Chapter 165 Mengwu: Do you know the power of martial arts?

Inside the palace.

A side hall near the Zhangtai Palace.

“General, what do you want? Do you have to move to discuss it?” Ying Zheng asked, looking at the policeman.

“It’s a big matter for Master Qi.

“The ministers are thinking about it, but they still have to tell the king.” Meng Zhi said with a smile.

“About Qi Er?

Ying Zheng was still careless at first, but at this moment he immediately became serious: “What’s the matter?”

“Come up.”

Meng Shi didn’t say much, and raised his hand directly.

After a while.

More than a dozen guards from Mongolian crossbows came to Yingzheng carrying a stone pillar.

“What is this?

Looking at the stone pillar in front of him, Ying Zheng was a little inexplicable.

“My lord, please look at this stone pillar.

Meng Shi pointed to the palm print on the stone pillar.

Yingzheng squatted down and his eyes moved.

I immediately saw the palm print engraved on the stone pillar.

“What’s this?”

“Someone left a palm print when pouring? Ying Zheng” was somewhat inexplicable.

“My lord, this is not what was left during pouring, but the result of someone hitting it with a palm after it was formed.” Meng Zhi said in a deep voice, with a serious face.

“Admiral, are you joking with a real person?”

“How can such a deep palm print be made with one palm?” Ying Zheng looked at Meng Shi inexplicably.

“Great King, why would the minister make a joke about this to you?”

“Although this is a bit outrageous, it’s all true. The king might as well guess who left this palm?” Meng Zhi smiled helplessly.

“As far as people know.

“Those who are powerful and able to break stone pillars can be the enemy of 10,000 people.”

“Is this stone pillar left by which general in the army?” Ying Zhengdao.

“Majesty, when this person speaks, you absolutely won’t believe it.” Meng Zhi smiled.

“who is it?”

“Don’t tell me Qi Er did it?”

Ying Zheng said slightly surprised.

The police just said that this time the incident was related to his own children. “Six Three Seven”

“Although it was not made by Qi Gongzi, it is also related to Qi Gongzi.

“This palm print is left by Han Fei.”

“On that day, the son returned to Xianyang for rescue. After that, Meng Yi invited Han Fei to celebrate his great merits. Both of them were a little drunk, and both of them thought the other was their own, so Han Fei gave a seal of evidence. This stone pillar cracked with one palm, and this palm print was still left.

Han Fei’s “palmprint?”

Ying Zheng looked at this deep palm print with a weird look.


“Did you go to court today after drinking wine?”

“Why say some drunken things?”

“Han Fei is just a literati, how can he have this power?

“Also, even though Han Fei had a friendship with Qi Er when he was in the Korean Territory, he is not Qi Er’s own person, right?”

“What kind of relationship can he have with Qi Er?” Ying Zheng smiled and said.Ying Zheng was also not angry about these words of Meng Nu.

After all, Mengnu was the general of Daqin, with a high position and loyalty to Daqin, and Yingzheng’s tolerance was very high.

“My lord, it would be wrong if you think so.

“The son’s means and power are much more than we thought.”

“You listen to the ministers and you carefully handle the address.” Meng Zhi smiled, and explained all the causes and consequences of Meng Yi and Han Fei.

These things.

If it weren’t for Yingzheng’s importance to Zhao Qi surpassing any prince, and he personally set the position of the prince to Zhao Qi, Mengwu would not tell Yingzheng, after all, his Meng family had already chosen Zhao Qi.

After a while.

After listening to the cause and effect.

A touch of surprise also appeared on Ying Zheng’s face.

“You mean, Han Fei was originally Qi’er’s person, he has been loyal to Qi’er from the beginning of the Han Dynasty?”

“The reason why he shared his heart with Meng Yi was because they both mistakenly believed that the other was his own.”

“Meng Yi thought that Han Fei knew Qi’er’s identity, so he was a supporter of Qi’er, while Han Fei thought that Meng Yi was loyal to the orphan, but both of them got it wrong?” Yingzheng said differently.

“My lord, that’s the case.”

“However, it was precisely because of this mistake that the ministers knew Han Fei’s true identity. He was a true confidant of allegiance to Young Master Qi, different from our supporters.”

“What he knows is the true core of Master Qi.

“With this palm, he has done something that ordinary people can’t do. At first, Meng Yi thought he had misunderstood it. After soaking up, he watched it many times before realizing it was true.”

“As Han Fei said, this is caused by martial arts.” Meng Wu said in a deep voice.

Mention the word martial arts.

Looking at the palm print on the stone pillar, Meng Wu’s face was full of yearning.

Martial arts.

Looking at this kind of power, why are they not fascinated by them as military commanders?


“This, is it the power of the fairy gods that Qi Er possesses?” Ying Zheng also looked shocked.

“Majesty, this is why the old minister came to see you alone. If it weren’t for this accident, the ministers really didn’t know that the prince had such power, martial arts, this is not the power that ordinary people can have.”

“Our understanding of Master Qi is still too low.” Meng Wu sighed.

“Yes, Qi Er has too many secrets.

“Meng Qing, I don’t hide from you when I find someone.”

“When the widow had hosted Qi’er’s wedding and returned to Xianyang, Qi’er was also grateful to the widow for taking care of Ma’er and them, so he gave me two spirit pills.” Ying Zheng said sternly.

“Spirit pills?” Meng Wu looked puzzled: “Is it the kind of spirit pills refined by the alchemist in the palace?”

“My lord, the minister advises you.”

“Those alchemists are useless people, and the spirit pills they refine are fake. The so-called spirit pills are depleting the foundation. You must not eat more.” Meng Wu solemnly reminded.

What Ai Qing said, Qi Er also told the widow.

“But Qi’er is more terrifying than you said. He said that the pills refined by alchemists are poison pills. If you eat too much, you will die.” Yingzheng smiled, and his tone was full of gratification to Zhao Qi. There are pets.

“So, after hearing what the widow said, he didn’t eat the spirit pills from the alchemist’s refining facility, and just as Qi Er said, those spirit pills are poisonous, so there is no alchemist in the palace anymore.” Yingzheng said. Turning, revealing a touch of coldness.

Alchemist in the palace.

Think that the king refining the elixir of life is the basis.

This is also a pursuit of the past dynasties.

But for them, they also enjoy the salary given by the court, but they are very leisurely and completely idlers.

And they themselves knew that the refined pill was poisonous, but they didn’t say it because they didn’t want to lose their glory and wealth.

Nowadays, winning the government is in the prime of life, and there is not such a great desire for immortality.Except for sometimes when you are tired from reviewing the memorials, you need some pill, other times you don’t use it at all, but it is the pill that makes Yingzheng’s health worse. many.

If it hadn’t been for my son to remind me, maybe one day I would really be poisoned to death by those poison pills.

“Since Young Master Qi knows that Ling Pill is poisonous.

“Then why did the son still offer the spirit pill to the king?”

“Is there any difference between the two?” Meng Wu asked in surprise.

“It’s really different.”

“What Qi Er dedicated to the widows is the real immortal family spirit pills, not the poison pills of those incompetent alchemy refiners.

“Widow” got the two pills he gave, took one after missing someone, and took one by widow’s father-in-law.

“The effect is remarkable. The toxins from the poison taken by the widow before have been discharged, and the body has become better.” Ying Zheng said with a smile.

“The real Immortal Family Spirit Pill? Does it really exist?” Meng Wu was also shocked.

Ling Pill said this, it was the first time he heard Ying Zheng speak out.

“Is the palmprint on this stone pillar something human can do?”

“Qi’er, maybe he really got the inheritance of the Xian family.

“Otherwise, how could he be so powerful when he is so young?” Ying Zheng said with great relief.

And in the bottom of Ying Zheng’s heart, for what his daughter-in-law Li Ma’er said to herself before, his son will resurrect his mother in the future.

This is the biggest expectation of winning the government now.

Compared with the general trend of dominating the world, what Ying Zheng looks forward to most is to be able to meet Dong’er again.

“However, Master Qi is really extraordinary.

Mastered “too many secrets.”

“Unfortunately, we didn’t have the opportunity to explore these secrets. If it weren’t for Young Master Qi’s confidant, Young Master wouldn’t have been taught this martial art at all.” Meng Wu sighed with disappointment.

“Did Meng Yi ask Han Fei about the origin of martial arts? What kind of power is this?” Ying Zheng asked.

“Meng Yi naturally asked.”

“But Han Fei said that it is impossible to know if it is not the confidant of the son’s true trust.”

“Furthermore, he also said that the allegiance of Meng Yi and even my Meng family was Gongzi Qi, not Gongzi, but his Han Fei was different from other Gongzi’s men. They were loyal to Qi Gongzi. No matter what the son encounters, they will die for the son.” Meng Wu said.

“Originally, the widow thought that the former son of the world famous did not return to Qin because of the strength of my Da Qin, because of the power of the widow, but now it is not at all. The reason why Han Fei returned to Qin is entirely because of my son.” Ying Zheng was somewhat self-deprecating. He smiled, but there was no irritation, but comfort.

His own son is so outstanding and able to surpass himself as a father, that is what I am most looking forward to to win the government.


“The son is not only powerful, but also extremely powerful. Talents such as Han Fei have been impressed by him, and he is full of courage.

“In the past few years, I don’t know how many subordinates he has, and how far his power has grown.” Meng Wu also sighed.

“Hei Bingtai, do you know?” Ying Zheng smiled.

“Hei Bingtai is a taboo passed down from generation to generation by the Daqin royal family. Only the emperor can know it, and the officials dare not speculate.” Meng Wu immediately bowed and bowed, very apprehensive.


“The Black Ice Terrace was created by my ancestor Xiao Duke of the Great Qin Dynasty. It has been through the sixth generation and has a profound background. It penetrates the world and the world. No matter what country’s spy can’t compete with the Black Ice Terrace.”

“But the black ice platform suffered a big loss in my hand.” Yingzheng smiled, there is no irritation, only pride.

Meng Wu looked puzzled: “Why did the Black Ice Terrace suffer from Young Master Qi? Could it be that the king sent the Black Ice Terrace to protect the Young Master and was discovered by the Young Master?”


“It was an espionage force under his command that came into contact with the Black Ice Platform. They thought that the Black Ice Platform was not good for them, so they spied on the Black Ice Platform. As a result, the widowed Black Ice Platform was defeated and lost dozens of spies. The spy forces under Qi Er’s spy forces caused no more than 0 casualties..” Ying Zheng laughed.

“There is still such a thing?” Meng Wu looked surprised.

This matter is big or small, and it is not small.

If someone else has such a collision with the black ice platform, causing the black ice platform to suffer such a large loss, the winning government will definitely be held accountable and will not be tolerated.

Fortunately, it is Zhao Qi.

“The widow was also surprised at first.

“But Qi Er created it, so there is no surprise.”

“This kid is too busy to know how many secrets there are, and everything is nothing trivial.” Ying Zheng smiled.


Meng Wu nodded in agreement.

Talking about this martial art thing with Ying Zheng today, I didn’t expect to get more news about Zhao Qi from Ying Zheng.

“Then Young Master Si told the king about the espionage forces?” Meng Wu asked tentatively.

The widow “tested this kid for a long time, but he didn’t admit it all, but he also guessed that the widow knew it was related to him and didn’t break it.” Yingzheng smiled.Then he turned his eyes and fell on Meng Wu’s body: “Meng Qing, how do you think of Qi’er?”

“The prince is a handsome man in the current generation, and he is considered a leader among the younger generation, and even at this age, my old ministers are eclipsed by his military achievements. In the future, the prince will become the prince, and he will be the king. Let my great power grow stronger.” Meng Wu praised unceremoniously, his tone full of firmness.

“Indeed, Qi Er is indeed a dragon and phoenix among the people, a brilliant talent, but this is not what the widow said.”

Ying Zheng said with a thoughtful look.

“What I really want to say is that Qi Er doesn’t have much respect for the kingship.”

“Whether it is against the widows or Fusu them.

Ying Zheng said quietly.

Heard this.

Meng Wu’s face changed, and he didn’t know how to answer the conversation.

“Always, the king’s power is above all beings, and no one dares to be disrespectful.”

“But in Qi’er’s eyes, the real person can’t see any trace of respect for the king’s power. Even if he is to the real person, he is not the respect for the king’s power. It seems to be a kind of respect for the elders, not the king’s power.”

“On the day that Fusu rushed into the widow, Er even attacked mercilessly, let alone any scruples.” Ying Zheng said slowly, with thoughtful thoughts.

As an emperor in history.

How can you fail to see Zhao Qi’s temperament when you win the government. Although Zhao Qi always behaves very humble on offense, he respects and respects him, but he is definitely not the respect for the royal power, but the elders.

And when he treated Fusu and the others, Zhao even Qi had an unsightly meaning in it.

These are all seen by Ying Zheng.

If it were not because Zhao Qi is the son of the winning government, perhaps winning the government would still have a lot of scruples, but fortunately, Zhao Qi is.

“The son may be an immature xinxing.”

Mengwu didn’t know what to say, so he could only say so.

Regarding this point about Zhao Qi, Mengwu can naturally see it.

Zhang Taiyan refuted Fusu.

Given to any minister in the court, he would not do it, but Zhao Qi did it. It can’t be said to be young and energetic. Instead, it doesn’t look at Fusu at all, and he doesn’t like Fusu, who is the eldest son.

Even if you don’t respect the king’s power, how can you respect a little son of yours?

“That’s not immature,

“It’s that Qi’er’s character is fundamentally shaped.”

“Although he is disrespectful to royal power, he has an instinctive defense and fear of royal power.

“He conquered his confidantes and created his own power in order to deal with the king’s power.”

“Meng Qing, everyone already understands your character. If you are good to him, he will be good to you, but if you are bad to him, do it to him, it will be bad for him, and it will be good for Ma’er and his two grandchildren. Unfortunately, Qi Er doesn’t care who the other party is, he will never be polite.”

“Even if the widow wants to take action against him, he will not submit to it, but will use all his strength to fight against the widow.

“This is him.”

Ying Zheng smiled and said to Wu.

Heard these words.

Meng Wu was shocked in his heart.

What Yingzheng revealed is not trivial.

Because everything Zhao Qi showed was enough to make a king jealous and even took action to deal with it, but fortunately, Zhao Qi is the son of the winning government, and he is also the most valued son.

“Perhaps the king was wrong.” Meng Wu accompanied with a smile.

“The son of a widow, how can a real person fail to see through?”

“However, the widow is also very lucky.

“Hua’er is the son of a widow. Otherwise, based on his character, he would be submissive to real people, but they would never subdue to Fusu, and they would definitely not be able to tolerate such a powerful official in frontiers with his aura. Existence will inevitably work on it, and at that time, Daqin changed the world and was changed by Qi’er.

“Fortunately, this is the son of Dong’er and the widow. Otherwise, the widow really doesn’t know what to do.

Ying Zheng said with a look of rejoicing and sighed very much.

He knows the character of Zhao Qi better than the abilities of his sons in the palace.

And now I see Zhao Qi’s hidden power, so terrifying, even if it is winning the government, he has no confidence to be able to subdue it, let alone his sons.

That’s why it is fortunate to win the government.

PS: Seek to fix, ask for monthly pass, ask for reward, thank you very much.

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