Chapter 161 Qin Shihuang Who Sees His Son as a Dragon

Outside the palace.

The two cars drove slowly on the official road, and the speed was very fast, and before the two cars, Han Fei and Feng Jie stood side by side, seeming to be talking.

Today, “I saw that the king valued Wu Anjun far more than what we usually see.”

“The royal power is unique, and the memorial is reviewed, and the king is asking Wu Anjun to review it.”

“This is how the princes have not been so valued, right?”

Thinking of the scene in the Zhangtai Palace just now, Feng Jie said in surprise, there is no peace now.

Of course.

Feng Jie definitely didn’t dare to say anything about this matter, at most he had a good friend with him to talk about it, and Han Fei who had seen this scene together.

“Master Feng is right.

“For the king, perhaps it is the training of Wu’an Jun in all aspects, rather than just controlling the army.” Han Fei said with deep meaning.

“Do you mean that the king is going to let Wu Anjun be involved in government affairs in the future?” Feng Jie stopped, then looked at Han Feidao.

Today, “Let Wu Anjun deal with the memorial, maybe this is the reason, after all, what Wu Anjun has always been good at is the military commander, and he has no contact with government affairs.”

“Although Wu Anjun is now in a higher position than Xiangbang, one person is more than ten thousand people, but he is from a small mountain village after all, and he has not been taught by a famous teacher, so the king should train Wuan from this point. Make up for Wu Anjun’s shortcomings.” Han Fei confidently analyzed.

Of course.

This kind of analysis is based on the premise of not knowing Zhao Qi’s true identity.

If you know the true identity of Zhao Qi.

That only represents one point.

The king wants to train Zhao Qi to become the successor of the future Da Qin. He is now familiar with government affairs and also prepares for the day when Zhao Qi announces his identity and becomes the crown prince.

“you’re right.”

“The king should have this heart, and he is preparing to train a great official with full control of military and political affairs for Da Qin.” Feng Jie also nodded in agreement, agreeing with Han Fei’s words.

“In anyone’s opinion, there is only such an idea.

“The king is very kind to the Lord, and he is cultivating the Lord, but who can think that the Lord will be the son of the king, and it is the son of the king that the king most values, but I would not know if it hadn’t been for Meng Yi to speak out.

“This matter.

“Everything needs to be rotten in the stomach, until the Lord and their father and son recognize each other.

“The main ambition is in the world, but he does not want this world to belong to him.

“Perhaps the Lord himself will be stunned when he knows the truth.”

Thought of this.

A smile appeared at the corner of Han Fei’s mouth.

For the future.

Han Fei also had a longing.

03 The Lord and his son recognize each other, what will it be like on the day when the Lord is crowned the Crown Prince and Crown Prince.

“Master Han, you have repeatedly spoken out for Wu Anjun in the court. It seems that you have a deep friendship with Wu Anjun.

Feng Jie’s voice changed and asked curiously.


Han Fei did not deny anything: “When I was in the Korean realm, if it had not been persuaded by Wu Anjun, perhaps I would have died a long time ago to talk about becoming the Jiuqing of Daqin and serving Daqin.

“Furthermore, Wu Anjun also saved my life.”

Feng Jie’s expression was startled: “Jun Wuan saved your life?”

“Your elder brother Feng Quji knows about this. You will know what happened when he comes back later.” Han Fei smiled and didn’t intend to make it clear.

When he was in the Korean territory, Han Fei and Feng Quji had a heart-to-heart relationship. For Li Si, Feng Quji was also very disdainful.

“It seems there is something hidden in this matter.”

Feng Jie thought to himself.

Talk to smart people, that’s it.

Time flies.

Four days passed.

These four days.

Zhao Qi reviews the memorials in Zhangtaiyan every day. From the beginning of resistance, Zhao Qi has become accustomed to it and has taken it seriously.

after all.

After Qin Shihuang’s teaching that day, what he criticized was not memorials, but about the honor, disgrace and safety of the people of the world.

One word is wrong, one is wrong.

Perhaps it will make Wu hundreds of people suffer.

Ying Zheng looked at Zhao Qi, who had carefully reviewed the memorial, with a sense of relief in his eyes.

These days.

Ying Zheng has been guiding the key to reviewing memorials and the way to deal with government affairs.

Zhao Qi naturally got a lot.”Boy.”

“From the memorials of these days, I see what you have seen.” Ying Zheng asked, sitting on the side, looking at Zhao Qi.

“My Daqin people live very poorly. If there are people who are enlisted in the army, it is okay to have a good household registration, and the annual salary is enough to feed a family, but if there are no young people to join the army, or without a household registration, their life is very difficult. ”

“Food is a great difficulty.”

In particular, “I just experienced the war. The army needs countless grains and grasses for military expeditions, and these grains and grasses are all from the people of Daqin.”

“With the war, taxes have increased, and the people are miserable.” Zhao Qi said in a deep voice, with a thought on his face.

This era.

The grains in the Central Plains are grains, but the yields are not high. If the yield per mu can reach ten shi, it is considered a bumper harvest.

Zhao Qi naturally knows this, because when he was in Lijiacun, Zhao Qi also couldn’t eat enough. He wanted to take care of his mother and have a full stomach. In addition to farming, he went hunting in the mountains and arranging traps.

Over the years.

Zhao Qi lives on this, as well as relief from the villagers.



“Since the ages, this has been the biggest crisis facing the land of the Central Plains and the Yanhuang people.

“A war, natural and man-made calamities, these will cause hundreds of people to starve to death, no matter how the court dispatches them, it cannot be avoided.

“Even if you are a widow, even though you know the crisis, you can’t change anything, you can only allocate disaster relief as much as possible.” Ying Zheng sighed.


Zhao Qi nodded.

Now the Central Plains does not have high-yield food, but outside of Daqin, outside of the Central Plains, there are high-yield crops, sweet potatoes and potatoes.

These crops all exist, and the yield per mu can reach tens of shi.

But now it is impossible to see.


Zhao Qi also has selfish intentions. If the system really rewards this high-yield crop, Zhao Qi will not immediately take it out. Although the world is fortunate, the world is not under his control. In the future, the world will be chaotic in the end of Qin. These crops will be Will become a weapon in the hands of the enemy.

So unless Zhao Qi is in the world, even if there are these high-yield crops, Zhao Qi will not come out.

“Throughout the ages.

“Food is the greatest crisis to the survival of the ethnic group. For the world, the people do not want war, because war represents death, which will cause hundreds of people to be displaced under the chaos of war, and their fields will be barren and precarious.”

“But as you said at the beginning, my son, Da Qin provoked a war of unification, perhaps to make the world restless, and make the people suffer, but after all, it is for the idea of ​​unification, for the sake of the world, so that there will be no war in the world.

“Suffering in the present, fortune will last forever.”

“Widow, I always remember your words.”

Ying Zheng stared at Zhao Qi and said seriously.

“Qin Shihuang’s ambition is also precisely because there are many dynasties in the future, but they are all based on unification. If there is no Qin Shihuang, it will be the unification of the Yan and Huang of the later dynasties.” Zhao Qi secretly said in his heart that he always admired Qin Shihuang in his heart.

PS: Seek to fix, ask for monthly pass, ask for everything.

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