Chapter 168 Ying Zheng: Qi Er can really resurrect his mother

As soon as this remark came out.

Inside the Caotai Palace, the solemnity was overwhelmed.

And Han Fei also seemed to be on the edge of hell.

“After I became the master, my life already belonged to the master.”

“If the king wants to kill, then kill it.”

Han Fei stared at the victory without any fear of death.


There is a determination in his eyes.

If Yingzheng really ordered to kill him, before dying, he would act first.

With his current martial arts cultivation skills, it is easy for him to fight and win politics at close range.

Ying Zheng stared at Han Fei, and more than ten breaths passed.


Yingzheng laughed loudly: “Good, good.”

It seems “I didn’t misunderstand the wrong person, his confidant is really loyal.”

“Alright Han Fei.”

“You can rest assured that the widow will not only not kill you, but will reuse you even more.

“Because you are the confidant of an orphan, and you are the prince who has already been set in the heart of a real person. The future king of Qin is none other than Qier. You are his confidant, and naturally also the Qin minister.”

“How can the widow do something to you?” Yingzheng said with a smile.

The monstrous murderous aura dissipated in an instant.

The heart of the emperor is unpredictable.

For Yan Zheng.

This time it was also a test of Han Fei, to see if he could test out the details of his son, as well as the power of martial arts, but obviously he was thinking too much.

Han Fei is not afraid of death at all, and is loyal to his master.

“The king’s kindness to the Lord, the minister knows.”

Today, “the prohibition of those princes is paving the way for the Lord.” Han Fei said after returning to his senses.

“The widows are fighting before they die, and the widows are dead. How can they not fight each other with brothers because of their fighting character?”

“What the widow has to do is to destroy their ambitions, let them know the price of the fight, and cut off their hope of becoming a prince. Of course, just as you said, pave the way for children.” Yingzheng Majesty said.

“For now, the king’s prohibition from entering the palace will temporarily frustrate the princes, but the people behind them will not let go, and when the Lord is really awarded the crown prince, they will gather together and target the Lord.” Han Fei said honestly. .

“Meng Yi has already told you.”

“When a widow ruled the world, it was the day when I met my son.

“At that time, who has the prestige in the world? The rituals? The clan system? Or those courtiers?”

“Furthermore, if they want to target children.”

The widow “don’t even know the power Qi Er has, do they know?”

“As a confidant, you should know this. Ying Zheng” said with a smile but a smile.

“For the Lord, the minister has only four words to describe.” Han Fei looked solemn.

“Which four words?” Ying Zheng became interested.

Unfathomable.” Han Fei said solemnly, with strong awe in his eyes.

This kind of awe even in the face of Qin Shihuang, Han Fei never showed it.

“I can see that you truly respect your son from the heart.”

“The real person really knows too little about Qi Er.” Ying Zheng said with a sigh.

For the sons and daughters in the palace, although 640 Ran Yingzheng did not express any family affection in it, they all grew up under his attention.Only Zhao Qi, before he was 20 years old, Yingzheng Did not know his existence at all.

Their mother and son depended on each other for seventeen years.

After learning that Zhao Qi is his own son, he owes Dong’er and even Zhao Qi for the past twenty years.

So Zheng tried his best to make up for it.

The debt to their mother and child was transformed into Zhao Qi and Zhao Qi’s family.

This is also true.

To all outsiders, the favor of winning politics to Zhao Qi’s family is greater than the favor to his own children.

This is Ying Zheng’s compensation for Zhao Qi’s family.


“The king is ready to recognize the Lord after he rules the world. This purpose is not only to protect the Lord, but also to familiarize himself with the feelings between father and son.” Han Feidao.

“Smart people like you are good at talking, and you can get through as soon as you think about it.” Ying Zheng smiled slightly.

“The Lord’s kindness to the Lord is remembered by the Lord, and the Lord will understand it when the Lord and the Lord recognize it.” Han Fei said.

“I hope so.

“After all.

The widow “is still afraid that it will be difficult to accept.” Ying Zheng sighed. As a king of heroes, facing Zhao Qi, he was still a little worried.

He was afraid that Zhao Qi would not be able to forgive him.


It is indeed high above.But Ying Zheng knew that this would not scare Zhao Qi.

“Please rest assured, the king.”

“The Lord will understand that everything still has the great king’s painstaking efforts.” Han Fei said.

“He will understand?” Ying Zheng turned his head and looked at Han Fei.

“The Lord’s temperament is originally about love and righteousness. The king did it for him, and he saw everything in his eyes. If the king and the Lord knew each other, how could he not understand it.” Han Fei said with a smile.

That’s “Okay, that’s good.”

Ying Zheng also breathed a sigh of relief.


“Since you don’t want to say what that martial art is, real people won’t blame you.”

“Then your power is bestowed by Tao?”

“One palm breaks the stone pillar? Can you still leave the palm print in it?” Ying Zheng still couldn’t help but curiously asked.


“I don’t talk too much about the secret minister of martial arts, but the martial arts of the minister are all taught by the master, and this power is far worse than the master.

“However, what the minister can tell the king is.”

“Only waiting for the great king to recognize the Lord, everything in the future Da Qin Empire will be inherited by the Lord, and the future of Da Qin can be expected.”

“Because the Lord once said that he wants to create a great martial arts world, but the premise is that everything is under control.”

“Martial arts can not only strengthen oneself, but also prolong life, and the master once said that if you climb into the high-level realm of martial arts, you can live forever.” Han Fei slowly said.

Ying Zheng heard this.

His expression couldn’t help but be shocked.

“Eternal life?”

Ying Zheng muttered to himself, with shock in his eyes.

But Ying Zheng is not really concerned about this.

“Now I finally know why my grandson would have the confidence to resurrect his mother. He really got the inheritance of the immortal family. When Si’er resurrected his mother in the future, I will abdicate to son. I will lose Dong’er and Dong’er. After more than 20 years, I made up for it, and brought Donger to the world. “Yingzheng thought excitedly.

“Han Qing.”

“Thank you for answering your questions.”

“You are loyal to your children, and the widows don’t have much to say, and you can only express your opinion to you.”


“Qin’s throne is none other than Qi’er.” Ying Zheng stared at Han Fei, and said sternly.

“The minister thanked the king for the Lord.” Han Fei’s expression was shocked, and then bowed.

“Well, today you can say so much to widows. Real people are quite comfortable.”

“If nothing happens.”

“You just step back and rest first. You can also plan for your children when you have time. You don’t need to worry too much.” Ying Zheng laughed.

“The minister also dared to ask the king a question.” Han Fei did not leave immediately, but asked.

“What’s the matter?” Ying Zhengdao.

“Except for the identity of the Lord, who else knows the Meng Family?” Han Fei asked respectfully.

In addition to “Meng’s grandfather and grandson, Qi’er’s grandfather also knows, and the widow’s guard leader also knows.”

“Of course, the leader of Heibingtai also knows.” Yingzheng replied.

“The minister understands.”

Han Fei nodded, a bit clear in his heart.

After the last mistake between Meng Yi and Meng Yi, both of them confided in their hearts, and Han Fei naturally didn’t want to happen again.

Ask it clearly today and make sure to avoid making mistakes in the future.

“Qi Er’s identity.”

“Don’t let it out.

“The time is not yet ripe.”

“Before the world is unified, I can’t mess with Daqin.” Yingzheng said prestigiously.

“Please rest assured, the king, unless the king personally recognizes the lord, otherwise the minister will not leak a word.” Han Fei swears.

“En.” Yingzheng nodded and said no more.

“The minister retires.”

Han Fei bowed and retreated from the hall.


“Our son will bring you back to life.”

“The widow will stay alive and wait until that day, and make up for what I owe you.” Ying Zheng muttered to himself.

Fusu Mansion.

Fusu returned to the mansion with a blank expression on his face.

Chun Yuyue saw Fusu’s return and immediately greeted him.

“My son, what happened in the palace?”

Seeing that Fusu’s spirit and spirit seemed to be hit, Chunyu immediately came up and asked.

“No chance.

“There is no chance for everything.”

“This time we arranged for Yushi to impeach Zhao Qi, which angered the father.”

Fusu smiled bitterly, said decadently.

“Did the king punish the son?” Chun Yuyue’s expression changed.

“It’s not just punish me.

“All the princes have been punished by the father and punished us to kneel in Zhangtaiji all afternoon.” Fusu smiled bitterly.

“If it’s just like this, it’s okay.”

“At least the king is not really angry.” Chun Yuyue said.

“If it were just for this, how could I be like this?” Fusu looked at Chun Yuyue with helplessness on his face.

“Is there anything else?” Chunyu Yue said.

The father “has already issued an edict to all of our sons. Without his edict, we shall not set foot in the palace for half a step.” Fusu said weakly.

The words fell off.

Chun Yuyue’s face changed suddenly.


“Forbid the son to enter the palace for half a step?”

“Isn’t this breaking the way for the son to become the crown prince?” Chunyu said in shock.

“It’s not just me, but Hu Hai and the others are the same, and they are not allowed to enter the palace again.”

“For the sake of a foreign minister, what he did to our biological sons.

Sometimes “I really suspect that we are not the blood of the father at all, so Zhao Qi is.”

“Because Zhao Qi was only impeached by Yushi, no matter whether he participated in it or not, he was punished by his father and he was not allowed to enter the palace again.” Fusu smiled bitterly, with a resentment in his eyes.

“At this moment (adbc).

“I don’t understand the king anymore.”

“If it is only to deprive the son of the right to enter the palace, then it can be said that the king is targeting the son for a day, but he has deprived all the son of the right to enter the palace.”

“This obviously cuts off all the princes’ desire to become a prince.

“But son, this is not a bad thing.” Chun Yu Yue said in a deep voice.

Hearing that it was not Fu Su who had been punished, he naturally breathed a sigh of relief.

“Isn’t this a bad thing?” Fu Su said in shock.

“If it’s just the son of one person, it’s naturally a bad thing, but if it’s all the sons, then it proves that the king is not against you alone.”

“All the princes are not allowed to enter the palace. This is a warning from the king to the princes fighting, and there may also be Zhao Qi’s reasons.”

“But only when the king is angry, the ban on the princes will also be withdrawn.

“After all, the king is now in his prime of life.”

“The princes are fighting now and it is inevitable to make the king angry. When the king is old, can he still not establish a prince?”

“Now, son, you are still the first candidate for the prince.” Chun Yu Yue smiled and comforted.

“I hope so.”

“I always feel that my father is too partial to Zhao Qi.” Fusu sighed.

Huhai Mansion.


“How can father do this to me?”

“Asshole, get out of here.

Compared with Fusu’s composure, Hu Hai was furious in the mansion, and all his servants knelt on the ground, not daring to say a word.

“My son, calm down.”

Zhao Gao walked over at this moment.

“Teacher, you are finally here.”

Seeing Zhao Gao, Hu Hai was like seeing a savior.

“I know everything about the palace.

“In the future, don’t provoke Zhao Qi again. The king values ​​him no one can match. I can conclude that Zhao Qi told the king what happened today, otherwise the king won’t be so angry.” Zhao Gao said with a face. Serious and angry.


“Our princes are all forbidden to enter the palace.”

“This clearly breaks our thoughts of being crown prince.

“Father, what exactly does he want to do? For a foreign minister, he treated us this way?” Hu Hai was also a little angry.

“This time the dispute between you and Fusu was told to King Qi by Zhao, and the King was naturally angry, but fortunately, the King did not target you alone, but issued an edict to all the princes forbidding entering the palace. This is not a bad thing for the princes. .”

“The future king will establish a prince sooner or later, besides you, does he have other choices?”

“So please don’t worry about the son, let alone be discouraged. You have my support, and there are many people who support it. The prince must belong to the son.” Zhao Gao said.

“Well, even if you say that.”

But that “Zhao Qi is so hateful that he even pierced his father and king. I took down this hatred.”

“I have a chance, I must smash him into ten thousand pieces.” Hu Hai’s eyes showed a chill.

“Now he is in a high position, and there is no way to deal with him. Only when the son becomes a prince, then he will have a chance.

“So no matter how much you hate, wait until later to retaliate. This time, I will also write down the hatred.”

“Zhao Qi, don’t be a son of man.” Zhao Gao also said with hatred.

Because of Zhao Qi.

It is rare for me to enter the Zhangtai Palace now. Many secrets about Yingzheng cannot be known. There is also a big mistake in planning for Hu Hai. The most important thing is that he has won Zhao Qi today. Zhao Qi told the king without any scruples. How does this make Zhao Gao not angry.

And this matter.Zhao Qi still doesn’t know.

Someone already hated him so much that he couldn’t save it quickly afterwards.

But even if you know it.

Zhao Qi just smiled.

It’s better not to do it, do it, Zhao Qi is not polite.

Although Qin Shihuang had asked Zhao Luqi not to do it himself in the end with a bit of pleading, but if he did not satisfy himself, how could Zhao stop,

These pampered little sons, it is best not to stretch out their hands, otherwise one is counted as one, Zhao Qi will not let them go.


It’s not that you can’t kill.

Time flies.

Two days later.

Zhao Qi entered the palace again.

“The minister sees the king.”

Zhao Qi walked into Zhangtai Palace and bowed to Yingzheng.

as always.

Ying Zheng is reviewing the memorials. As an emperor in history, winning the government is really as the name suggests. Not only does he unify the chaotic Central Plains, he is also a diligent emperor. In addition to reviewing memorials, every day is rare. Any rest time.

If there is.

That’s what Grace Zhao Qi’s family will play with his two grandchildren.

“Qin Shihuang, it is no wonder that history will be remembered in his heart.

Create “Eternal Great Cause.”

“Really too diligent.”


“In the end in history, this great foundation was taken down by Popi.” Looking at Ying Zheng, Zhao Qi couldn’t help sighing in his heart.

Almost every time he sees Qin Shihuang, Zhao Qi will sigh in his heart.


Hearing Zhao Qi’s voice, Ying Zheng waved his hand and gestured for the exemption, but also smiled.

“Didn’t the king say that he is going to see someone in two days?”

“The minister came as promised.” Zhao smiled and smiled.

“I should have had a good rest these two days, red-faced. Ying Zheng” stood up and joked.

Thank you, “The princesses bestowed by the king, the ministers are really tired these past two days.” Zhao Xiaoheheqi said.

In front of Qin Shihuang, Zhao Qi didn’t know what was going on. Perhaps he was too familiar with it. Zhao Qi had no scruples when he spoke.

Heard this.

Ying Zheng also smiled irritably: “You stinky boy.”

“My lord, you must remember.”

“After the Qi Chuyan Three Kingdoms are destroyed, their princess can’t forget to give the minister.”

“My old Zhao’s family is my only seedling.

“I want to open up branches and leaves.” Zhao Qi joked.

“Remember, a widow will never forget.” Yingzheng replied irritably.

“If the king really forgot.”

“At that time, if it is okay to see the minister, you can also accept the minister as the son-in-law.” Zhao Qi also joked with a smile.

“Anything is fine, don’t even think about it.”

Hearing this again, Yingzheng screamed in anger.

“If you don’t want it, you don’t want it.”

Zhao Qi shrank his neck in fright, then immediately changed the subject: “But the king, who are we going to see today?”

“You’ll know when you go.

Ying Zheng was too lazy to talk to Zhao Qi.

stand up.

Shouted to the outside of the temple.

“Xin Sheng, get ready to drive.”


Xin Sheng’s voice came over.

Majesty “Are you going to go out of the palace? Do you need a minister to arrange it?”

Zhao Gao walked into the hall at this time and said respectfully.

“No need.

“You stay in the palace.”

The winning policeman gave Zhao Gao a glance, and the latter felt frustrated, but after seeing Zhao’s presence, he didn’t say much after all.


Zhao Gao replied respectfully, disappointed in his eyes.

Now he seems to be less and less favored, winning politics will not take him anything.

PS: Seek to fix, ask for monthly pass, guarantee 17,000 words every day, and it has been going on.

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