Chapter 150 The Grand Prize Brought by the Title of Jun Wuan

“Qin Wang Zhao arrived, and General Zhao Qi led the order.”

“The general king cut his collar.

at this time.

After the guard camp, there was a solemn voice.

Hear the sound.

Zhao immediately returned to his senses.

Looking at each other with Wang Jian, there was some expectation.

“Wang Zhao is here.”

Wang Jian smiled.


Zhao Qi smiled and immediately got off the chariot.

Walking towards the back of the guard camp, Wang Jian naturally accompanied him.



The commander of the Guards, Xin Sheng, came into the eyes of the two.

“Chen Zhao Qi.”

“Chen Dynasty.

“Respectfully listen to Wang Zhao.

The two men bowed immediately.

“Qin Wangzhao.

“Admiral Zhao Qi, commanded the army to destroy Wei and made great contributions.

“The water from the Yellow River will overturn the beams, and let my great Qin soldiers destroy hundreds of thousands of enemy troops without blood. The battle will determine the universe, and we will slay Wei Wuji, punish the king of Wei, and destroy the great power of Wei.”


“Given Zhao Qi to two ranks, seal off the inner marquis, and expand the number of private soldiers to 5,000.”

“Given the power to control all military affairs in the three realms of Zhao, Wei and Han, and the power to cut first and then play.”

“And given the title, Wu Anjun.

Xin Sheng opened Wang Zhao with both hands and read aloud.

This Wang Zhao’s voice fell.

All the guards present, and even Zhao Qi and Dynasty were shocked.

“Tangsan Jin military affairs, enjoy life and kill power, behead first and then play, what kind of power is this?”

“Moreover, the general was actually given a title, Jun Wuan?

“What a gift this is.”

“Wu Anjun, this is the highest pursuit of Da Qin and even the generals of the world.

“My Daqin Wu Anjun was only in his forties before he was granted the title of Wu Anjun.”

Everyone looked at Zhao Qi in horror, with awe in their eyes.

“Qin Shihuang actually named me Wuanjun.

“These three words represent not only a title, but the largest title pursued by the generals in the world.”

“These three words are enough to make me enjoy the highest prestige among the million sharp warriors of Daqin.”

“Sixteen Seven” Qin Shihuang is really great.

Even if it was Zhao Qi at this moment, he originally thought that Qin Shihuang would be promoted to his title, but he did not expect to give him such a title.

Obtained the title of Wu Anjun.

Zhao Qi’s prestige in the Great Qin Army is no more than that, and he can be called the No. 1 General of the Great Qin Army.

In the future, Qin will calm the world, and Zhao Qi will be the number one general in the world.

With this name, you can have a lot of mega powers.

“Zhao Qi.

“Since enlisting in the army, he has won all battles, the attack must be overcome, and the victory must be fruitful. He deserves this title.”

Wang Jian’s face was shocked, and then he was relieved.

The entire Daqin.

If they were Mengwu, but they got this number, Wang Jian might still feel a little dissatisfied. Not only are they warriors of the same era and the same exploits.

But when it fell on Zhao Qi, Wang Jian was convinced.

For Da Qin, Zhao Qi’s military exploits have no reason to deny it.

Whether it is the eradication of Han, the cutting of violence, cutting the king of Han, the outstanding combat exploits.

Then to destroy the Zhaowei coalition forces, Nanyang, with the results of the grand fire brought by the fire, cut Pang intimidated, and then guarded Handan for dozens of days in the era of Zhao.

Finally came to this last country of the Three Jin Dynasties, and the whole battle was dominated by Zhao Qi.

Overturning the waters of the Yellow River, a battle will determine the universe.

No matter which battle is shaking the world, it is enough to make a general famous, but all these battle achievements are gathered in one person, which is enough to prove his ability.

Such a feat.

Victory in a hundred battles, let Da Qin annex the Three Jins, and establish the step of establishing Da Qin to dominate the world.

The title Wu’anjun is totally worth it.”Chen Zhao Qi, King Xie.”

Zhao Qi bowed and bowed, the excitement suppressed by the voice, with a calm solemnity.

“As expected to be Master Qi, he was able to perform so calmly after being entrusted to him by Wu Anjun. In the future, Da Qin will be entrusted to Master Qi, and my Da Qin will once again be prosperous.

Looking at Zhao Qi’s calm expression, he did not show any overjoy, which made Xin Sheng particularly admired.

This kind of honor is given to anyone, even if it is Wang Han and the others, I am afraid that they will be extremely ecstatic.

Because this is the highest honor of a military commander.

“The general king cut the edict.


Xin Sheng looked at the dynasty.

“Qin Wangzhao.”

“The general king cut, worked hard in the battle of the eradication of the Wei, and made a lot of military achievements. Today, he is bestowed a promotion to the first level, and also a gold…

Xin Sheng announced loudly.

“Chen Wang cut it, Xie Dawang.” The dynasty also thanked him immediately.

Although Wang Jian’s award was only a general, compared with Yingzheng’s reappointment of Zhao, the key to this battle lies in Zhao.

Natural military exploits are all different.

“Two generals, let’s lead them.”

Xin Sheng stepped forward and handed the two Wang Zhao to them.

Zhao Qi and Wang Jian naturally took them respectfully.

Wang Zhao represents the kingship, and he must not be rude.

“General Xin Sheng, how is the king lately?”

After receiving Wang Zhao, Zhao Qi asked with a smile.

“Drag Wu’an Jun Hongfu, the king learned that Wu’an Jun is in the Wei Dasheng, the battle will determine the universe, naturally it is great joy.” Xin Sheng immediately replied with a smile.

“Then my wife and children should be okay?” Zhao You asked with concern.

Madam, “The son and the young lady are all looked after by the king, very nice.”

“The prince and the young lady accompany the king in the palace every day. They are lively and lovely. This also makes the king happy every day.” Xin Sheng smiled.

“That’s good.”

Zhao Qi was relieved too.

“Also, when he will finally come from Xianyang, the king specially explained it.”

“After Wu Anjun has made arrangements for Wei Jing’s military affairs, he can be attributed to Xianyang Xiu.

“The king is looking forward to drinking with Wu Anjun again.” Xin Sheng said respectfully.

Heard this.

Wang Qi looked at Zhao Qi in surprise.

“This kid, how much grace has the king gotten, this has just returned from Xiumu, and he was allowed to leave again.” The dynasty was also very curious in his heart.

Since he has guarded the Hangu Valley, he has led the big camp. It is good to be able to return to Xianyang for half a month in a year, but Zhao Qi, the kid, takes more than a month to rest.

But think about it.

Zhao Qi has not returned for many years, and it seems to be nothing.

“General Xin Sheng.

“It’s been hard for you to come from afar.”

“After I deal with some things, I can enter the big camp for a while.” Zhao Qi laughed.

Claiming to be changed immediately.

Now he is Wu Anjun, and he is higher than the power of the general in terms of status and status.

“Wu Anjun.

The final general “come by the order of the king, and now I still need to go back soon.” Xin Sheng said with embarrassment.

Convey Wang Zhao.

Originally it was enough to send ordinary guards, but with the love of the beloved son of the government, how could he give ordinary guards to convey Wang Zhao? Here, Xin Sheng came in person.

“Just delay for one day, no problem.

“And this time I have something for General Xin Sheng to take back and dedicated to the king.” Zhao Qi said with a smile.

“So, then it is better to respect the general than to follow his orders.”

Seeing Zhao Qi like this, Xin Sheng didn’t dare to refuse any more, and respectfully took his orders.

And at the moment.

As Zhao Qi was given the title of Wu Anjun, the system prompt sounded suddenly.

“Congratulations to the host for winning the title “Wu’an Jun”, wearing this title, you can get the awe of the Qin Dynasty’s millions of troops, enjoy the highest reputation in the army, and override the power of the general. Wearing this title, the host commander can kill the enemy by killing the enemy. One-third, and able to use passive magical power “Killing Dao”, get one-third of the murderous intent of the army under his command to kill the enemy.” The system prompts.

“This Wuanjun title is against the sky.”

Listen to the prompts of the system.

Zhao Qi was stunned.

He did not expect a title to be so important to him.

A title.

Transformed into the title attribute of the system, it is simply against the sky.

For Zhao Qi, what he values ​​is the bonus of this title to experience points.

In the past, Zhao Qi can get a quarter of the total experience of killing the enemy with his own army, and he still needs his commander’s army to kill the enemy, but with this title, the result is different, as long as it is Zhao Qi In the war under the command of the army, Zhao Qi can gain the experience of killing the enemy regardless of whether he belongs directly to his legion.


It is also an increase from the previous quarter, reaching a third, which allows Zhao Qi to gain more experience points.

Don’t be too cool.

“Wearing the title of “Wu’an Jun”.” Zhao Yiqi’s communication system.

“The title was successfully worn,” said the system.

“Qin Shihuang is interesting enough, too interesting.”

“This title is really amazing, and there are two awards for titles.” Zhao Qi secretly said with joy.

This time the battle between Dingwei and Wei not only allowed Zhao Qi to be promoted two levels in a row, he was also awarded this number, which was a complete surprise.

Qin Shihuang was truly an emperor through the ages, with amazing courage.

His eyes turned.

Inside the camp.

Zhao Qi ordered to go down and prepared a meal.

Although there is nothing delicious in this era, Zhao Qi has become accustomed to it after being reborn for so long.

“Such a rich meal, Wu Anjun is really too polite.” Xin Sheng looked at the meal in front of him and said with a deep sigh.

“General Xin came from a long way, and that’s hard work.”

“It’s a pity that alcohol is banned in the army, otherwise I would have to have a good drink with you.” Zhao Qi smiled.

“Jun Wu’an is right.”

“I will return to Xianyang in the future, but I have to have a good drink with General Xin.” Wang Wei also smiled.

There is no fourth person to meet in this camp today.

“It is Xin Sheng’s honor to be able to have Jun Wuan and the generals of the dynasty have a banquet. The two generals will return to Xianyang in the future, and Xin Sheng should be my host. Please have a good drink for both of you.” Xin Sheng also smiled and said. .


Three people ate their meals.

Talk about it.

After all, they are all martial artists, so naturally there are some topics.

“I don’t know what Wu Anjun is going to offer to the king?”

Xin Sheng came back to his senses and asked curiously.

“Treasures, for Da Qin, I am definitely a treasure for the King.”

Zhao Qi smiled.

Then he clapped his hands outside the camp.


A dozen guard soldiers walked into the camp with an iron cage in their hands.


Wang Jian and Xin Sheng were stunned when they looked at the homing pigeons in the cage.

Then they all looked at Zhao Qi, puzzled.

“Jun Wuan.”

“This is the treasure?”

“Send it to the king and eat it?” Xin Sheng said in a puzzled way.

“Eat stew, you can’t figure it out.

Zhao Qi gave Xin Sheng a look. If he hadn’t seen him as an ancient person, Zhao Qi would have started cursing.


In this era, it seems that this pigeon is indeed eaten stewed, and the taste is not bad.

“Boy, is there any difference between this pigeon?” Wang Qiang was a little more calm and euphemistic.

“If there is no difference, how can I give it to the king.” Zhao Qi smiled.

Then he gave the guard a wink.

The guards immediately understood.

At the same time, the iron cage 0…


A dozen homing pigeons all flew out, but instead of running, they flew around Zhao Qi.

“This pigeon has the characteristic of recognizing home. Just let it live in one place for a period of time and let them know the home. After that, no matter how far, thousands of miles or miles they are taken, they can find their home and fly back. “Zhao Qi said, pointing to these flying pigeons.

Heard this.

Wang Qiang and Xin Sheng were stunned and looked at each other.

As soldiers, they almost all thought of something in an instant.

“Can this pigeon be used for messaging?”

“If they make a home in Xianyang, can they be sent to Xianyang from all over the world?”

Wang Jian’s voice was somewhat shocked.


Zhao Qi smiled.


“This is really a treasure.”

“Wu Anjun, are these pigeons tamed by you personally?

Xin Sheng also said in shock.”Right.” Zhao Qi nodded.

“The power of Jun Wu’an, the last general will worship.”

Xin Sheng stood up and bowed to Zhao Qi very solemnly.

“General Xin is too salute.” Zhao Qi said immediately.

“Wu Anjun, this pigeon means too much to my Da Qin.”

“As it is today, the communication is extremely difficult. Even if you are in these three Jin lands, you can only rely on fast horses and whips to return to Xianyang. It will take seven or eight days at the fastest, and you must also beware of enemy ambushes and assassinations.”

“But if there is this pigeon, it is a thousand miles away, I am afraid that two days, no, you can get to Xianyang in one day.

“For my Daqin to rule the world, this can greatly reduce the impact of message transmission, so that the edict of the king can be transmitted to the generals as soon as possible, and the memorandums of the generals can be transmitted to the generals faster. In the hands of the king.

“Therefore, Da Qin can avoid the death and injury of countless soldiers due to the interrogation.”

“Jun Wu’an, your merits are well-deserved.

“This tribute is Xin Sheng’s obeisance for the king, and for all the great Qin Ruishi who died because of the news.”

Xin Sheng said with a look of excitement.

He knows exactly what the appearance of this carrier pigeon brings.

This will make Daqin’s national strength invisibly increase.

“This monarch is Wu Anjun, who was entrusted by the king, and even a soldier of Daqin. You don’t need to pay this respect. These pigeons are gifts from this monarch to the king.” Zhao Qi also became serious.


For Daqin, Zhao Qi is also selfish.

The real good things were not taken out.

After all, if it is taken out now, it may become an enemy in the future.

So Zhao Qi will not take it out.

But this homing pigeon is different. Zhao Qi tamed them with the halo of tame animals. Everything about them is in the hands of Zhao.

This is something no one can take advantage of.

Qin Shihuang is very kind to himself, Zhao Qi knows, so if Zhao Qi can help him, he will also help, if he can’t, Zhao Qi will not do it rashly.

After all, he knows history.

I know what changes would be made to Da Qin if Qin Shihuang died.

When Qin Shihuang was alive, Zhao Qi would work hard to do his job well, but he would not deliberately change, because Zhao Qi is in the world.


“I won’t say much.

“You pigeon is really a treasure, a unique treasure.”

“You, opened a new era.”

“It belongs to my new era of Daqin.”

Wang Weak also said with a sigh.

Perhaps “it is the creation of a new era, but in this era, the future will definitely be in my hands. 1.2 When I take control of this era, giving the world and the Yanhuang clan will definitely bring a big boost.” Zhao Qi secretly thought about the future. , Full of longing.

Time flies.

After using up the meal.

Xin Sheng and Wang Jian also left Zhao Qi’s camp.

Zhao Qi is a communication system that can’t wait.

Withdraw “knight promotion reward.” Zhao Qi said.

“The host’s instructions are accepted.

Congratulations, “The host has been awarded the title of General Manager and rewarded 1,000 low-grade spirit stones.”

“Congratulations to the host for being sealed off from Neihou and rewarding Xuanjie martial arts “Wudang Tiyunzong”.” The system prompts.

“I bought 1,000 spirit stones again, and I don’t have to worry about the spirit stones before the Grandmaster Realm. Even if I don’t kill the enemy, these are enough to upgrade me to the 21st Grandmaster Realm.”

“As for this Wudang Tiyunzong, this is a top-notch light work.”

“With this light work, the whole world can go, this is the ability to escape.

Zhao Qin was overjoyed.

It has reached the innate realm, and the cultivation method now is the fusion of nine yang and nine yin.

Although in Zhao’s impression, Nine Yangs are Buddhism practices and Jiuyin is Taoist practices, but Buddhism is Taoism, and the same works are the same. Under the combination of system power, naturally there is no problem.

Innate realm, there is innate true energy.

If you learn light work, you can take advantage of Yukong.

Now that Zhao Qi has obtained this real light work, it can be said that he has obtained the capital that he can escape in an absolute crisis.

Of course.

With his current strength and authority, the people in the world who want to hurt him have not yet been born.

“This time killing Wei is really a big profit.”

“Not only the authority, title, but also the strength have been improved.

“Qin Shihuang, I really thank you.

Zhao Qin thought about it beautifully.


Palace of the King of Qin.

Ying Zhengduan sat on the throne with an unspeakable joy on his face.

It seems that something great happened again.

PS: I am very grateful if I ask for a fix and a monthly pass.

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