Chapter 162 A New World of Martial Arts

Fusu Mansion.

“My son, hasn’t the king summoned you into the palace recently?”

Chun Yuyue looked at Fusu and said very solemnly.

Except for “the father was assassinated a few days ago, and the students went to the palace to see him, there is no more summons from the father.” Fusu replied honestly.

Heard this.

There was a touch of loss on Chun Yuyue’s face, and a strong worry emerged: “Master, this is not a good thing.”

“You are the eldest son of the great king, I am the eldest son of Da Qin, and I am not a prostitute. You are the best heir to the crown prince, and now the king is obviously alienated from you. If you continue, this is definitely not a good thing.”

“Teacher need not panic.”

During this period of time, not only I have not been summoned by my father, but also other brothers have never been summoned. Even if Hu Hai was instructed to offer courtesy by Zhao Gao several times, he was rejected by his father. “Fu Su said with a slight smile.

Although he was gentle and gentle, but as the eldest son of Da Qin, if he had no ambitions for the crown prince, it would be a weird thing.

As a son of the royal family, no matter how mediocre a prince, he is ambitious for that position.

However, Fusu’s ambition was not so obvious compared to Hu Hai and other sons.

After all, he is the eldest son, the first heir in the face, and the clan, and there are many powerful and powerful supporters.


“The king doesn’t seem to be angry with the son because of the Zhangtai Palace.” When Chunyu heard this, he was a little relieved.

As a teacher of Fusu, he was also the first supporter and a planner to fight for Fusu’s crown prince. If Fusu was the king, his Confucianism would be truly revitalized, and he would be overwhelmed by now in Daqin. Strong legalists.

“Father is not so small.”

“Teacher, please rest assured.

“I am the eldest son, and I have a good name. No one of them can compete with me.” Fusu smiled, very confident.

“It seems that Fusu has learned a lot from you in the past few months.

“At least I know the truth of contention and indisputability.

“As the eldest son of Da Qin, the eldest son of the current great king, you were born the prince, and you were born to be the successor of the future Da Qin. If you do not fight and show indisputability for the throne, the king will disappoint you and will let those support Your courtiers are disappointed in you.

“Remember, no one can compete with you.”

“Royal family, royal power, this is a bloody road.”

“If you give up, can those princes who fight with you for the kingship in the future let you go?”

Chun Yuyue taught Fusu.

Now Fusu is only a teenager, but his thoughts have been instilled by Chunyu Yue.

Hear what his teacher said.

Fusu also nodded solemnly.

If he is king.

With his character, he will spare those brothers who have fought, but will those brothers be so generous?

The answer is obvious.

“Fusu understands what the teacher said.”

“Fusu will never be kind to women.” Fusu replied solemnly.

“By the way, the king hasn’t summoned you princes recently, are there other strange things in the palace?” Chunyu Yue said.

“The father is still very kind to the Zhao family. Zhao Qi’s two children are almost inseparable from the father, and even the father takes his two children around to take care of him.” Fusu said in a deep voice, his eyes filled with nostalgia. untie.

My father is a person who is indifferent and majestic, and he doesn’t seem to value family affection at all, but he values ​​the children of a foreign minister so much, it is better than his own flesh and blood, Fusu is naturally different.

Not only him.

The rich and powerful in Xianyang are curious about this.

But apart from thinking that the king is because of his love for the house and Wu, it is because of Zhao Qi’s reason, which wins people’s hearts.

There is no other explanation.”This is weird.”

“I am not a few of Qin’s meritorious officials, why did the king take care of Zhao Qi’s family alone?

Could it be that “Zhao Qi is the illegitimate son of the king?”

Chunyu thought about it, and suddenly thought of a possibility he didn’t believe in.

“The teacher laughed.”

“My father has stayed in the palace since he took the throne, he used to punish the poison and set Lu Buwei, where is there time to go to the people to give birth to illegitimate children?”

“Furthermore, my father doesn’t have much interest in women. Even if it is my mother and concubine, when I gave birth, my father just took a look.” Fusu said with a self-deprecating smile.

In his impression.

His own father is a cruel and ruthless person.

If there is no blood family relationship, perhaps Yingzheng would not care about him at all.

“The character of the king is indeed a bit cold.”

“But this is also the king, after all, he is aloof and in charge of the king, otherwise why would the king call it a widow, a widow of a family.” Chun Yu Yue smiled.

Zhao Qi was immediately rejected as an illegitimate child of the winning government.


If Zhao Qi is the illegitimate child of Ying Zheng, when was he born?

Who was born with?

Today’s princes simply don’t have time to go out, and it is even more impossible to find folk girls for no reason. What the princes of today are looking for is not female sex, but the world.

“But speaking of it, there is indeed something strange in the palace.

“This is what my mother and concubine trustee told me.”

“Since the assassins of the Yan Kingdom assassin, Wu Anjun Zhao Qi was called into the Zhangtai Palace by his father, and after that, he was actually helping his father to review the memorials.” Fusu said in a somewhat different tone.

Review memorials.

This was a privilege that his eldest son had never received, but he was given it by a foreign minister.

It is enough to show how much his father values ​​Zhao.

This situation.

It also made Fusu feel a little bit tasteful in his heart.

“The king actually asked a foreign minister to review the memorial?”

Upon hearing this, Chunyu looked at Fusu in surprise.

“That’s the news from the palace.”

“Father King places great importance on Zhao Qi, not to mention that we who are sons can’t compare with each other, even the entire court minister can’t compare with it.” Fusu sighed.

The king’s move seriously violated the etiquette and law.

Chun Yuyue’s face became extremely green, and even angry.


Only the emperor and the prince of the government who received the edict were qualified to review the memorial, but Yingzheng even gave a foreign minister such authority to review the memorial.

“It is indeed against the law of etiquette.

Fusu nodded in agreement.

“My son, this matter can’t just go over like this.”

“The king treated Zhao Qi so graciously. In addition to his previous combat exploits, there should also be a rescue in the palace this time, which made Zhao Qi more favored. Judging from the performance of the king, the degree of attention to Zhao will be no one in the future. It can be compared. From the meaning of the king, perhaps the future will not be limited to letting Zhao Tangjun, and even entering politics.”

“The king and the prince have nothing to criticize about the memorial, even if you are the eldest son, you have no hope of being so honored. No one doubts it.”

“Moreover, let a foreign minister handle the memorial, the eldest son of the other day, you will deal with the memorial for the prince, and there is no declaration of identity, so that the ministers will respect the orthodoxy.”

“Let a foreign minister do this, absolutely shouldn’t, this is the great king’s violation of the etiquette and laws of the past dynasties, and we must not just let it go.” Chunyu said more solemnly.

Listen to what my teacher said.

Fusu nodded in agreement.


If you let yourself deal with the memorial, there is nothing to say in terms of etiquette, he is the eldest son, and the first heir to the crown prince is him, but it is indeed unreasonable to let a foreign minister.

“Teacher, what are you going to do?

“Is it in the court hall that the students are asked to refute the father? This will make the father even more unhappy, right?” Fusu frowned.


Chun Yuyue shook his head: “Of course, you will not be asked to come forward with this matter, but will be handed over to Yu Shi to come forward for impeachment.”

“Furthermore, does the son think that other sons will sit back and watch Zhao Qi be so favored by the king, and even grant the Prince Jianguo the right to review the memorial?” Chun Yuyue sneered.

“The teacher meant that other people would impeach Zhao Qi? Admonish the father?” Fu Su said.


“After all, Hu Hai, Gongzi Gao and his ilk won’t let him stand as a prince.”

“This time.”

“I will teach Zhao Qi a lesson for the time being, and also teach the great king Zhengyi’s etiquette.”

“Let him know that even if he is a king, he can’t violate the etiquette too much.” Chun Yu Yue sneered, with a kind of madness.

“Teacher, in fact, the student doesn’t have too much hatred with Zhao Qi. Isn’t it a bit too much to impeach him this time?” Fusu hesitated.

“As the Emperor Wu’an of the Qin Dynasty, Zhao Qi has a high position and was arranged by the king to review the memorial but did not refuse to persuade him. He has already violated the etiquette and law.

“To give him a lesson this time is also the price of his collision with the son that day.”

“Even though the prince has not yet become the prince, he is still the eldest son. He is disrespectful to the eldest son by himself, and he will rush into it. This is impolite.”

“Remember, son.”

“The king must not have mercy, let alone the benevolence of women.” Chun Yu Yue warned.

“The disciple understands.” Fusu nodded.

at the same time.

Huhai Mansion.

“My son, the news has been revealed to Fusu.

“I believe that Chunyu Yue will not sit still.”

“Fusu’s teacher, Chun Yuyue, regarded himself as a great Confucian man and praised the rule of courtesy and law. This time the great king asked Zhao Qi to review memorials that violated the rules of etiquette and Chunyuyue absolutely couldn’t sit still.

“He will definitely arrange for his impeachment of Zhao Qi, and even the impeachment of the king violates etiquette and law.”

“And we just need to add to the flames.” Zhao Gao sneered and looked at Hu Hai triumphantly.

“The rotten scholar in Fusu must have thought that letting Zhao Qi comment on the memorial would arouse our anger, but what does it matter to us?”

“He always regards himself as the eldest son, and he thinks that he is a stable prince. He often reprimands us brothers with etiquette. This time he dug such a big hole for him and waited for him to jump.” Hu Hai also sneered.

“Zhao Qi is my great Qin Wuanjun, and he is the veritable first person in the military. In the army, they can’t match the reputation of Mengwu. If this time to help the Soviet Union and the Soviet Union completely confuse him, Zhao Qi will definitely not sit back and watch in the future. Su became a prince.

“This will completely push Zhao Qi to the opposite of Fusu. As the prince’s most advantageous battle, Zhao Qi will never watch Fusu become the crown prince in order to save his life, so he will definitely be an enemy of Fusu. And son, you are the best candidate to fight Fusu.”

“As long as you have Zhao Qi’s help, you will have a strong supporter in the army to reverse the influence of Fusu.

Zhao Gao smiled triumphantly.

all of these.

He planned for Hu Hai.

Fusu received the news that his concubine Zhangtai Palace won the politician Zhao Qi’s review of the memorial. How could Fusu’s concubine know that this was naturally leaked by Zhao Gao deliberately.

“If a teacher plans for me, the crown prince will definitely be mine in the future.”

“The fusu, the idiot Chunyuyue, and even this Wuanjun Zhao Qi who is in the sky all fell into the teacher’s game and had to be manipulated by the teacher.” Hu Hai also laughed excitedly.

The same teacher as Fusu, Chun Yuyue, made plans for Fusu.

Hu Hai had Zhao Gao planning for him.


Perhaps Zhao Qi himself did not know that the fact that Qin Shihuang asked him to review the memorial had spread to the upper-class dignitaries in Xianyang under the control of the caring people.but.

Even if Zhao Qi knew, he would be noncommittal, too lazy to bother about it.

The memorial review was not what he asked, but Qin Shihuang asked him to do it himself. If he knew that someone was going to target him for this, Zhao Qi would not be polite to kill him.

The cultivation base of the innate realm is amazing. Who is Zhao Qi afraid of not?

Mongolian House.

Three generations of grandparents gathered together.

In addition to Meng Tian.

Meng Nu, Meng Wu, Meng Yi, all gathered in the main hall of the mansion, and they are now surrounded by a stone pillar, Meng and Meng Wu are staring very solemnly, seem to be very curious.

“Qi Yi’er, are you sure this was made like this by a light palm?”

After staring for a long time, Meng Wu asked in a deep voice.

“Father, I’m pretty sure.”

“I was drinking with Han Fei in this hall that day. He thought I was Gongzi Qi’s confidant. I thought he was a supporter of Gongzi Qi. It was because we misunderstood each other. Then Han Fei inexplicably said something about martial arts. Because, I asked inexplicably, maybe Han Fei was a little drunk, and then stood up and patted the stone pillar.

“Then it became like this.”

Meng Yi pointed to the cracks and palm prints on the stone pillar and said, very serious.

Meng He Mengwu stared in shock, staring at the palm prints deep into the stone pillar in shock.

“Is this really something human can do?”

Meng and Mengwu looked at each other with horror.

As far as they have been studying the army for many years, sometimes there is no shortage of powerful Hercules in the army. They may be able to break the stone pillar, but the probability is very small. Like leaving such a deep palmprint on this stone pillar, it is not human at all. It can be done.

“Yi’er, please re-tell what happened that day.”

Meng Shi said solemnly.

“Okay.” Meng Yi did not refuse, and then explained all the causes and consequences of the matter.

Both Meng (Wang Le Zhao) and Meng Wu listened attentively, but their expressions showed strong surprise.

“Both of you misunderstand each other.”

“At first you met with this Han Fei because he was speaking for the son in the court hall, and then you said, because a word of return made you both mistakenly think that the other is your own.”

“You think he is a supporter of Gongzi Qi and you know the identity of Gongzi Qi.”

“And he thought you were the confidant of Master Qi, and practiced the martial art he said.”

Meng Wu analyzed it carefully.

“Exactly.” Meng Yi nodded.

“Budo, cultivation base?”

“What the hell is this?”

“Why have I never heard of it?

Meng Wu’s expression was shocked, and then he looked at Meng Shi and said: “Father, you have a lot of knowledge. Before Wu Anjun was guarding one side when he was alive, have you heard of it?

“I know martial arts, and I know bravery, but I have never heard of such martial arts.” Meng Shi shook his head.

“This force has clearly surpassed the world’s cognition, and it is simply not something human can do.

“Then Han Fei is just a literati, and the reason why he can do this is because of the martial arts he said.”

“But what exactly is that?

Both father and son were surprised by this performance, and seemed to have opened up a new world.

“Finally, after I told Han Fei the identity of the son, I also asked what the martial art was, but that Han Fei made it clear that I was not qualified enough, because I was not loyal to Lord Qi, but to the kingship.”

“And he is different. His allegiance is the man Qi Gongzi, not the identity of Qi Gongzi.”

“The martial art in his mouth is not a level that we can reach.” Meng Yi said all the conversation that day, and his face also had a sense of sorrow.

The feeling given to him was to wander around in Xintiandi, but when he was about to explore the stage, he was directly beaten back.

“Should we tell the king about this matter?”

PS: I am very grateful if I ask for a fix and a monthly pass.

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