ages, surpassing the monarchs of the past, surpassing the kingdoms of the world, and surpassing the emperor of Zhou. Who of them can be compared with the widow.

“One emperor through the ages, one emperor through the ages.”

“Stay when the world reigns.

“That’s when Zhong’s father regained his freedom, when the widow is the emperor of the ages, the real person will have to see who can stop the widow.” Yingzheng laughed, and he was full of enthusiasm for the title of the emperor.

At this moment, in his heart, in addition to the ban on Lu Buwei that he told Zhao Qi to untie, there is another thing that cannot be said to Zhao Qi now: “Qi Er, wait for the widow to dominate the world, and he will be called the emperor of the ages. Give you everything that your mother and son should get, your mother, the real person will chase her as my queen of Da Qin, and as for you, you are my eldest son of Da Qin.

The day of “unification of the world” is the time when the widows will recognize you. At that time, you will understand the hard work real people have done to you. I hope you don’t blame the recruitment.

Seeing Yingzheng so domineering.

Zhao Qi is also certain in his heart.

“Qin Shihuang is Qin Shihuang.”

“So domineering.

In the history of “Sweeping Liuhe, dominating the world, I Zhao Qi can participate in it with full authority, which has to be said to be good luck.”

“Besides, I’m still taking a ride with Qin Shihuang at the moment. Will there be any records in future history?”

Zhao Qi also smiled in his heart.

Follow along.

The two had their own minds in Jianjia, and Jianjia also gradually left towards Xianyang.

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