Chapter 152 Zhao Qi: What this monarch does is to gain the future


Two months passed.

For Zhao Qi.

Has personally guarded the ruins of Daliang City.

After such a long period of burying, burning, and Zhao Qi’s trans-epochal defense, after all, he did not escape from Zhao Qi’s control.

Daliang City was completely buried under dust and flames.

Completely wiped out in this world.

A plague may spread to a great extent, and was suppressed by Zhao Qi.

at the same time.

The two camps have completely captured the Wei State, so far, Wei State has completely become a thing of the past.

All the three Jins were swallowed by the Great Qin.

Excluded from this world.

It took only five months to destroy Wei and annex the entire territory of Wei.

Destroy a country in May.

If it weren’t for Zhao’s crazy plan, it would be impossible to do it.

Pingling City.

The original military city of the Wei state has now become Daqin’s military city in the Wei state.

Zhao Qi directly controls the army, guards here, and controls the entire territory of the Wei state.

And at the moment.

Outside the city.

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses gathered.

Zhao Qi and Wang Jian, the two major battalions, stood at the gate of the city.

“Wu Anjun, there is no need to send it off.

Wei Guo “is destroyed, my Hangu Daying mission has been completed, and then it is up to you to guard Wei Jing.”

Wang Jian looked at Zhao Qi and said with a smile.

“The general is polite.

“This battle is thanks to Hangu Daying. Otherwise, Da Qin would not quell Wei Guo so quickly.” Zhao smiled and said.

“Your kid will flatter people.”

“In this battle, my Hangu camp is just a shot force. The real result is yours.”

“All right.

“I won’t waste time anymore.”

“He will return to Xianyang, you and I must have a good drink.” Wang Jian smiled.

“When I return to Xianyang, I must invite the general to drink the best wine.” Zhao Xinran agreed.

Then turned around.

Look at Wang Qian, Li Xin and other generals in Hangu Camp.


“It’s been hard to play this time.”

Zhao Qi arched his hands and clasped his fists.

“Jun Wu’an is serious.”

“Working for Daqin is the ultimate responsibility.

All the generals looked at Zhao Qi in awe.

No one is afraid of Zhao Jingwei.

In the coming day, “I have a chance to invite you to drink.” Zhao Qi laughed and said politely.

Thank you “Jun Wu’an.” The generals are also grateful.

Today, Zhao Qi’s reputation is well known in the world.

Especially for the millions of warriors of Daqin, they are extremely in awe and regarded as the existence of the god of war in the army.

As Zhao Qi was awarded the title of Emperor Wu’an, he was also confirmed by the king’s power, which made the Daqin millions of sharp soldiers in awe.

Zhao Qi today.

He is the well-deserved first warrior of Da Qin.

Unparalleled prestige in the military.

“Zhao Qi kid.


Wang Qiang said to Zhao Qi, then turned around and stepped onto the chariot.

“Jun Wuan.”


The generals of Hangu Camp also clasped their fists and saluted Zhao Qi.


Attributed to the army.

Hangu Daying Ruishi left the Pingling City in an orderly manner and drifted away.

“Jun Wuan.”

“How about our army next?”

The third female will come to Zhao Qi and say respectfully.

“Same as when guarding the Zhao-Han two realms, the soldiers were incorporated and guarded each realm.” Zhao Wei said.”I will understand at the end.

Three will immediately respond.

“After finishing the military affairs today, come to the mansion to find the monarch.”

Zhao Qi nodded, and said to the three of them again.


Slowly walked into the city.

One day.

It passed quickly.

For the generals of Handan Daying, after all, they have the experience of guarding Zhao and Han, so guarding this newly settled Wei Realm is not difficult, everything is in order.

Zhao Fuzhong.

Three will come.

“I will see the Lord at the end.”

There are no outsiders, and the three generals bowed to Zhao Qi.

And Li Qing stood by Zhao Qi’s side.

“Free courtesy.

Zhao Qi nodded and motioned for the three to sit down.

“Master, I don’t know if there is anything important to explain?” Ju Ya asked respectfully.

“What level have your martial arts cultivation reached?”

Zhao Qi glanced at the three of them and asked.

“Going back to the Lord, the bottom cultivation base has reached the peak of the seventh stage of the acquired day.” Ju Ya immediately replied.

“The subordinate’s cultivation base is also the peak of the seventh stage of the acquired day.” Zhang immediately said.

“Let the master disappointed, the subordinate is now the pinnacle of the acquired four levels.” Ren Qi is a little ashamed, but he can’t be blamed, after all, he hasn’t entered the martial arts for as long as two people.

“Li Qing.”

Zhao Qi glanced around.

“The master, the subordinates’ cultivation base is also the peak of the acquired seventh stage,”. “Li Qing replied respectfully.

“In martial arts, the acquired state lies in the increase of internal force, the meridians and the body are tempered with internal force, and the peak of the acquired state is reached. With the strength of the body, it can reach a thousand kilograms, and the internal force is doubled.”

“You have all been in the martial arts for several years, and you should also know the power of martial arts.” Zhao Qi looked at Siren Dao.

If it were not “given by the Lord, the subordinates and others would never know that the world has such power.”

“Today I, if I want to kill me who didn’t enter the martial arts at the beginning, one move is enough.” Tu Ya said with excitement.


“Now even if I face hundreds of elite soldiers alone, I have the confidence to kill them all in a battle.” Zhang Na clenched her fist, full of a powerful internal force.

“Give you a chance to verify your strength.”

Zhao Qi smiled.

Slowly stood up from the main seat and walked into the hall.

The four people stood up one after another, looking at Zhao Qi puzzledly.

“Use all of your internal strength to attack this monarch.”

Zhao Qi glanced at the four of them, and said with authority.

“Master, this?”

All four of them changed their expressions.

“Shoot.” Zhao Qi is indifferent, beyond doubt.


The four of them glanced at each other and did not dare to hesitate.

Immediately squeezed his fist, mobilizing the internal force in the body.

Then four people rushed out at the same time, raised their fists and hit Zhao Qi.

Under the blessing of internal force.

The fist screamed out, and even stunned gusts of fist wind, with the power of breaking through the air.

In an instant.

The fists of the four were about to hit Zhao Qi’s body.

Zhao Qi carried his hands on his back, without any movement, just watching calmly.

Seeing the four people are extremely fast, but in Zhao Qi’s eyes it is like slow motion.

For cultivators, every realm level is a gap like a chasm.

Even if it is the difference between acquired and innate.

But one is the threshold of martial arts, and the other is the entry of martial arts.

Seeing the moment when his fist was approaching Zhao Qi.

From Zhao Qi’s body, a qi of yin and yang colors spread all over Zhao Qi’s body in vain, instantly forming a zhenqi barrier.


The fists of the four people hit the barrier almost at the same time.

But before the four of them returned to their senses, the Zhen Qi barrier was shocked.

The four of them were swallowed by a terrifying force in an instant, and the four of them changed their complexions. Before any reaction, they were directly blown out and slammed to the ground.

After struggling on the ground for a moment.

The four people stood up and bowed to Zhao Qi: “The master’s strength is unfathomable, and his subordinates worshipped.”

“This is a barrier constructed by Innate True Qi.

“The indignation is endless, even though thousands of arrows rain can’t even think of hurting a single minute of your body.”

Zhao Qi spoke slowly.

The four of them opened their eyes wide, looking at the invisible and tangible barrier of innocence, and their eyes were full of awe.

After stepping into the martial arts, they deeply know the power of martial arts.

But even if it is their current strength, it is difficult to fight against Chaos Arrow.

Can I hear what my master said, this innate qi barrier can actually resist chaotic arrows, the true qi is endless, and chaotic arrows are hard to hurt?

In addition to awe of their master’s strength, they are full of yearning for this level.

Maybe in the future.

They can also reach such a level, the arrows are hard to hurt, and they have the power to transcend the world.

But speaking of it.

The power they have now is beyond the secular.

“The level of martial arts, one layer and one layer.

“So, while you are rectifying military affairs, you must not delay your martial arts training.”

Zhao Qi warned to the four people.

“Please don’t worry, Lord.”

The subordinates “don’t dare to delay martial arts practice.” The four immediately said.

“Summon you today.”

“It’s for the martial arts, and also for the guarding of the land of the Three Jins.” Zhao Qi said solemnly.

“Respectfully listen to the Lord’s instructions.” The four said respectfully.

Zhao Qin’s heart moved.

Forty spirit stones appeared in front of the four.

“This is?”

The four of them looked at the spirit stone that suddenly appeared in front of them, flashing and glowing like a god.

Can’t help but be stunned.

“Does the power of the Lord really reach the immortal gods?”

“So many gods have been transformed out of thin air?”

The four people thought with great shock in their hearts.

“These treasures are called spirit stones. They contain pure energy, which can assist martial arts practice. Each of you will have ten spirit stones to reach the peak of the Hou Tian realm at the fastest speed. After that, this monarch will teach you higher and deeper levels. The exercise method allows you to enter the innate realm.” Zhao Qi faced the four human beings.

Thank you “Master.

The four bowed and bowed, with gratitude in their eyes.


“Now the king has delegated the military affairs of the Three Jins to me.

“I’m going to let each of you three guard one place and take control of the military affairs.”

“What do you think?”

Zhao Qi looked at the gangster, Zhang Han, and Ren Qi.

“But according to the master’s orders, the subordinates will die without hesitation.” The three of them said immediately.

“in this way.”

“After the monarch returns to Xianyang, Tu Sheng guards the Wei border, Zhang guards the Zhao border, and Ren Shu guards the Han border.”

“We use Mohua to contact each other, and we must not delay the military aircraft. If there is something important, you can also use the golden eagle to contact the monarch.”

“These birds have been tamed by the monarch. Unlike homing pigeons, which have limitations, they can accurately find their home and go to the place.”

Zhao Qi explained to the three.

“The final commander.” The three nodded solemnly.

“Except besides.

“My lord will also introduce you to someone.”

Zhao Qi nodded, then looked at the apse: “Weak, come out.”


Suddenly walked out of the apse slowly.

“It’s you?”

When Tu Shi and Zhang Han saw them, they were all startled.

They had seen this weakness, because the assassin who came to assassinate the Lord was just the weakness in front of him when his master was only the leader of Zhenhan.

If it weren’t for the powerful martial arts, I’m afraid I would really be succeeded by this weakness.

But the weak belonged to Zhao, except Li Qing knew it completely, no one else knew.

“Several generals, admiring the name for a long time, I am lucky enough to meet.”

Suddenly smiled at the three of them, and clasped his fists in greeting.


The three of them looked suspiciously weak.

Tu Shuzhang Hanhe looked at Zhao Qi: “Master, he?”

“Like you, Dunwei is a person who belongs to the monarch and a person who is truly trustworthy.” Zhao Qi said.

Heard this.

Several people were relieved immediately.

“I have seen Mr. Dunweak.”

The three immediately clasped their hands in return.

“Dun Weak is now in charge of an undercover espionage force under this Jun. Weak, you can tell them about the situation of Shadow. They are all faithful to this Jun and can be trusted.” Zhao Qi said.

Time passed so long.

Zhao Qi is very kind to them.

Now these confidants have also given all their loyalty, and the loyalty of each has reached more than 90.If 80 is the edge of die-hard loyalty, then 90 or more is true die-hard loyalty. No matter what happens, it will not affect their loyalty to Zhao.

“Female years ago, Han Chu was annexed by Da Qin.”

“At that time, I was still an espionage of the State of Zhao, and was ordered to assassinate the Lord, but then the Lord was generous and forgave me, and also gave me the authority to take charge of the training class espionage force, and this espionage force was named Shadow.”

“After several years of support from the Lord, he spared no effort.”

“Shadow has now grown and grown.”

“Your Majesty’s espionage elite has nearly 20,000 people, and this number is growing every day, and they are distributed all over the world, infiltrating everywhere.”

“It can be said.

“Now that there is no disturbance in this world, it is impossible to escape from the exploration of the shadow, nor can it escape from the master’s control.” Dunwei explained the situation of the shadow.

Hear this.

Tu Wei and the three were stunned.

Just a few years.

There is a espionage force of tens of thousands of people in his own master, who penetrates the world and controls the world’s intelligence.

This kind of means, this kind of intelligence force.

It is enough to show the Lord’s ambition.

Could it be that the Lord’s will not succeed in the world?

“My Lord knows what you are thinking.”

“For today’s great king, this monarch is respectful. As long as the king is in one day, this monarch will not have any changes. He is still an official of the Great Qin. However, the sons of the great king do not have the great talents of the great king, not to mention them in the future. Can you tolerate this monarch, but you cannot do it if you have to be loyal to some incompetent waste.”

“In the world,

“Under the kingship, one word can be conquered.”

“This monarch hall does not need the power that anyone in the world has, but you don’t believe in this. If the royal power wants to deal with the monarch in the future, you will not sit and watch. You, and even the shadows, are the foundation for the future of the monarch to settle down.”

“So, do you understand?”

Zhao Qin stared at several henchmen, and said solemnly.

Hear this.

The expressions of several people were also in awe, and there was a firmness in their eyes. Then they knelt down on one knee and bowed: “Everything under you is bestowed by the Lord, no matter what the Lord wants, the subordinates I will swear to follow the Lord, even though I die without regrets.

Looking at the expressions of several people, Zhao smiled with satisfaction.

Since these few years.

Relying on authority, Zhao Qi’s forces have grown stronger.

Just say Shadow.

Under the weak training, and the practice of “Shadow” technique, the strength of the spy has surpassed the black ice platform.

If this force really broke out, it would definitely be able to stir the situation in the world.

And this all really belongs to Zhao Qi.

“Weak, how is your cultivation level?”

Zhao (the king’s) came back to his senses and looked weak.

“Back to the master, the subordinate’s cultivation base has reached the peak of the Eighth Stage of Acquired Realm.” Suddenly replied respectfully.

The words fell off.

Tushen’s eyes widened, and they looked weak in surprise.

Unexpectedly, this seemingly weak person is actually stronger than them.

“This monarch has given you ten spiritual stones to reach the innate realm as soon as possible.”

Zhao Qi waved his hand, and ten spirit stones fell again.

“Thank the Lord for the reward.” Dunwei immediately thanked him.

“Today, the Lord summoned you here to let you know each other. If the Lord is not there, you can also discuss with each other.”

“Those falcons are your tools for contacting each other.”

“In a little while, the monarch will return to Xianyang, and then the land of the Three Jins will be handed over to you to guard.” Zhao Wei said.

“Subordinates will never let the Lord down.” Everyone said immediately.

“Lord, when will you return to Xianyang?” Ju Wei asked respectfully.

“It should be this time.

“It’s been almost a year in a flash. It’s time to go back and see my children.”

“Of course, when I go this time and come back for some time, I will give you time to rest.” Zhao Qi smiled.

These own subordinates also have families.

But since following themselves, they also have time to return home, Zhao Qi cannot deprive them of the opportunity to take a break.

“Thank you, Lord.” Several people thanked one after another, and they also expressed their yearning for Xiu Mu.



“Subordinates have detected a piece of information.”

“But there is not much to do with the Lord.”

Suddenly came back to his senses and said.

“What information?”

Zhao Qi looked at the weak spot.

“Just a month ago, the State of Yan sent envoys to Xianyang to make a gift to Dawang County.”

“According to the subordinate’s investigation, Yan Dan was the leader of this gift. He killed Fan Yuqi, the fugitive pursued by the king of the past, and dedicated his head and Yan Guotu to the king, in order to win Qin Yan’s friendship.” Suddenly replied.


Heard this.

Zhao Qi’s face changed.

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