Chapter 158

After Meng Yi’s words, there was a strong awe on his face.

“The eldest son.

Meng Yi said in a deep voice.

Heard these four words.

A look of surprise appeared on Han Fei’s face: “The eldest son?”

“Although the Lord’s position is very high, but it is related to whether it is a concubine or a concubine, but the Lord’s own identity cannot be judged.”

“Why does Master Mongolia say this?” Han Fei asked in surprise.


His heart was already extremely shocked.

He never thought that his own master would have such an identity. Although the eldest son of the current king, although he is an illegitimate child, he is also the eldest son.

Moreover, with the strength and power possessed by his lord, as long as he recognizes the great king in the future, which son can compare to his lord’s power?

Even if they are of noble origin, how can they be compared to the monstrous merits of their masters to this Da Qin?

“The Lord is the eldest son. In the future, with the authority and strength of the Lord, it will be justified to gain the world.

“Very good.”

Han believed Meng Yi’s words.

After all, Meng Yi would never make a joke about this kind of thing.

What really makes Han Fei happy is his identity as a master.

The eldest son of King Qin, the eldest son of Da Qin.

As their own confidants, they are the only confidants who know their own ambitions.

They have all heard from the Lord that King Qin is a general, and now they have the power of King Qin. As long as King Qin is there, the Lord will serve Da Qin without any disagreement, but if King Qin falls, the Lord will definitely not To surrender the incompetent sons of King Qin.

The meaning is obvious.


Zhao Qi’s ambition is not to put power in the hands, but to truly rule the world.

As the confidants of their own masters.

Han Fei, Tu Wei and the others are unswerving, and they will pay all to follow what the Lord will do in the future.

Even if it will be difficult for the Lord to seize the world in the future, it will not hesitate.

but now.

Knowing the identity of his master, Han Fei immediately realized it.

In the future, the Lord will no longer be nameless to contend for the world, but will have a real chance to conquer the world.

Because he is the son of King Qin.

in this era.

Bloodline and identity are extremely important.

Looking at Daqin’s current officials and powerful courtiers in charge of one party.

Almost all came from a famous school or a famous teacher, and Zhao is not a famous school, nor is it taught by a famous teacher. It can be said that it is unique.

In the future, if Zhao Qi wants to conquer the world, it will take a lot of hard work to suppress those who are sick, but with the status of the eldest son of King Qin, the result will be different.

The world in the future is bound to be unified by Da Qin, and Zhao Qi is orthodox.

For Han Fei’s question.

Meng Yi was not surprised.

Because when he didn’t know it at the beginning, Meng Yi was also surprised by his father’s answer.

“The king has already decided.”

“After the world is ruled, Wu Anjun’s mother will be named the queen, and then he will recognize Wu Anjun. At that time, Wu Anjun is no longer an illegitimate son, but the eldest son of my Daqin 627.”

“Taking advantage of this, the king will make Wu Anjun the crown prince and crown prince.”

Meng Yi said again.

Heard this.

Han Fei was completely moved.

He naturally knows what it means.

If it is what King Qin really said, to chase the master’s mother as the queen, the master as the eldest son, and then the crown prince, then Da Qin’s future belongs to the master.

“Are you serious?”

“The king really wants to be crowned prince?” Han Fei asked sternly.

“This is what the king said to my father himself, can it be false?” Meng Yi said with a smile.


“I understand.”

“In the past, the king did not allow the Lord’s mother to stay with him. It should be forced by Qin’s clan and nobles. Now if he rashly recognizes the Lord, although he will restore his identity, the Lord will also become the target of everyone. Even those princes are united against.”

“Such internal fighting will not only cause the Lord to encounter a crisis, but also cause Daqin’s internal turmoil. Although Daqin has a strong national power and a unified trend, there are still Qi Chuyan in the world, and the external troubles have not been eliminated.

“The king is thinking about recognizing the Lord after the world is ruled. This is the best.

“At that time, Da Qin ruled the world, and foreign troubles were fixed. No matter how fierce the court is, there is no fear of the king.”

Han Fei is a wise man, he can get through at one point.

I instantly understood the key to everything.

Such talents.

No wonder Li Si was so jealous of him.

“It’s worthy of being a young man.”

“Just one point.

“Now I know that my Meng family is the same as you, and they are both supporters of Wu Anjun.”

“Our Meng family has absolutely no malice towards Wu Anjun, because our Meng family is in the same boat as Wu Anjun.” Meng Yi said to Han Fei.

Han Fei nodded: “Nevertheless, we are still different.”

“What’s the difference?” Meng Yi said.

“You are loyal to the Lord’s identity, not the Lord’s identity, and I am loyal to the Lord’s identity, not the Lord’s identity.””Do you understand this truth?” Han Fei raised his head and looked at Meng Yi.

Although they are all alone.

But one is loyal to one’s identity, and one is loyal to others.

The meaning is completely different.

It can be said.

The allegiance of the Meng family is the surname Wang Quan, the eldest son of Zhao Qi Daqin.

But there is also a disaster. If the kingship does not belong to the king, or the future king does not recognize Zhao Qi as the prince, these are all consequences. Although it is difficult to change, they are also regarded as troubles in the eyes of Han Fei.

He is different from Han Fei. He is finally Zhao Qi, who will never change no matter how his identity changes.

This is what distinguishes him from Meng Yi and even the Meng family.

Hear Han Fei’s words.

Meng Yi was silent.


Although they have one thing in common, Zhao Qi is the main one, but this one is different.

“You are right, my Meng family is indeed different from you.” Meng Yi nodded.

“All right.”

“Today’s matter.”

“I will rot in my stomach, and likewise, what I told you will also rot in my stomach.”


That’s it.

Han Fei has nothing to say to Meng Yi.

after all.

Although Zhao Qi is the main one, but his beliefs are different. Han Fei can do everything for Zhao Qi, even his life, regardless of the identity of the son, but the Meng family is not necessarily.

What if Zhao Qi does not have this identity?

Will they die for Zhao?

The answer seems obvious.

Han Fei will naturally not have a real relationship with the Meng family until Zhao is truly King Qi Cheng, who is in charge of the world.

“Dare to ask.”

“I wonder how many of you have allegiance to Jun Wuan?”

“Also, what exactly is martial art?

Meng Yi looked at Han Fei who turned around, Yu Guang looked at the stone pillar that was photographed by his palm, and couldn’t help but ask after all.

“When you truly become the Lord’s confidant, the Lord will naturally tell you.”

“And now,

Han Fei said: “Obviously you are not.”

“Farewell, Master Meng.

“Thank you for your doubts.”

Han Fei clasped his hands together and was not rude.

But knowing what the other party was thinking, Han Fei didn’t talk as much as before. The key is that the identities of the two were both broken.


Han Fei just turned around and left.

Meng Yi left in contemplation.

He walked slowly to the stone pillar, stroking the seal with his hand toward the hall, as deep as it was cut with a chisel, and the stone pillar was covered with cracked souls.

“Is this really something human can do?”

“Budo, what exactly is it?

“Wu Anjun, what is the secret?

“Could it be that Jun Wu’an is really an immortal who didn’t come down to earth?”

Meng Yi muttered to himself.

Seeing this big secret with his own eyes, Meng Yi’s days to come will definitely be difficult to calm down.

After all, this secret is too big.

But if this secret is spread out, I’m afraid no one will believe it yet.

“Although you and I are all for the Lord, there are differences between you and me. You are loyal to the identity of the Lord, and the person I am loyal to is the Lord.”

This sentence buzzed in Meng Yi’s mind.

Naturally, he can clearly understand the key to this.

after all.

They did not enter the core level that belonged to Zhao Qi’s command, and even his Meng family and Zhao Qi only had friendship, and they did not really make clear that they were invested in Zhao Qi’s command.

“In this matter, we really need to take one step at a time.”

“From now on, no one can see through what Wu Anjun has and hidden.

“It seems that I must find my father to come to Xianyang for a discussion.”

Meng Yi must have thought of it secretly.

The next day.

Zhao Qi had a good night’s sleep.

It became refreshed.


come together.

On the edge of the couch, there are a few young women in palace costumes, all of whom are very beautiful.

“You are?”

Zhao Qi glanced up. These women were not wearing the clothes of servants, but he didn’t seem to have seen them before.

“Back to Master.”

“We are the concubine room given to the master by the king.”

A woman replied respectfully.

“Oh, I see.”

Zhao immediately returned to his senses.

Qin Shihuang was really good to himself.

When Korea was destroyed in the past.

I gave myself two princesses of Han, and when he destroyed Zhao, he gave himself two princesses of Zhao. Now that Wei is destroyed, I am afraid I will give myself two princesses of Wei.

The noble stomachs of the former royal family have now become their own concubines.

Maybe soon.

Wait for the Qi Chuyan Three Kingdoms to be annihilated.

It is estimated that Qin Shihuang will give himself the princesses of the Three Kingdoms again to make himself full.

Zhao Qi gave it a glance.

The four princesses in front of them are all good-looking and stunning.

But Zhao Qi didn’t (adbc) too nostalgic.

As far as his current position is concerned, he doesn’t have any kind of woman he wants.

Like Qin Shihuang, there are countless concubines in the harem, but after all, it is not true love, just to pass on the family and continue the blood.

The same is true for Zhao Qi.

It is enough to have a mother in your heart, and the other is a kind of enjoyment in this era.

“Where is Yan’er?”

Zhao Qi asked.

“Back to Master.”

The wife “is cooking chicken soup for the master.” A concubine said respectfully.

“This mother.” There was a happy smile in Zhao Qi’s eyes.

Now I should be called a truly successful person in this era.

Both children.

Wife and virtuous.

“Master, concubine serves you to change clothes.”

The four concubine rooms walked to Zhao Qi’s side and said gently and respectfully.

For them.

Has lost the dignity of the past and is no longer a princess.

However, compared with other members of their royal family, they are banned and not free, and they will be given to others at will.

Their fate is pretty good.

At least the one who was bestowed was Wu Anjun, the most powerful man in Daqin, and he was still very young, and the wife of the main house in Wuanjun’s mansion was very gentle and did not oppress them, which made them feel fortunate.

After a while.

Ran out of meals.

“Mom’s craftsmanship is good.”

“My husband likes it very much.

Zhao Qi picked Li Yan’er’s chin and said teasingly.

“Brother knows to bully me.” Li Yan’er was sent to the police, her pretty face blushing.


“The two little guys haven’t come back?”

Zhao Qi suddenly returned to his senses.

“They are very attached to the king. Sometimes they don’t go home, so they just rest with the king.” Li Yan’er replied gently.

“These two little guys are really not welcome, they even take the palace as their own.”

Zhao Qi has some taste.

As a foreign minister, his sons and daughters often stay in the palace, which is truly unique.

Looking at the whole court.

Which minister’s son or daughter has such an honor?

To be able to be taken by the current king himself, but also to take a rest together to take care of them.

“They are bold.” Li Yan’er replied with a smile.


“The king is really kind to our family.”

Especially “For the two little guys, if you go out, others will think that the king is the grandfather of the two little guys.” Zhao Qi said with some sigh.

Heard this.

Li Yan’er secretly said in her heart: “It’s not my grandfather, brother, I really want to tell you, but for you, I can’t tell you now. I still have to wait for my father to tell you all this.”

“is very good.”

“So brother, you must also be nice to the king.” Li Yan’er said with a smile.

“Of course.”

“I’m just a little bit.”

“If others treat me well, I will treat him well.”

“If others are bad to me, I will be bad to him.

Zhao Qi smiled and picked Li Yan’er’s chin again.

Then stand up.

Walked towards the outside of the hall.

“I went to the palace.

“You have a good rest at home.” Zhao Qi smiled.


Li Yan’er nodded obediently.

Until Zhao Qi left.Several concubine rooms immediately came to Li Ma’er and bowed, “Madam.”

“You guys get ready tonight.”

“It’s rare for your husband to come back. You should also perform your duties as the husband’s concubine’s room.” Li Yan’er smiled at the concubine’s room.

“Mrs. Xie.”

Hearing this, several concubines immediately looked at Li Ma’er gratefully.

They didn’t know that it was the lady who was giving them a chance.

For Li Yan.

She is not a jealous woman.

For her, the most important thing in life is her brother and two children who are connected by blood.

And in this era, especially when her brother is so good, she will never have her alone, so she is very open-minded, and she is the wife of Zhao Qi Mingzhong, and no one can shake her status.

Go to the palace today.

Zhao Qi did not ride a blood tiger.

Instead, he was riding in the six-horse carriage of the Wu’an Jun’s Mansion and headed towards the palace.

Just arrived at the gate of the palace.

The guard on duty saw a six-horse carriage driving, and immediately gave way and opened the palace gate.

“Welcome to Wu Anjun.

The sharp guards on duty have a fanatical expression on their faces.

One day.

Under the intentional propaganda of Yingzheng.

Assassins of the Yan Kingdom assassin, Wu Anjun Zhao Qi rushed from Wei to three days and three nights to kill the assassins, the news of the rescue of the king has spread in Xianyang, and has spread to all parts of the Great Qin territory.

Wu Anjun Zhao Qi’s work in saving the king will soon be known to the world.

Accompanied by.

There is also Da Qin’s war script against Yan, and the Credentials of Qi and Chu have also been drafted.

“You guys have worked hard.

Zhao Qi stretched out his head and smiled at the guard on duty.

“Thank you Wu Anjun for your praise.

Hearing Zhao Qi’s voice, all the guards on duty were full of enthusiasm.

Wu Anjun Zhao Qi.

In Daqin’s army, he was like a god of war, and made all the sharp soldiers in awe.

Drive all the way into the palace.



We arrived at Zhangtai Palace.


Zhao Qi saw her two children playing with Yingzheng’s little princesses, and it was a great joy.

Moreover, looking at the appearance of the two little guys, they are completely familiar with each other in the palace, and they are not afraid of life at all.


Zhao Qi said to the little guys who were playing.

Hear the sound.

The little princesses saw Zhao Qi immediately.

“Big brother.

“It’s you.”

“You’re back.”

When Ying Yinyuan and the others saw Zhao Qi, they were also happy.

Surrounded immediately.

The two little guys looked at their fathers being surrounded, suddenly anxious.


“Aunt, this is my dad, you can’t grab it.”

“This is my dad…”

The cute faces of the two little guys were anxious, and they leaned towards their father, but couldn’t get in.


“Two little naughty people.

Zhao Qi laughed.

walk over.

Picked up the two little guys.


The two little guys became proud again.

It seems to be saying that our dad is ours again.

Children of this age have this kind of personality.


“Daddy is here.”

Zhao Yuqi shouted at the hall.

“Boy, come in.”

Yingzheng’s majestic voice came from the hall.

“Qi’er, Cong’er, you guys are having fun outside, Dad will go in and have something with you Aye.”

Zhao Qi said gently to the two children.

Then put it down.

Strode into the Zhangtai Palace.

PS: Seek to fix, ask for monthly pass, thank you very much.

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