Chapter 160: How is Wu Anjun reviewing the memorial?

I thought that Qin Shihuang asked himself to come over today because there was something important to discuss.

As a result, when I came over, I asked about destroying the country of Yan, and then I simply decided to give myself full power to dispose of it.

I thought that I could go home when this matter was over.

As a result, Qin Shihuang asked himself to review the memorial?

This review of memorials made Zhao Qi a little weird.

It’s weird.

Looking at Qin Shihuang who was playing with his sons and daughters in front of him.

I always feel like I’ve been caught and overwhelmed.

But this kind of honor may only be obtained by oneself.

“Forget it, review the memorial.”

“It’s considered familiar in advance.”

“From the end of Qin, I will control the world, sooner or later.” Zhao Qi thought for a while and continued to review the memorial.

Qin Shihuang had no reason to blame himself anyway.

This is what he asked himself to review.


“Let’s play with pigeons.”

“Those pigeons are fun.”

Zhao Yuqi said happily.

“Qi’er, those pigeons Aye are sent to other places. If you want to, you will let your father to train them when Aye, and keep them for you to have a lot of fun.” Yingzheng said gently.


“Should we go out to play?” Yingyinyu asked courageously.


They are unfamiliar with their father and king, and they have an instinctive fear.

But as I have been playing with the two little guys in the past few months, I am also familiar with my father and king, and I am not as scared as before. Another mention, and playing with the two little guys, their mother and concubine have also gotten For some benefits, winning politics often goes to the palace of their mother and concubine when they go to the harem.

So Yingyinyu and their princesses were confessed by their mother and concubine before they came out, and they must make good friends with the two little guys.

“Your eldest brother is dealing with government affairs, just playing outside the temple, and the widow is watching you.” Ying Zheng said with a smile.


The two little guys shouted in excitement.

The little princesses are also very happy.


Yingzheng walked out holding two grandchildren, surrounded by a few little princesses.

A peaceful look.

Yingzheng is now in his 30s, almost forty, and he is in his prime.

Moreover, under Zhao Qi’s reminder, he did not take the poison pill again, and ate the Xiaohuan Pill Zhao Qi gave him. The toxins in his body were removed, and his body was very good.

Following Yingzheng took them out.

Zhao Qi sat alone in the hall and read the memorials.

“Leave me here alone?”

Zhao Qi looked helplessly at the empty Zhangtai Palace.

how to say?

The feeling of being treated by Qin Shihuang’s favor, but more of it is a kind of inexplicable.

Qin Shihuang’s trust in himself was too great, and even this kind of memorial to the royal authority was handed over to himself.

“These memorials are really a headache.”

“There is no cabinet in this era, and the king is in charge of the empire. No wonder the king is so tired.” Zhao Qi sighed, and continued to read the memorials and reviews.

Qin Shihuang was out anyway, Zhao Qi reviewed these memorials according to his own ideas, and Qin Shihuang would definitely read it again by himself afterwards.


It also gradually passed by in this process.


An hour passed.

The originally piled up memorials have been criticized by Zhao Qi.

“The last one.”

Looking at the last memorial, Zhao breathed a sigh of relief.

Open it and take a look.

“The minister Mengwu pays respect. The minister guarding Yongcheng has not returned to Xianyang for a long time, so he requested to return to Xianyang and rest for half a month.”

Mengwu’s memorial is a request for rest.

Father-in-law “Xiu Mu, your lord, then naturally you have to agree.”

Zhao Qi looked at the memorial and smiled, then took out the carving knife and directly reviewed it.


“Mengwu Aiqing has worked hard for Daqin, and has a short period of half a month, so he is allowed to return to Xianyang in January.”

Zhao Qi portrayed this permission directly on the memorial.

“My father-in-law.”

“Give you double the date, this is also a chance for you to enjoy it.” Zhao Qi smiled and closed the memorial, then stood up and stretched.

Looked at Ying Zheng in front of the temple gate.

“The King.”

“All the memorials have been reviewed, and the minister will go back if there is nothing to do next.” Zhao said loudly, ready to go back and have a good rest.

Ying Zheng turned around and looked at Zhao jokingly: “Is the approval finished? You are too simple to think.”

Heard this.

Zhao Qi was taken aback: “Could there be more?”

“You are only half an hour worth of people, one tenth of today’s memorial, so you have a long way to go.”

Ying Zheng smiled.Clap your hands.


In the side hall.

Several guards directly brought piles of memorials, all piled up next to the table in front of Zhao Qi.

When looking at Zhao Qi standing at the table, awe was seen in the eyes of several sharp men, but it turned out to be a different kind of strangeness?

Ying Zheng has been standing outside the hall for a long time, and Zhao Qi is in the hall alone. Could these memorials be handled by Zhao Qi?

“My lord.

“How is the memorial to these treatments?” a sharp man asked respectfully.

“Delivery to Yushitai, distribute everywhere.” Yingzheng said majesticly.


Zhao Qi was taken aback, and then said differently: “My lord, didn’t you even look at it?”

The widow “I believe your vision, no need to look anymore.” Ying Zheng smiled.

Anyway, these memorials will be gradually distributed to the people who put forward the memorial. If there is a major omission, the courtiers will definitely mention it again.

And although these memorials are also national affairs, they will not shake the foundation of Daqin.

And most of them are based on things from Zhao and Han.

Ying Zheng believes that Zhao Qi can make a judgment in his mind.

“It’s really a memorial written by Wu Anjun.

“The king is so kind to Wu Anjun.

A few sharp shrews converged and glanced at them, all with a shock that is unspeakable.

“have to.”

Hearing Ying Zheng’s words, Zhao Qi didn’t bother to say anything.

People who are great kings don’t care, what else can they say, anyway, what happened, Qin Shihuang would do it.

“Continue to review.”

“Wait until noon, someone will arrange meals for you.” Yingzheng smiled, with a joke in his eyes.

“What about you, King?”

Zhao Qi sat back again and asked blankly.

“Widows are naturally here to supervise you, and take a good rest. After all, you are old, and reading the memorials for a long time is a bit tired.”

Ying Zheng smiled, and then sat directly in a side position.

When a few sharp men withdrew, Ying Zheng still did not forget to shout: “Bring some fruits up, the daughter and grandson of the real person want to eat.”

A few sharps immediately responded respectfully.

After a while.

A lot of fruit was brought up.

“Qir, Xier.”

“Yin Yuan, you all come over to eat.”

Ying Zheng yelled leisurely.


“There are delicious ones.”

Go to “Aye.”

As soon as he heard something to eat, Zhao Yuqi yelled immediately, and then the two little guys stepped on their short legs and ran towards Yingzheng quickly, followed by Yingyinyu and the others.

Then he ate it unceremoniously.

Ying Zheng also enjoys the fruit feeding by his grandson and daughter.

Life is a rare experience to enjoy.

Zhao Qi sat on the main seat and was stunned watching this scene.

What is this with?

Shouldn’t it be very leisurely to come back to take a break? Why has the time of taking a break turned into a memorial review here?

“Come on.”

“Qin Shihuang, count you as ruthless.

“Who made you the king?”

“I approve.”

“Don’t blame me if something goes wrong, you let me approve it anyway.”

no way.

Zhao Qi can only continue to review the memorial.

But despite thinking that way, Zhao Qi also carefully read each memorial, and all applied his own ideas to review.

Time passed gradually in this process.

“Although this kid doesn’t look honest, he’s not bad to be serious.”

“It deserves to be my kind of winning politics.”

“In the next period of time, let him be familiar with government affairs, and I will give some guidance to improve his ability to handle government affairs. It will be better to get acquainted with him in the future.”

“My son who wins politics, the future prince of Daqin, absolutely wants to be outstanding, or else he will take control of the world.

Ying Zheng smiled in his heart, and he paid more and more attention to Zhao Qi.

Near noon.

At this time.

Outside Zhangtai Palace.

Feng Jie, Han Fei came outside the hall.

“Chen Feng Jie.

“Chen Han Fei.

“See you, the lord.”

The two shouted loudly.

“come in.

Ying Zheng’s voice came from the hall.


Feng Jie and Han Fei walked into Zhangtai at the same time.

One enters the palace.

The two took a look.

Suddenly stunned.

“How is this going?”

Both Feng Jie and Han Fei had a flash of surprise in their eyes, and they couldn’t calm down with the situation in front of them.

Zhao Qi is sitting on the throne of the king and reading the memorial, while Ying Zheng is sitting on the side, eating fruit.

“Meng Yi’s words are true.

“The Lord is really the son of the Lord. If not, the Lord will not let the Lord sit in his place and let him handle the memorial. This is to cultivate the Lord’s ability to handle government affairs in the future.

See this scene.

Han Fei immediately remembered the conversation with Meng Yi in the Meng Mansion last night.


There was a kind of ecstasy in my heart.

If it was just a bit of Meng Yi’s words, Han Fei might still have some disbelief in his heart, but seeing is believing now, there is absolutely no falsehood.

“The king’s favor to Wu Anjun is too great, right?”

“Anyway, let Wu Anjun review the memorial?”

“Isn’t Wu Anjun being the illegitimate son of the king?”

“But even if you are an illegitimate child, you can’t be treated like this, right?”

At this moment, Feng Jie’s heart was also beating, incomparably inexplicable, except for surprise or surprise.

Seeing two people enter the temple.

Zhao Qi raised his head, with a helpless smile on his face.

“What’s the matter with you?”

Ying Zheng looked at the two and asked.

“The King of Enlightenment.

“It’s about Sanjin taxation.”

Feng Jie came back to his senses and said respectfully.

He was the deputy to Zhisu Neishi, and was originally his brother Feng Quji’s deputy. Now Feng Quji is in charge of the administration of the Sanjin Dynasty, and the power of managing Su Neishi in the dynasty is naturally attributed to him Feng Jie.


Ying Zheng nodded and signaled Feng Jie to continue.

“There is a certain gap between Sanjin taxation and our Daqin territory taxation.

“Originally, the Great Qin Territory charged the people with ten taxes and six taxes, but the land of the Three Jins collected even more, as ten taxes and seventy taxpayers.

“Now that the Three Jins are my Daqin territory, and the Sanjins have just gone through the disaster of war, do I need to maintain the taxation of the Sanjins with my Da Qin land?” Feng Jie asked respectfully.

Tax matters.

It is the foundation of a country.

The same is true for Daqin.

If there were no taxes, there would be no food and grass for the army to conquer, and there would be no money for the operation of the Great Qin Empire.

For any era, tax is extremely critical.

In history.

If a country reaches the point of harsh governance and heavy endowment, it is not far from subjugation.

But in today’s world.

Since the existence of various countries, taxes have not been lower.

Everything is for war.


The people at the bottom did not know how many starved and frozen to death.

Even Daqin, which has the strongest national power today, has a low grain output. If it encounters natural disasters, it will be destroyed.

Moreover, Daqin also wars all the year round. Although it can be free of war after unification, it is still miserable for the people at the bottom.


Just like a sentence from later generations.

Qin Shihuang annihilated all countries and ruled the world.

The great fruits created are suffering in the present and forever forever.

“The minister and Master Feng are here for this taxation matter. If the king agrees to treat the taxation of the three Jins and my Daqin native land equally, the minister and Master Feng can implement the taxation policy.” Han Fei also followed.

As a young mansion, the tax on the mountains and the sea is the tax on fishery, harvesting and animal husbandry, which can also be called miscellaneous tax. For grain tax, fiscal tax is the main tax.

“This matter.”

Yingzheng pondered for a moment.

After all.

As the king of Da Qin, although his ambition is in the world, he must have sufficient consideration for Da Qin native land and Lao Qin people. If they are treated equally, Da Qin native Lao Qin people, those powerful and powerful may be dissatisfied with 0…

The king.

Naturally, there must be checks and balances.

“Wu Anjun, what do you think?” Yingzheng looked at Zhao Qi and asked.

“What else can I see, of course I sit and watch.” Zhao Qi murmured in his heart.

Then he said in a serious way: “The great king is talented and has a great plan and aspirations to the world. He should be based on the world instead of being limited to the original local realm. Now the Three Jins have been determined. They have the same roots and the same origin as our Daqin, and they belong to the same family.

“Although in a short time, they hate the subjugated country and have some resistance to Daqin, but as long as Daqin gives them stability and treats them equally, they will be grateful to the king and willing to serve the people of my Daqin.”

“Since I am the people of Qin, I should treat them equally.”

“How can there be different taxes on my Daqin Territory?”

Zhao Qi said in a deep voice.

A lot of truths have been said, but there is one important point.

The taxation of the land of the Three Jins should be merged with that of the Da Qin land.

“You are right.

“How can there be two types of taxes on my Daqin Territory.” Winning nodded in agreement.

Then facing Han Fei and Feng Jie: “You heard what Wu Anjun said?””The king allowed the land of the Three Jins to impose the same tax on my Daqin?” Feng Jie asked in surprise immediately.

“Quasi.” Ying Zheng nodded.

“Great King Shengming.”

Feng Jie bowed immediately.

“The land of the Three Jins has been suffering from wars all the year round, and the people are miserable. The tax reduction this time will give the people countless chances to survive, Great King Shengming. “Han Fei also said with great excitement.

The widow “as the lord of the Great Qin, the future lord of the world, his vision is not so low.”

“What else is there for the two Aiqings?” Yingzheng said prestigiously.

“The minister is fine.”

The two respectfully said.

“It’s okay, then you can withdraw.”

“The widow also wants to have lunch with Wu Anjun.” Yingzheng nodded and said no more.

“The ministers retired.”

The two bowed to Yingzheng and left Zhang Taiyan.

Want to use “lunch?”

After the two left, Zhao Qi looked forward to winning the government.

Before he knew it, Zhao Qi had already reviewed the memorial for the whole morning.


This kind of boring memorial review is not as good as training soldiers in a barracks.

“Very boring?

Ying Zheng looked at Zhao Qi and smiled faintly.


Zhao Qi answered honestly.


“These memorials may be just ordinary memorials in your eyes, or they may be dead, but if you can think that these memorials represent the king’s power, the implementation of the world’s countermeasures, and even the common people of the world, the people of the Li people.

“A memorial may bring about the livelihoods of thousands, millions, or even tens of millions of Li people.”

“Because of your thoughts, they may be able to live better and live in peace, but also because of your thoughts, they may fall into hell and suffer endless suffering.”

These “memorials” are concrete representations of hundreds of officials presenting the world’s scenery, and are the products of the emperor’s eyes.

But it is also a double-sided weapon. ”

“If you use it well, the people will be healthy, but if you use it badly, the people will not live.

“This is the memorial you reviewed today.”

Ying Zheng said to Zhao Qi in a sincere tone.

Heard these words.

Zhao Qi was silent, and the otherwise casual expression on his face suddenly became serious.

Qin Shihuang’s words were all heard into his heart.


“Qin Shihuang is right.”

“Although this memorial is a dead thing, as far as the world is concerned, it is a living thing that governs the world. If it is a dead thing in the eyes of those who deal with memorials, and ignore them at will, how can there be peace on that day? How to survive?”

“Memorial”, it represents the king’s power, 1.2 represents the king’s method of dealing with all living beings in the world.

“One thought of life, one thought of death.

“And the king in charge, the ultimate decision-making power, is in charge of the world.

“This is the meaning of the memorial.

Zhao Qi was shaking in his heart and thought to himself.

These few words of Qin Shihuang gave Zhao Qi a thunderous initiation, with an unprecedented understanding.

“Thank you, the king for your advice.

“Chen, I understand.

Looking back, Zhao Qi bowed to Yingzheng with a serious face.


Zhao Qi seems to want to understand why Ying Zheng let himself deal with the key points of the memorial.

A few years ago, I was just an ordinary villager, an ordinary citizen.

Now he has become the superior Wu Anjun of Daqin.

It can be said that he is already the leader of the military ministers, and he is the best state.

Below one person is above ten thousand.

Having reached this kind of authority, it is second only to the king’s power, and naturally has to bear the corresponding responsibilities, and Ying Zheng also knows that he has no one to teach. Today, he asked himself to review the memorial to tell himself this.

The greater the authority, the greater the responsibility, and the greater the responsibility.

A difference in thought will cause countless consequences.

Death, hell.


have to say.

Zhao Qi still thinks wrong.

Ying Zheng asked him to review the memorials not because he was in a high position, but because he was his own son, and even the crown prince and future King of Qin that Ying Zheng had decided in his heart.


No matter how high a foreign minister achieved, it was impossible to review the memorial.


“It seems that you also understand the meaning of this sentence.”

“The greater the authority, the greater the impact, and the greater the disaster it will cause.”

“all in all.”

“Whatever you do, you must think carefully.” Yingzheng smiled and warned again.

“Chen remembers it in his heart.” Zhao Qi nodded solemnly, remembering everything in his heart.

“Qi Er.”

“It’s also my fault for not fulfilling my father’s responsibility over the years. In the days to come, I will compensate you for everything you missed before, and I will train you to become a true king.” Ying Zheng stared at Zhao Qi, Thinking firmly in my heart.

PS: Seek to fix, monthly pass, fix, monthly pass.

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