Episode 151

“The King of Enlightenment.”

“Since the State of Wei returned to the military report and Jun Wu’an set the beam in the first battle, the State of Wei has no more power to contend with Da Qin. My great Qin warrior breaks through the city, and many of the cities of Wei State even descended directly watching the wind.”

“According to the military report sent back by the Wu’an Jun army, at most one month, the entire territory of Wei will be merged into our Daqin territory.

“Since then, the Three Jin Dynasties have all belonged to Da Qin, and there is no more Zhao Weihan in the world.

Wang Shu stood up and said excitedly.


“After the extermination of the Three Jin Dynasties, our Da Qin not only expanded its territory and population, but also completely opened up the tendency of our Da Qin to dominate the world.”

“In today’s world, there are only the Three Kingdoms, Qi Chuyan.

“After Wei Cheding, my Daqin only needs to rest for a while, then we can start the expedition and gradually annex the three kingdoms of Qi, Chuyan.


Above the entire court.

All the officials were cheering.

Hear Wang Shu’s words.

There are no surprises in winning the government.

For this kind of major event concerning the destruction of the country’s military aircraft, he was the first to submit a vote, and he was also told to the officials in the court.


“I have two major camps in Qin and Daqin, is there a problem with the supply of 600,000 grains and grass?” Ying Zheng said.

“Back to the king.

“The supply of grain and grass is all stable, and Master Feng is in charge of Zhao Han’s government affairs. After these years of governance, the war has been settled and the war has been settled. Although there are remnants, he dares not to be presumptuous and only dared to steal a living. Therefore, the grain and grass taxes in the two places belong to the county government. In the depot, the two major food and grass supplies, and the northern border generation of food and grass supplies, most of them are supplied by the two places.” Wang Du respectfully said.

Qin Fa is strict and government orders are strict.

In this era, the severity of the Qin Law is much higher than that of other countries, but relatively speaking, the nobles of various countries do not violate the law. They can easily get rid of them by relying on their power. Killing ordinary people is like killing an ant. Simple.

In Qin, it was not. The prince broke the law and committed the same crime with the common people. This is not empty talk.

It is enough to see the strict orders of the Qin Law.

Feng Quji was originally a talent.

He governed the Zhao-Han realm, the Qin law was implemented, and the government decree was implemented. It also quickly increased the control of the two places. Of course, compared to the original territory of Da Qin, the governmental decrees of Zhao and Han were also more stringent.

Daqin was originally a military empire, and it was war-oriented.

Everything comes first with munitions.

Moreover, the production of grain and grass in this era was not high, so we can also think of how difficult the lives of the people of Li people are.


Zhao Qi knows it, but it’s not his business. After all, this is what the king should worry about. He is just a military commander. When he really sits in the supreme position in the future, Zhao Qi will naturally worry about it.

“My Great Qin builds the country by military, and everything is the military first.”

“Jun Wu’an is now at the point of setting the country, and the widow does not want to make a mistake in the matter of food and grass.” Ying Zheng said prestigiously.

“The minister understands.

Wang replied immediately.

“Well, go ahead.” Yingzheng nodded and motioned for the royal palace to continue.

“Wei’s affairs are basically settled, Qi, Chuyan and the three kingdoms have retired after knowing that Daqin has destroyed Wei, and Wu Anjun also dispatched a hundred thousand troops to garrison the border, and the three kingdoms did not dare to cross the border to fight.”

Wei Guo “the only remaining crisis has also been resolved.” Wang respectfully said.

In the past, “When Wu Anjun had not returned to Zhao Di, the widow once asked him what he thought of attacking Wei.”

“He bluntly said that attacking Wei is to fight fast and destroy Wei at the fastest speed. Even if the Three Kingdoms of Qi, Chu and Yan are willing to help Wei to fight against my Da Qin, it will be beyond the reach.

“Now it takes less than two months for Wu’an Jun to defeat the 03 Wei State Fundamental and overthrow the Wei Capital. The speed is so fast that even the Three Kingdoms Allied Forces have never crossed the border. This battle shows Wu’an Jun’s strategic planning.” Ying Zheng was very pleased and carried with him. Complimentary tone.

The sound resounded throughout the hall.

“It is the blessing of my great Qin to get Wu Anjun’s service.”

“I have Emperor Wu’an in the Great Qin Dynasty, and the fortune of the country is prosperous.

“Congratulations to the king…

The civil and military officials of the Manchu dynasty began to agree with them.

Hearing that the courtiers also praised their son, the smile on Yingzheng’s face became even brighter.

No matter which father you are, the one you most yearn for is to become a dragon.

I didn’t know when Zhao Qi existed before.

Ying Zheng is also very concerned about the sons in the palace. Although there is no family relationship, there is blood connection.

But under attention.

Ying Zheng was very disappointed.

Except for Fu Su who was a little bit harder, gentle and generous, none of the other sons showed any success, but that day Fu Su thought that he had learned Confucian etiquette, and even said to contradict his father. That time, winning politics was the number one. This time, he was disappointed with Fusu, who had originally given high hopes.


Zhao Qi is here.

Suffocated Fu Su cruelly.

that moment.

Ying Zheng felt very relieved.

Many of his sons in the palace were not outstanding, but the sons Dong’er gave birth to him did not let him down.

The battle to destroy the Wei Dynasty made Yingzheng excited and very gratified.

The emperor named his son Wu Anjun, the highest honor of a military commander, and was respected by millions of troops in the Great Qin Dynasty.

This is Ying Zheng paving the way for his son.

In the future, the crown prince, or even the king, is not enough to handle politics. It must be convinced by the millions of elites of the Great Qin Dynasty. Only by this can the Great Qin Dynasty be able to extend forever and prosper the nation.

after all.

Daqin established the country by military and put the military first.

And these.

Those sons of Ying Zheng couldn’t do it, only Zhao did it.

Emperor Wu Anjun.

Although it is Yingzheng’s salvation, if Zhao Qi’s military exploits cannot be achieved, the entire court will definitely oppose it. After all, even if he is the king, he needs checks and balances, and it is impossible to completely rely on his own preferences.

But fortunately.

His children’s military achievements have not let him down.

His success was incomparable to any one of his Daqin warriors. Therefore, when Ying Zheng announced that the emperor was named Wu Anjun, although the people in the court were surprised, there was no objection, even if no one was too young to disprove him. Yingzheng’s determination.

After all.

It is because Zhao Qi’s military exploits are so great that everyone shut up.From the current stage.

Zhao Qi belonged to Da Qin’s important minister, and won the favor of winning politics. Whether it was the powerful or the supporters behind the princes, they did not want to offend Zhao Qi. After all, Zhao Qi did not touch their interests.

Once Zhao Qi touches them, they will definitely give everything and die endlessly.

This is Chaotang.

A place more terrifying than the battlefield.

“The widows have children, and there are successors to Daqin.”

“Furthermore, Qi’s various performances are very human.

“Mom told my son to resurrect his mother.

“Widow will wait for this day to come.” Ying Zheng thought with joy.

Because Li Yan’er’s words were just a false resurrection, but Yingzheng firmly believed in it, because he believed in his son, and also believed that Zhao Absolute Qi would not make fun of his mother.

Chao will disperse.

Won back to Zhangtai Palace.

Just came back.

There are more than a dozen pigeons flying in the entire Zhangtai Palace.

“Hee hee hee.

A lot of “pigeons.

“It’s fun.

“You all come here.

Zhao Yuqi and Zhao Xi were excitedly shouting in Zhangtai Palace.

The pigeons seemed to have the same spirituality, flying around the two little guys, and the two little guys were jumping around, very happy.

Ying Zheng walked to the outside of the hall and was shocked when he saw this scene.

“Dancing with Asuka, isn’t the widowed grandson alive?”

Ying Zheng looked at it and thought to himself.

And at this moment.

“The King.”

Xin Sheng walked out from the side.

“Zhao Gao, you can withdraw.”

Yingzheng faced Zhao Gaodao, who was serving on the side.


Zhao Gao respectfully replied and stepped down honestly.

Every time Yingzheng gets along with his grandson, Yingzheng will not allow him to serve.

After Zhao Gao left with a group of attendants.

These “pigeons were found for your widowed grandson.” Ying Zheng turned around and looked at Xin Sheng with a smile.

“My lord.

“This is dedicated to the king by Wu Anjun.

“When the little son and the young lady saw it, they opened the cage. I don’t know if it was because they were tamed by their father, or because the two young ladies were born with aura, these pigeons flew around them.” Xin Sheng said respectfully.

“It must be the widowed grandson who has aura.

Ying Zheng said with a smile immediately, very contented.


“You’re back.”

“A lot of pigeons, so fun, Aye, come and play together.”

The two little guys yelled happily when they saw Ying Zheng.

“You play, Aye will come to accompany you later.” Ying Zheng said with a smile.

Then he looked at Xin Sheng and said, “What does Qi’er send so many pigeons to the widow? Do you want to eat it with stew?

“The King.”

“This can’t be fried and eaten, but a treasure offered to the king by Wu Anjun.”


When Xin Sheng heard that the winning politicians were stewing and eating, he suddenly said in a hurry.

Although Xin Sheng also said to eat when he first saw these pigeons, but after seeing the effects of the pigeons, Xin Sheng immediately changed.

These “pigeons are invaluable?”

Ying Zheng looked at Xin Sheng differently.

Xin Sheng glanced around. There were guards guarding him, and no one would get close to Yingzheng’s ten feet.

“The King.”

“These pigeons are not ordinary pigeons, but homing pigeons tamed by Wu Anjun…

Xin Sheng reported the situation of these pigeons to Ying Zheng.

After listening.

Ying Zheng opened his eyes wide, and a surprise emerged.

“Are you serious?” Ying Zhengdao.

“What the minister said is true.

“It’s all what Wu Anjun said.” Xin Sheng said immediately.

“Good, good, good.”

“As expected to be my son.”

“Not only is the commander’s ability unmatched in the world, but I didn’t expect to be better at this strange technique. With this pigeon transmission, the edicts of the widows will spread all over the world. I can also pass the report to everyone as quickly as possible.”

“Qin’er has done a great job for my Daqin again.

Yingzheng smiled very moved, extremely ecstatic.

As a king.

He naturally knows the meaning of these pigeons, which will lead Daqin into a new era.

“My lord.

“Jun Wu An said.”

“These pigeons remember the way back home. As long as they are raised in Xianyang for a period of time, they will remember Xianyang, and no matter where they are in the future, they will return to Xianyang.”

“But Wu Anjun also said that this pigeon has a drawback, that is, it only recognizes one episode. Now if these pigeons are used for transmission, they will directly fly back to Wu Anjun.” Xin Sheng explained the principle of the pigeon homing transmission, and these Zhao Qi told him.

“It’s not bad to be able to do this.”

“As long as the pigeons are centered in Xianyang, and the pigeons are arranged in the major cities of Daqin, the communication can be established.”


Ying Zheng glanced at the dozens of pigeons: “These dozens of homing pigeons are still a bit missing.”

“Wu Anjun said, if the king needs more, he can continue to tame the homing pigeons after Wei is completely calmed down.” Xin Sheng respectfully said.

“As expected to be my son.

“Knowing to do our part for Da Qin.” Ying Zheng’s face was gratified.

If you have a son like this, what can your husband ask for?

“The son’s ability can be said to be shocking to the world.

“I am good at military strategy and commanding the army, and I am even better at medical treatment. I have developed magical medicines such as Jinshuang Medicine, which saved me, Da Qin does not know how many wounded soldiers, and now I can tame this bird to drive my Da Qin.”

“The minister can’t see through what Lord Sato does not understand.” Xin Sheng said with admiration.


Listening to the courtiers complimenting his son, Ying Zheng also smiled on his old father’s face, and he was even more proud: “Qi Er still has alchemy methods and possesses spirit pills. Perhaps, Qi Er really got the immortal family’s inheritance. must.”



The widow asked Qi Er to pacify Wei Guo and return after everything else. Did you say that? “There is a rare expectation in the eyes of winning the government.

“The minister said.

“The son will naturally not refuse.

“He said that when the Wei State is settled and the military affairs of the Three Jins are completely handled and safely, he will return.” Xin Sheng replied immediately.

“That’s good.

Ying Zheng is happier.

It only took more than a month to complete the Wei state, and to arrange the military affairs of the Three Jins, it would take two or three months at most.

In a few months, my son will be back again.

“My lord.

“Don’t worry, with the current position of Lord Ji, it is better to be outside, far safer than in Xianyang.”

“After all, he doesn’t need to deal with the relationship between the court and the court outside, and in Xianyang, the courtiers guessed that he would be bored, so the sacrificial son left Xianyang early.” Xin Sheng said with a smile.

“Those guys don’t know anything else. They fight for power, and they are top-notch people.”

The widow “has not yet died, those guys have already focused on the widow’s position. If the widow dies, maybe they will be brothers and sisters because of that position.”

Ying Zheng sneered, with a kind of anger.

For his own sons, Ying Zheng also carries a kind of hatred for iron and steel.

“The king calmed down his anger.”

“The king has Master Qi.”

“With Master Qi’s skill, if he becomes the crown prince in the future, no one will dare to refuse, no one dare to disrespect.” Xin Sheng bowed immediately.

“Fortunately there is Qi Er.”

Otherwise, “even if the widows conquered the world, they would not be able to hold the world.”

“Okay, you can withdraw.”

Ying Zheng said coldly.


Xin Sheng bowed his head and respectfully left in front of Zhangtai Palace.

Donger “.”

“Before you protected me, but I didn’t expect that now you are gone and you are here to help me again. If there is not much, who can hold me in the future?” Ying Zheng thought with exclamation in his heart.

At this time.

“The King.”

On the side of Zhangtai Palace, a man in a black robe came over.

“What’s the matter?”

Ying Zheng immediately became indifferent and majestic, looking towards the people coming.

“It’s about the Black Ice Platform.” Tie Ying said respectfully.

“En?” Ying Zheng frowned.

“Zhao Di, Han Di, Wei Di, and even Yu Qi, Chuyan, and the Three Kingdoms have a hidden spy force.”

“These forces are extremely powerful, infiltrating everywhere, good at all kinds of secret assassin’s ways, and discovered the existence of my spy on the Black Ice Platform.” Tie Ying said solemnly.

“Have you ever fought? Can you find out which country this force comes from?” Ying Zheng asked immediately.

Black ice platform.

This is not an espionage force created by the winning government. It was created by the ancestor Qin Xiaogong Ying Quliang, the ancestor of the winning government, Qin Xiaogong Ying Quliang, when the former Shang Yang reforms. He was directly ordered by him, and he made a lot of credit for regaining power afterwards.

The hiding of the Black Ice Terrace has always been based on the world.

Even though all countries have espionage forces.

However, compared with the depth of the hidden black ice platform, the strength of the dead is inferior to all countries.

All the time.

The black ice platform is hidden in the dark and is rarely found.


“As a result, my black ice platform spy was a big defeat, and dozens of elite spy pros were lost.” Tie Ying said with some shame.



Ying Zheng’s face suddenly turned cold, and a kind of anger emerged. This was the first time he had such a defeat since he took control of the Black Ice Platform.

“We have lost dozens of people. How many people have been lost by espionage? Ying Zheng” asked with a cold face.

“Back to the king.

“The espionage on that side only lost six or seven people.” Tie Ying lowered his head, with a panic on his face.

He seemed to be able to imagine what kind of thunder and anger would erupt after winning the government.

“The black ice platform lost dozens of people, but the enemy lost only a few people?”

Iron Eagle “How do you explain to the widow?”

“Black Ice Terrace has always been the world’s most espionage force, why is it so defeated?”

“You, tell the widow.

There was an iron blue on Ying Zheng’s face, staring at Tie Ying.



Facing the anger of winning the government, Tie Ying was terrified, and his whole body was deterred by a kingly power.

Just then.


“what are you doing?””Why don’t you come in and play with us?”

Zhao Yuqi happily ran to Yingzheng’s side with all the pigeons. Zhao Xi followed closely behind, also a pigeon.

Hear the voice of grandson.

Under the anger, the iron-green politics suddenly changed, the iron-green dissipated, and a gentle smile appeared again.

Squat down.

“Aye is doing something, elder, Xier, you play first, and Aye will go in and pay you when you are next.” Yingzheng said gently.

“Aye is awesome.

Zhao Yuqi complimented, and then looked at Tie Ying: “Weird uncle, you are here again, why is your face so ugly? Are you sick? Do you want me to help you pay your grandfather for you to see?”

Zhao Yuqi asked obediently.

“The minister is okay, Miss Xie cares.” Tie Ying said with trepidation.

“Qi’er, take your brother in and play for a while, Aye will come soon.” Ying Zheng calmed down.


“We are waiting for Aye.”

Zhao Yuqi immediately took her brother’s hand and returned to the hall.

“Stand up and explain clearly to the widow.

“Why did the Black Ice Platform have such a defeat?”

“Every one of my black ice platform spies is deeply practicing the way of fighting. Every one is the most powerful assassin in the world. Why is there such a defeat?” Yingzheng said prestigiously, but after his two grandchildren came, he seemed to I was also afraid of frightening them, so the tone became a little more gentle.


The two little guys have reached the point where they can affect Yingzheng’s mood.

“That force’s spies are more powerful, their fighting methods are more powerful and subtle, they are killer moves, and they are extremely injurious. They seem to be hidden in the dark.”

“After discovering them and the Black Ice Terrace suffered a loss, the minister tried to find their origins, but they hid so deeply that they couldn’t find any of their origins. They seemed to come from nothing.” Tie Ying Respectful way.

“620 means that you fought with them, but didn’t find out their details?” Ying Zheng said solemnly.

“The minister is incompetent, and I ask the king to punish him.” Tie Ying knelt on the ground, very ashamed.

He has been in charge of the Black Ice Platform for many years and was directly ordered by Ying Zheng. This time was his first miserable defeat.

It was a complete failure.

“Clarify the cause and effect.”

“Where did you find it in the first place? Where are they most closely guarded?”

“What are they doing again?” Ying Zheng asked.

“They are most active in Zhao and Han, and there are also in the place where Young Master Qi is. It seems…it seems that they are all secretly protecting Young Master.

“Furthermore, the spies that we were lurking around Master Qi were also discovered by them. It was on that day that they stopped shooting us and no longer collided with us.”

Moreover, “What they did was the same as my black ice platform, infiltrating the world and lurking in various countries, and the methods were more rigorous and strict than my black ice platform.”

“It’s about the son, the minister, and the minister doubt… Tie Ying said all the guesses in his heart, but at the last sentence, he didn’t dare to say it again.

“Secret protection? After discovering the black ice platform spying, stopped working on the black ice platform?”

Ying Zheng muttered to himself.

But between words.

The expression on his face became more relaxed, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.



“It’s Qi’er again.”

“Unexpectedly, while silently, he even tinkered with an undercover force.”

“This son, the real person is really getting more and more incapable. What does he don’t understand?

As if thinking of something, Yingzheng stopped being angry and turned into a smile.

“The king suspects that this espionage force was created by the son?” Tie Ying said tentatively, for fear that it would be offended to Ying Zheng.

“Except for orphans, who else can there be?”

Ying Zheng glanced at Tie Ying: “They have the most activities around Qi’er, and they also secretly protect the children, and after discovering that the people on the black ice platform are protecting the children, they abandon their confrontation with the black ice platform and no longer engage with each other. Ge.”

“If it is the spy forces of the enemy country, how can they be so right? How can they be so against the black ice platform?”

“Tie Ying.”

“This time you lose well.

Ying Zheng turned his anger into joy and burst into laughter.

“It is an honor for the minister to be defeated in the hands of Master Qi.

“But Young Master Qi is really too good. Not only is he good at military affairs, he is also proficient in spying training, and he is ashamed of himself.” Tie Ying said with a tone of shame and admiration.

With this iron eagle’s method, after knowing the actions of those inexplicable spies in the dark, how can he not guess that it has something to do with Zhao, but in order not to offend Ying Zheng, he naturally pretends that he doesn’t know it, the courtier is too smart. Sometimes it doesn’t make the king like it.

“All right.

“Go down.

“Remove all the spies on the Black Ice Terrace next to Er. Originally, the real person wanted to protect him secretly, but the spies he personally trained are better than you, so there is no need.” Ying Zheng said prestigiously.

“The minister understands.

Tie Ying breathed a sigh of relief, and the catastrophe was completely over.

But just when he was about to leave, something suddenly came to mind.

“Majesty, the minister has one more thing to report about the spying weapon under Gong Zi Qi.” Tie Ying’s eyes were filled with awe.

“Weapon?” Ying Zheng looked at Tie Ying.

“This time, my black ice platform spies and Qi Gongzi’s subordinates fought against each other. Those spies not only have a powerful way of fighting, but they also have a weapon.

“That weapon can fire crossbow arrows repeatedly.” Tie Ying said respectfully.

“Burst of crossbow arrows?”

Ying Zheng looked surprised: “How can this be done?

“The minister doesn’t know.”

But the secret agents under the minister did indeed see that each of Qi Gongzi’s secret agents was equipped with that continuous crossbow arrow, which was amazing in combat power. “Tie Ying said respectfully.

“This kid really hides a lot of big secrets.”

It seems that “spy about this matter, he really has to ask when he comes back.”

“But this brat may not admit it, pretending to be confused.

“This kid is not afraid of him at all, Laozi, alas, there is no way…”

Thinking of Zhao Qi’s character, winning the government is somewhat helpless.

For my own son.

Ying Zheng not only couldn’t see through, but he was also afraid of offending him.

After all, this is a concern for winning the government and staying alive.

PS: I am very grateful for the determination, the monthly pass, and everything.

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