Chapter 157 The Lord Is the Eldest Son? What is Martial Art?

However, Ying Zheng was not idle either.

Immediately put the two maps on the table, and then followed their eyes to compare.

After a while.

There was a sneer on Zheng’s face: “This Yan Dan, as expected, presented a problematic map.

“This place of oversight, as well as the major military cities of Yan Kingdom, have been deliberately wrongly drawn. He just wanted to use this fake map to lead my Da Qin Ruishi off, and then fall into his trap.

“Boy, fortunately you reminded that this guy Yan Dan is extremely insidious, and he is almost fooled by this fake map.” Yingzheng smiled at Zhao.

“In the future, this fake map can be used to make a fuss about Yan Guo.” Zhao Qi glanced at the fake map, and suddenly smiled.

Ying Zheng was taken aback, and instantly understood.

“Yan Dan used the fake maps to make the fake and the real. Naturally, I feel that the widows will be convinced, so they will set up ambushes in these fake places, and I can take this opportunity to counter ambushes.” Ying Zheng laughed.


Zhao Qi nodded.

“You kid.”

“It’s worthy of a hundred battles and victorious. As long as you have any omissions, you can accurately catch it. You are worthy of the Wuanjun of the widow.” Yingzheng laughed, but when the words came to the lips, he immediately changed his words and almost missed his words.

“This time, the country of Yan has been sent to the teacher to become famous.

“I don’t know when the king is going to attack the swallows? Which camp is going to be sent?” Zhao Qi asked with more concern.

Zhao Qi didn’t want to let go of this opportunity to fight, and Zhao Qi didn’t want to miss the power of killing the king.

My Handan camp is located in Zhaodi, and it is also the closest to the Yan State in the Daqin camps, but the key is that the Wei State has just been settled. If his army goes on an expedition, Wei Di may have missed something.

“It’s not in a hurry to attack the swallows.

“My Daqin has just decided Wei, and consumes too much money and food. Although Daqin is a military empire, it takes time to recover.” Yingzheng said solemnly.

“If the great king decides to attack Yan, then he must take advantage of this momentum, and the kingdom of Yan will assassinate the king and lead me to the anger of Da Qin Thunder, and he will take advantage of this anger to destroy Yan with thunder.

“Within four months at most, it is necessary to build troops and not to delay for too long.” Zhao Qi said aloud.

“This matter, the widow will think about it.” Ying Zheng nodded and smiled, then looked at Zhao Qi and said: “It’s you, how long are you going to rest in Xianyang this time?

At least “Half a month.”

“Originally, the minister planned to completely settle the matter of Wei and Land before returning, but he didn’t want to save the matter of Yan Dan’s assassination.” Zhao Qi replied with a smile.


“Be with Mom and them more.” Ying Zheng nodded.

Just when the words fell.



The temple door opened.

The two little guys rushed directly into the hall.

Li Yan’er walked in slowly, but the expression on her face was worried, and when she saw the unharmed Ying Zheng, she was also relieved.

Since knowing the true identity of Ying Zheng, Li Ma’er naturally regarded her as a true relative.

After all, that was his brother’s biological father, his father-in-law.

If something happens to win the government.

Then my brother hasn’t recognized each other yet, and he will definitely be sad in the future.

“My lord, are you okay?”

After Li Yan’er entered the palace, she saluted Ying Zheng first.

“Haha, kid Qi, look at how sensible your mother is, and know that you are taking her grandson to see me.” Ying Zheng smiled very happily.

Then he held his two grandchildren, one in each hand.

“Majesty, the conscience of heaven and earth.

“I ran thousands of miles back to Xianyang to save you.” Zhao Qi said speechlessly.

“That’s right, your kid is still conscientious, and you are so good to you.” Yingzheng said with a smile.

This is the day of family harmony that Yingzheng wants.

The family is together, there is no scruples, and it is lively.


In the depths of Yingzheng’s heart, what I look forward to most is to be able to see his Dong’er again, and father and son recognize each other.

Compared with the kingship, this is what is most anticipated to win the government.

Dong’er “I have a very good relationship with our son now.”

“When I meet him in the future, he will definitely forgive me.” Ying Zheng thought secretly in his heart.

“I haven’t seen you for a day, do you think Aye?”

Ying Zheng knelt down and said, looking at the two grandchildren.


The two little guys said very well-behaved.

“Ha ha.”

“It’s not in vain Aye loves you, and I know I think about Aye.” Ying Zheng smiled gently.

Then looked at Zhao Qi and Li Ma’er.

“You haven’t rested for three days and three nights. Take Ma’er back first, and come to Zhangtai Palace tomorrow to see the widows.” Yingzheng said to Zhao Qi.

“Do you want to come tomorrow?” Zhao Qi was startled.

“Why? Not willing?”

Ying Zheng frowned, and said somewhat irritably.

Zhangtai Palace is his palace of King Qin.

In the courtroom, I don’t know how many people want to enter Zhangtai Palace to live with him alone and discuss state affairs, but this Zhao Xiaozi doesn’t have this idea at all, and he can’t wait to stay away from him.

“Yes”, why not.

“The minister will come back tomorrow.

Zhao Qi compensated with a smile immediately.

Then he took Li Yan’er’s hand and walked out of Zhangtai Palace.

“This brat.”

“Look at how much you want to hide in front of Laozi.”

“Continuous crossbows, espionage forces, and unpredictable methods of tame beasts, even the most ferocious insects have been trained by you to become an army.” Looking at Zhao Qi’s back, he won the government very much.

My own son is really hiding too deep.

Don’t look at him now that he has indeed become the superior Wu Anjun of Da Qin, but Ying Zheng knows that his son’s abilities have not been fully used, and he does not know how much he has hidden.

Back home.

“Boy.”Are you OK.”

As soon as he got home, Xia Wuqi greeted him, seemingly ready to go out.

“Old Xia, I’m fine.” Zhao Qi replied with a smile.

“It’s okay if you are fine, right?

“I just learned that the king was assassinated.” Xia Wuqi also asked very concerned.

“The assassins are dead, the king is okay, are you planning to enter the palace?” Zhao Qi replied.


“I’m going to enter the palace to see the king.” Xia Wuqi said.

“Then go old Xia, and I will go back to the house to rest for a while.” Zhao Qi nodded.


Xia Wuqi directly got on the carriage in the mansion and headed to the palace.

Back to the room.

“Yan’er, how are you doing? Nothing happened in Xianyang, right?” Zhao Qi asked gently.

“With the great king’s care, no one dares to offend us, and Grandpa Xia also takes care of the mansion. The family is very good, nothing is wrong,” Li Yan’er replied.

Of course.

Ma’er Li was actually playing drums in her heart. She had found her brother’s father, but because of Ying Zheng’s explanation and for the safety of her brother, he couldn’t say yet.

“That’s good.”

Zhao Qi nodded in relief.

He is now Emperor Wu’an of the Great Qin Dynasty, and with this level of identity, no one in this entire Xianyang city dares to offend himself.

Mongolian House.

Meng Yi and Han Fei sat facing each other. The last time they met, both of them put their guards down on each other, because in their eyes, they both regarded each other as their own.

“Today’s crisis, the king’s life hangs by a thread, and Wu Anjun suddenly came back and rescued the king. It really is like the sky has fallen, and he has made such a great contribution. In the eyes of the king, Wu Anjun’s position can no longer be shaken.”

“This matter should be celebrated with a cup.” Han Fei said to Meng Yi with a smile on his face, raised the wine glass, and respected Meng Yi.

“Fuck.” Meng Yi also smiled, clinking glasses and drinking.

Both the guest and the host enjoyed the wine and enjoyed it very much.

“Speaking of which, although brother Meng’s Royal Palace wine rewarded by the king is good, it is still a lot worse than Wu Anjun’s Wangyou Wine.” Han Fei drank the wine and said with emotion.

“You are right. Last time, thanks to the great king Hongfu, he gave me a bottle of Wangyou wine. The wine is really sweet and delicious, and it is intoxicating.” Meng Yi said with a smile.

The two drank wine and were also delighted that Zhao Qi suddenly returned to save the king today.

Today’s salvation was saved in seconds, and saved well.

This will also make Zhao Wuanjun’s position no one can shake.

Three rounds of wine.

Meng Yi and Han Fei are also completely enthusiastic.

“Brother Han”, it’s now, are you still hiding with me?

“Let’s say, when did you join Wu’an Jun?”

Meng Yi said slightly drunk.

“When are you?” Han Fei also asked curiously.


“Just in the year that Mrs. Wu Anjun gave birth to Dragon and Phoenix Lin’er, since then, my Meng family has chosen Wu Anjun.” Meng Yi replied with a smile, without concealing anything.

after all.

The last time the two of them had each other’s last time, they both recognized each other’s identities.

All belong to Zhao Qi.

Hear Meng Yi’s words.

Some slightly drunk Han Fei was also surprised: “Could it be that you didn’t vote for the Lord alone, but the entire Meng family?”

When the wife gave birth to Lin’er.

It seems that his own admiral has not yet been named an admiral.

At that time, Meng Wu was the grand general of Qin, Meng Tian was the leader of the party, and Meng Yi was one of the nine Qings.

With such an identity, all of them have been put under the command of their own master?

Are you kidding me?

Could it be that “the master demonstrated martial arts strength at that time, and the town served the Meng family?” Han Fei couldn’t help but think.

At this moment, Han Fei couldn’t help but admire his master’s courage, and even let the Meng family surrender him.


Han Fei couldn’t understand what he thought.

Meng Yi chose to surrender to his lord alone, maybe it is excusable, but the entire Meng family surrendered to his lord?

This seems impossible.

The Meng family was loyal to the Qin Dynasty in the era, and it seemed really impossible for them to submit to someone outside of the royal power.

“With Wu Anjun’s identity, shouldn’t my Meng family be effective?” Meng Yi didn’t hear the surprise in Han Fei’s words, and smiled slightly.


Meng Yi asked again: “Speaking of which, when were you? I heard that you were going to die with Han, then Wu Anjun persuaded you.”

“Yes, I surrendered to the Lord at that time.

“It was also at that time that the Lord saved my life and taught me martial arts.” Han Fei replied with a smile, and then asked: “Speaking of which, you have been loyal to the Lord for a long time, and the martial arts level has been achieved. What level is it?”

“What?” Meng Yi was taken aback, raised his head in confusion, and said subconsciously.

But the bottom of my heart is a bit inexplicable.

What is Han Fei talking about?

What martial arts cultivation is?

What reached what level?

Han Fei was a little drunk, thinking that Meng Yi hadn’t heard clearly.

So stood up.

A little drunk walked to a pillar.

Then raised his hand.

-The palm hit the pillar.

With a bang.

A crack appeared directly on this beam, with a deep palm print on it.

See this scene.

The wine glass in Meng Yi’s hand suddenly fell, and the whole person was shocked.

“Han, Brother Han.”

“You, are you a man or a ghost?”

After a moment, Meng Yi said in a shocked tone.

A stone pillar, no matter how strong it is, it should be able to tremble, but Han Fei actually hit a crack on the stone pillar with one palm, and there is also a palm imprint like a brand.


“Doesn’t the Lord teach you to fail?”

Han Fei turned his head blankly and looked at Meng Yi.

“What martial arts? Jun Wu An didn’t teach me.” Meng Yi replied subconsciously.


Han Fei was also shocked.


Things are not right with what he imagined.

It’s not good. Didn’t Meng Yi enter the real confidant core of the Lord, I actually leaked the martial arts to him?

Han Fei’s drunkenness at the moment was completely washed away by a panic.

The power he just demonstrated is the power of martial arts.

But at this moment, Meng Yi’s performance was never seen before, so there was only one possibility. Meng Yi had never been in contact with martial arts, and had never seen it.

When the master uploaded the teaching of martial arts, he set the rules. Without his order, no one can tell it to anyone. Once it is said, kill it.

This time.

A panic enveloped Han Fei’s body.

“Fortunately, I just showed it to Meng Yi, and I don’t want to admit it later, so even if he says it, no one will believe it.”

“Then once again petition the Lord, hoping to be forgiven by the Lord.

The resourceful Han Fei immediately thought of a solution.


Han Fei said immediately, but the next moment, he remembered what Meng Yi said at the beginning: “Then what was the return you said you received from the Lord?”

“Don’t you know Wu Anjun’s identity?”

Meng Yi was stunned and looked at Han Fei strangely.

But looking at the palm print on the stone pillar, Meng Yi seemed to have come into contact with a whole new world.

Although he is a civil servant, he comes from a family of military and martial arts, and he is naturally armed, but like Han Fei’s slapped stone pillar, let alone he can’t do it, even a real enemy of ten thousand people can’t do it.

“The identity of the master is not Wu Anjun, what kind of identity can he have?” Han Fei also said in an angry voice.

This time.

He felt that he was brought into the pit by Meng Yi.

I think too much.

Maybe Meng Yi thinks too much.

The last sentence of the two of them the last time they met, and then the two wise men made associations in their own minds, and they both thought wrong in the end.

This is where the situation is now.

“You do not know?”

Meng Yi’s eyes widened and stared at Han Fei.

“What do you know?” Han Fei’s expression changed slightly.

If you describe it in modern terms, then Han Fei and Meng Yi are not on the same channel at all. He thinks he thinks, and the other thinks he thinks.

“Now, I don’t know if I should say it.”

Meng Yi was distressed now.

“What the hell is it?”

“I have already told you a lot. Originally, I thought you were also the Lord, but now it seems that I was wrong.

“At first, I was surprised that your Meng family is loyal to King Qin, how can you be loyal to the Lord and a foreign minister?”

“It seems that you have been fooling me.” Han Fei looked at Meng Yi’s gaze becoming a little cold.


Only two people met today. After leaving today, if Meng Yi went to talk nonsense, no one would believe it.

This time.

Han Fei seemed to understand.

It is indeed a little impractical for the Mengjia to act as his own master.

All of this is Meng Yi bluffing him, to set out his relationship with the Lord.

After thinking about it this way, everything was figured out.

“I didn’t lie to you.”

“It’s just that what I think is different from what you think.”

“But we have one thing in common, centering on Wu Anjun.

“At first I thought you knew Wu Anjun’s identity, but you thought I learned what martial arts you said.”

Seeing Han Fei’s expression turn cold, Meng Yi immediately explained.

Although the two seem to have disagreements.

But one thing is certain.

The two are not enemies, but people who belong to Zhao Qi’s side.

“What you said in your mouth, what identity does the Lord still have?”

“If you don’t tell me, then I’ll leave it alone. I will also ask the Lord for the matter today, but if you go out and talk nonsense, no one will believe you.” Han Fei said coldly, full of Meng Yi. It’s prepared.

It’s completely lost the friendship from the previous meeting.

after all.

Both of them were wrong at first.

If two people are ordinary people, neither are smart people, and maybe they don’t think too much because of a sentence, but it happens that both of them are smart people, so both of them think wrong, and mistakenly think that each other is both. The same people.


One is just loyal to one identity and supports Zhao Qi.

The other is a person who is truly loyal to Zhao Qi, but belongs to Zhao Zhenqi’s confidant, not about identity, not about kingship.

It is also in the same point that the two people are Zhao Qi in the court, which makes both of them have an illusion.

Be friendly.

Seeing this, Meng Yi knew that if he didn’t say anything, Han Fei would leave, and the relationship between the two would not be able to ease.

“Brother Han, please sit down first.

Meng Yi took his seat again.

Han Fei took a cold look, not afraid of Meng Yi, and took his seat again, just watching quietly, waiting for an answer.

“If this matter is told to you, you must not tell it to the outside world, even if Wu Anjun can’t tell it, otherwise, something big will happen.Before telling Han Fei, Meng Yi warned seriously.

“Why can’t I tell the lord because of the identity of the lord?” Han Fei frowned.

“You must agree before I can tell you, otherwise, if you tell Wu Anjun, once he can’t help it, it will have a great impact on him, and even life crisis.” Meng Yi said solemnly again.

“Really so serious?” Han Fei said solemnly.

“En.” Meng Yi nodded heavily: “Don’t worry, my Mao family will never be against Wu Anjun. If not, I have been in the court for such a long time. As long as it is related to Wu Anjun, my Meng family can Didn’t speak for Wu Anjun once?”

“Okay, I promise you.

“If it really affects the Lord’s safety, I will never tell the Lord.” Han Fei said in a deep voice.

Hear this.

Meng Yi nodded, then said in a serious tone: “In fact, Wu Anjun is not a foreign minister.”

“He is the eldest son of today’s king.”

“My eldest son of Da Qin.

The words fell off.

Han Fei stood up abruptly, staring at Meng Yi with wide eyes, with a look of disbelief.

“Master Meng, are you joking with me?”

“How could the Lord be the son of the great king?”

“And Daqin’s eldest son is not Fusu?”

“How could it be the Lord?”

“As far as I know, the lord grew up in a small mountain village in Yongcheng, not the delicate princes in the palace.” Han Fei said full of doubts.

This news really surprised Han Fei, he didn’t believe it at all.

“As Wu Anjun’s confidant, you should know the situation in Wu Anjun’s home.”

“Wu Anjun lost his mother at the age of seventeen and only joined the army afterwards. Can you hear Wu Anjun telling him about his father?” Meng Yi said.


“The Lord grew up in Lijia Village. He was raised by the dead old lady. There is no trace of his father. The Lord has been looking for it, but there is no trace.” Han Fei nodded.

“You have only entered Daqin in the past few years. You don’t know what happened when the king returned to Qin. When the king returned to Qin, there was a woman by your side, and that woman was Wu Anjun’s mother and the king’s most important thing. Careful woman.

“The king did not stand for so many years because of Wu Anjun’s mother.” Meng Yi said in a deep voice.

The secret fortunes of Daqin in the past were spoken out.

These things.

If it weren’t for the old Qin officials who had experienced it before, the foreign officials wouldn’t know it, because no one would mention it.

And today.

It is also the first time Han Fei heard this secret about Daqin.

Although he didn’t realize what Meng Yidao had said decades ago, he knew one thing.

This huge Qin Empire.

There really is no queen.

Even if it was Fusu, the eldest son who was valued by many dignitaries, his biological mother, Mrs. Zheng, was never established.


King Qin Yingzheng didn’t plan to stand up at all.

And today one day.

There is such a hidden secret.

(Wang is good) Han Fei was completely shocked.

“What you said is true?”

After a long time, Han Fei looked at Meng Yi with a complicated expression.

“How could I lie to you at this time?” Meng Yi replied sternly.

“I’m slow.”

“The Lord’s mother is the woman that the Lord once valued the most. For her, the Lord didn’t even have a queen, and the queen’s seat has been vacant. All this is because of the Lord’s mother?” Han Fei murmured, still a little difficult. Believable.


Meng Yi nodded: “Do you know why the imperial physician Xia Wuqi is so valued by the king? And do you always stay in the Wuanjun mansion to take care of it?”

“Why?” Han Fei looked up.

“Because he is the biological father of Wu Anjun’s mother, and he is Wu Anjun’s grandfather.” Meng Yi once again threw a heavyweight.

“Do you know what you are talking about?”

“How does he feel about the Lord?” Han Fei asked, but his tone was much better for Meng Yi, not so hostile.

after all.

He now wants to understand why Meng Yi said that before.

Good help Zhao Qi will pay off.

With Zhao Qi’s identity, there is a chance to become the king of Daqin in the future. This is the reward, not the martial art that Han Fei thought.

Because of this, both people think that each other is Zhao Qi’s most confidant.

But never thought.

One is a real confidant.

The other one, which can also be called a family, is the one who has been behind the scenes and silently helped Zhao Qi.

“The king naturally already knows the identity of Wu Anjun.” Meng Yi said with a smile immediately.

He can also see that Han Fei’s attitude towards him has changed, at least now he has regained the trust of Han Fei.

Otherwise, let Han Fei leave today.

Go back and tell Zhao Qi that he was bluffed by Meng Yi, and that his Meng family would no longer be trusted by Zhao Qi. The consequences would be disastrous.

This is not what Meng Yi wants to see.

“Then why doesn’t the king recognize the Lord?”

Han Fei asked.

But this problem fell off.

Han Fei thought about it, and then immediately understood.

“Is it because the king is worried that he will be threatened if he recognizes the Lord? After all, if the identity of the Lord is the son of the king, he will have the opportunity to fight for the prince and even the throne.”

“The Lord has a high power and is in awe of the Daqin’s millions of soldiers. If the Lord recognizes the great king and has a well-known identity, even if he is an illegitimate child, he is also a winning royal family, and he can compete with the princes on his own status.

“Moreover, all the princes will look at the main enemy, various targets, and even killers.” Han Fei said in a deep voice, he wanted to understand the point of the matter in an instant.

“You understand it well.

“But one thing, you said something went wrong.” Meng Yi smiled, his face serious.

“What’s wrong?” Han Fei looked at Meng Yi.

“If the son recognizes the king, he will not be an illegitimate child.”


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