Chapter 159 Zhao Qi: Great King, or marry the princess to me

Inside the Zhangtai Palace.

Yingzheng is dealing with the memorials handed over from various places. As a king who is striving to rule, Yingzheng is the court meeting every day. He deals with memorials and rarely goes to the harem. For him, the unification of the country is his great wish.

A king like him who is so diligent to this point can be said to be unique in this world.

“How is it? Rest?”

Watching Zhao Qi walk into the hall, Ying Zheng asked with a smile.

After a day’s sleep, “I recovered.” Zhao Qi replied with a smile.

And Zhao Gao, who was waiting by the side, looked at the scene in shock.

Yingzheng and Zhao did not seem to be alienated from monarchs and ministers. They were rather casual. He had never seen Yingzheng in service for many years.

“Zhao Gao.

“Go down.”

“If the widow doesn’t tell you, don’t come back.”

Looking at Zhao Gao on the side, he won Zhengdao.


Zhao Gao bowed and walked away from Zhangtai Palace.

And his heart is also very tasty.

Since Zhao Qi was treated by the king’s favor, he has treated Zhao Qi’s family differently. As long as Zhao Qi’s family is there, he doesn’t need him to serve him at all.

This also caused Zhao Gao to lose a lot of opportunities to hear Daqin’s secrets, and could not inform Master Hu Hai in advance.

But under the crown.

He is just a humble monk, so what can he do?

“My lord, what’s the important thing to summon the ministers today?”

Zhao Qi didn’t wait for Yingzheng to kick his seat, and sat directly in front of Yingzheng.

Anyway, Ying Zheng said it himself.

When there is no one, be casual.

Zhao Qi is not welcome.

“Why? I can’t just call you if I have nothing to do?” Ying Zheng said in an angry tone.

It is rare for Zhao Qi to come back, but he still has to cultivate the relationship between father and son.

“You are the king, you are right.” Zhao Qi also said helplessly.


Listening to Zhao Qi’s helpless words, Ying Zheng smiled triumphantly.

Fighting with you Laozi, I’m still a bit tender.

“The State of Wei is gone.

“Wei’s surviving royal family will also be escorted to Xianyang. When the time comes, the widow will give you two Wei princesses as concubine rooms for you.” Ying Zheng suddenly said.

Heard this.

Zhao Qi smiled: “Majesty, you are really too polite, Han, Princess Zhao bestowed it on the minister, and now it is Princess Wei again. When the Three Kingdoms of Qi, Chuyan and Qi are destroyed in the future, do you have to get together with the minister? what.”


“Just let you reproduce blood for your family.” Ying Zheng smiled.

At this time.

Zhao Qi suddenly smiled and said, “My lord, you are so good to me, so you can just make a round for the minister, and then accept the minister as your son-in-law. In the future, I will directly recognize you as a father, don’t you think it?”

Heard this.

Ying Zheng glared: “Smelly boy, don’t even think about it.”

“Others can miss the widow’s daughter, but you can’t do that.”

“Huh? Majesty, why can’t the minister be worried?” Zhao Qi said helplessly.

Ying Zheng glanced at it, that was an anger.

This stinky boy hit his sister with his idea, it’s not as good as a beast.

But I thought about it.

This brat doesn’t know his identity yet, and looking at Zhao Qi’s hippie smiling face, he is obviously teasing himself.

“Smelly boy, you are really brave, even widows dare to tease.” Ying Zheng said irritably.

“The minister dare not.” Zhao Qi smiled.

“All right.”

“Too lazy to talk nonsense with you.

“come over.”

Ying Zheng stood up and walked to the sand table map.

Zhao Qi also stood up and walked over.

Look at this sand table map.The original three Jins have all been planted with Daqin’s clan flag.

Most of the territory of this sand table map is already under the control of Da Qin. A comparison of the three kingdoms of Qi, Chuyan and Da Qin can clearly see the gap in national power.

“If you kill Yan.

“What do you think?”

Ying Zheng stared at the sand table map and asked.

“According to Chen’s understanding of Yan.”

“In the past, the battle of Zhao Gongyan severely damaged the country of Yan. If it weren’t for my Daqin’s attack, perhaps the country of Yan would have been destroyed by Zhao. Even if a few years have passed, the national strength of Yan has not recovered. The nation’s military strength is less than 400,000, and there are also various towns, which means that the number of soldiers and horses that can be fully mobilized does not exceed 300,000.”

“To deal with Yan Guo.”

“No need to think too much.

“My Great Qin attacked Yan, forcing its main force to fight with my Great Qin, and it was defeated in one fell swoop.

“Swallows bordering Daidi can make Li Mu feign attacks, double shock, and destroy the swallows easily.” Zhao Qi stared at the sand table map and said directly.

Listen to what Zhao Qi said.

Yingzheng’s eyes were implicitly gratified. His own son has an outstanding military vision, and it is no wonder that he will be invincible in the war against other countries.

“It seems that this time the task of destroying Yan is none other than you.

Ying Zheng smiled and looked at Zhao Qi very much.

“As a courtier of the Great Qin, a minister, I have an unshirkable responsibility.” Zhao Xinran led it.


The war represented a lot of experience and various rewards. How could Zhao let it go.


“I have you all the power of the Great Qin eradicating the Three Jins. I believe you won’t let the widows down this time.

“When you rest for a month, you will return to the army and prepare to destroy the swallows.”

“Like destroying Wei, the widow grants you full power to dispose of it.” Ying Zheng said immediately.

“The minister leads the edict.” Zhao Xinran took the order.

“Territory of the world.

“Most of them are already under the control of recruiting people. Only these three countries are left. A widow can control the world, become the master of the world, and become the first person in the world.”

Ying Zheng stared at the sand table map, full of lofty feelings.

Power and domineering are undoubtedly revealed.

“It’s worthy of being the emperor of the ages, Qin Shihuang.”

“Sure enough, domineering.”

“In previous lives, some people always said that if Qin Shihuang was given a world map, he would mark the entire world as the territory of Da Qin. If he could live longer, he would really be able to do it.”

“However, I’d better not speak.

Qin Shihuang “The world in the eyes of the people of the Seven Kingdoms is the land of the Central Plains.”

“As everyone knows, the world in their eyes is just a drop in the world. There are many countries outside the world, and those who may not be able to fight by Qin Shihuang, then I can definitely.”

“If I am the lord of the world in the future, I will start the world of martial arts and start the rejuvenation of spiritual energy. In this world, this world should be under my control by Zhao Qi.” There is also a touch of ambition deep in Zhao Qin’s heart.

But at this stage.

Nothing can be exposed.

Because he hasn’t really subdued all the power.

“Sometimes, real people actually admire your life in the army, and kill happily on the battlefield. Although the widow is in charge of the king and the empire, he is trapped in this palace like a trapped beast.”

“Everything in the world is only seen by the officials and transferred to the hands of the widow, not by the widow.

“This is a great river and mountain, real people haven’t really seen it.”

Staring at the sand table, the scene of the world appeared before Ying Zheng’s eyes, but it was so hazy.

“Indeed, Qin Shihuang was right.

“The palace is indeed a trap. On the surface, the hundreds of officials under his command seem to treat him respectfully, but in the bottom of my heart, they all have their own minds, and everything is based on their own interests, even if I am the same, only the interests of the country and the courtiers The interests are bound together, so that they will have the will to fight.”

“What Qin Shihuang saw was the memorials of the hundred officials. What the hundred officials said was what they wanted to tell Qin Shihuang, not what Qin Shihuang really wanted to see.

“The courtiers below hide filth and filth and are greedy and vain the law, and Qin Shihuang can’t see it either.”

“Although Qin Fa is strict, there will always be people who take the risk.”

Zhao Qi thought to himself.

Through Qin Shihuang’s few words, he also had a clear understanding in his heart.


“Your boy has been in the army all year round, and he has never been to court seriously. What is your opinion on government affairs?”

Ying Zheng turned around, looked at Zhao Qi and asked.

“The minister is only good at military affairs and knows nothing about government affairs.” Zhao Yiqi replied with a serious face.

But this is also true.

Zhao Qi really doesn’t understand government affairs.

He is a sincere man, he can’t help but pretend to understand.

“As my great Qin Wuanjun, just being good at one thing is not enough, you have to improve your ability in government affairs.” Yingzheng ignored Zhao Qi’s tweeting and said immediately.

Heard this.

Zhao Qi raised his head blankly?

What the hell?

Isn’t Wu Anjun just controlling the army, is it enough to deal with military affairs?

Why deal with government affairs?

In the past, Bai Qi was only in control of the Daqin army, and he had never dealt with government affairs, right?

Government affairs or something, cumbersome and troublesome, what does it matter to him?

“It’s just right, the real person will have a good rest today.”

“You sit down as a widow.

Ying Zheng pointed to his throne, and then said to Zhao Qi.


“The minister sits in the position of the king?”

Zhao Qi turned his eyes and looked at the throne in Zhangtai Palace.


The expression changed.

“My lord.

“That’s your position. The minister can’t do it randomly. If someone sees this, he will definitely use etiquette again.” Zhao Qiqi said, and carried Fusu out by the way.


“No one will say.

“As you said that day, Zhangtai Palace is a widow’s home. Do real people still need to be restrained by etiquette at home?” Ying Zheng seems to be determined to make Zhao Qi familiar with government affairs.

Directly facing Zhao Qi in a commanding tone.

“Laozi’s son, the future prince, can only be proficient in military affairs. In the next time, even if you don’t understand government affairs, Laozi will teach you.” Yingzheng thought secretly in his heart.

This is his purpose.

“The minister leads the edict.

Seeing that Yingzheng was so serious, Zhao Qi had no choice but to kneel and sit in the position of Yingzheng.

Speaking of.

This era is also helpless.

There is no chair, so I can only sit on my knees.

“Then what?”

Zhao Qi raised his head and looked at the bamboo slips piled high in front of him, staring blankly at the victory.

“Dispose of memorials for others, if you don’t understand, ask again.” Ying Zheng said irritably.

“Come on, Qin Shihuang regarded me as a free labor, and even let me deal with the memorials for him. It really crushes people at the first level of officials.”

Zhao Qin thought very hard in his heart.

no way.

Can only pick up a memorial on the table.

Then open it.

“Courier Li Si pays courtesy, although Zhao and Han have been determined, the Qin Fa has gradually replaced the original two laws, but the implementation of our Qin Law has been repeatedly resisted. The law is the enemy, and the minister thinks that the people in both places should be deterred by killing, forcing the people of the two places to accept the control of our Daqin law, and there should be no opportunity to disobey.

0…seeking flowers…

“I hope the king will approve it.”

Seeing this memorial, it was played by Tingwei Li Si.

It is about the implementation of the Qin Law in Zhao and South Korea.

“How are you going to deal with it?

Ying Zheng glanced at the memorial and said to Zhao Qi.


Zhao didn’t even think of Qi’s reply.


Zhao, Han Territory, who had been defeated by himself, did he want Li Si to point his fingers?

From beginning to end, Li Si based on Qin law and ruled by Qin law, but did not consider the real situation of the two places.


Yingzheng smiled and asked.

“In the past, when Shang Monarchs reformed the law, did my Da Qin impede the implementation of the Qin law?” Zhao Qi asked rhetorically.

“It’s a big obstacle.”

“The Qin Fa created by Shangjun was thoroughly implemented in Daqin by two generations of talents, and it took decades to take root. For many powerful and powerful people, the Qin Fa is their reminder.” Ying Zheng said.

“The truth is the same in Zhao and Han.””For the Qin Fa, the people in Zhao and Han are unfamiliar. After all, under the preaching of their court, Da Qin is a violent Qin, killing people without blinking, and the implementation of the Qin law, those rich and powerful people in the two places will inevitably provoke the people. Collision, causing chaos.”

“The ministers dispatched garrisons in both places. It is difficult for them to mess up, but if they are constantly deterred by killings, the king thinks they will be convinced?” Zhao Qi smiled.

“Di Pingding has been almost three years, and Zhao Diping has been more than a year, how did you manage these times?” Ying Zheng asked.

“Before governing the two realms, Master Feng had discussed with his ministers that the implementation of the Qin Law should not be too much. It must be implemented gradually to arouse civil revolts, which is not conducive to my Great Qin. It will not take long to fully use Qin Fa.

“And Zhao Di has gradually started to implement the Qin Law.”

Li Si’s idea is to directly implement the Qin method in the two places in a short period of time.

“Naturally can’t grant it.” Zhao Qi replied.

“You are right.

Ying Zheng looked at Zhao Qi with satisfaction, and then said: “You still said that you don’t understand government affairs, don’t you think you understand well?”

“My lord, this is common sense, not political knowledge.” Zhao Qi also said helplessly.

“Then you can criticize this memorial.” Ying Zheng didn’t say much, and let Zhao Qi continue.

“Let the minister take a carving knife to criticize? Your lord, are you serious?”

Zhao Qi picked up the carving knife on the table and said different things.

He found that Qin Shihuang was really obedient.

Review memorials.

This is his kingship. Today he was asked to review the memorial, not to mention violating the etiquette, but it always felt a bit too sloppy.

He wasn’t a prince of the state government, let alone a royal family. It was not his turn at all.

“I, Qin Wuanjun, how can I not know how to do government affairs?”

“In the future, the world will be unified, and the army will be fine. Is it possible that the widow will waste your talents?” Ying Zheng said nonsense.

“Your reason is a bit far-fetched.” Zhao thought silently.

The world is unified.

Maybe Da Qin was negligent about war, but if Da Qin wanted to be stable, how could there be no army guarding him.

His commanding force is useful no matter what.

no way.

Zhao Qi could only pick up the carving knife and engraved two words on the memorial: “No.”

Speaking of.

Disposal of memorials.

It is not too difficult, as long as you find the trick, have a point of understanding of the national policy in your heart, have your own insights and skills, and just review the memorials of the officials.

As for the real state affairs, that is the decision made by the court.

It requires the whole court to discuss. After all, if the emperor is undecided, he also needs civil and martial arts to participate in the discussion.

For Yingzheng, these memorials are accurate and inaccurate, and just describe the reasons for inaccuracy.

“The achievements of Daqin’s reforms can only be changed after dozens of years. It is not too hasty to eradicate and control the territory, and it needs to be done step by step, so that the way of Qin’s law can be implemented.”

Zhao took out the carving knife and continued to carve out the reasons for the inaccuracy.

“Boy, you also said that you don’t know how to read memorials.

“Widow sees you very well, but you still know how to write down the reason for the disapproval.”

Yingzheng glanced casually, and then smiled with relief.


Hearing this compliment, Zhao Qi didn’t know whether to accept it frankly or not.

I have been to Zhangtai Palace many times, so how come I don’t know the steps to review memorials, after all, I have read Yingzheng’s memorials many times.

“Since you will, then continue to review.”

“If you don’t understand, just ask the widow.”

“After reviewing, put it aside.”

Seeing Zhao Qi like this, Ying Zheng smiled very relievedly.

Then simply turned around and shouted to the outside of the temple: “Qi’er, Cong’er, Aye will show you to play.”

Heard this sound.

The two little guys immediately ran in from outside the temple.

“Aye is free.


“Come and play with Aye.”

“Hee hee hee.

The two little guys shouted excitedly.

Then a group of little guys all ran into the Zhangtai Palace.

“What a big deal this is.

Zhao reluctantly glanced at it, his heart was complicated, and he didn’t know what to say.

PS: Seek the fix, ask for a monthly ticket, don’t skip it, thank you, this is the key to recommending, thank you, the author will not write on your behalf. Ding.

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