Chapter 153 Qin Shihuang’s Crisis, Zhao Qi Galloping Xianyang

Looking at Zhao Qi whose face suddenly changed.

The expressions of several subordinates were stunned.

“Master, what’s the matter?”

Suddenly said weak and puzzled.

“Who is Yanchen going to Xianyang as an envoy?” Zhao Qi asked seriously.

“According to the news that Juxia received, the chief envoy was named Jing Ke, and the deputy envoy was named Qin Wuyang.”

“Oh no.

Zhao Qi said solemnly, his face serious.

“Master, what’s the matter?” Tu Wei said.

All of them were strange and puzzled.

“Yan Dan wants to assassinate the king.

“The presentation of Fan Yuqi’s head and the presentation of maps are both a cover.” Zhao Qi said with a solemn expression.

As a person reborn from later generations, Zhao Qi doesn’t know the allusion that Jingke stabs King Qin.

This thorn is also the most dangerous thorn in Qin Shihuang’s dominance of the world.

In the historical record.

Qin Shihuang was almost succeeded in the assassination. If it weren’t for the imperial doctor Xia Wu and used his own medical box to smash the assassin Jingke, otherwise Qin Shihuang would be successfully assassinated by Jingke.

This period of history can be regarded as a very embarrassing time for Qin Shihuang.

Jing Ke assassinated, all officials were afraid, no one came forward, the king of Qin fled around the pillar, the king held the sword and killed him.

If history is the original history, perhaps Zhao Qi is not so worried.

But Xia Wuqi is no longer in the court, but tells the old man. In his own house, he does not need to go to court.

Without him, would Jing Ke’s assassination of Qin succeed?

Thought of this.

Zhao Qi was disturbed.

If Qin Shihuang died, it would definitely not be a good thing for the world and for the current self.

“Master, this shouldn’t be possible, right?

“My Daqin has the current situation, how dare Yan State send someone to assassinate?”

“Is he not afraid of my Great Qin destroying his country of Yan?”

Zhang Han was puzzled.

Some don’t believe it.

“This time it is Yan Dan who is betting. If it succeeds, the king is successfully assassinated by them, Da Qin will be in chaos, and if the assassination is unsuccessful, Da Qin will crusade, but even if they did not do this time, the result will naturally be the same. Da Qin will still destroy the swallows.”

“And this Yan Dan is naturally desperate to bet.”

Zhao Qi said in a deep voice, his expression very serious.

“If it’s really as the Lord said, then it’s really a bad thing.”

“My Daqin is so powerful, the three Jins were all annexed by my Daqin, the ministers of the court, and even the great king would never think that the kingdom of Yan would assassinate.” Ren Shu’s expression also changed.

“Lord, can you use carrier pigeons to send information to Xianyang?” Ju Yadao.


“The host only offered homing pigeons for only two months, and only distributed homing pigeons in the mainland of Daqin. It hasn’t reached the third level. It’s impossible for homing pigeons or even hunting falcons to fly to Xianyang.” Zhang Han said immediately.

this moment.

The expressions of several people all became solemn.

“How long will the envoy of the State of Yan arrive in Xianyang?” Zhao Qi returned to his senses, looking weak and asked.

“From Yan State to Xianyang, it should be 20 days with normal foot strength. When the subordinates got the information, Yan State had already set off. Now 14 or 5 days have passed. They should be in Xianyang almost 623.” road.

“Tu Sheng, Zhang Han, Ren Xiao.”

Zhao Qi didn’t say much, and said with authority.

“Subordinates are here.”

“According to the power of guarding that the monarch gave you before, each guard one place, and strictly investigate the intelligence of the countries. Once there is an intention to act on the Sanjin, immediately inform them of Juwei.”

“Only four to five days, the envoy of the State of Yan will enter Xianyang.”

“My lord must go and stop.

Otherwise, “any mistakes made by the king will cause disastrous consequences.”

“It’s not too late, my lord is gone.”

“Li Qing.

“My lord will go first, and you will follow with the guard camp.

Zhao Qi said with a serious face.

This time, Zhao Qi was a little anxious.

Because this is the first time Zhao Qi feels that things are not under his control, and this time things are not under his control because of him, because Xia Wuqi is not in the court anymore, which means that what was going to happen in history may not be anymore. occur.

There is no other way to inform Xianyang.

After all, neither the homing pigeons nor the hunting falcons were deployed in Xianyang.

Zhao Qi can only travel to Xianyang as quickly as possible to stop all of this.

Although he has a certain degree of power now, Qin Shihuang is dead at this time, and there is definitely a lot of resistance to his future.


The subordinates did not dare to neglect the slightest, and responded in unison.

immediately.”Blood Tiger.

Zhao Qi shouted, and the blood tiger rushed in from outside the hall. Zhao Qi turned on the tiger’s back and left the hall directly.

“I hope the Lord can catch up this time, or the King will be really dangerous.” Tu Sheng said.

“At the speed of the main mount, we should be able to catch up, but we also need to prepare with both hands.” Zhang Han said in a deep voice.

The voice fell.

The eyes of several people turned to Zhang.

“If the Lord can go to Xianyang to stop and save the king, that would be great, but if the king has any accident?”

“Will Da Qin change the sky? Zhang Han” said solemnly.

“When the Lord was in Xianyang, it was rumored that there was a dispute with Fusu, the eldest son of the great king. If the great king encounters an accident, Fusu is most likely to succeed. If he succeeds to the throne, perhaps he will target the Lord.” Dun weak also said.

“With the Lord’s temperament, he will definitely not yield, and he will surely turn upside down at that time.

“And what we have to do is to swear allegiance to the Lord. If the king really encounters an accident and helps Su succeed to the throne, or any son succeeds to the throne, we will fight the Lord.

“Anyway, the land of the Three Jins is now under our control. With such power, why are you afraid?” Tu Su sneered.

“I have 300,000 elites in Handan camp, 50,000 to 60,000 defenders in Han Di, 100,000 defenders in Zhao Di, and Wei Di Jiangjun if we can recruit no less than 100,000.”

“These nearly 600,000 troops are the backing and support of the Lord.

Ren Lu also said aloud.


“Then prepare with both hands.”

“Once the (adbc) King encounters an accident, we will prepare in advance to deal with the crisis that comes at any time.” Tu Wei said immediately.


Everyone agreed.

After Zhao Qi said, they also knew about the crisis that was coming at this moment, so naturally they did not dare to neglect the slightest.

They are already people who are completely loyal to Zhao Qi, and the first is naturally Zhao Qi.

Yan country.

Moving city.

The city is closed.

Yan Dan carried his hands on his back and looked at the great mountains and rivers of his Yan Kingdom. It seemed that he was so energetic at this moment, it seemed that he had accomplished some feat.

At this time.

A general of the country of Yan walked to the city gate alone and came to Yan Dan’s front.

“General Qing Qin.

Seeing the person coming, Yan Dan turned around and bowed slightly.

“I have seen the prince.

Qing Qin bowed to Yan Dan.

He is the only general of Yan State now, commanding hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses in Yan State.


In fact, there were two generals in Yan State. He celebrated Qin as one, and there was also Le Cheng. When Zhao Wang attacked Yan in the past, Le Cheng was defeated and even captured by Zhao Guo, and Le Cheng did not have any backbone. After serving in the Zhao Kingdom, he died in the rebellion during the period of Daqin’s attack on Zhao.

Prince “I don’t know what you want to discuss with the final general?” Qing Qin looked at Yan Dan and asked aloud.

“The death of Qin is a major event.”

Yan Dan looked confident, showing a kind of arrogance.

“Death to Qin?”

Qing Qin was shocked, with a weird face.

“Prince, is it because the king and Qi Chu are uniting and preparing to send troops together to attack Qin?” Qing Qin thought for a while and asked.

“No.” Yan Dan shook his head.

“How can Qin be destroyed by that?”

“Now the State of Wei has been destroyed by the State of Qin, and all three Jins have been annexed by the State of Qin.

“The power of Qin is already very powerful, even if Dayan and Qi Chu work together, I’m afraid we can’t fight against Qin.”


“We have only one strategy for Qin, and that is defense, an offensive and defensive alliance between the three countries.”

“If Qin sent troops to Dayan, Qi and Chu would never sit back and watch.

“This is the covenant that will be signed between Qi and Chu at the end.”

“Moreover, if Qin sent troops to my Dayan, or any army sent to a country, they would all be unpopular. This is unpopular. Now my three countries have made a decision and will not provoke Qin.” Qing Qin said to Yan Dan.


“Offensive and defensive alliance, defense of Qin, this is our only strategy at the beginning.”

“But it’s different now.”

“This prince has found another better way.” A sneer appeared on Yan Dan’s face.

Qing Qin looked at Yan Dan in surprise, very puzzled?

The prince has arranged for an assassin to go and dedicate the head of Fan Yuqi, who was wanted by King Qin in the past, and a fake map of my Dayan.

“A few more days.

“Yingzheng is about to die.

Yan Dan spoke slowly.

The words fell off.

Qing Qin’s expression was shocked: “Prince, what are you talking about? You sent someone to assassinate King Qin?”


Yan Dan sneered: “This time, winning the government will die, and no one can save him.

“Prince, do you know what you are doing?”

“Assassin Qin, this will give Qin a frank word for attacking me, and he will be well-known as a teacher.

Prince “Ah, prince, how can you be so confused? If you continue this policy, I will be in danger.” Qing Qin suddenly became anxious, and looked at Yan Dan with a bit of hatred for iron and steel.

“The general does not need to be like this.

“This time the assassination of Qin, this prince is 100% sure that once he wins the government and dies, Qin will be in chaos. At that time, my Dayan will join the two countries of Qi and Chu to conquer Qin, and we will surely destroy Qin with it.

“My Dayan will also create a new and prosperous age.” Yan Dan smiled triumphantly, unaware that he had committed an irreversible mistake.

“Does the king know about this?” Qing Qin’s face was very ugly.

As a general of a country, how could he not know that Yan Dan’s move was unconscious and stupid.

“Naturally don’t know.”

“If the father knew it, he wouldn’t let this prince take this dangerous move.” Yan Dan smiled.

“Oh, prince.”

“You got into a big disaster.”

“Hurry up and let the assassin come back, don’t assassinate Qin, otherwise my Dayan will be over.” Qing Qin said anxiously.

“The general doesn’t need to be like this. This prince has said that he is 100% sure about this matter, and the envoys of the prince’s sentinel should have entered the Qin Dynasty. His dignity didn’t care at all.

For this time assassinating Qin.

He has absolute certainty, and has no fear at all.

“Prince, you

Qing Qin’s face changed completely.

he knows.

A catastrophe for his Yan Kingdom is about to come.

He wanted Big Yan Pill, but he was the crown prince and supervised the state affairs. He was not a courtier to scold him at all.

“Prince, do you know what the consequences will be if the assassination of Qin fails?” Qing Qin asked angrily.

“Qin Langzi is ambitious and wants to annex the world. If he does not assassinate Qin, Ying Zheng will still send troops to attack my Dayan, and Assassin Qin still has a chance. Once he wins the government, Qin will be in chaos.” Yan Dan sneered, without any worry at all.

Since the decision has been made.

He weighed the pros and cons completely in his mind.

Anyway, whether he didn’t move or not, Qin State would attack him Yan State. It is better for him to attack first. If he succeeds, he will change the situation.

“Prince, you are in trouble.”

“I must tell the king about this.”

Qing Qin gave Yan Dan a helpless look, held a fist and bowed to Yan Dan, then hurriedly left the city gate and ran towards the palace in a hurry.

Looking at Qing Qin’s back, Yan Dan still had no worries.


“You all think I did something wrong.”

“But if I don’t do this, Dayan will be annexed by the Yingzheng thief sooner or later. Assassinating the victory is the only way out. Fight to the death. This is better than the passive annexation of the Yingzheng.”

“But if it succeeds.

“Qin is bound to collapse, and Qin is bound to die.”

Yan Dan said coldly, with firmness in his eyes for the assassination plan he set up.

Inside the Yan Palace.

Yan Wangxi is dealing with government affairs.

It is undeniable.

This Yan Wang Xi is not faint, nor is he the kind of talented and rough king.

“My lord.

“The general begs to see you.

A monk serving in the main hall respectfully said.


Yan Wangxi raised his head and said.

“The king has an edict.”

“See you in the palace, the general.

The temple man immediately spoke.


Qing Qin rushed into the hall with an anxious expression on his face.

“The minister sees the king.

Qing Qin bowed in a panic with a serious expression.

“The general exempted him.”

Yan Wangxi smiled slightly: “Sit down.”

“Majesty, something serious happened.” Qing Qin said solemnly, but the expression on his face stopped talking.

“What makes the general so anxious?”

“Qin State has just annexed Wei State, and I, Yan State, has not entered the Qin Realm. He should have become unknown under Qin State.”

“Moreover, Qin should be the same with Qi Chu. He was born unknown.”

Yan Wang said quietly.

“It’s the prince. The prince he” Qing Qin wanted to say, but he still had some doubts about Yan Dan’s identity.

“What did the prince do?” Yan Wangxi’s expression changed.

Know the son Mo Ruo father.For his own son, Yan Wangxi knows too well.

So overjoyed and arrogant.

Moreover, he is self-sufficient in doing things. If something is wrong, it is impossible to say.


The father himself knows that his son is very unbalanced with his current situation. Ying Zheng, who used to be the host of Zhao Guo with him in the past, has become the supreme King of Qin, and his power is boundless. He has always been stronger than the winning government, and he is jealous. , I’m not sure what he will do.

“He sent people to Qin to assassinate King Qin.

Qing Qin said helplessly.


Heard this.

The pen in Yan Wangxi’s hand dropped.

The expression on his face also became extremely frightened.

“How did you know?”

“Are you sure he sent someone to assassinate Qin?”

Yan Wangxi’s face changed drastically, and he stood up and stared at Qingqin and asked.

“The King.”

“The prince asked a minister just now.

“He told his minister about the assassination of Qin, and he was going to let the minister contact both Qi and Chu, gather the army, and wait for the assassination of Qin to succeed, and then send troops to attack Qin.”

“But where is the prince as reckless as the minister, how can he not know the consequences of this matter.”

“If the assassination of Qin succeeds, it is okay. There is indeed no son of King Qin Yingzheng who can be used, he does not have the courage to win the government, and there is no chance to stabilize the Qin State. The Qin State will inevitably fall apart.”

“But if the assassination of Qin fails.”

“The consequences could be disastrous.”

“The State of Qin was originally unknown to attacking my Great Yan Master.”

“But if the prince assassinates Qin, then he will take the fruit of my Dayan’s assassination. King Qin will be angry and send troops to attack my Dayan. Moreover, under such circumstances, there is no reason for both Qi and Chu to send troops to assist my Dayan. After all… .The prince provoked the matter.”

“Assassinating Qin’s enemies, intending to kill King Qin, this, this is not a trivial matter…

That’s it.

Qing Qin’s face has become extremely pale.

He had already thought of the worst consequences.


“This rebellious son.”

“He fucks.

“How can he be so ignorant, how can he be so presumptuous.”

“Dare to go over the widow and assassinate Qin.”

“He’s looking for death, he’s mistaken me, Dayan, bastard.. Cough cough cough…”

King Yan scolded angrily, his face was blue, and he even coughed violently.

“The king calmed down his anger.”

“The prince has already done this.”

“Moreover, it is irretrievable. The assassin arranged by the prince is afraid that he has already entered Qin.”

“It’s impossible to get it back.”

Qing Qin immediately comforted.

“This rebellious son.

“It’s fine for him to be stubborn and use it on his own. This kind of family and country matters, he even dared to mess around.”

“With this rebellious son, the widow is unfortunate, and Dayan is unfortunate.

The widow “ashamed of my great Yan ancestors and ancestors.” Wang Yan was irritated and helpless, sitting on the throne, full of powerlessness.

See here.

Qing Qin couldn’t say anything.

After all, Yan Dan is the prince. This time Yan Dan made his own proposal, he didn’t know at all, and the King Yan didn’t know either.

But after all, this is a matter of state.

He had to report that if something really happened after he arrived, his country would be over.

“General, it is the plan for the present.

“What do you think?” King Yan looked at Qing Qin in a panic.

“For the present.

“I can only pray that the person sent by the prince to assassinate will succeed in killing Yingzheng.”

“If not.

“I am in danger.”

“We can only prepare for war.” Qing Qin sighed, helpless.


“Go and tie that rebellious son to the widow. If the widow doesn’t teach him, he will be the King Yan.” King Yan said angrily.

King”, not yet.

“Everything has to wait for the results to come out.”

“If that day comes, it won’t be too late to punish the prince.” Qing Qin said.


Upon hearing this, Yan Wangxi also sighed: “Blessed by the ancestors and ancestors, please be sure to continue my great Yan national fortune. This rebellious act, and I hope he can succeed, otherwise my Da Yan will really not Recovered.”

PS: I am very grateful if I ask for a fix and a monthly pass.

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