Chapter 155 Ying Zheng: Thanks to your kid this time

If it is not highly toxic.

That’s because Yan Guo was not fully prepared.


Da Qin was messed up.


Daqin Sheji will collapse.

“Jun Wu’an deserves to be rewarded for his salvation.

Ying Zheng said with prestige.

He looked at Zhao Qi with relief in his eyes.

“As a courtier of the Great Qin, this time the minister is responsible for rescuing, and he does not ask for a heavy reward.” Zhao Qi replied immediately.

“Wu Anjun is too humble.

“If there was no Wu Anjun, the widow would have been killed in Huangquan.”

“My Daqin Sheji will also be overthrown.

“Send an edict to the widow.

“Grant Wu’an Jun ten thousand gold, ten thousand cloth, three thousand servants, and bestowed the Shang Dynasty sword exhibition, praise and worship without name.”

“Jun Wu’an does not need a pass to enter the palace.

Ying Zheng immediately voiced his prestige.

Although Zhao Qi was not knighted in this move, the favor given to Zhao Qi was great.

Above the chapel.

The courtiers must solve the sword, and at this moment, the winning government bestows Zhao Qi into the dynasty. There is no need for a pass to enter the palace. This is the supreme honor.

Looking at the Great Qin Dynasty Hall.

No one can hold this honor.

Zhao Qi is the first person.

Baiguan heard this kind of grace.

There were no accidents.

Just a moment of crisis.

But Zhao Qi was rescued from outside the temple with an arrow. If it weren’t for this, the current king would have died.

“Great King Shengming.

Manchu dynasty civil and military shouted in unison.

“It took Wu Anjun to rush to Xianyang from Wei Di for a few days.” Ying Zheng looked at Zhao Qi and asked gently.

For his son.

Ying Zheng tried his best to make himself less cold.

“It took three days to rush for days.” Zhao honestly replied.

“It spans thousands of miles in three days.”

Ying Zheng’s voice was also startled.

“To save the king.”

“Jun Wu’an has been on the road almost day and night, only then can he return to the capital in a mere three days.”

“The loyalty of Jun Wu’an to the king is a lesson from the sun and the moon.”

“My Great Qin has Wu’an Jun, which is the blessing of my Great Qin.”

The civil and military officials were also shocked by the “June Two Three” date, and they all praised them.

“Jun Wuan.”

“You have a heart.”

Ying Zheng stared at Zhao, the softness in his eyes was beyond words.

Manchu civil and military saw it.

No one dared to say anything.

The grace of dripping water is still in return, and the grace of life-saving, let alone more.

Every courtier knew that Wu’an Jun, who was originally the most powerful in the Great Qin Dynasty, would be even more prosperous. As long as the king did not die, his position would be extremely stable, and no one could handle Handan.

Unless the crime of treason is committed, no one can shake Zhao Qi’s position.

“The King of Enlightenment.”

“The minister is guilty.

“Please punish the king.

At this time, Wang Shu stood up and bowed with a shame on his face.

Baiguan looked at Wang Shu one after another.

“The veteran is incompetent. I have never seen Yan Guo dare to act so boldly and attempt an assassination, which almost hurt the king. This crime, the veteran will die, please the king to confess the crime.” Wang said ashamed.

“The minister is guilty.”

“The minister can’t protect the king’s safety. He has not noticed the assassin’s assassination. Please ask the king to commit the crime.”

The courtiers bowed one after another, panic and ashamed.

“Yan State assassinated.

“Even if it’s a widow, I didn’t expect it.”

“Sangbang is not guilty.”

“Today’s assassination is easy to expose.””but,

Ying Zheng stared at the blood all over the place, with silent anger on his face: “The affairs of the Yan Kingdom cannot be exposed.”

“The country of Yan assassinated the widow, it was a heinous crime.

“The corpses of the two assassins were sent to the execution ground, and the corpses were broken into pieces, and the crime of assassinating the widows by the country of Yan was declared to the world.”

“The enmity of the Yan Kingdom, the assassination of widows, almost succeeded, so much hatred, I will fight against the Great Qin.

Meng Yi “, give the real person a statement of war to the country of Yan, and let the country of Yan wait for the widow.”

“Also, give the letter of credence to both Qi and Chu.

“The country of Yan assassinated the widow, and the widow almost died. This hatred and hatred will not share the sky. Our Da Qin will attack the Yan country. If the Qi and Chu two countries dare to stop or even help the Yan country, our Da Qin will never die with them.”

Ying Zheng shouted coldly with prestige.

“Great King Shengming.

Manchu dynasty civil and military shouted in unison, one mind.

“All right.”


“If you have nothing to do, please respect the court.”

“Jun Wuan enters the Zhangtai Palace, and the widow has something to discuss with you.” Ying Zheng waved his hand tiredly and walked towards the apse.

after all.

No matter how strong the victory is, he is just a person. He has just experienced the assassination and almost died. It can be said that one has already stepped on the edge of death. This sense of gap on the edge of death makes Yingzheng. It is also unbearable.

“The minister retired.

The officials respectfully said, watching Ying Zheng leave.

And looking at Zhao Qi who is still sitting on the blood tiger in the hall.

Many officials have awe in their eyes.

“Wu Anjun.

“This time you have done a great job for Da Qin.”


If there is no “Jun Wu’s move, this time the king is in danger.”

“It is really a blessing for me to have Wuanjun in Daqin.

“The lower officials admire it.

One by one ministers surrounded them, all with a sense of flattering among them.

“Jun Wu’an rushed back in three days, and now he is extremely tired, and the king has something to call, you sirs don’t disturb Jun Wu’an.”

Wang Shu walked out, chattering around Zhao Qi endlessly to please courtiers.

Hear what Wang Shao said.

These surrounding ministers didn’t dare to say more, and retreated one after another.

“Damn it.”

Li Si watched the scene of Zhao Qi being pleased by hundreds of officials, and his heart was extremely sad and indignant.

He also knows.

Zhao Qi has now completely become the first minister in the eyes of the winning government.

No one can shake.

And these.

He also desires.

Once upon a time, if he was not a killer against Zhao Qi, or directed against it like that, it was only Han Fei’s incident, which could be completely exposed, but he did not, instead, he directed against it again and again.

This also allowed Zhao Qi and him to completely cut off the so-called Weng-in-law relationship.

Originally, Li Si relied on Zhao Qi to be in the dynasty, but now he looks so funny. Although he is a court lieutenant and is in charge of Qin Fa, many courtiers are laughing at him.

Because every courtier knew that Wu Anjun’s wife was Li Si’s daughter, but this daughter was abandoned by Li Si himself.

This is also extremely ridiculous.

It can be said.

Li Si was a laughingstock above the court.

Zhangtai Palace.

Zhao Qi came driving a blood tiger.

The face is indeed a little tired. Indeed, it is impossible for a war horse to do it for three days to run for thousands of miles. However, the blood tiger has the blood of a beast and can naturally do it, but Zhao Qi is a little tired.

“See Wu Anjun.”

-Outside Zhangtai Palace, Zhao Qi just got off his horse.

Hundreds of imprisonment guards spontaneously gathered around and bowed to Zhao Qi in unison, with awe in the tone of voice.

“Free gift.”

Zhao Qi smiled slightly, facing these sharp scholars.

This is completely different from the attitude towards those courtiers.

For those courtiers who are pleased and want to make friends, Zhao Qi stays away, avoiding the flood of their factions, so as not to be involved.

But for these sharp men.

Zhao Qi regards it as a robe.

“Xie Wuanjun.”

Many sharp men were in awe, and they looked at Zhao Qi enthusiastically.

Although the time is not long.

However, Zhao Qi’s assassin’s assassination was eliminated with one stone, and the assassin’s crisis was solved. Now it has spread throughout the palace.

The whole palace was spreading that Jun Wuan rode a flying tiger and descended from the sky with an arrow like a god, punishing the assassin and saving the king.

This move made countless people in awe.

“Wu Anjun.

“The king is waiting in the palace, and Jun Wuan can go in directly.

Zhao Gao walked out at this time, with a respectful expression on his face.

With Zhao Qi’s current status, the most powerful monk around Qin Shihuang didn’t dare to offend him at all. It can be said that in the eyes of Qin Shihuang, killing him Zhao Gao is as easy as an ant.

But if you want to move Zhao Qi, you have to consider the influence of Daqin’s millions of sharp soldiers and the people of Daqin.

In terms of prestige, Zhao Qi is already unmatched.

No one in the entire court can match Zhao Qi’s prestige.

Zhao Qi nodded and walked directly towards the Zhangtai Palace.

However, Zhao Gao didn’t go in any more, but closed the gate of the palace and quietly left Zhangtai Palace.

Inside the Zhangtai Palace.

Still as always.


The difference is different from usual.

There are more signs of children having fun, such as some children’s small toys, piled up everywhere in Zhangtai Palace.

The majestic Zhangtai Palace, the summer palace of the dignified King Qin, would be like this. If you were seen by outsiders, I would be surprised.

But for the attendants in the palace today, it’s just not surprising.

Nowadays, no one in the palace knows that the present-day king treats Wu Anjun’s two children especially favorably, and he values ​​it more than the princess he treats.

“The minister sees the king.”

After entering the palace, Zhao Qi bowed and bowed to Yingzheng.


“This time, the real person was saved by you again.”

Looking at Zhao Qi, Yingzheng’s eyes were gentle.

“To serve the king is the duty of a minister.” Zhao Qi said.

Come on.

“Don’t use these official accents in front of widows.

“Today’s assassination is so dangerous, the real person did not see those officials who were on duty to save people.” Winning the government is not angry.

Seeing that Ying Zheng was still as casual as usual, Zhao Qi was no longer stern, and immediately stood up straight, and said with a joking smile: “The king should be scared today.”


“If it weren’t for your arrow, the widow would only be killed.” Ying Zheng was also a little overwhelmed.

Although he had already killed Jing Ke with a single sword.

But his assassination madness made Yingzheng unable to erase the shadow.


This should also be the last assassination in the palace of King Qin.

With the incident of Jing Ke assassinating Qin, in the future, the Qin Palace will strengthen guard, and no one with the intention can get into the palace.

“In fact, the knife that the king was stabbed should be fine.” Zhao smiled and smiled.

“What?” Ying Zheng’s eyes widened and looked at Zhao Qi angrily.

“Didn’t the minister leave a pill for the king?”

“Even if the country of Yan produces any poison that can seal the throat, as long as you take the pill, it will be fine.” Zhao Qi said with a smile.

Great Huandan.

That’s a magical pill for healing and detoxification, and its effects are not overwhelming.

Ordinary people can survive as long as they have a breath, and it is easy to deal with the poisonousness of this era.

“Don’t tell me, the widow almost forgot.” Yingzheng suddenly came back to his senses.

Ying Zheng almost forgot the life-saving pill given to him by his son.

“You kid said lightly. When it really comes, does the widow still have time to go back to Zhangtai Palace to get the medicine?” Ying Zheng cursed angrily.

“Didn’t this pill king take it next to his body?” Zhao Qi was in love.

The widow “do nothing with it?” Yingzheng did not have a good air..

“Then say that, fortunately I came in time.” Zhao Qi was also surprised.

“In three days, I ran for thousands of miles.”

“Boy, you are really interested.

Looking at Zhao Qi, Ying Zheng was touched silently.

In order to save himself, his son ran for three days and three nights.

And it was Yan Guo’s envoy, and Zhao Qi’s anxiety.

This isn’t the connection between father and son, so what is it?

“My lord.

“Chen Xinsheng begs to see you.”

At this time.

Xin Sheng’s voice came from outside the hall.

“Come in.”

Ying Zheng regained his majesty.

Xin Sheng opened the door and walked in, holding a box with two daggers in both hands.

“These are the two assassin’s seven assassins.”

“In addition to the one used by Jing Ke, there is another one hidden in the dark layer of Fan Yuqi’s head brocade box.”All of the above are smeared with the poisonous blood that seals the throat.”

“Furthermore, these two daggers are also magic soldiers who blow hair and break their hair.

“One is fish sausage, and the other is Mrs. Xu’s head.”

“In order to assassinate the king, Yan Guo has been planning for a long time.

Xin Sheng respectfully faces Ying Zhengdao.

“I’m afraid it was not the order of King Yan, he is not that stupid.” Zhao Qi sneered.

“Not King Yan?” Xin Sheng raised his head with a weird face.

“As Wu Anjun said, King Yan is not that stupid. Although he is not a virtuous king, he is also a defensive king, assassinating widows. If he fails, his kingdom of Yan will be attacked by my Daqin, and Once the Qin mobilizes troops and the division becomes famous, both Qi and Chu can only look at it, and there is no way to stop it.”

“So this matter is not led by King Yan.” Ying Zheng also sneered.

“It’s not King Yan, who is that? Could someone blame Yan State for failing?” Xin Sheng didn’t understand.

“It’s Prince Yan, Ji Dan.” Zhao Qi said immediately.

“How could Wu Anjun know it was him?” Xin Sheng asked.

“For a long time, this Yan Dan has regarded the king as a thorn in his eyes, and it is more of a kind of jealousy.He used to be a host with the king in the Zhao country, but now the king has been aloft, in charge of the king, and led the great Qin to become strong, but he Still a prince, this made his jealousy increase.

“Furthermore, as our Daqin annexed the Three Jins, our national power rose greatly.”

“Naturally, Yan Dan doesn’t want to sit still. He knows Da Qin’s ambitions and wants to annex the world. If we let Da Qin continue to develop, their country Yan will be unable to resist.”

“So, he made a desperate move, taking this assassination strategy.

“What he did was to assassinate the king and disturb Da Qin.”

“Of course.

“There is also a great selfishness in Yan Dan’s heart. He doesn’t want to look at the king anymore and be jealous.” Zhao Qi smiled and said the idea of ​​Dan Dan with a mockery.

Hear this.

Xin Sheng understood immediately.

“Wu Anjun, a great talent, has seen everything through this matter, and he will finally admire it.” Xin Sheng said immediately.

Yingzheng did not speak, but looked at Zhao Qi with relief.

Although he only had a one-sided relationship with Yan Dan, he fully understood the character of Yan Dan.

All the time.

Yan Dan is autistic and stronger than his Yingzheng, but he doesn’t want to be too narrow-minded.


“Although this time is dangerous, it is for Da Qin.”

“But thank you Yan Dan.

Zhao Qi smiled suddenly and looked at Ying Zhengdao.

“It should be 1.2, thank you.

Ying Zheng immediately agreed, with a smile on his face: “Now Sanjin has been annexed by Daqin for me, and Zhenren Zhengcai does not know how to align the three kingdoms of Chu and Yan. Now Yan Dan has given such a reason.”

“My Daqin sent troops to attack Yan. The real division is well-known. If both Qi and Chu are unwilling, they can only watch. They have no reason to send troops.”

“For a long time, their countries have not been famous for their teachers against me, Da Qin?

“Then this time, the widows are up to them.”

That’s it.

Ying Zheng and Zhao Qi glanced at each other, and they all knew what was thinking at the moment.

Yan country.

Will not exist in the world anymore.

And all of this was offered by Yan Dan himself.

“The King of Enlightenment.

“You guys, please see me.”

At this time.

Outside the hall, Zhao Gao’s voice came.

“Let them in.” Ying Zheng said calmly.


The news of Ying Zheng’s assassination has been spread. These sons should have also received the news. They must have come to be concerned about one or two. They are reasonable and of course also behave. Otherwise, if they are recorded by Ying Zheng, It’s not a good thing for them.

The temple door opened.

Fusu, Hu Hai, and the sons of the young master Gao Yingzheng all rushed into the hall in a hurry.

When I saw Yingzheng.


The dramatic scene happened.


“My son heard that you were assassinated by an assassin. Father, right?”

“Uuuuu, the assassin of the Yan Kingdom, boldly, dare to assassinate the father king, worrying about the dead minister.”

“Father Wang has no worries.”

Father “…”

As soon as these sons came in.

There are some people who are concerned, and some are crying loudly, and the whole Zhangtai Palace presents a scene of life.

Zhao Qi stood here, all seeing his scalp numb.

The sons of “Qin Shihuang” are really “juniors”.

Zhao Qi couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

PS: The old guys are looking for a monthly ticket and are grateful.

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