Chapter 166 Ying Zheng: What is the power of martial arts?

Fortunately, Zhao Qi is his son.

Otherwise, for his Da Qin, the consequences would be disastrous.

He Yingzheng didn’t know how many hole cards Zhao Qi had hidden, let alone his sons.

“The son can get such an evaluation from the king, it is enough to see that the son is amazing.” Meng Wu said with a sigh.

“So the widow will be fortunate. Fortunately, the son is the son of the widow. Otherwise, what do you want the widow to do?”

“Qi Er is disrespectful to the kingship. In the final analysis, there is only one thing, that is, his self-confidence, whether he has the power to fear the kingship, and that power you saw to the widow today is the power of martial art inherited from the immortal family.”

“One’s subordinate Han Fei possesses such power, how strong is Qi’er’s power?”

“I don’t even dare to think about it.” Yingzheng sighed as he looked at the stone pillar.

“The King.”

“Everything about you is right.”

“But the king only needs to know one thing, Master Qi is your son, the successor of Da Qin you believe.”

“The minister also said something bold and reckless today.”

“For Mr. Qi, the old minister is convinced, but for those sons of the great king, please be honest, there is no outstanding generation, even if it is Fusu, he is not outstanding.

“If they were allowed to inherit Daqin, Master Qi would not accept it, and the old officials would also refuse to accept it.” Meng Wu raised his head, facing the winning government with a serious expression.

If there is no Zhao Qi.

Mengwu would not be bold at all. After all, Yingzheng still has many young masters to choose from, but since Mengwu chose Zhao Qi and decided to always support it, it would definitely not change.

Today is also a statement for Ying Zheng.

His Meng family chose Zhao Qi and vowed to stay the same.

Heard this.

Yingzheng’s gaze turned and fell on Meng Wu’s body, expressionless, but there was a suffocating king’s pressure all around.

But Mengwu didn’t have any fear, and there was a firmness in his eyes.

After a moment.

Yingzheng spoke again: “The real person knows what Mengqing said, and today the real person once again promises you that I, the crown prince of Daqin, and the future heir to the king, there will be no one to replace him.”

“Furthermore, the widow has already made a will.”

“If there are any accidents in the widow, Black Ice Terrace will announce the will and Qi Er will inherit the throne.”

“In this way, can Meng Qing feel relieved?”

Ying Zheng smiled slightly.

“Great King Shengming.

Meng Wu bowed.


“How much does Meng Yi know about this martial art from Han Fei?” Yingzheng recovered and returned to the topic.

“that’s it.

“Meng Yi wanted to ask, but Han Fei didn’t answer at all. It seems that this is a taboo for him. He would never say without the instructions of Playboy.

“However, the minister felt that the king could try to summon Han Fei and try it out.”

“After all, Han Fei already knows the identity of the son, and maybe he will say more for the sake of the king.” Meng Wu made a suggestion.

“Your proposal is not bad, Han Fei, the widow should indeed meet for a while.

Yingzheng nodded.

“Great King Shengming.”

“It’s a pity that my Meng family’s identity is here. I have been loyal to Da Qin from generation to generation. It is impossible to gain trust if I loyal to the son alone.

“The power of martial arts, this kind of power beyond the ordinary, the old minister is really curious.” Meng Wu sighed very 03.

“Well, you go back first. When the widow knows what kind of power this is, he will tell you.” Yingzheng smiled.

“The minister retires.” Mengwu didn’t dare to neglect, and left with a group of guards.

As for the stone pillars, they stayed in the palace.

“The power of martial arts.”

“Qi Er, how many big secrets do you still have.”

“You, Laozi, are really curious.”

Ying Zheng stared at the stone pillar, full of curiosity.

“Xin Sheng.”

Ying Zheng said prestigiously.

“The minister is here.

Xin Sheng, who was Hou Li in the distance, greeted him immediately.

“Summon Han Fei, let him come to Zhangtai Palace in the evening, and find someone to find him.” Win Zhengdao.

“The minister leads the edict.” Xin Sheng respectfully took the order.

Back to Zhangtai Palace.

Zhao Qi is already reviewing the memorial.

Compared with the random reading of memorials on the first day, Zhao Qi at the moment is very serious and handy.

He also figured it out.

Just follow Qin Shihuang’s will and let himself learn the ability to handle government affairs.

And Qin Shihuang also spoke. Without his edict, Zhao Qi would review memorials at Zhangtai Palace every day.

“Boy, not bad.

“Know that it’s punctual.

Looking at Zhao Qi who was reviewing the memorial, Ying Zheng smiled with satisfaction.

“My lord, you are right. This memorial is not a dead thing, but the foundation of the livelihood of my countless people in Daqin. The ministers can’t mess around.” Zhao smiled slightly.

“If you can understand this truth, the widow will be very pleased.” Yingzheng smiled.

“That’s all for today’s memorial?”

Looking at the memorial that was about to be reviewed on the table, Zhao Qi asked.

“That’s all for today. After reviewing, you can go back and accompany mom.”

“Mom complains that the widow keeps you in the Zhangtai Palace.” Ying Zheng said with a smile.

“Great King Shengming.”

Zhao immediately thanked him.

Accelerated the rhythm of reviewing memorials.

Half an hour passed.

The memorial has finally been reviewed.

Zhao Qi stood up from the main seat and looked at Ying Zheng tentatively: “The minister is gone?”


Ying Zheng said suddenly.

“Isn’t there any more?” Zhao Qi’s expression changed.

“Today’s memorial is gone.”But what do you think about the affairs of the court today?” Ying Zheng said with a few minutes to test the school.

The king, “Do you want to listen to the truth or lies?” Zhao walked to Qi Le and sat down, not occupying Qin Shihuang’s position.


Ying Zheng cursed angrily: “Wouldn’t the widow still listen to you telling lies?”

“The king’s sons are not honest for this position.

Zhao Qi jokingly smiled and pointed to Qin Shihuang’s throne.

“Do you think they did it?

“Let Yushi impeach you and suppress you?” Ying Zheng frowned.

Although Ying Zheng could see that these Yushi were intentional, and there was some speculation, but seeing Zhao Qi’s affirmative answer, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

If there is no unification today, he won the government and is not dead yet.

His sons began to fight.

If he waits for him to get old, will he fight even more?

Soldiers facing each other?

Brothers cannibalized?

Although Yingzheng does not value Zhao Qi as much to those sons, they are all his sons, and they have blood ties. If the brothers are mutilated, this victory is really not to be seen.

“I don’t think.”

“Yes.” Zhao Qi smiled: “Those Yushi are Fusu’s subordinates. Isn’t Fusu a Confucian disciple? The king asked his officials to review the memorial but violated the etiquette, how can he see it?”

“Today’s impeachment is to beat the minister.

“However, apart from Fusu’s impeachment time this time, there is also the shadow of the king’s youngest son Hu Hai.”

Hear this.

Ying Zheng’s brows tightened even more.

“How do you know these?”

“You haven’t left the palace today.” Win Zhengdao.

“Fusu’s teacher is Chun Yuyue, and Hu Hai’s teacher is Zhao Gao.

“Does the king think they are all good people?”

“Fusu impeached the minister and Hu Hai helped fuel the flames. Doesn’t the king know the purpose of it?” Zhao Qi smiled, and when it comes to this, Zhao Qi didn’t break it.

This so-called battle for the crown prince, the battle for kingship.

Zhao Qi didn’t bother to bother about it. This is a mess of mud, and it’s not a good thing to be stained.


With these sons of Qin Shihuang, Qin Shihuang will die in the future. Some of them have won the throne, such as the second Qin Emperor Hu Hai in history. Can he stand the world of Da Qin?

Don’t talk about Hu Hai.

Even the so-called rule of courtesy and law in Fusu can’t do it.

He is too feminine.

Historically, the remnants of the Six Kingdoms were too benevolent for women.

He thought of using benevolence and righteousness to influence them, but for the dignitaries of the six countries, how could they be so easily influenced by the hatred of destroying the country, the hatred of subjugating the country, and the power they lost.

And in the end.

They just raised tigers as a threat, and became a hidden danger for Daqin.

“Fusu impeaches you, and Hu Hai fuels the flames, which means that you will be forced to the opposite of Fusu, and then Hu Hai will pull you out to deal with Fusu together.”

“Good calculation.

“Good plan.”

“The widow hasn’t seen it yet. The widows’ sons are usually honest and abide by their duties. Now, when I look at them, they are really good at them.”

The widow “really lost his eyes.” Ying Zheng said coldly, already angered.

Seeing Yingzheng like this, Zhao Qi didn’t think much about it.

after all.

Ying Zheng is now in the heyday of the Spring and Autumn Period, and his son has started to fight. Will he fight even more when he is old?

One can imagine.

As for breaking Zhao Gao’s calculations today, Zhao Qi doesn’t care at all. Zhao Qi, the big dye vat of the royal power struggle, will not even set foot. However, if they calculate themselves, they naturally have to pay the corresponding price.

Let their father know that they are fighting now.

Doesn’t this just teach them a lesson?

This is the price they provoke themselves.


Zhao Qi has been accumulating strength, but don’t think too much about others.

If they want to provoke themselves, blame them themselves.

“Hey, Qin Shihuang is also a poor man after all.”

“The Jiangshan that was beaten down for most of my life, the world that was beaten down, was finally given to Huohuo by his own son.”

“Moreover, his successor son was extremely ruthless. All of Qin Shihuang’s heirs were exterminated, and few survived, even Qin Shihuang’s daughter.”

“In history, Hu Hai was eventually killed by Zhao Gao, and he deserved it. For the first time I saw a king so stupid that he killed all the wings that were effective in loyalty to the king.

“seek death.”

Zhao Qi thought secretly in his heart.

“What do you think about dealing with their dispute?

Ying Zheng came back to his senses, reduced his anger, looked at Zhao Qi and asked.

“As long as it doesn’t provoke the minister, it really has nothing to do with the minister, the king, as your sons, if they don’t fight, you will be even more disappointed.” Zhao Qi smiled.

Fusu and Hu Hai, as the sons of Qin Shihuang, are princes. They have natural inheritance rights to the supreme throne, but if they don’t fight, they have indeed failed the identity of the son, and Yingzheng may also be unhappy.

After all, the position of prince has not yet been established.

All the princes naturally want to fight.

after all.

Who can guess the king’s mind?

“Now that you Laozi already has you, how can those unbelievable things compare to you? They are fighting with you, that is looking for death, and their careful thinking is nothing in front of your boy. This stinky boy is not old. It’s big, but it’s quite scheming, and I really follow him Laozi.”

Looking at Zhao Qi, Ying Zheng couldn’t help but complain.

“If they provoke you, what will you do?” Ying Zheng smiled and asked suddenly.

Upon hearing this.

Zhao Qi was taken aback for a moment, and then shocked in his heart.

This is a proposition.

For Zhao Qi, if he provokes himself, that is the enemy.

Like Li Si.

Don’t look at Zhao Qi now that Zhao Qi has not personally dealt with him, but Meng Yi, Feng Jie, Han Fei and the others are consciously or unintentionally looking for Li Si, and Meng Wu slapped Li Si in the same way, and now Li Si can speak in the court. It’s a laughingstock.

The spirited spirits of the past are gone.

And now that Zhao Qi is favored by Wang, he even dare not expose any flaws, for fear that Zhao Qi will find a chance to deal with it.

But as everyone knows.

Zhao Qi treats him like a joke. His so-called court lieutenant, Zhao Qi, is not afraid at all. He thinks that he is ascending to the position of Xiangbang, but one day, watching his position of Xiangbang be taken away, he will be in the mood. How is it?

Zhao Qi is very vengeful.

Naturally, the time has not come.

For Zhao Qi.

If you provoke yourself, Zhao Qi will not let it go.

Fusu, Hu Hai, they provoke themselves?

I calculated myself today.

Zhao Qi told Qin Shihuang with peace of mind, and believed that Qin Shihuang should teach them a profound lesson.

But if you really do it yourself.

Then Zhao Qi should be the killer.

The son, it’s not that you can’t kill.

It’s not without a chance to be unaware of it.

Now that he is in the Innate Realm cultivation base, can’t he still kill them?

“They are dignified princes, how can they provoke ministers?”

“The king is really joking.” Zhao Qi slapped haha, preparing to move the topic over.

Watching Zhao Qi hit a haha.

Ying Zheng knows what Zhao Qi is thinking about. Since he gets along with Zhao Qi these days, if he really hits Zhao, instead of playing such ridiculous little tricks, it really affects Zhao Qi, then Zhao Qi I’m afraid it will really do it against them.

Thinking of brothers cannibalism.

Yingzheng felt uneasy in his heart.

He knew that his unsatisfied sons would be crazy for this position, but when they encountered Zhao Qi, it would be considered bad for their lives. They could not be Zhao Qi’s opponents at all.

A collision with Zhao Qi is tantamount to looking for death.

The espionage organization, which is more powerful than the Black Ice Platform, wants to kill them easily.


The power of the Immortal Dao possessed by his elder son, and his subordinate Han Fei has that terrifying power, how strong will Zhao Qi be?

Is this kind of power really human able to resist?

Thought of this.

Yingzheng has one ambition in his heart.

Then there was a sense of helplessness in his eyes, and said to Zhao Qi: “Boy, everyone has one thing I beg of you.”


Hearing Ying Zheng’s almost pleading tone, Zhao Qi himself was stunned, thinking that he had heard it wrong, but looking at Qin Shihuang’s expression, it was indeed true.

The dignified Qin Shihuang actually asked for himself?

What’s more, it was indeed a pleading attitude, without the slightest commanding tone in it.

Are you kidding me?

Qin Shihuang would also ask for help?

“If one day the unconvincing sons of real people really provoke you, you, don’t do anything to them. If you tell the widow in advance, the widow will stand up for you.

“Furthermore, not only the sons of the widow, but also the ministers in the middle of the country, if one day reaches your body, don’t rush to do it. Tell the widow first.

Ying Zheng looked earnestly, staring at Zhao Qi, with a pleading tone in his tone.

“Is this really the first emperor in history, Qin Shihuang?”

“He actually begged me?”

“It seems that in his heart, he has already affirmed that the espionage forces fighting against the Black Ice Table belong to me. He knows that the shadow is powerful, and if the shadow wants to kill, it will be difficult to resist.”

“That’s why he pleaded.”


“It always feels a little weird, Qin Shihuang actually asked me on my head.” Zhao Qi thought secretly in his heart.

“My lord, are you serious?” Zhao Qi came back to his senses and said different things.

“Seriously.” Ying Zheng nodded heavily.

“The minister agreed.”

“If one day the king’s sons provoke the minister, and those ministers provoke the minister, the minister will tell the king first.” Zhao Qi also said sternly, but from the bottom of his heart, Zhao Qi also added One sentence: “The premise is that you can support me and be fair, otherwise I will still use my method to solve it.”

“After the Qi Chuyan Three Kingdoms are destroyed, I will gain rich experience in killing enemies, and I still have so many spirit stones, and I can expect to be in the 21st-level Grandmaster Realm. When I reach that level, no one in this world will be able to kill me.

“Even if it is surrounded by tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, I can kill it.

Hear what Zhao Qi said.

Ying Zheng also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

“This stinky boy, although I am him Laozi, I can’t see him at all. The only thing I can see through is his character. If you have any grudges, you will get revenge.”

“But this character may also follow me.

“There is no way, in order to prevent your brothers from killing each other, you can only do this, Laozi.” Ying Zheng thought secretly in his heart.


“Boy, you have worked hard with this continuous review of memorials. You should also go back and take a good rest. Wait two days for the widow to take you to a place.” Yingzheng smiled at Zhao Qi.

“Where to go?” Zhao Qi asked curiously.

“You will know then.

“Let’s go back.”

Yingzheng smiled and didn’t say anything.

“The minister resigned.

Zhao Qi was not polite, stood up from his position, bowed to Yingzheng, and then left the hall.

Just right.

Go home with your two little guys.

It is rare for the two little guys not to come today.

Brat “.”

“When Laozi recognizes you, you must dig out all your secrets.

“The power of Xianjia martial arts.

“The panacea.

“You know so many things.”

“Look at how many secrets you have.”

Looking at Zhao Qi’s back, Ying Zheng also has a kind of enthusiasm.

My own son has too many secrets, which makes Ying Zheng very curious.


After Zhao Qi’s figure completely disappeared from Ying Zheng’s sight, Ying Zheng regained his majesty and indifference: “Fusu, Hu Hai.”

“Stretch your hands long enough.”

“It’s all calculated to the children, the real people really look down on you.”


Ying Zheng shouted to the outside of the hall: “Xin Sheng.””The minister is here.”

Xin Sheng ran quickly into the hall.

“Call all the unconvincing sons for the widow.” Ying Zheng said coldly.

Xin Sheng was stunned: “My lord, are you all?”

“It doesn’t need to be all.

“Fusu, Hu Hai, general. Call all.” Ying Zheng said coldly.


Xin Sheng didn’t dare to neglect, and immediately responded.

at the same time.

Yingzheng’s edict also sent 640 to the mansion of these princes.

The guard passed the edict personally, one can imagine how big this matter is.

Fusu Mansion.

“My son, the king suddenly summoned it, and something happened suddenly, which is definitely not a good thing. You must not talk nonsense when you enter the palace.” Chun Yuyue confessed to Fusu.

“I understand.” Fusu also nodded.

Huhai Mansion.

“The son, the king summoned, the guard passed it personally, and let the son enter the palace to see it.” A temple man in the mansion said to Hu Hai in fear.

“Has my teacher never passed the news?” Hu Hai asked coldly.

“We…have never heard from Master Zhao.” The monk said with trepidation.

“Useless things.”

Hu Hai cursed and kicked the temple man directly.

The temple man was kicked to the ground, not daring to hum, he could only kneel in panic.

“Why did the father suddenly summon him? Is it because he is going to be the prince?”

“If you make a decision so quickly, then Fusu will have the most hope. How can I fight with him?”

“Why is it called the guard this time, not the teacher?” Hu Hai felt very uneasy at this moment.

If the position of prince is really fixed, and Fusu is also fixed, then he will be really hard to argue.

The young masters who received the summons of Yingzheng headed towards Zhangtai Palace with anxiety in their hearts.

It didn’t take long.

Inside the Zhangtai Palace.

All the sons gather.

“Children see the father and king.”

All the princes bowed to Ying Zheng and bowed in fear.

They have the identity of Da Qin princes, and they are all awed in Da Qin. They may be domineering and tyrannical, but they are very honest in front of Ying Zheng.

Yingzheng glanced at these sons indifferently, his expressions pale and ugly.


“You guys are promising.”

“You all know that you are doing some small actions with a real person behind your back.

Ying Zheng said coldly, the whole hall was filled with a kind of coercion.

The expressions of the young princes changed, and it was natural to see that their father and king was in anger.

“Father, calm down.

“I don’t know what the father said?”

Fusu, Hu Hai, Jiang and other sons were all worried.

“Fusu, you are great.

“I used etiquette to question the widow here.”

“Now that the widow asked Wu Anjun to review the memorial for the widow, you actually have another problem?”

“Let Yushi impeach people and Wu Anjun.

“You are really a good son of a widow.”

Yingzheng’s eyes fell on Fusu’s body, coldly refuted.

“Father, this matter, this matter…”

Fusu is only a teenager now, and he doesn’t know what to do when he is so angrily reprimanded by Yingzheng.

“This time I didn’t make Fusu the crown prince, but reprimanded Fusu. It’s great.

Hearing this, Hu Hai was overjoyed.

But the next moment.

“Hu Hai.”

“You are really surprising.

“When did you know how to use it?” Winning turned his eyes and talk.

Hear the sound.

Hu Hai trembled all over, and said with extreme horror: “What did the father say, the children don’t know.”

“Don’t think that no one knows what you are doing.”

“You are so kind.

“I stretched my hand to Wu Anjun, and I want to drag him into your fight.”

“Jun Wu’an has a great contribution to both the country and the widow.”

“Real people really want to take you, and you…”

Yingzheng stared at Fusu and Hu Hai, with hatred that iron cannot be made into steel; “Just shoot to death.”

“Father, calm down.

Seeing such an angry Ying Zheng, all the princes knelt down in fright.

“The widow warned you once today, and it’s the last time.”

“Who, if you dare to reach Wu Anjun’s body again, don’t blame the widow for not thinking about the love between father and son.”

All “get out of the widow and kneel.”

Ying Zheng waved his hand and scolded his sons angrily.


Wherever the sons dared to resist, they bowed their heads and walked out of the hall, and then they all knelt outside.

Every one is panic.

Especially for Fusu and Hu Hai.

This time, the summons to win the government is mainly to rebuke them, but it is Zhao.


What they did in the court today is known to Ying Zheng.


“I believe it can make my son feel a little more comfortable.”

“I hope these unconvincing things know the widow’s painstaking efforts and don’t provoke Qi’er.” Yingzheng sighed secretly in his heart.

PS: Seek to fix, ask for monthly pass.

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