Chapter 169 Zhao Qi: Surprised, he is still alive?

Outside Zhangtai Palace.

Ying Zheng’s inspection drive was ready, and Xin Sheng also ordered three thousand guards.

With a kind of power that belongs to King Qin’s tour.

Every guard is full of murderous air.


This is not a real patrol. According to historical records, the real Shihuang patrol was echoed by thousands of troops and surrounded by hundreds of civil and military officials.

“Boy, what are you still waiting for? Can’t come up yet?”

After sitting on Jianjia, Yingzheng faced Zhao Qi who was standing outside Jianjia.

“The king’s secret driving, isn’t it okay for the minister to go up there?” Zhao Qi said with a twist.

“Don’t pretend to be a widow, get out.” Zheng said in an angry voice.

“Must be mocked.

Zhao Qi smiled, stepped on the stairs and unceremoniously boarded Luanjia.

Xin Sheng watched this scene quietly, with a smile in his eyes.

This father and son get along better than any son in the palace, and they have a true relationship between father and son.

Luan drive.

Under the protection of two thousand guards, he headed out of the palace.


He left Xianyang City.

“My lord, is this out of the city?”

“Where are you going?”

Zhao Qi asked curiously.

“It’s more than a day to go here. Ying Zheng” smiled.

“One day’s journey?”

Zhao Qi is even more curious.

Qin Shihuang wants to take himself to meet someone, who is he seeing?

With this weirdness, Zhao Qi doesn’t ask much.

Time passed gradually.

With the protection of the Janissaries, there is no obstacle on the way.

Probably more than a day has passed.

From early morning to night.

Night has fallen.

Finally arrived in a small town.

“My lord.

“Already here.”

Xin Sheng outside Jianjia said at this moment.

“finally reached.”

Ying Zheng took a sigh of relief, and there was a touch of complexity in his eyes.

Opening the curtain of Luanjia and looking at the small town in front of him, Ying Zheng seemed to have a mentality.

It is almost impossible to win politics, but he does have this expression at the moment.

“Qin Shihuang is actually a little nervous, who is he going to take me to meet?”

Forget it, “Let’s take one step and look one step at a time. Qin Shihuang treats me so well now, and the person who showed me must be someone with an identity.” Zhao Qi thought secretly in his heart.

“Come into the city.”

Yingzheng lowered the curtain and said prestigiously.


Xin Sheng respectfully took his orders.

Then he directly took out a token from his arms and handed it to the commander.

The commander immediately rode his horse towards the gate of the city.

It’s night time now.

In Daqin.

There is no nightlife. Once it is night, a curfew will be imposed. If anyone dares to violate it, it will naturally be a strict Qin law.

As recorded in history.

The laws of the Qin Dynasty were indeed harsh. In order to stabilize the foundation of the Qin Dynasty, the Qin Dynasty was completed and built into a war empire.

It’s okay to have war.

But if the world is peaceful, there will be a great disadvantage for Daqin, but it has not yet appeared.

The city gate was closed tightly.

But there are hundreds of sharp guards on duty.

When the guard commander came.

The centurion guarding the city gate immediately greeted him.

“The king is going to enter the city and open the gate quickly.

The commander swept the token in his hand.

The sharp guard guarding the city gate was startled, not daring to neglect, and quickly opened the city gate.

at the same time.

All bowed and said loudly: “Welcome to the king.”

Under the support of the Janissaries, Luangjia slowly entered the city.

It didn’t take long.

The sign driver stopped at the center of this small town, in front of a big mansion.The attendants in front of the house saw so many troops coming, and immediately greeted them.

And seeing the nine-horse-horse driving secret driver coming, he was shocked. Obviously, the people in this mansion are absolutely extraordinary, and they have seen Luanjia.

“Go and report to Lord Hou.”

“The king is here.”

An attendant said with strong excitement.


An attendant ran quickly towards the mansion.

The other attendants all gathered at the door and welcomed them respectfully.

“Dare to ask the general, but the king, Wangjia?

A head attendant looked at Xin Shengdao respectfully.


Xin Sheng nodded indifferently.

“Welcome to the king.

All the servants knelt to the ground immediately and greeted them in unison.

Luangjia inside.

Ying Zheng smiled at Zhao Wei: “You’re there, let’s go with the widows.”


Zhao Qi nodded.

I walked on first, and I was guessing in my heart.

Although the voice of the attendant in front of this mansion is very low, how can he not hear it with Zhao Qi’s cultivation base?

They just said that the owner of this mansion was Lord Hou?

There are very few who can be named Lord Hou in Daqin.

“Could it be?”

Zhao Qi thought for a while, and had a guess in his mind.

When he got off Luanjia, he glanced at the plaque on the mansion, Lu Mansion.

this moment.

Zhao immediately thought of who it was.

Turns out “is it him?”

“He didn’t even die?”

“Historical records show that because of the drug rebellion, his entire clan was sent to the Shu area, and he also committed suicide by drinking drug and alcohol.”

“But now, he seems to be alive.”

“It seems that some historical records are a little unreliable, but after thousands of years, the historical records of later generations will definitely be different. I don’t know how much true history has been tampered with by those aliens.

Zhao Qi thought to himself secretly.

“Why not the king?”

“Who is this?”

“Is he able to ride with the king? Isn’t he the fabled eldest son who could not help Su?”

When the subordinates of Lu Mansion saw Zhao Qi driving down from Luan, under the faint fire light outside the mansion, they naturally saw the young Zhao Qi.

Naturally, it was a surprise.

Riding Luang with the king, this is the supreme honor.

In the history of Daqin, there are very few who have this honor.

In the past, Shang Jun Weiyang, who pioneered the great prosperity of the Qin Dynasty and initiated the reform, had shared a ride with Qin Xiaogong Yingquliang many times, but at that time it was still a six-horse-luan ride.


There was also Zhang Yi, who was an envoy to Daqin and persuaded the countries. Bai Qi, they had all won this kind of honor.

Let me say one more.

For the servants of the Lu Mansion, the person who is more fresh in memory is naturally their master, who has taken the appraisal of two generations of Daqin emperors, and has noble status and power in the court.

After Zhao Qi walked down.

Ying Zheng also stepped down slowly, and when he looked up at the plaque of Lu Mansion, there was a touch of complexity in Ying Zheng’s eyes.

“Ten years.”

“Widow came to see you after all.

Ying Zheng stared at this mansion, with complicated feelings in his heart.

And at this moment.

In the house.

An old man wearing a white robe and a little gray hair came out, with excitement and eagerness on his face.

“Chen Lu Buwei, see Da Wang.”

Seeing Ying Zheng, the old man bowed with excitement.

Ying Zheng hurried forward and lifted the old man up, with a gentleness and silent respect in his eyes.

“Father Zhong.

“Quickly waive the gift.”

Ying Zheng is gentle.

“Sure enough, Lu Buwei.”

In the past, “the great Qin Xiangbang, who was in power, was also the strong and prosperous Da Qin, which made all countries jealous.” Looking at the old man in front of him, although he is old, he has an unimaginable spirit. Still there.

In the old days, Qin Quan Xiang, Lu Buwei.

“The King.”

“The old minister and you haven’t seen each other for many years.”

“Now I can see the great king again, old minister, old minister, minister…

Looking at Ying Zheng in front of him, there were tears in Lu Buwei’s eyes.


This is crying for joy.

“Father, go in and say.”

Yingzheng said gently, and walked towards the mansion with Lu Buwei’s hands.

at the same time.

Turning his head to Zhao Qi said: “Boy, you come in too, Xin Sheng, you are waiting outside the house with the guards.”

“Good.” Zhao Qi responded immediately.


Xin Sheng also bowed immediately.

But Wei Yuguang looked at Zhao Qi, and his eyes flashed astonishment. He could hear a special meaning from the name of Zhao Qi from the winning government.

When Lu Buwei looked at Zhao Qi’s face with the light of the fire.

There was a surprise on the old face, and he looked at Ying Zheng again, with a touch of silent and complex surprise in his eyes.


Looking at the winning government again, Lu Buwei didn’t say anything, and followed the winning government’s exchange of support and walked into the mansion.

Arrived at the Fuzhong Hall.

Yingzheng did not sit in the main seat, but sat opposite Lu Buwei.

Zhao Qi stood behind Ying Zheng abiding by the rules.

“Uncle, how many years have we seen you?” Ying Zheng smiled slightly and looked at Lu Buwei.

“Counting the time, it has been ten years.” Lu Buwei smiled.

“Ten years, just a few seconds away.

“I can still recall the time when I was taught by Zhong Father when I first returned to Qin. Under Zhong Father’s blessing, I really miss it.” Ying Zheng said with nostalgia.

“My lord, time flies, and the veteran is already old. At the beginning, he was able to have the king value and teach the veteran to the veteran. This is the fortunate of the veteran’s life. Unification is also in sight.”

“If you can see the unification of the world, I will be the only one in the world, Daqin.”

“It was the luck of the veteran to be able to teach the king back then. He died without regrets.” Lu Buwei said with a smile.

“Father Zhong.”

“You will see my Da Qin dominate the world, and you will see me, Da Qin, let the world move towards peace and stop the world, you will see me create a great prosperity that belongs to my Yan Huang.”

“This day, it won’t be too far.

“Although Zhong’s father has left me for ten years, Zhong’s father’s teachings will never be forgotten.” Ying Zheng looked at Lu Buwei from the heart.


“If the first king can see that the king has today’s prosperous talents, and see that my Daqin is so strong under the leadership of the king, he will be able to comfort the spirit of the sky.” Lu Buwei looked at the victory in politics with satisfaction.

In addition to the respect for the king, there is more of a kind of kindness to the younger generation in the eyes.

“Some records in history are really deceptive.”

“Lv Buwei’s power was in the hands of the opposition, and it suppressed Qin Shihuang to gain power. But now it seems that Qin Shihuang has a good relationship with Lu Buwei, and Lu Buwei is also sincere respect and kindness to Qin Shihuang. From this situation, how can he seize power? Emperor Qin Shihuang.”

“Oh, sure enough.

“Still can’t believe too much in the historical records of later generations.”

“After all, it’s too long, just as a reference to this era.

Zhao Qi quietly listened to the conversation between the two, while thinking to himself.

“Zhongfu’s great kindness to winning the government.

“Winning politics will never be forgotten.”

Yingzheng said to Lu Buwei, with words from the heart.

“As long as the king is good and the Qin is good, the old minister will have no regrets.” Lu Buwei smiled comfortedly.

Zhongfu “.”

“I’ll introduce to you.”

Ying Zheng turned around, looking at Zhao Qi with a gentleness in his eyes.

“His name has resounded through my Daqin in the past few years, and it has become even more famous in the world, making the only remaining Qi Chuyan Three Kingdoms frightened.” Ying Zheng introduced to Lu Buwei with a tone of comfort and pride.

“As soon as the king said this, the old minister would know who he was.”

Lu Buwei smiled and stared at Zhao Qi.

“Now I am the younger generation of Da Qin, with the greatest momentum and prestige. There is nothing better than Zhao Qi, the Wuanjun who defeated the Sanjin Dynasty for my Da Qin.”

“Presumably, he is my newly promoted Wu Anjun from Daqin, right?

Lu Buwei said with a smile.

“Junior Zhao Qi.

“I have seen Wen Xinhou.

Zhao Qi did not dare to be rude, and bowed to Lu Buwei.

“As his father said.”

0…seeking flowers…

“Now I Da Qin, let alone the younger generation, even if the prestige of the older generation can surpass Xiao Xiaozi Qi.

“Today I brought him here to meet with Father Zhong, and let him see the greatest hero who made me the greatest contributor to the Qin Dynasty.” Ying Zheng said with a smile, but the pride in his tone could not be concealed.

“Thank you, the king for bringing me to the veteran.”

“Wu Anjun Zhao Qi is indeed well-deserved.”

“Quite the demeanor of the old king.” Lu Buwei laughed, and there was a deep meaning in his words.


Perhaps the authorities are fans and bystanders clear.

Hearing Lu Buwei’s praise, Zhao Qi did not have any abnormalities, but immediately smiled and said: “Zhao Qi has heard of Wen Xinhou’s deeds since he was a child, and now he has seen Wen Xinhou, this is Zhao’s fortune.”


“If Wu Anjun is able to do this, the old man really died without regret.” Lu Buwei laughed loudly.

“Alright, Qi Xiaozi.

“After a day’s journey, you are tired. Go and rest for a while. My father and I still have a lot to talk about.” Ying Zheng smiled at Zhao Qi.

“promise.”Zhao Qi nodded.

“Come here.”

Lu Buwei shouted.


A housekeeper walked into the hall: “Master Hou.”

The butler said in awe.

“Arrange a room for Wu Anjun to rest. Lu Buwei” said.

“Jun Wuan?”

The butler moved his gaze and fell on Zhao Qi’s body. Suddenly, his eyes became awed.

The name of Wu Anjun Zhao Qi can be said to have spread the aurora in Daqin today, and ordinary people know it by countless people, not to mention the mansion of high-ranking officials.

“Wu Anjun, please come with the villain.

The butler’s respectful way, step forward and lead the way.


Zhao Qi nodded.

Then he bowed to Yingzheng and Lu Buwei: “Majesty, Wen Xinhou, then I will go to rest first.


Zhao Qi turned around and left the hall.

The butler also closed the door of the palace very considerately.


Staying far away, Zhao Qi went to the side hall of the wing room far away.

Lu Buwei spoke slowly.

“My lord, why does Zhao Qi look so much like you, and also…like the original…

That’s it.

Lu Buwei hesitated to say something but stopped, but the meaning had already been revealed.


Yingzheng returned to Daqin.

His father, Victor Chu, handed the victory to Lu Buwei to teach. At the same time, Dong’er also followed the victory.

So Lu Buwei still remembers Dong’er’s appearance.

“It’s like Donger’s back then, isn’t it?”

Yingzheng smiled slightly, a touch of nostalgia appeared on his face, and a kind of love: “Father Zhong is right, he is Donger and my child, my eldest son, Daqin’s eldest son.

Heard this.

Although Lu Buwei was slightly surprised, he smiled: “After the king came, the old minister saw that the king’s attitude towards Zhao Qi was particularly different. Now it seems that the old minister really guessed well.

Zhongfu “is still that great, and you can see the details through observation.” Ying Zheng smiled.



“Dong’er is a good girl. She has been protecting the King in Zhao country for so many years. After returning to Qin, she has taken care of the King in every possible way.”

“However, after all, the king still didn’t give her a place.”

“At the beginning, the old minister was ashamed of the king.

Lu Buwei sighed, with a helpless tone in his tone.

Things of the year.

More than 20 years have passed, but there will always be someone who has a clear picture of what happened in the past.

And Lu Buwei is the one who witnessed the time.

“Zhongfu has done enough for me.”

“At the beginning, the clan was opposed, Zhao Ji opposed it, and the Manchu dynasty opposed it.”

“It made me lose face in the court. If it weren’t for Zhong’s father to defend him, maybe I would really lose face that day. Not leaving, but being assassinated by those people.” Ying Zheng looked at Lu Buwei with gratitude.

“This was the only thing the minister could do.

“But what Donger did to the king is the real maintenance.”

“In order for the king to take over the royal power smoothly, she left Xianyang, which allowed the storm to calm down, but now that the king has found Dong’er again, and has found such an outstanding son, this is also a blessing in the future. .”

“Of course.

“The old minister still has to persuade the king.”

“The veteran knows that for so many years, the king has not established his queen because of Dong’er, and the queen’s position is to stay for her. Now it is good for the king to find Dong’er, but it must not be Li Dong’er now.”

“Now that the Three Jins have disappeared, in addition to my great Qin warrior, there is also Zhao Xiaoyong who is good at fighting, and my great Qin has a single heart and a great aspiration to dominate the world.”

“But if the Great King Li Dong’er takes the lead, Zhao Qi will immediately become the eldest son, which will inevitably touch the interests of those people. They will desperately become an enemy of the King and make my Da Qin suffer again.”

“At the critical moment when Da Qin rules the world, don’t let Da Qin collapse into chaos.”

“Only when the world is unified, if Daqin has no foreign troubles, the king can do everything he wants to do.”

Lu Buwei persuaded Yingzheng very seriously.

As the former Da Qin Xiangbang, governing a country’s political affairs, if he has no vision, then he is not Lu Buwei.

“Zhongfu’s words, why don’t I know.”

“but now.”

Dong’er “I can no longer see me making her a queen.”

Ying Zheng smiled bitterly, with helplessness on his face.


Lu Buwei’s face changed, and he felt a sense of anxiety.

“Dong’er” had already left five years ago.

“Widow, I didn’t even see her last side.”

Looking at his most trusted father, the elder who is also thinking of himself in this world, Ying Zheng said with red eyes and tears.

PS: I am very grateful if I ask for a fix and a monthly pass. Ding.

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