Chapter 163 Impeachment of Zhao Qi? Qin Shihuang’s Fury

“Should we tell the king about this matter?”

Meng Yi opened the mouth again suddenly, his expression revealing a kind of worry.

Heard this.

Meng and Mengwu looked at each other, both with a kind of contemplation.

“I can tell.”

“The secret that the son has is definitely not as simple as we thought.”

“In the old days, when the son of the priest was still in the end, he donated the golden sore medicine and other hemostatic drugs, which doubled the survival rate of my wounded soldiers in Da Qin. At the beginning, I felt that the son of Qi was extraordinary, and later there was a saddle. This kind of treasure that has increased the combat power of my Great Qin cavalry several times.”

“Everything shows that Young Master Qi is not a secular person at all, just like a god-man.”

Meng Yi suddenly sighed again.

“After all, we are not someone Qi Xiaozi can trust.”

“In the dark, Qi Xiaozi should already have his true confidant. Judging from Han Fei’s performance, Qi Xiaozi’s confidant is definitely not only him, but there should be others.”

“And from the above, it can be seen that the son should have taught him something unknown called martial arts.”

“It’s the kind of thing that gives the kid’s confidant a power that surpasses ordinary people.” Meng Wu analyzed it carefully.

“If Yi’er is asked to serve Young Master Qi, will he be trusted by Young Master Qi?” Meng Shi suddenly said.


Meng Yi said directly.

“Why?” Meng Yidao.

“Because of my identity as the Meng family.” Meng Wu said immediately: “My Meng family has been loyal to Daqin for generations and has never changed. This view is also deeply ingrained in everyone’s eyes. The kid expresses surrender, do you think the kid feels weird? You may even think that Meng Yi’s actions are purposeful?”


“My Meng family’s identity is placed here, it is destined that my Meng family will only be loyal to the king’s power.”

“If you rush to surrender to Young Master Qi, Young Master will not feel happy, but will be very alert.” Meng Yi also agreed.

“What is this kind of power? The old man has lived for so many years and is curious about this power for the first time.” Meng Zhi stared at the palm prints on the stone pillar, his eyes filled with heat.

It has been many years since he resigned and returned to the mansion. He has never been so passionate about anything.

“no way.

“My identity of the Meng family is here. The Meng family of Qi now has a good relationship with my Meng family because my Meng family has helped Mom and them, but it is only between friends. Before Qi Xiaozi and the king, we are absolutely It is impossible to know the secret of Qi Xiaozi, nor is it possible to know what this martial art is.” Meng Wu was also a little disappointed.

At least “After Master Qi knows his identity, he will know what my Meng family has done for him, and he will believe in my Meng family’s loyalty to him.

“This is comparable to the generals of the dynasty, and the generals of Heng are a lot ahead.” Meng Yi said with a smile.

“Speaking of it.

“Wang Jian and Hengdi will not participate in party disputes, but as far as I know, they suffered a big loss in the previous battle in the era. It was also thanks to Zhao Qi’s heart attack and Li Mu that the battle of the era ended. The two of them owe the favor of Qi Xiaozi. Later, the king and Qi Xiaozi will recognize each other and will be the crown prince. Not to mention that Wang Jian and Hengdi will oppose it. With this favor, they will even stand on Zhao Qi’s side.”

Plus, “Shangzi has a recommendation for Li Mu.”

“I have more than one million troops in Qin, and the four major battalions plus Li Mu’s frontier troops are all respected by Qi Xiaozi.”

“At that moment.

“No one inside or outside of my Daqin can prevent the kid from becoming a prince.”

“If anyone is an enemy of Qi Xiaozi, he is an enemy of my Daqin million sharp soldiers.

Meng Wu was talking, looking forward to the moment when he met Zhao Qi in the future.”Wang Jian, Huandi, Li Mu, all of my Meng family had good relations with Master Qi, and more or less received the favor of Master 630. Do you think this is an accident?” Meng Shi suddenly said.

The words fell off.

Both Meng Wu and Meng Yi were surprised.

“All this is the layout of Master Qi?” The two said in unison.

“If you just make friends with one person, maybe it’s just accidental, but invisibly, all of my generals in Daqin have made friends with Young Master Qi. Isn’t it the intention of Young Master Qi?”

“This Young Master Qi is worthy of being the king’s seed. He is indeed a magnificent talent and an outstanding person. He has already achieved this invisibly.” Meng Zhi sighed, with praise in his tone.

“The son doesn’t know his identity, what is his friendship with us, and Wang Shuo’s favor?” Meng Yi was a little puzzled.

“To live, to live better.”

Mengshi said very positively.

Both Mengwu and his son raised their heads and looked thoughtfully.

“The son is indeed an extremely human minister, but he knows how everything is obtained now. He knows the terrible power of the king, so he will make arrangements in advance. The power of these arrangements will allow him to save his life under the king’s power.

“This is his purpose.” Affirmed by Zhi.

“I see.”

“That makes sense.

Both Meng Wu and Meng Yi nodded.


From their analysis now, this is the case.

However, there are countless people under the influence, but he did not see the real purpose of Zhao Qi. His layout is not only to save his life, but also to one day have the power to contend with the king’s power.

If the kingship had to deal with Zhao Qi, then Zhao Qi would go against the kingship.

“Grandfather, father.”

“After all that, you haven’t decided whether to tell the king?” Meng Yi suddenly remembered.

“We are loyal to the kingship, and we should tell the king about this matter.” Meng Wu said in a deep voice.

“Tell the king, will it have any impact on the son? After all, my Meng family is already tied to the son of Qi.” Meng Yi said.

“No, on the contrary, the king will pay more attention to Young Master Qi.” Meng Wu smiled.

Finally, I glanced at the stone pillar: “Yi’er, take down this stone pillar, and secretly transport it to the palace tomorrow, and tell it to the king for his father.”

The next day.

The sun is not yet high.

The sky was still grey.

The North will open.

Palace of the King of Qin.

All the officials are already waiting outside the hall.

Zhao Qi stood at the head of the military minister, waiting with a calm expression on his face.

And Mengwu is also in the ranks today.

All hundred officials are waiting.

“I’m really helpless when I get up so early.

“When the world is over, I’d better stay in Daying and save it so early to go to court.” Zhao Qi thought helplessly.The sky hasn’t lit up yet.

The sun has not risen yet.

It’s about to go up.

“Boy, not used to it?”

Seeing Zhao somewhat helpless, Meng Wu teased.

“Xiumu in Xianyang might as well stay in the village.” Zhao Qi replied.

“Haha, you will get used to it in the future, maybe you will get up earlier.” Meng Wu laughed.

“Why do you have to get up earlier?” Zhao Qi was a little baffled.

Meng Wu smiled without saying a word.

At this time.

The gate of King Qin’s palace opened slowly.

Zhao Gao’s voice came from the hall: “The king has an edict, and hundreds of officials will see it.”

Responded to this sound.

Zhao Qi moved immediately and walked towards the hall.

The hundreds of officials moved one after another.

Orderly entered the Palace of King Qin.

At the top of the Palace of the Kings of Qin, Ying Zheng has already taken his seat.

(adbc) Follow the hundred officials into the hall.

Facing Yingzheng, they all shouted in unison: “The ministers and others will see the great king, and wish the great king ten thousand years, and the great Qin ten thousand years.

The voice of the mountain resounded throughout the court.

Also started a new day in Xianyang City.

“Zhuqing, flat body.

Ying Zheng nodded slightly and stretched out his hands.

“Xie Dawang.”

The ministers replied in unison.

Then one after another returned to the corresponding seats, sitting on both sides of the hall.

“With this memorial, there is no foundation to retreat to the court.”

Zhao Gao who was standing on the stairs hissed loudly.

“The King of Enlightenment.”

“The minister has this play.

Zhao Qi’s position was directly opposite, and Wang Shu stood up.

“Say.” Win Zhengdao.

“My Da Qin’s plan of war against Yan has been issued, and I can reach the capital of Yan at the earliest half a month. Suddenly, my Da Qin and Yan are hostile. In addition, my Da Qin also sent envoys to Qi with the letter of state. State, Chu State, Yan State’s stake in the assassination of the King.

“In the past, the three kingdoms of Qi, Chu and Yan threatened Da Qin with the reputation of being a teacher, but now the Kingdom of Yan has assassinated the King for no reason and is taboo. I believe that both Qi and Chu would not dare to intervene in my Da Qin’s crusade against the Kingdom of Yan.” Wang said loudly.

“Sangbang did a good job.

“The widow has decided to send troops to attack the country of Yan, and let the country of Yan pay the price for the assassination of the widow.

Yingzheng paused, and looked at Zhao Qi, the head of the military court.

The eyes of the officials moved one after another, falling on Zhao Qi’s body, full of awe.


The meaning of Ying Zheng has been extremely clear.

“For me, Qin Wuanjun.” Yingzheng’s voice fell off.

“Great King Shengming.”

“Since joining the army, Jun Wu’an has made countless exploits for my Daqin, winning a hundred battles. With Wu’an Jun sending troops to attack the swallows, he will surely be able to win the battle.” Meng Yi immediately agreed.

“The minister seconded.

“If Wu Anjun goes to the battle, he will win the battle.” Han Fei said immediately.

“The ministers seconded.”

Ying Zheng has already decided.

Moreover, Handan Camp is the closest camp to Yan State, so there is no need to delay on the road. It is most suitable to have Zhao Qi lead troops to attack.

“Wu Anjun, can you have the confidence to attack Yan Kingdom for my Daqin?” Yingzheng smiled slightly.

“Chen, leader.”

“I will not let the king down and shame me, Da Qin.”

“The state of Yan will be destroyed if the officials command the army to attack.” Zhao Qi stood up and led the command loudly.


“With Wu’an Jun commanding the troops, the widows feel at ease. As for the dispatch date, the widows will choose a date with you and then decide.” Ying Zheng said with a gratified smile.

“No.” Zhao Qi responded, and then took his seat again.

“Continue to discuss.

The general to attack the swallows has been decided, and Ying Zheng will not start here to continue.

“The King of Enlightenment.”

“The minister has this play.

In the line of ministers, a Yushi stood up with a serious expression.

“What’s the matter? Win the government” Road.

“The minister wants to impeach Jun Wu’an and the king.”

This Yushi said with a straight face.

The words fell off.

The civil and military of the Manchu dynasty changed their colors.

Above the high position, Ying Zheng frowned slightly, while Zhao Qi was somewhat inexplicable.

“This court is so complicated? I didn’t do anything to impeach me?” Zhao Qi cursed from the bottom of his heart.


He doesn’t care at all.


“What do you want to impeach the widow and Wu Anjun?” Ying Zheng said coldly without getting angry.

Yushi, under the Yushi doctor.

But now there is no official official in the court.

Yushi has a wide range of powers, including the power to supervise the court, from directly admonishing the emperor, to impeaching courtiers, and to the records of historical records, including the power of historians.

The historian of this era is not the Tang Dynasty in history. At that time, the historian no longer had the blood of a real historian. The records in the historical annals were all determined by the king and beautified the king.

But in history, most of the historians and historians of the Qin and Han dynasties were not afraid of death.

“The minister heard.”

“The king asked Wu Anjun to review the memorial in Zhangtai Palace. I don’t know if it is true?” This Yushi said calmly.

“It’s true.” Ying Zheng said flatly.

“The minister will impeach the king.

“As the lord of my Great Qin, the king of the empire, I should follow the ancestors’ etiquette, and only the king and the prince of the country are eligible for memorialization. I do not comply with the regulations.


“As a courtier of the Great Qin Dynasty, Jun Wu’an did not know my Da Qin etiquette, did not know my Da Qin system, and exceeded his authority without authorization, so he should be punished severely.” This Yushi righteously said.

The voice sounded in the court.

The court officials changed their colors and did not dare to speak.

However, a few more Yushis stood up and said loudly, “I would like to ask the King Ming to treat himself as Qin, and to regulate himself. On the other hand, Jun Wuan has exceeded his power and should be punished severely.”

“I implore the king to decide.

“The minister seconded.

Several courtiers stood up to second.


“Let’s attack together.”

“Obviously it was premeditated.”

Zhao Qi jokingly watched the impeachment scene in front of him, and did not panic, but watched the excitement.

Ying Zheng glanced, his face expressionless.

It’s just that his eyes fell on the impeachment Yushi: “Is this your reason for impeachment?

“Yes.” The Yushi said sternly, calmly and fearlessly.

This is the duty of his Yushi Supervisor.

“Widow asks you.”

“Who created the regulations for the memorial to be reviewed by the king and the prince of the country?” Ying Zheng said calmly.

“Naturally, I am the ancestor of the Qin Dynasty.” Yu Shi replied immediately.

“Since my ancestors of the Daqin dynasties established, the ancestors of the dynasties will also change the regulations through various situations. Is it impossible to change when the widow is a widow? Or, the widow is not a king?” Yingzheng’s voice changed suddenly and coldly scolded.

Staring at this Yushi with his eyes filled with coldness.

Upon seeing Yingzheng, this Yushi panicked and immediately said: “The king is the lord of my Great Qin, and he is in charge of the king. There is no doubt that the changes in regulations also depend on the king, but the Emperor Wu’an is an extremely human minister, but he does not know how to persuade him. King, this is a sin.”

“It was the widow who asked Wu Anjun to review the memorials. He respected the widowed Wang Zhao, and he was also a sin?”

The widow “let you get out of this court, dare you not respect it?” Ying Zheng said coldly.

“This this,

Being coldly tolerated by Yingzheng, this Yushi didn’t know what to say.

It is the most ridiculous to use etiquette to restrain all kingship.

If you are the kind of mediocre king who cares about others seeing yourself, or care about the so-called historical records, you may still be jealous, but will you win the government?

In his mind.

He doesn’t care what others think of him, and he doesn’t care whether future generations treat him as a king or a tyrant.

All he cares about is his great wish to dominate the world, his beloved Dong’er, and their son.

In the past, he could not protect his own woman, but now if he cannot protect his son, then he will be a father in vain.

“The king calmed down his anger.”

“The ministers are the prefects of the Imperial History, so you should advise the king.”

“Everything the ministers did was for the sake of Da Qin. This time, he will offend the great king, and the great king will kill and punish him, but the great king will let him down.”

“Daniel’s heart for Da Qin can be learned from the sun and the moon.

The censor hesitated for a moment, then bowed and bowed, as if letting Yingzheng deal with it.

“The ministers seconded.

The other censors also agreed.

“The real Daqin, the real Zhangtai Palace, the memorials reviewed by the widows, is it your turn to wait for your fingertips?”

“Law of etiquette? Regulation?”

“Using a gratifying head?”

“Does the widow need your consent for whatever they do? Without your consent, it is for the so-called etiquette, the so-called regulation?”

“Do you think widows don’t know what you are waiting for?”

“Do you think the widow dare not deal with you waiting?”

Yingzheng’s eyes swept away, full of coldness.

Everything is under his insight.

At this moment, his eyes even turned red.

For winning politics.

Dong’er is gone.

His Qi’er and his two grandchildren are his taboos. Anyone who wants to move them will make them pay the price if they win the government.

no matter who.

Yingzheng’s anger swept through the entire court.

this moment.

Look at these censors, look at their impeachment crimes.

It can be said to be a trivial matter.

But they made a fuss.

This reminds Ying Zheng of twenty years ago. It was in this court at the beginning. He had just succeeded to the throne. On that day, he was very excited to win the government because he finally became the king. Er promised that at the first court meeting when he became King of Qin today, he would announce that Dong’er was his wife, and he would be named Queen of Da Qin.


When his emperor Feng Donger was the queen, the words came out.

The manchuria is full of voices of opposition.

First of all, the censors, they admonish Donger’s low status, no background, unworthy of being a queen, and then all the powerful and powerful.

Even though he was determined to win the government in every way, no one listened to him at all.And then.

He knew how ridiculous he was on the throne.

After that day.

His Dong’er left him, and until now, heaven and man are separated.

This is the eternal pain in Yingzheng’s heart, an indelible pain.

And today.

These censors have to deal with their sons.

Ying Zheng couldn’t bear it anymore.

“Come on, give them to the widow…”

Ying Zheng shouted angrily.

But the voice did not fall.

“My lord.

Zhao Qi stood up at this moment and said loudly.

Hear Zhao Qi’s voice.

Ying Zheng, who was filled with anger, receded a little, and looked at Zhao Qi softly: “What’s the matter with Wu’an Jun?”

The king “don’t get angry for the time being, the minister has a question to ask Master Yushi.” Zhao smiled slightly.


He looked at the Yushi: “This lord, everything you admonish is for Da Qin? For Da Qin, you die without regret, right?


“For the sake of Da Qin, the ministers were smitten, and died without regret.”

The Yushi raised his head and said sternly.


“My lord appreciates you, a person who is loyal to Da Qin.

Zhao Qi laughed loudly.

Then, facing the victory, he said loudly: “The king, this Yushi is a great loyal minister and must not be killed. He rushed into the king for the sake of Da Qin, and the minister begged the king to spare him his life.”


Hearing Zhao Qi’s words, a strange color flashed in Ying Zheng’s eyes.

Although he has not been with Zhao Qi for a long time, he understands his son’s character and is definitely not the kind of person who repays grievances with virtue.

The civil and military officials of the Manchu dynasty also looked at Zhao Qi differently.

Meng Yi and Han Fei are also very different.

“Although ritual laws and regulations cannot restrain the king, they are a great deterrent to Wu’anjun Zhao Qi.”

“The king defended Zhao Qi in such a way. It seems that the son’s idea of ​​wanting to beat Zhao Qi can’t be used anymore.” The Yushi was delighted in his heart, but was also a little disappointed.

This time.

Although it was the impeachment of Qin Shihuang and Zhao Qi, their focus must be on Zhao Qi.

But he never thought that Qin Shihuang would maintain it in this way.

And so furious.

They never thought that Ying Zheng had encountered the same thing twenty years ago, which made him angry.

But the next moment.

Zhao Qi’s voice revived.

“Since the Yushi-sama is dedicated to Qin.”

“You can imagine his loyalty.”

“Being above the court is too condescending to be a censor.

“The minister courageously requested that this Master Yushi and several Master Yushi behind him be transferred to our Yuguo Camp, to join the army to serve for my Daqin, and to kill the enemy for my Daqin on the battlefield.”

“Going to battle to kill the enemy, to expand the territory for our Daqin, this is great loyalty.

“I believe these masters of Yushi will be able to make the best use of their talents and materials.”

“Also please allow the king to approve it.

Zhao Qi looked eager, with a sincere pleading.

The words fell off.

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty looked at Zhao Qi with wide-eyed eyes.


“So cruel.”

“Murder and punish the heart.”

Li Si’s eyes widened, looking at Zhao Qi with fear in his eyes.

Originally, he thought that Zhao Qi would let the impeachment of these censors, and claimed to punish his censuses severely, but he did not expect that his methods would be more ruthless than Qin Shihuang’s direct preparations to kill.

On the battlefield.

For these imperial historians, they are no different from death, and they are still in Zhao Qi’s army. Everything in the Handan camp is controlled by Zhao Qi.

If they enter the Handan camp, life and death will be between Zhao Yinian.

Torture, death, no one can tell.

“As expected of the Lord, today is such a condemning method, let’s see who else in the court dared to target him in the future.

“Murder and punish the heart.”

“It’s the master’s power as Wu Anjun.” Han Fei laughed from the bottom of his heart.

“It’s worthy of being a son, a good method.” Meng Yi also smiled.

“This kid is worthy of being the god of war in the army. After this time, before he recognizes the king, no one dares to provoke him. Yes.” Meng Wu also smiled.

And at this moment.

Han Fei stood up directly: “Jun Wu’an is reasonable, and the minister seconded.”

“Several Yushi adults are dedicated to Da Qin and are willing to die for Da Qin. They angered the Da Qin. It is not a pity to die, but Wu Anjun asked them to go to the battlefield to make contributions. This is to show their great loyalty to Da Qin.”

“The minister agrees.” Meng Yi immediately stood up and agreed.

“The minister agrees.” Feng Jie also joined the fun and stood up.

this moment.

People in court.

They all looked in astonishment.

And those yushi all turned pale when they heard Zhao Qi’s words.

PS: Seeking fix, asking for monthly pass, asking for rewards, thank you very much.

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