Chapter 170 Lu Buwei Takes Dan, Zhao Qi Breaks Through

Hear Ying Zheng’s words.

Seeing Yingzheng like this, Lu Buwei’s heart felt instantly.

Ever since he first received the edict from the king to teach Yingzheng, Lu Buwei has devoted all his teachings to him and regarded him as his most proud disciple.

He knows Ying Zheng.

For decades.

Lu Buwei clearly remembered that his disciple had only cried twice.

the first time.

Betrayed by her own mother, she gave up her own son for the sake of a savage man, and for the wickedness that was born to that savage man.

that time.

Winning the government to quell the rebellion has always been an indifferent response. In front of outsiders, the winning government showed the majesty of the king to suppress everything. That battle laid the foundation for him to completely control the Daqin.

But in secret.

How much injury did Zhao Qi suffer because of Zhao Ji’s betrayal?

When Lu Buwei went to see Yingzheng alone, Yingzheng cried.

Because until the last moment, Yingzheng couldn’t believe that his own biological mother would betray him, uniting an outsider to deal with him, and even overturning the foundation set by his ancestors of the Great Qin Dynasty.

For Yingzheng.

Zhao Ji is his biological mother, and she has been with her for many years, taking care of her own mother.

She betrayed Ying Zheng, what a wound it was.

And the second time.

Only Lu Buwei knew.

After Dong’er left Xianyang, Yingzheng cried even more desperately.

Two people he regarded as close relatives, a biological mother betrayed him, and a person whom he regarded as his wife also left, but in order to protect himself, he was forced to leave.

And today.

It was the third time that Lu Buwei cried when he saw Yingzheng.


“It’s gone, nothing happened.”

“Now you have grown up and become a true king.

“I knew that girl in Dong’er, and I watched her stay with you. Her greatest hope is that you can live well and fulfill your dream of dominating the world.”

“Now you have greatly exceeded Dong’er’s “64 Zero” expectations.

“Dominate the world, not far away.”

“And Dong’er didn’t completely leave you, did he?”

“She left her son. This is the hope she left for you.” Lu Buwei said softly.

Dong’er “The son that I left behind helped me too much. Qi Er made countless great achievements in the Three Jin Dynasty, and Qi Er also brought me two grandchildren.”

“Uncle, you didn’t see it.

“My two grandchildren are very smart and sensible. They are now over four years old.”

“When I get the chance, I will definitely bring them to see you.”

Zheng said in a low tone, but thinking of Zhao Qi, thinking of his two grandchildren, there was another sustenance on Yingzheng’s face.

“Zheng’er, it’s fine if you want to open it.”

“I’m really worried that you won’t think about it.”

“Then how will I go to explain to your father?”

Seeing that the victory has indeed come out, Lu Buwei also breathed a sigh of relief.

“Father is kind to me, I still remember everything.

“Father Zhong, please rest assured.”

“The world will be unified.”

“At that time, I will gain the prestige that has never been achieved by a king since the ages, and Zhongfu, you can also return to Xianyang, seeing you and my two grandchildren will definitely like it.” Ying Zheng smiled slightly.


“You don’t need to do this for me.”

“I’m already a dead body.”

“If you didn’t take photos of Zheng’er, how could I still be alive?

“In this life, I can see you become a talent with my own eyes, and I have the opportunity to see you dominate the world, I am already very pleased, even if I die in the future, I will be worthy of Zi Chu under Jiuquan.” Lu Buwei replied with a smile.

How could Lu Buwei not know that politics is good to him.

“Father Zhong, everything you did for me, everything you did for Da Qin.”

“I remember everything.'”I didn’t have the ability before, but it’s different now.”

“Don’t worry, as long as there is me, no one can move you.”

Yingzheng’s eyes had a firm way.

Lu Buwei looked moved and said nothing.

Because he knows the character of Yingzheng, as long as he decides, he will never go back.

“You probably haven’t recognized Zhao Qi yet.” Lu Buwei asked.

“After knowing that Qi’er is my son, I wanted to recognize him directly, but Mengwu and others are persuading me that if I recognize him directly, I will lose my place. Those who use their own interests The people in the center will not let it go.”

“So, I’m waiting.”

“After the world is ruled, it is the time I met my son.” Ying Zheng said.

“How would you arrange for him?” Lu Buwei asked, staring at Yingzheng. This question naturally contains deep meaning.

“The Crown Prince, the future King of Qin.”

For Lu Buwei, there is no concealment about winning the government.

“Zhao Qi was able to make a lot of military exploits for Da Qin in just a few years, and set the three Jins, which is enough to show his ability. He was named Wuanjun and powerfully shocked the world, but no courtier opposed it. This shows his great feat. ”

“If he were the prince, he would be the King of Qin in the future, and the Great Qin world would be able to pass on firmly, Zhao Qi, he could hold it, and even more shake it.”

Although today is the first time I met Zhao Qi, how could Lu Buwei not know about Zhao Qi.


“I didn’t have a talented son with those concubines in the palace. Compared with Qi Er, they are even worse.

“If I die someday, it would be impossible to shock the world with the abilities of those unbelievable things, but Qi Er is different.” Ying Zheng also nodded proudly.

“So Donger helped you a lot.”

“Leaving you such an excellent son, let you have someone to succeed.” Lu Buwei said with a smile.

As the former prime minister of Qin.

Outstanding vision.

With his own efforts, he has accumulated countless foundations, food, grass, and weapons for Da Qin.

It can be said.

Lu Buwei’s ability is the best in the world.

For him.

He knew that for a country, the power of the king is not enough, and the power of the civil and military is not enough. The key is to have a good successor.

If the successor is stupid, even a prosperous empire will be harmed by it and will eventually decline.

But Da Qin gained the current national power, and the foundation that gave victory to the government to dominate the world was not the work of the first life, but the surviving power of Da Qin VI. It has to be said that the fate of the fate, no one is faint, all are kings with general knowledge.

“After dominating the world.”

“I will chase Donger as the queen, let him become the eldest son, and then take advantage of the trend to be crowned the prince.” Yingzheng expressed his thoughts to Lu Buwei.

“The king can hold back to dominate the world, which is very good. By then, the foreign troubles will be largely eliminated, and no one can stop the king.” Lu Buwei applauded.

“Father Zhong doesn’t object to my chasing Feng Dong’er?” Ying Zheng smiled.

“Why oppose?”

“At the beginning, you wanted to marry Dong’er as your wife and be named queen. I originally agreed, but Zhao Ji and those clan families, the powerful and powerful all used their status to hinder them, and they used etiquette to check and balance. That’s why the king had no choice.”

“For this so-called etiquette, the old minister also hates it very much.”

“Did the king forget that the old minister was just a merchant at the beginning.”

“If it weren’t for the first Wang Libao, how could the old minister ascend the position of the state in the first place?”

“Speaking of identity, this is a joke for the veteran.” Lu Buwei smiled and said.

“To rule the world, when I meet my son, at that time, I hope that Zhong’s father can go out of the mountain and sit in his place.” Ying Zheng stared at Lu Buwei with a pleading tone.

This time.

In addition to bringing his son to see his father, who is so kind to him, the most important thing is the matter after the rule of the world.

Winning Zheng can imagine the uproar that will be caused by recognizing Zhao Qi and chasing Fengdong as a child.

But no matter how big the waves are, he doesn’t care, but in order for his son to be logical, Yingzheng must try to plan as much as possible. How high is Lu Buwei’s reputation in the past? There are still many people in the courtroom who are old friends of Lu Buwei, and he will appear in the meeting. Let many courtiers shut up.

This would also make Yingzheng less kill.


For Yingzheng’s request, Lu Buwei did not hesitate and directly agreed.

“Father Xie Zhong.”

“With you out of the mountains to take care of the child Qi Er, I believe there will be much less resistance in the court in the future.

“That way I can kill fewer people.” Ying Zheng said with a smile.

Although I said this with a smile, I can hear the chill in this tone.

This time.

Regardless of whether Lu Buwei agrees to go out of the mountain, pursue Feng Donger, and impose Zhao Qi as the prince, there will be no remorse for these wins, and he will feel that he will not repent on the things he has decided.

“Zhao Qi, this kid is so capable, commanding the army with victorious battles, but it is not a good thing if the king is the king, if the army is ransomed, it is not a good thing. Said.” Lu Buwei said.

“Uncle, I’m already training him to handle politics.”

“Since this period of time, Qi Er has always been reviewing memorials, and he has a unique understanding of government affairs, and he has many people in his heart.” Ying Zheng said with a smile.

“It seems that my Daqin royal family is going to have another amazing character.” Lu Buwei said with a smile.


Yingzheng and Lu Buwei chatted sentence by sentence. They were teachers and friends who hadn’t seen them in ten years. They were elders and juniors, more like relatives.

Until late at night, the two were still talking.

“Just ask the heavens for blessing, and give the old minister a little more time, so that the old minister can see the prosperous scene of my Da Qin’s true dominance of the world.” Lu Buwei said with a sigh.

“Father, you can see.”

Ying Zheng smiled, and took out of his arms, there was an extra porcelain bottle in his hand.

“This is?”

Lu Buwei looked at Winning with a strange expression, but he was puzzled.

Zhongfu “I just told you.”

“Orphan, he is not simple, and his ability to show is not as simple as force and tactics at all.”

“He has obtained the inheritance of the fairy family.

Ying Zheng said very seriously.

Hearing this, Lu Buwei was surprised. If he didn’t understand Yingzheng’s character, he felt that Yingzheng was nonsense.

“In this porcelain bottle is a pill that Qi Er dedicated to me.

Ying Zheng pointed to the porcelain bottle in his hand and said.


Opened the porcelain bottle.


A strong fragrance of elixir immediately filled the hall.

“The smell of this pill, I feel comfortable all over when I smell it.”

Lu Buwei took a deep breath, shocked.

“Father Zhong.”

“You used to be kind to politics, but Yingzheng didn’t repay you.”

“Da Qin is about to dominate the world, the mountains and rivers will unify, such a great country, would it not be a shame if Father Zhong didn’t look at it for a long time?”

“This pill, I will give it to Zhongfu 0…”

Ying Zheng smiled and handed the porcelain bottle to Lu Buwei.

But Lu Buwei was shocked.

“No, absolutely.

“This pill is so precious, it is truly invaluable. The king controls the empire. Taking this pill can strengthen the body and prolong life. It is a real good thing for the empire.” Lu Buwei immediately waved his hand and refused. The pill was too expensive. Up.

“Don’t hide from Zhongfu.

“Actually, I took a spiritual pill. Although it is not as good as this one, the toxins in the body have been dispelled. Now I am in the prime of life, and I don’t need this pill at all.”

“Besides, Qi Er is my son, won’t he give it to me in the future?”

Ying Zheng said with a smile, still proud of Zhao Qi in his tone.

It is not Zhao Qi’s honor to have this son, but his honor to win politics.


Lu Buwei still hesitated.

Hearing the effect of this pill, he was indeed a little moved.

He is indeed old now, with weak physique, and many dark diseases in his body. Maybe in a few years, he will be gone.

Manpower, after all, cannot go against the fate.

Father Zhong”, take it.

“In the past, your grace for winning the government can be compared with a pill?”

“Take it now and see the magical effect of this pill.”

Ying Zheng smiled, opened the porcelain bottle directly, poured out the medicine, and stuffed Lu Buwei’s mouth.

Lu Buwei hasn’t reacted yet.

At the entrance of the medicine pill, it turned into a hot stream and poured directly into the body.

It was like a mild fire spreading everywhere in the body instantly.

“This, this is really an elixir.”

Lu Buwei said in shock.

But dare not move.Because he could feel the power of the pill spreading throughout his body, repairing his old body.

Great Huandan.

It contains a lot of medicinal power. Although it is not the legendary Yanshou Pill that can directly increase longevity, after expelling all kinds of diseases and poisons, the body will be strengthened, and the internal force will be produced in the body, which can naturally reach the point of longevity and longevity.

Of course.

Without the aid of exercises, this internal force cannot be mobilized.

After a while.

Lu Buwei’s originally tired body gradually straightened, the wrinkles on his face gradually reduced, and the gray hair became much darker at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“This pill is more powerful than the one I took before.

Ying Zheng looked at the scene in front of him, and was shocked in his heart.

After a while.

Lu Buwei recovered.

With a dull face, he could feel that his weak and old body seemed to have recovered, it seemed that he had recovered his youthful physique and his youthful spirit.


“Thank you, the king for rebirth.

Lu Buwei came back to his senses and bowed to Yingzheng.

“How does it feel?”

Ying Zheng asked impatiently.

“The pill given by the king is too strong.”

“The veteran’s body seems to have recovered to the physique in his 20s and 30s, the hidden pains and diseases in his body are gone, and his strength has increased a lot. This is simply the elixir.” Lu Buwei said in surprise.


“Father Zhong, you have regained your youth, and in the future, we will rule the world. I will be a minister again.” Yingzheng said excitedly.

“My lord, Zhao Zhenqi has obtained the 1.2 Immortal Family’s inheritance?” Lu Buwei couldn’t help asking.

“I haven’t found out the secrets of my Qi’er, but his secrets are many.

“Not only do we have this kind of elixir that the world has never seen before, but it also possesses power that is hard for a worldly mortal to possess.”

“Maybe he won’t tell me a little about these secrets until I recognize him.” Yingzheng said with a smile, although he was curious, but he didn’t have any other thoughts.

Because Zhao Qi is his son.

“I have Zhao Qi.

“The veteran feels that Da Qin will go to another world.” Lu Buwei said sternly.

How could Lu Buwei be so shocked if he hadn’t experienced it personally.

“If you are like this, I have nothing more to ask for.”

“Now I just want to rule the world, recognize my grandson as soon as possible, and then hand over Da Qin to him smoothly.” Ying Zheng said with a smile. For his father to praise Zhao Qi, winning the government is naturally also gratifying.

Time is fast.

One night passed quickly.


Zhao Qi exhaled a suffocating breath. The two spiritual stones in his hand had become dull and the spiritual energy inside had been swallowed by Zhao Qi.

See Zhao Qi’s feet.

More than a dozen spirit stones have become bleak waste stones.

“Take this opportunity.

“Impact Congenital Seventh Layer.”

Feel the collapse of the true energy in the dantian.

Zhao Qi once again took out two spiritual stones, ran the exercises, and swallowed spiritual energy.

For an instant.

The aura in the spirit stone follows Zhao Qi’s meridian front pupa.

Take advantage of this trend.

Zhao Qi runs the exercises, filled with true qi, and heads towards the Jing pulse.

Pause time.

Another one of the eight channels of the odd meridian was broken by Zhao Qi.


Zhen Qi passes through the meridians and directly falls into the dantian.


Zhenqi ushered in a surge.

Seven congenital realms.


PS: I am very grateful if I ask for a fix and a monthly pass.

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