Chapter 149 Big Explosion Experience Points, Big System Rewards

“The system will settle the reward for killing the enemy.” Zhao Qi issued an order.

“The host’s instructions are accepted.

“Starting to settle the kill reward.”

“Congratulations to the host’s army for killing 353,212 enemies and gaining 114,000 experience points. The upgrade experience points have been reached. May I ask whether the host has been upgraded?” the system prompts.


Hearing so many experience points, Zhao Qi didn’t hesitate and said immediately.

The result of killing the enemy to gain experience points is much faster than the daily practice.

Golden light flickered on Zhao’s body.

“Congratulations to the host for reaching level 14 (Innate Quadruple Realm).

“Congratulations to the host for reaching level 15 (innate five levels)

The system prompts.

During this process, Zhao Qi could clearly feel that the true Qi in the dantian ushered in a skyrocket, and the meridians were washed away by two more.

“Open the properties panel.

Zhao Qi said immediately.

Level: 15 (innate five levels)

Stamina: 6000

Infuriating: 5000

Practicing exercises; perfect basic inner strength, nine yin and nine yang (renewing vitality without rest,)

Cultivation of martial arts: perfect basic swordsmanship (one sword cuts out, sword energy is invisible), perfect yellow-level middle-grade martial arts “Fight Tiger Fist”, one punch can make a tiger roar, and one punch can gather 10 times the power of the whole body and blast out.

Consummating the profound level martial arts “Sacred Arrow Technique”, comprehending Consummation, three hundred zhang arrows without false hair, ten arrows in succession, contains bursting arrow energy.

Consummation of the profound martial arts “Overlord Halberd”…

Possess weapons; Zhanlu sword, overlord halberd, stainless steel sword, body armor, ten stones.

Possess a magic weapon: Jiangxin (with training attributes, the host commander can increase morale by 100% and increase combat power by using the battle formation.)

Possessing characteristics: general authority (subordinate generals, all in awe.)

Experience required to upgrade: 13012.

“This time I gained too many experience points, and it almost made me upgrade to 3 levels in a row.

Seeing that only more than 10,000 experience points can be upgraded, Zhao Qi smiled on his face.

After returning to Handan for a few months, Zhao Qi naturally did not sit idle. Using the spiritual stones rewarded by the system to assist in his cultivation was naturally much faster than before.

After breaking through to the Innate Triple Realm at the beginning.

After cultivating for a few months, his true energy and experience value were increased.

Today, in the first battle, Zhao Qi has obtained hundreds of thousands of experience points at a time, and Zhao Qi did not expect the results of the explosion.

Six congenital realms.

If Zhao Qi remembers correctly.

The required experience value should be 60,000, and almost every level of experience value is corresponding to its level.


“The experience points gained from killing the enemy are the fastest way to increase strength. The experience points gained in this field are more than I have been practicing for a year.

“The water of the Yellow River overturned the beams, and not only overthrew the army of the State of Wei, but also ordinary people. They are all counted as experience points.”

“If I slaughter the city?”

At this moment.

Zhao Qi had a terrible idea in his mind.

But the moment this idea appeared.

Zhao Qi immediately vetoed it.

“The act of living in the city is against the harmony of nature, and for the people of my clan, it is severing the foundation of my ethnic group.

“But if you deal with aliens in the future.

“It’s okay to live in the city and live in the clan.”

Thought of this.

A cloud of haze flashed through Zhao Qi’s eyes.

As the saying goes.

Power moves people’s hearts, power corrupts souls.

Zhao Qi has obtained such authority and such power in just a few years. It can be said that he is unique, but he has not lost in this power and authority. I have to say that the two lives have a stable mind.

“Starting to settle prestige rewards.”

“The host’s reputation was respected by five million people, and he was promoted to 500,000 points.

“The host has been in the army for five years. He has killed more than a thousand enemies with his own hands, and his army has killed more than 500,000 enemies.”

“Clear hidden rewards.”

“Congratulations to the host for acquiring the passive martial arts supernatural power “Kill Dao”.” The system prompts.

Hear this.

Suddenly the system rewards martial arts supernatural powers, and Zhao Qi is interested.”Kill Dao?”

“What magical power is this?”

Zhao Qi thought curiously, and then directly gave instructions to learn magical powers.

“Started to learn “Killing Dao”.

Jin Guang appeared on Zhao Qi.

The mystery belonging to this supernatural power was fully understood by Zhao Qi.

After a while.

Zhao Qi fully understood.

It turned out that “this is the way of killing.”

“As I kill more enemies, and my army kills more enemies, the murderous intent on me will gradually increase. Endless murderousness.”

“If a murderous intent bursts out, it can form a murderous intent domain, and everyone in the domain will be controlled by my killing intent.

“If the murderous aura reaches a certain level, you can kill with a murderous aura.”

“Although in this world, my strength is definitely the strongest, but this supernatural power will become one of my trump cards. In the future, I have a real chance to reach another world with a stronger level and encounter a stronger enemy. This is what kills the enemy. Hole cards.”

Zhao Qi thought to himself secretly.

Follow along.

Zhao Qi operates this supernatural power.

Pause time.

A hazy blood-colored barrier immediately appeared on his body. All his murderous auras gathered in an instant, and the barrier immediately dispersed, covering several feet.

And under this path, Zhao Qi is also like an incarnation of a killer, with a terrifying blood red halo on his body. Just looking at it, there is a kind of palpitating fear, which is chilling.

“This time.”

“My strength has improved too much.

“Now I am at level 15, and I am not far from level 16.”

“Now that Wei Guo is destroyed, we will destroy the Three Kingdoms of Qi, Chu and Yan later. The master is hopeful.” Zhao Qi felt the terrifying power contained in his body, and thought to himself in his heart.

“Continue to settle the rewards.” Zhao Qi came back to his senses and gave the order again.

“Congratulations to the host for killing Wei Wuji, the king of Xinling Mausoleum of Wei Guo, and gaining 1,000 experience points and rewarding “The Method of Training Wei Wushu”.”

“Congratulations to the host for killing King Wei, gaining 1,000 experience points and rewarding “The Law of Papermaking”.” The system prompts.

“Wei Wuji really deserves to be more prestigious than Limpo. Li Mu and the others are all older, and their experience points are comparable to that of King Wei. He has supported Wei for decades. Perhaps in the minds of Wei people, he is only talented. Is the real king.”

“Wei Wuzu, the training method used by Wu Qi in the early stage of the Warring States Period, and the Wei Wuzu at that time was also famous in the world, and now Wei has long lost the elite of the old Wei Wuzu.”

“However, today, Zhao Qi’s subordinates will reproduce the power of the former Wei Wuzu, but it is not called Wei Wuzu, but Qin Wuzu.

It used to be the iron-making method, now it is the paper-making method. The system has also given me such advanced technology, but I am not a king yet, so I still hide it. After the end of Qin, I will level the world and talk about other things.

“These are all treasures that started an era.

Zhao Qi thought to himself secretly.

Now what I have mastered is not only strength, but also various technologies beyond this era, the method of military training, the method of Hufu riding and shooting, Zhao Qi has all mastered.

At this time.

A black figure rushed into the camp from the outside, and then steadily landed on Zhao Qi’s shoulders.

It is an eagle falcon.

“What’s the news?”

Zhao Qi took a secret message from the eagle’s foot.

Now the eagle falcon, golden eagle and carrier pigeon have been arranged by Zhao Qi.

Especially the shadows under his command have used these means of communication to form a big net, covering the entire Central Plains.

In the past.

For example, it takes at least eight or nine days to return to Qin from the land of the Three Jins, but now with the birds tamed by Zhao Qi, it takes a few hours at the fastest and only one day at the slowest.

This is the power of inter-age communication.

“Enlighten the Lord.”

“Qi Chuyan and the Three Kingdoms have all retired, and the Wei Jing crisis has been resolved. In addition, after hiding in the shadows, another secret spy organization lurking in the world was discovered. This organization is extremely tight and the shadows cannot penetrate, and similarly, they cannot penetrate. I am in the shadows.”

Shadow “fighted against this espionage organization several times, and captured the espionage organization’s people, but they were all dead.”

“After the shadow investigation, there are no lack of people from this espionage organization around the Lord, so the subordinates speculate that this espionage organization is an espionage belonging to the State of Qin.”

The world “hidden the deepest and penetrated the deepest organizations, Qin, and the Black Ice Terrace.”

Looking at the secret report in his hand, Zhao Qi’s eyes narrowed slightly.

According to the legend, “The Black Ice Terrace actually exists.”

“Subordinate to Qin, the most terrifying secret organization.”

“There are people from the Black Ice Terrace hidden beside me. Is this Qin Shihuang sending people to guard me in secret?”

“It should be.


“No matter how powerful the Black Ice Platform is, it cannot penetrate into my core. There is a loyalty system. Anyone who is not loyal enough can not enter the core of my power, whether it is the shadow, the guard camp, or where.”

“If Qin Shihuang wants to guard, let him guard it.

Zhao Qin smiled in his heart, not caring.

Secret espionage organization.

The most terrifying thing is not assassination, but infiltration.

Because they will infiltrate any place silently, lurking in it, and monitoring everything.

Whether it is the royal family of other countries, the nobles, or the people.

They all penetrate.

And Zhao Qi’s vision for Shadow is exactly the same.

The weakness did not let him down. In a short period of time, the shadows developed and grew, and even the most terrifying black ice platform in the world was dug out a bit, which shows the weakness of the ability.


Zhao Qi also took out a piece of cloth and started writing.

After explaining his weakness, he put the order back on the eagle’s feet.

Patted the falcon.

“Qing Qing.

The falcon neighed softly, very well-behaved.

Then it quickly turned into a black shadow and flew out.

“There are eagles and golden eagles.

“The shadow messaging is enough, and the speed of the pigeons is much slower than that of them.”

“But this pigeon can’t be wasted, maybe it’s not bad to dedicate it to Qin Shihuang, and even if it’s dedicated to him, the ultimate control of this pigeon is with me, and it’s impossible for anyone to tame it.”

Thought of this.

Zhao Qi had an idea for the dozens of idle pigeons.

Time flies.


Another half a month passed.

When the sharps dig dikes to drain water, the floods in Daliang City have almost all receded.

Zhao Qi stood in front of the ruined Daliang City.

In front, 30,000 sharp men who covered their noses and mouths took various burying tools and kerosene into the city to clean up the corpses.

This battle.

Although the two countries have never actually fought a battle, there are hundreds of thousands of people who died as a result of the flood.

This battle.

It was too tragic.

“I hope everything is under my control.”

“Seal this beam city, let this place be completely buried.”

Zhao Qi looked at the busy warriors in the front of the city, and thought to himself.

At this time.

“Boy Zhao.”

Under the protection of a group of guards, Wang Jian came to Zhao Qi’s side.

“General Wang, why are you here?”

Seeing Wang Qiang, Zhao Qi was slightly surprised.

“You wiped out almost all of Wei’s army. Today’s Wei has no power to compete with my Da Qin.

The army “attacked the city, almost always surrendered without a fight.”

“Naturally, I don’t need to be in charge of the army myself.”

“Fighting for so many years, this time the battle to destroy the country is the easiest one.” Wang Jian said with a smile, with a sigh in his tone.

“It seems that for two months at most, the State of Wei has completely merged into my Daqin.” Zhao Qi also smiled.

“The big beam has been decided, why are you still here personally?”

Wang Jian glanced at the sharp men who were busy in the city, and asked strangely.

“If it is not handled well, it will be a big hidden danger, so I personally guard this place.” Zhao Qi glanced at Daliang City and said solemnly.

0…seeking flowers…

“You mean, the plague?” Wang Qiang is a battle-tested after all, so naturally he sees many.

“After a catastrophe, there will be human calamities.

“Hundreds of thousands of corpses in this city will not be disposed of, and the plague will spread.”

“So I will completely destroy this city to prevent the plague from happening.” Zhao Qi nodded.

“You are right.” Wang Ba nodded in agreement.


He smiled again and said: “This time you made such a remarkable feat, the king must have a great reward. If you count the time, Wang Zhao should be coming soon.”

“It’s not the same for General Wang. General Wang also has a share for this eradication of the country.” Zhao Qi laughed.

“That’s incomparable to you.” Dynasty also smiled excitedly.


“This battle is still thanks to General Wang’s dragging Wei Wuji. If Wei Wuji guards the northern border of Wei State, it would not be so simple for me to break through.” Zhao Qi sighed.

“Wei Wuji was wise for a lifetime, but before he died, he saw the wrong person, one wrong Pang Xiong, and the other wrong you.” Wang Jian stared at Zhao Qi and exclaimed: “He looked at you Zhao Qi was young , Instead, he did his best to deal with me, but I don’t know that you are far more powerful than me, Mengwu, and Huan. That’s why Wei Guo couldn’t hold on for two months, even Qi Chuzheng and the Three Kingdoms allied forces could not wait.

“after all.””He despised you, and this is the reason for such a big defeat.”

Hear Wang Jian’s praise.

“General Wang is overwhelmed.” Zhao Qi replied with a smile.

“Zhao Qi kid.”

“When I come back today, Wang has a few words from the bottom of my heart that I want to tell you.” Wang Jian’s expression suddenly became serious.

“Also ask General Wang to enlighten me.” Zhao Qiqi gave a salute to the younger generation.

In the final analysis, “Wang is a lot older than you, and he sees a lot more than you.”


“You are now in a high position, and your prestige among the younger generation is unmatched, even more prestigious than us old guys.

“If the average person is given such authority at your age, they may be wild and domineering and unable to extricate themselves, but fortunately, you are calm and are not obsessed with authority.”

“But you have to know that the higher you stand, the harder you will fall if you fall.

“Everything you get now is bestowed by the king.”

“At any time, you must never do anything that violates the king’s power, because under the king’s power, you are all glorious, and all authority is deprived of one word. This is the terrible thing about the king’s power.

“My Daqin’s tendency to dominate the world has become clear, and many of the king’s sons have grown up. Although the king has not established a prince, when the world is ruled, the prince will fight for the position of the prince.”

“And those of us who have military power are definitely the targets of the princes.

“I, Mengwu, Huanyou.”

“They are all good at protecting themselves, not participating in party fights at any time, not participating in the fights of the princes, and only respecting the king’s power, because once such party fights are involved, they will definitely be unable to extricate themselves and cannot get out.

“Once you choose the wrong one, the whole clan will be wiped out, and all glory will be gone.

“One king and one courtier.”

“This is a well-known saying.”

“Boy, you are very young, and your xinxing may not really mature. Those princes will not give up pulling you, so they will definitely draw you in in every possible way, as your seniors, and as the seniors who endure your kindness.”

“That’s what I want to say from the bottom of my heart.”

“Never involve the struggle for royal power, and don’t involve party disputes.

“Being clear and wise to protect oneself is the fundamental.

Wang Jian said to Zhao Qi with a kind of heartfelt words.

Hear these.

Zhao Qi also nodded solemnly.

He knew that Wang Jian’s remarks were for his own good.



No matter what era it is, it must be a bloody storm.

In history.

Why did the dynasty live to the end of its life? His royal family was not targeted by the royal power because they were wise to protect themselves.

The Meng family is not so good anymore.

They participated in the party fight, participated in the royal power game, and chose to support the Soviet Union.

In the end, the whole clan was destroyed by Qin II, and he died unclearly.

These heartfelt words are a reminder to Zhao Qi.

Don’t get lost in power, don’t participate in royal power struggles, if it is not a real friendship, Wang Jian will not say at all.

But for Zhao Qi.

He knows the development of history well.


He will not participate.

But he will never stop the development of his own power. He will develop his own power in the process of gaining authority. It will be ten or twenty years later, and even at the end of Qin Shihuang’s death.

This force will become extremely terrifying, enough to subvert the world.

For kingship.

Zhao Qi does not have the awe of people in this era. He only respects Qin Shihuang. As for the sons of Qin Shihuang, Zhao Qi looks down on them, and still surrenders them?

Surrender when dreaming.

If they dare to do something to themselves, Zhao Qi will kill them without hesitation.

Even if Qin Shihuang wants to act on him at this moment, under the so-called kingship, everything can be seized.

But Zhao Qi will not succumb to this. If Qin Shihuang wants to do something to him, Zhao Qi will definitely sit and wait, even if it stirs the world upside down, he will not hesitate.

He has no fear of kingship.

“Thank you General Wang for reminding.”

“What you said, Zhao Qi has been taught.” Zhao Zhengse said.

“Ha ha.”

“It’s fine if you can understand.

“I don’t hope that the strongest battle of Da Qin in the future will be unexplainably killed by his own hands.” Wang Wei said with a smile.

Just then.

“The King of Qin has arrived, led by General Zhao Qi.

PS; I am very grateful for seeking confirmation, seeking confirmation, seeking monthly pass. Ding,

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