Chapter 164 Zhao Qi: Young Master, It’s Not Impossible to Kill

As a Yushi Supervisor.

If Qin Shihuang killed them, perhaps they could still leave a strong mark in the annals of history, but they were speaking out of righteousness, admonishing the king directly and offending the king to death.

Perhaps this is also their pursuit.

But now their impeacher actually wants to dispatch them to the army and go to the battlefield to kill the enemy.

This turned the appearance of their generosity into a joke.

If in the army.

When they arrived on the battlefield, they were dead end.

And when they arrived at Zhao Qi’s site, today they are so targeted at the impeachment of Zhao Qi, and they don’t know what inhuman treatment they will suffer.

In Xianyang Chaotang.

They are the imperial historians and supervise them. They are also respected by hundreds of officials, but they are just a shit in the army, they are nothing.

“Wu Anjun, what do you want to do?

“As the censorship officer, we have the power to monitor and monitor hundreds of officials. Now that you are impeached, you are waiting for an opportunity to retaliate?”

“What is your heart?”

Several Yushi looked at Zhao Qi angrily and asked.

this moment.

They are all panicked.

Killed by the king due to impeachment, maybe even for a deadly admonition, but if they die on the battlefield, they are nothing.

Seeing a few people turned into anger.

The smile on Zhao Qi’s original face gradually disappeared.


It is a kind of coldness: “What?”

“Didn’t the several adults say that they are willing to give everything for Da Qin, even if it is death?”

“Killing the enemy on the battlefield, opening up the territory and expanding the territory, it is the supreme glory, how can you become the Lord waiting for the opportunity to retaliate in your mouth?”

Could it be that “You just said that if you serve Da Qin and die for Da Qin, you are farting?”

“Are you waiting, are you bullying you?”

Zhao Qi shouted angrily.


An invisible aura appeared on Zhao Qi’s body, and the entire court was enveloped by a terrifying murderous aura, especially those that the censors had endured, which seemed to be like an igloo.


Several Yushis were pale and trembling all over.

Under Zhao Qi’s horrific and murderous aura, they were so shocked that they couldn’t speak.

“A bunch of rubbish, dare to deal with me.”

Seeing the panic of these people, Zhao Qi flashed mockery in his eyes.

“The King.”

“Several adults have the heart to serve the country, and that’s self-fulfillment.

I implore “The king will arrange several adults to our Handan camp for the battle of Yan Yan, and the minister will let several adults take the lead, serve Da Qin, and fight the enemy bravely for my Da Qin.”

“My lord will grant you permission.

Zhao bowed to Yingzheng again.

“This kid, I thought he had changed his sex.”

“It turned out to be more ruthless.”

“Murder and punish the heart.”

“Also, although Er is a high-ranking authority in Daqin, there are many people who make his mind. Today, these Yushi’s orders are even a warning to Er Liwei.”

Regarding Zhao Qi’s thoughts, Yingzheng could see through it at a glance, and he smiled from the bottom of my heart.

To those few Yushi coldly said: “You waited for the widow to impeach the widow and Wu Anjun rudely. This is a big crime. You should be punished with death, but it depends on you that Wu Anjun begs you One heart is for Da Qin, there is the heart to die for Da Qin, the real person saves you from death.”

“After today.”

“You sent it to Handan Daying and obeyed Wu’anjun’s orders. It will be a blessing to be able to contribute to my great Qin on the battlefield in the future.”

The voice of Ying Zheng resounded in the court.

A few simple words.

Directly blocked all the roads of these censors.

Giving these impeachment impeachment slogans is defined as rude and as a serious crime, so that they can’t turn around.

Then they used the loyalty they claimed to die for Daqin to break their back. If they refused, Yingzheng was able to destroy his whole clan in an instant with the crime of disloyalty and treason.

“This pair of father and son really agree with each other.”

“The kid used these people to establish his prestige, and the king fulfilled Qi Xiaozi’s act of establishing his prestige.”

“Although Xiaozi Qi is now Wu Anjun, but he has never seen blood in the court. Today these yushi are the warnings that Xiaozi Qi has given to hundreds of officials. If he dares to provoke him again, then he will definitely not be polite.” Meng Wu thought with a sense of pride in his heart.

Only a few of them know the secrets of Ying Zheng and Zhao Qi’s father and son.

“Great King Shengming.

Zhao Qi shouted loudly.

next moment.

With the final decision of Ying Zheng, the Manchu dynasty all shouted in unison: “Great King Shengming.”But those yushi faces turned pale, and they slumped on the ground weakly.

Looking across the world among the nations.

Perhaps only Daqin’s Yushi Supervisors can make people a little bit hateful. In other countries, Yushi Supervisors are a joke, and they are chess pieces in the hands of the powerful. Of course, as far as the current situation is concerned, these Yushiyans Officials are also manipulated by people.

If they really did it for Daqin, for the court, then Yingzheng might still tolerate the direct advice of the supervisor.

But they were manipulated to deal with their son for selfishness, and Yingzheng would not tolerate it.

The hearts of these yushi supervisors were full of despair and regret. As supervisors, they had also impeached many people straight away, but this has never happened before.

They were still planted after all.

“Commander Xin Sheng, please take these yushi masters down well and send them to Handan Camp. In addition, I will write down a letter by hand. Please transfer it to General Renyi at that time, and he will do it properly. It was arranged by these masters of Yushi.”

Zhao Qi shouted at Xin Sheng outside the hall.


Xin Sheng nodded immediately, and walked into the hall with dozens of sharp soldiers.

“Several adults, please.

“The Handan camp under Jun Wu’an is the most elite camp in Daqin. I don’t know how many sharp men want to enter it, and you will be blessed in the future.” Xin Shenglu said with a mocking tone.


The wise men directly took these Yushi out.

“Let you all laughed.

Zhao Qi turned around and looked at all the civil and military courtiers.

Then he said with a deep meaning: “These yushi masters are dedicated to serving the country, and they are loyal to the sun and the moon. They are worth learning from every courtier of the Qin Dynasty. If one day you all have such a heart to serve the country, please tell my lord, I must King Qizou, all the adults’ heart to serve the country.

The words fell off.

No matter who the Manchu civil war is, anyone can understand the deep meaning of this sentence.

In the future, if anyone dares to play yin for me, and against me, don’t blame me for being polite. These censuses are a lesson for you.

The Baiguan, who had paid attention to this, looked at Zhao Qi with a kind of jealousy in his eyes.

For many people in the court.

Zhao Qi is Wu’an Jun of the Great Qin Dynasty, with a high position, but after all, he is too young to understand too much courtship.

But from now on.

Obviously they think too much.

Zhao Qi’s mind is much denser than they thought, and he has the grace of a king to maintain his position in the court. No one can shake his position in the court. The few imperial historians just now are a lesson from the past.

They paid the price for their stupidity.

After all, “I still underestimated the king’s kindness to Zhao.”

“However, these Yushi are members of the Fusu faction, and the goal is still achieved.”

Next, “just look at the operation for the son of Hu Hai.” Zhao Gao thought secretly in his heart, looking at Zhao Qi with a sense of dread.

With this episode.

In addition to initiating state affairs and government affairs.

There were no other voices in the hall.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

For Zhao Qi.

Sitting at the head of the military minister, listening calmly.

Until the end of the meeting.

“All right.”

“This is the end of today’s court meeting.

“If all the qings are fine, then let’s disperse the court.” Ying Zheng said prestigiously.

“The King of Enlightenment, the minister has something to tell me, but the Lord needs to move.”

Mengwu had never spoken in the courtroom.


Ying Zheng glanced at Meng Wu and nodded.

Then waved.

The meeting is over.

Ying Zheng also got up slowly and walked towards the apse.

King “Yes.”

“Hundred officials scattered the dynasty.

Zhao Gao yelled loudly.

“The minister is waiting to send the king off.

All the officials said in unison, watching the figure of Ying Zheng leave, and then they all started to get up.

“Boy, I’m going to see the king.

Mengwu walked to Zhao Qi’s side, patted his shoulder, and then walked towards the apse.

And at this moment.

Zhao Gao, who had always been Qin Shihuang’s close attendant, quietly walked up to Zhao Qi who was about to leave the Palace of King Qin.

“Jun Wuan.”

After Zhao Gao arrived, he respectfully faced Zhao Qi.

“What is this villain Zhao Gao looking for me?

Zhao Qi turned his head and gave Zhao Gao a stranger.

For this Zhao Gao.

Zhao Qi, who is well versed in history, has no liking for him at all. Looking at his appearance, he never seems to be outstanding. His performance has always been a dog next to Qin Shihuang, without arrogance.

But Zhao Qi knew that Zhao Gao was a villain who wanted to achieve his goal by all means.

In history, the huge Qin Empire was destroyed by him.

“Wait, is he responsible for the impeachment of Yushi?” Zhao Xin thought, and he seemed to have a clear idea immediately.


Zhao Qi did not show any signs on the surface.

“What’s the matter with Master Zhao?”

Zhao Qi said plainly.

“Today’s matter.”

“I don’t know what Wu Anjun thinks about the impeachment of the official censor?” Zhao Gao whispered, with a very serious look.

“How else to look at it?

“Naturally sit and watch.” Zhao Qi replied angrily.

Heard this.

Zhao Gao’s eyes changed, and Zhao Qi almost didn’t get angry.

He wanted to say this, Zhao Qi would definitely ask the truth, and then he would tell who was behind those yushi, so that Zhao Qi would target Fusu and stand on the opposite side of Fusu.

Then he supported Hu Hai homeopathy.

One by one.

“This time it was aimed at Wu Anjun, but it was actually manipulated behind the scenes.

“I believe Wu Anjun should have some guesses in his heart.” Zhao Gao said with a smile.


Zhao Qi said plainly.

As for Zhao Gao’s purpose, Zhao Qi has a clear understanding in his heart.

“The eldest son, Fusu.”

Zhao Gao said affirmatively.

“Are you sure it is him?” Zhao Qi smiled faintly.

“Why is Zhao Qi not panicking, is he not afraid of Fu Su?”

Looking at Zhao Qi’s indifferent appearance, this made Zhao Gao very puzzled and excellent. In his imagination, Zhao Qi should become flustered at this moment.

After all, it was Fusu, the eldest son of today, who took action against him. In the eyes of all courtiers, the person most likely to be crowned prince by the emperor, the future King of Qin.

So targeted by the future prince.

Obviously, no matter who is in the court hall, it will be anxious.

after all.

One king and one courtier.

Now the powerful and powerful in the court are favored by the king, but in the future, if the current king abdicates, then all the results will be different.

“I’m sure it was Fusu, Master Hu Hai told me about this.”

“Princess Fusu has made it clear to deal with Jun Wu’an. I want to come to the Zhangtai Palace and Mr. Fusu had an quarrel with Wu’an Jun that day. That time he hated Jun Wu’an.” Zhao Gao said very solemnly. He immediately designated Fusu as Zhao Qi’s enemy.

0…seeking flowers…

“Then what?” Zhao Qi looked at Zhao Gao with a smile.

“President Fusu, as my eldest son of Qin, has the best chance to become the crown prince.

“Jun Wu’an was such a young man and became a minister of the highest rank. He became my great Qin Wu’an Jun. Naturally, he knows that there is a king and a courtier.”

“If Fusu gains power, you should know that he will definitely deal with you.” Zhao Gao Gao said in a low voice.

“Fu Su wants to deal with me, and then, do you want this monarch to help Hu Hai win the crown prince?” Zhao Qi said with a smile.

“Prince Hu Hai is the king’s most favored son. Although he is not long, he is also a prince, and he is supported by many dignitaries. If Wu Anjun is willing to support Hu Hai, then Hu Hai will be the prince and king in the future.”

Definitely “will not treat Wu Anjun badly.” When Zhao Gao saw Zhao Qi understand, he immediately laughed.


Zhao Qi put his hands on his back and smiled.

“Fusu arranged for Yushi to impeach the monarch, I believe you also contributed to it, right?”

Zhao Qi stared at Zhao Gao with a kind of sarcasm.

The voice fell.

Zhao Gao trembled all over, looking at Zhao Qi incredulously.

He didn’t understand why Zhao Qi would think of it.

“Wu Anjun was joking. Young Master Hu Hai always wanted to befriend Wu Anjun, how could he deal with Wu Anjun?” Zhao Gao immediately defended.

Zhao Qi did not speak, but slowly approached Zhao Gao.

Sneered: “Fusu asked Yushi to impeach the monarch, let him walk to the opposite of Fusu, and then had to choose Hu Hai.

“Good calculation.


“This gentleman is not the wine pouches and rice bags in the court. If anyone calculates this gentleman, you won’t sit back and watch.”

“If anyone dares to do something to this monarch, he will not show mercy.”

“My son, it’s not impossible to kill.””You, Hu Hai, do it for yourself.”

Zhao Qi said coldly, and directly passed Zhao Gao, and ignored it.

But Zhao Gao was shocked by Zhao Qi’s bold words.


“My son, it’s not impossible to kill.”

This sentence made Zhao Gao’s face pale.


He found.

Zhao Qi is not someone he knows, but a person who doesn’t respect the so-called son, the so-called kingship.

He even dared to kill even the son.

Zhao Gaoleng stayed in the same place for a long time, and it was difficult for Zhao Qi to regain his senses in his last words.


He was frightened.

The courtiers in the court saw Zhao Gao and Zhao Qi’s confession. At first they thought there was some connection between the two, but when they saw it, Zhao Gao stood pale, while Zhao Qi left indifferently.

This makes them more speculative.

Fusu Mansion.

“The son.”


Chun Yu Yue said with annoyance and anger.

There is no “accident.”

“Father’s favor to Zhao has reached an unimaginable level, and impeachment by impeachment is irrelevant to Zhao.” Fu Su was taken aback, and then said in relief.

“Several historians I arranged were all sent to Handan Daying by Zhao Qi’s request.”

“In the future, they will go to the battlefield.

Chun Yuyue’s voice revealed a kind of jealousy.


“Send to Handan Daying?”

“Why is this?” Fusu’s expression also changed.

Even though Yushiyan Palace’s participation in the performance would anger the king, his father’s belly has always been huge, so how can he be so angry today.

“The King is too protective of Zhao Qi.”

“Originally, the king was going to kill those yushi directly, but Zhao Qi refused. Instead, he asked the king to send them to Handan Daying to contribute to Daqin, because these yushis said that they were willing to do something. Da Qin died.”

“Zhao Qi gave them the opportunity to be loyal to Da Qin under this name.” Chunyu smiled bitterly.

“Murder and punish the heart.

“Good means.

Fusu’s face was also extremely shocked.

“After this move.

“The king is giving Zhao Qi a prestige, and Zhao Qi is giving himself a greater prestige, telling the courtier not to mess with him, otherwise, he will not be polite.”

“This son, the means are extraordinary.”

Maybe “We really shouldn’t have sex with him anymore.”

“If he fell to Hu Hai, the consequences would be disastrous.” Chunyu Yuedao.

“Then what?

“How about getting along with him?” Fusu’s expression changed.

“Let’s take one step at a time.” Chun Yu Yue sighed.

Huhai Mansion.

Teacher “What’s the situation? Zhao Qi can help me?”

Seeing Zhao Gao’s arrival, Hu Hai asked expectantly.

“My son.

“No matter what happens in the future, you must not provoke Zhao Qi, he is not an ordinary courtier, he is a courtier who disrespects the royal power.” Zhao Gao came, and said to Hu Hai very seriously.

“He refused my win?” Hu Hai frowned, a little angry.

“My son, this is not the key. The key is to never offend him.”

“Because, no matter what the son is, if he provokes him, he will never show mercy.” Zhao Gao warned again.

“A foreign minister is so rampant?”

“He threatened the teacher?” Hu Hai said angrily.

“No no, son, listen to me carefully.”

“Zhao Qi is more terrifying than the dynasty and Mengwu.

“Even if you can’t win over, you can’t offend him. If you really want to deal with him, everything will be done after the son becomes the crown prince.

“He is too terrible.”

“I can’t see through him either.”

Zhao Gao looked extremely serious.

For anyone, Zhao Gao may never have this kind of fear, but today Zhao Qi really scared him.

PS: I am very grateful if I ask for a fix and a monthly pass. Ding,

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