Chapter 156

Looking at these crying sons in front of me.

Only Fusu’s performance was fairly normal, with worry on his face, not so rude, and the others were all in a variety of ways.

Ying Zheng saw it, but he didn’t feel any move in his heart.

Compared with the affection of their own children, these sons who grew up in the palace since childhood have no affection for themselves at all, and some have only fear. Perhaps they are also anxious to die by themselves.

Only when they are dead can they have a chance to compete for this position.

But apart from the black ice platform, no one knows that the victory has been laid out long ago.

If he really encountered an accident, then it would be impossible for these sons to inherit the throne, and they would not be qualified.

Thought of this.

“Today’s assassination is also enough to show that I made the final edict in advance. If I really have any accidents, they will not be enough to stabilize my Daqin. Except for Qi Er, none of them have the qualifications and ability.” At this moment, Zheng also admires his wise move to make a will.

This is preparing for the worst.


Yingzheng glanced at these sons indifferently.

“No one has anything to do.


“Widow and Jun Wu have something to discuss.”

Winning government doesn’t bother to look at their contrived appearances.

Because Zheng couldn’t tell whether they were true or false.

But for his own Qi Er, the victory is obvious.

Emphasis on love and righteousness.

For three days and three nights, if it weren’t for him, he would have died.

In contrast.

Ying Zheng looked down on these sons in the palace more and more.

Hearing Ying Zheng’s words, these sons calmed down slightly, and then-bowed and retreated to the outside of the hall.

However, looking at Zhao Qi from the corner of their eyes, they all seemed to think about each other.

“Xin Sheng, you can withdraw too.

Ying Zheng faced Xin Shengdao.

“My lord, how do you deal with these two daggers?” Xin Sheng asked respectfully.

“Why don’t the king give him to the minister?”

“These two daggers are rare magic weapons.” Zhao Qi spoke appropriately.

Mrs. Xu’s seven heads, fish sausages, these are all magic weapons recorded in history. They are especially good at assassins. They will be given to Dunwei in the future, and they will definitely be able to achieve more corresponding effects.

“Since Wu Anjun wants it, then give it to Wu Anjun.” Naturally, Yingzheng would not refuse.

In the future, this huge Great Qin Empire will belong to Zhao Qi, so don’t talk about these two daggers.


Xin Sheng did not hesitate, and handed Jing Ke respectfully to Zhao Qi, who naturally took it over without hesitation.

“The minister retired.

Xin Sheng bowed his head and left Zhangtai Palace.

Outsiders leave.

Victory returned to freedom.

“These rebellious sons, although worried on their faces, may wish me to die.”

Yingzheng couldn’t help cursing.

“How can the king say that.”

At least “There are still genuine worries in it. For example, Fusuna. Although he is a staid person, at least he is really worried about you.

Zhao Qi answered honestly.

Stand aside.

I just caught the expressions of those sons in my eyes.

It’s clear what is pretending and not pretending.

For example, in history, the second Qin Emperor Hu Hai cried so much tears and nose, but there was no fluctuation in his eyes, obviously just pretending.

It can be seen that this guy is still a little bit scheming, otherwise he won’t be able to win a place in history.”Fusu wasn’t opposed to you at the beginning, you still speak for Fusu?” Yingzheng said with a smile.

“What a relative.”

In the final analysis, “It’s just his character. If I just verbally argue against him like this, I will hate him for a lifetime, then my temperament is too narrow.” Zhao Qi replied with a smile.

After all.

Fusu is not bad.

And the reputation in history is also good. Of course, this reputation has nothing to do with national politics, but his personal reputation. History has been recorded. Fusu has a pure heart and is also very benevolent, and is deeply loved by the people.

After the death of Qin Ershi Hu Hai.

Even the remnants of the Six Kingdoms used the name of Fusu to destroy Qin. It is conceivable how famous Fusu was in history.

But it’s a pity.

He was crooked by the Confucianism of this era.

It also made his character become like this.

If not.

After changing other mentors, even Li, Fusu’s vision will be more broadened, not the way it is now.

“Boy, you deserve it.

“The open-mindedness of mind is by no means comparable to others.

Seeing Zhao Qi like this, Ying Zheng was even more relieved.

And this moment.

Ying Zheng suddenly came up with an idea: “If you give Fusu to you, what do you think?”

Heard this.

Zhao Qi hurriedly waved his hand: “My lord, don’t hurt me. Yichen’s temper in the army. If he offends the minister, the minister will kill. Although he is your son, there is no father and son in the army. The minister will not have any scruples.”

“Furthermore, with his temperament, he is convinced of the teacher who taught him, the minister can’t change it, you can find another wise.”

Seeing Zhao Qi’s decisive refusal.

Ying Zheng was also a little disappointed.

In fact, it is in Yingzheng’s heart.

He was anxious to throw all those sons to Zhao Qi to teach him.

From ancient times to the present.

There is a good saying.

The eldest brother is like a father.

Zhao Qi is his eldest son who won politics and the eldest brother of other sons.

Teach them, as it should be.

“So, then forget it.”

Seeing Zhao Qi’s resolute refusal, there is no demand for winning the government.

But in Zhao Qi’s view, he was also relieved.

“Fortunately, Qin Shihuang treated me well. If I were to teach Fusu, then I would be involved in Fusu, and I would participate in the future kingship battles of these so-called princes.”

“How can I use my grand plan? Let me do my best for these incompetent boys, come on.” Zhao Qi secretly said in his heart.

For Zhao Qi.

What he has to do now is to enhance his power, expand his own power, and wait until the end of Qin Dynasty in the future.

And at that time.

The forces under his command will grow to the greatest influence in the world.

At that time, the world will become Zhao Qi’s stage.

“Do you know the black ice platform?”

Ying Zheng smiled, and suddenly his voice changed, looking at Zhao Qi with a slight smile.

“Black Ice Platform?”

“what is that?”

Zhao Qi deliberately pretended not to know.

“This stinky boy is really pretending.

Seeing Zhao Qi’s performance, Ying Zheng cursed in an angry heart.

“My Da Qin inherited the espionage forces of the sixth generation, and created it under the hands of the ancestor Xiao Duke of the surname of the royal family. Since then, the Black Ice Terrace has lurked into the world and held the world’s intelligence for my Da Qin.” Don’t pretend, continue.

The espionage force created by the VI?”

“Isn’t it now all over the world? Has it penetrated the world?”

Zhao Qi pretended to be surprised.

“My lord.

“The minister is still just a foreign minister after all, and this kind of royal secret cannot be told to the foreign minister.” Zhao Yiqi said solemnly.

The bottom of my heart was laughing secretly: “Indeed, the reason why Da Qin was able to dominate the world depends not only on the power of Qin Shihuang alone, but on the accumulated national power of his ancestors. This black ice platform penetrates the world, and it is also one of them. a little.”

“However, although this black ice platform is powerful, my shadow is not weak. The black ice platform that his VI has penetrated the world is indeed powerful, but my shadow is only a few years old. Voltage stabilization system.

“The gap between the shadow and the black ice platform is only the foundation, but there is a weakness, as long as the shadow is given time, these can also be made up.”

The development of the shadow now.

Zhao Qi did not do it himself, but gave him full control of the weak, who is good at the secret ways of assassins.

Of course.

There is also a system that rewards the power of the assassin technique “Shadow”.

This is a technique specially suitable for assassins. It sneaks in the dark night. It contains ways of fighting, assassination, and concealment. After Zhao Qi received the system rewarded Lianbow drawing, he secretly gave it to the weak and ordered him to collect it. Crafted by dead craftsmen.

The double increase, coupled with the weak technical expertise, allowed Shadow to grow to where it is now.


Listening to Zhao Qi, this seems to be a sincere answer.

Let Yingzheng smile secretly in his heart, and it is even more certain that the person who caused the black ice platform to suffer should be Zhao Qi.

Having been a king for many years, if Zhao Qi can’t see this disguise, then he won’t be so jealous of other countries if he wins politics.

“Others do not have the right to know the existence of the Black Ice Terrace.

“But you are different. You are the highest-ranking general of my Da Qin, commanding one party, and you have saved a gratifying life today. You are qualified to know the existence of the Black Ice Terrace.

Since Zhao Qi wants to install, Yingzheng has simply installed Zhao Qi to the end, and he said to Zhao Qi in a serious manner.

“The minister is really fortunate to be trusted by the king.” Zhao Qi immediately made an official tone, feeling helpless: “Qin Shihuang, I really don’t want to know about the black ice platform. I know it is useless.”

“Just a few days earlier.”

“Hei Bingtai suffered a big loss in Wei Di before the State of Wei was calmed down.”

“The loss of dozens of black ice platform spies, this is a big defeat that has never been seen since the black ice platform has hidden the world.” Ying Zheng said in a deep voice.

“Is there such a thing?”

“Is it the enemy’s power? Is it true that the current three kingdoms of Qi, Chuyan and the hidden spy forces are stronger than the black ice platform?” Zhao Qi also looked serious and expressed deep concern.

Secretly said in his heart: “My uncle Qin Shihuang, I did not want to deal with the Black Ice Terrace. It was really a manslaughter. Those people on the Black Ice Terrace were discovered by Chongchong, the ghosts and ghosts. They thought they were going to attack me. , After that, didn’t I realize that it was your black ice platform’s person? This is not, so that the weak will no longer deal with the black ice platform.”

Immediately afterwards.

“Black Ice Platform fought against the secret spy forces, and lost dozens of spies, but the origins of the spy forces are unknown. It is strange to say that the spies of the spy forces are well-trained, amazing in strength, and they have There is also an extremely powerful weapon.” Ying Zheng smiled in his heart, but looked at Zhao Qi with a serious expression.

“Even the espionage force that has been passed down for many years has suffered such losses. The forces that have fought against the black ice table are incredible. By the way, King, what is that powerful weapon you said?” Zhao Qi continued to install, a copy Seriously.

Zhao Qi can naturally think that Qin Shihuang should suspect that he was on his body.After all, Shadow fought against the Black Ice Platform in the land of the Three Jins under his control, and surrounded him the most. To be myself.

It is not normal to say that this is not normal, but it is normal.

Because in the dynasties of various countries, even Daqin, those with authority will secretly cultivate their own deadly forces, all for their own interests.

This is not a taboo.

But this time let the black ice table suffer such a big loss.

Zhao Qi would definitely not admit that Shadow was his own. Anyway, he just pretended not to know, and he didn’t believe that Emperor Qin Shihuang could still force him to admit that he didn’t.

No evidence.

Qin Shihuang absolutely couldn’t help himself.

He is also a high authority now, Zhao Qi is not worried that Qin Shihuang will deal with him because of this.

“A kind of crossbow arrow, but this crossbow arrow is very powerful and can be fired continuously.”

As we all know, “the world’s weapons are so powerful that our Qin State can shoot the farthest bow and arrow, but even if our continuously fired crossbow and arrows are not owned by our Qin State, we can see that this spy force is extraordinary.

Ying Zheng smiled and glanced at Zhao Qi with a deep meaning.

“There is such a magic weapon, it seems that this spy force is indeed extraordinary.” What can Zhao Qi say, naturally, he agrees with Qin Shihuang’s words.

Sure enough, “I didn’t deviate from what I expected, this kid didn’t intend to admit it at all.

Seeing Zhao Qi pretending not to know from start to finish, Ying Zheng was helpless.

Originally, he planned to let Zhao Qi admit it, and then successfully obtained the method of making the continuous crossbow. If he had that weapon, Da Qin would definitely be able to say that it was strong on the battlefield.

Especially for the cavalry, there is no need to ride and shoot at all. With the continuous crossbow, they can complete the shooting and become an invincible cavalry.

“never mind.”

“This kid is very good.””It’s impossible to get this weapon out of his hand. Laozi is afraid of you, but after you Laozi recognizes you and makes you my prince of Qin, Laozi will see if you can take it out.” Ying Zheng The bottom of my heart scolded in a bad mood.


This has not deviated from Ying Zheng’s expectations.

After all, as long as people are selfish.

Zhao Qi is now such a high-powered person, and he naturally knows the power of the royal power. If you give out all the cards and don’t have any foundation to settle your life, this is not a person, but a brainless person.

at this point.

I believe it is difficult for anyone to do it.

But when their father and son recognize each other, Ying Zheng will grant Zhao Qi the crown prince and become the crown prince of Da Qin. In the future, everything in Da Qin will belong to Zhao Qi.

At that time.

The result is different.

As the prince of Zhao Qi, everything in the empire belongs to him. If he wants to enhance the strength and foundation of the empire, it is naturally enough. At that time, Zhao Qi should come up with more.

Anyway, Daqin’s national strength is now the world’s top.

It is not comparable to Qi Chuyan and the Three Kingdoms.

For that Liannu, 623 Yingzheng is not too anxious.

“However, according to the investigation of the Black Ice Platform, this espionage force did not want to be an enemy of Da Qin, so the widow did not continue to investigate it. After all, it would not be a good thing for Da Qin to go to war with this espionage force.” Yingzheng said.

“Great King Shengming.”

“Perhaps the espionage force fighting against the Black Ice Platform was a misunderstanding.” Zhao Qiqi said with a smile.

The widow “thinks so too.” Ying Zheng also smiled.

Although neither of them said anything clearly, both of them have guessed the other’s intentions. These few words also mean that they have completely exposed the matter, and Ying Zheng will not ask anything more. This is naturally in line with Zhao Qi. Mind.


“This time, Yan Dan sent someone to assassinate my Great Qin Division and made me famous, and I also got the original picture of the Yan Kingdom. This will also be of great help to my Great Qin’s army.”

Ying Zheng picked up the map of Yan Guo from the table and laughed.


For the rest of his life, he thought that the teacher after the assassination was famous, and that he had obtained this picture of the country of Yan, so he naturally became very excited.

Yan Dan is indeed Yan Dan.

I have not forgotten that the old friends who pledged together in Handan in the past specially presented the gift of national subjugation.

“The King.”

“Do you think Yan Dan would be so stupid?”

Looking at the proud Ying Zheng, Zhao Qi couldn’t help but reminded.

This statement.

Let Yingzheng smile and look at Zhao Qi: “Do you think the map given by Yan Dan is fake?”

“Obvious.” Zhao Qi affirmed.

“But the widow has just watched it for a while. This map does not seem to have any deviations or omissions, and it is more detailed than my Daqin’s depiction of the Yan Guo map.” Ying Zheng was somewhat disbelieved. He verified this map by himself.

“Although Yan Dan is naive, he is not really stupid. He knows what the consequences of his failure in the assassination will be for his country of Yan. If he offers the real territory and map, it will accelerate his defeat of the country of Yan.

“So the minister is sure, there must be a problem with this map.” Zhao Qi smiled confidently.

After Zhao Qi said this, Ying Zheng also nodded, picked up the map, and took a closer look: “This map widow hasn’t really seen any tricks, but people also know Yan Dan very well. The mind is gloomy, and will never give out a real map.

“Majesty”, the minister will give you a real map of the country of Yan.

“If you compare it, you will know what’s wrong with the map that Yan Dan gave.”

Zhao Qi smiled.

Catch it from his arms.

A newly drawn picture appeared in his hands.

At the time when he killed the king in the Zhao country, Zhao Qi got the system reward, which is the map of Central Plains.

However, if this map were taken out, it would be too shocking, so Zhao Qi was fateful to find the dead man who was drawing the map and split the map into seven parts.

“Why do you have a map of the country of Yan?”

Ying Zheng took the map in Zhao Qi’s hand and took a look at it, showing a slightly different way.

“The minister is Wu’an Jun of Da Qin, so he naturally wants to share his worries for the king.” Zhao Qi made a serious official tone.

Looking at this serious look.

Ying Zheng immediately put away the difference, and then said angrily: “You stinky boy, hiding in front of the widow.”

PS: I am very grateful if I ask for a fix and a monthly pass. ,

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