Chapter 148 Ying Zheng: Can Qi Er resurrect his mother?

Hear this.

Excitement appeared on Li Yan’er’s face, looking forward to winning the government.

King “Would you like to tell me?” Li Yaner pleaded.

“Tell you yes.”

“But you have to promise me one condition.” Ying Zheng said in a deep voice.

“The ministers agree no matter what the conditions are.” Li Yan’er did not hesitate.

This is the only way to find a father for myself.

“I tell you, you can’t tell Zhao Qi.” Ying Zheng said solemnly.

“Why is this?” Li Ma’er was puzzled.

She wanted to find her brother’s father to tell Zhao Qi, if she couldn’t tell him, what’s the point?

“You first promise me this condition before I can tell you.”

“After all, this matter is too important. If Zhao Qi knows about it, it is definitely not a good thing for now. It may frustrate his spirit. If it is leaked, it will even be dangerous for Zhao Qi.”

“Mom, I believe you don’t want to see Zhao Qi in danger either.” Ying Zheng said solemnly.

“Is it so serious?”

“Isn’t your brother’s father a big man?” Li Yan’er asked in surprise.

It’s a “big man.” Yingzheng smiled slightly.

“For my brother’s safety, I won’t tell him.” Ma Li nodded at what time.

See here.

Ying Zheng no longer concealed it, turned around and said quietly, “Actually, I am Zhao Qi’s father.”

“Zhao Qi’s mother, Dong’er, is my woman.

“When I was young, Dong’er was always by my side. For more than ten years, it went over and over again and never separated.”

Heard this.

Li Ma’er’s eyes widened, and she looked at Yingzheng in disbelief.

months ago.

When her elder brother and Ying Zheng were drinking, Li Ma’er looked at Zheng and attached great importance to her brother’s father.

But I never thought about it now.

He turned out to be his brother’s father.

“My lord, are you lying to me?

Li Yan’er was surprised and couldn’t believe it.

This seems to be too far-fetched.

His elder brother turned out to be the son of the king, the son of Daqin, and the royal family surnamed Ying.

This is impossible for anyone to think of, right?

Who can think that Prince Qin will grow up in a small mountain village today, and who can think that Prince Qin will be the prestigious new general Zhao Qi?

Even Li Yan’er, a childhood sweetheart who grew up with Zhao, couldn’t think of it at all.

“Do you think I need to lie to you?”

Ying Zheng smiled.

Turning around and looking at Li Yan’er, the kindness in her eyes was undisguised.

“Your mother-in-law Dong’er is my wife, Zhao Qi is my son.”

“I am your father-in-law and you are my daughter-in-law.

“Qi Er and Xi Er are my grandchildren.

Ying Zheng said gently.

This 613 moment.

Li Yan’er understood completely.

Since Yingzheng hosted the wedding banquet between him and his brother Qi, his attitude towards his family was not at all about foreign ministers, just like a real family member.

For her two children, Ying Zheng is even more affectionate, and she has a higher status in the palace than the son and princess.

In anyone’s eyes, this is all because of Ying Zheng’s favor to Zhao Qi, love the house and Wu.

Even Li Ma’er herself thinks so.

But this time.

Li Yaner understood.

The main reason is not because Zhao Qi is a warrior who has contributed to the Great Qin Empire, because no matter what warrior it is, it is almost impossible to get such favor from the king, or even a family.

This is entirely because Zhao Qi is the son of Yingzheng today, and his child is his grandson.this moment.

Ma Li was in love, her face was shocked and unspeakable.

“You know Xia Wuqi?” Ying Zheng smiled and asked again.

“En.” Li Yan’er nodded: “A few years ago, when I had not given birth to Qi’er and the others, Grandpa Xia came to the house and has been taking care of me silently. After Qi’er and the others were born, he has been right. We take good care of it.

“He was the first to discover Zhao Qi’s identity.”

“Strictly speaking, he is Zhao Qi’s grandfather, your mother-in-law’s father, and my father-in-law.

“Now, you should understand why Elder Xia has been staying in Lijiacun, right?”

“He found Zhao Qi and his great-grandson. He doesn’t want to leave you anymore, so he wants to take care of him for the rest of his life.” Ying Zheng said slowly.

“Grandpa Xia turned out to be brother’s grandfather?”

Hear this.

Li Yan’er was shocked again.

Over the years.

Xia Wuqi has been taking good care of the family, and even many times the two little guys fell ill, and they were treated by Xia Wuqi personally. For his good, Li Ma’er has always been in her heart, always treating Xia Wuqi as Own people.

And today is also the first time she knows the identity of Xia Wuhe.

Her brother’s grandfather.

Li Yan’er was dull for a long time, and then said in a shocked tone: “Could it be that the foster father, Brother Meng, they all know?”

They “are one of the few people who know Zhao Qi’s relationship with me, but they are tight-lipped.” Yingzheng said.

“This thing is too big.”

“I didn’t expect that my brother would actually belong to you, the king.”

Li Yan’er looked at Ying Zheng in shock, and didn’t know what to say.

“You should call me father now.

Yingzheng smiled gently.

“Father, father.”

Li Yaner shouted respectfully.

Seeing Yingzheng’s gaze changed.

It’s no longer the inviolability of such awe, but with a kind of affection in it.

“You must not tell others about this matter, not even Qi Er.”

“Qi Er’s identity cannot be revealed yet.”

Although “I control Daqin, no one can shake my position, but my sons, and those powerful and powerful, the clan is not honest. At the beginning, I was separated from your mother-in-law. The fundamental reason was that they felt that Dong’er was in a humble position and deserved it. Fuck me, Dong’er left Xianyang in order to protect me and not make it difficult for me to do it.”

“Open guns are easy to hide, but hidden arrows are hard to guard.

“I recognize my son now. Although it can comfort his mother’s spirit in the sky, it will put my son in danger.”

“Although I haven’t died yet, those people have long chosen some of my sons for profit. I know my son and he will be the crown prince in the future, and they will not let him go.


“For the day I met my son.”

“I want to have the authority to truly control the world and completely solve foreign troubles, so that no matter how they dare to make trouble, no foreign trouble will make me unstable. If they dare to make trouble, I will dare to kill. , I will destroy its clan.”

“Just wait for the day to rule the world.

“I will let Dong’er be my wife, and I will chase her as my Queen of Da Qin, and Qi Er will also become my eldest son of Da Qin and the crown prince of Da Qin.”

“If someone dares to take a disadvantage, I will let him know what it means to regret forever.

Now it has shown its identity.

In front of his daughter-in-law, Yingzheng did not hide anything.

“It turned out to be so.

Although Li Yan’er is just a woman and doesn’t know much, she can see Ying Zheng’s concern for Zhao and her concern for the two children.

There is also Yingzheng’s plan for the future, Li Yaner fully understands.

“Father, don’t worry.”

“I won’t tell anyone about this, including Brother Qi.” Li Yaner said firmly.

All that Yingzheng did was for the good of her brother, Li Ma’er would naturally not be stupid enough to harm her brother.


“Do not worry.”

“I didn’t disappoint Zhao Qi’s mother. I have been looking for his mother for 20 years. Everything at the beginning was forced by those people. Those people at the beginning were able to kill, I killed them, and I couldn’t kill them. I will find them to settle accounts and make them pay for the separation of my son’s mother from me.” Ying Zheng said gently, but there was a strong killing intent in his eyes.

In front of his real family, Ying Zheng remained gentle, but in front of outsiders, he was superior and inviolable.


“Actually, I have one more thing, I don’t know if I should tell you.” Li Yan’er hesitated, but her expression revealed a kind of uncertainty.

“What’s the matter?”

“You are my daughter-in-law, wife there, I won’t harm you anyway.”

Dong’er “The only thing left to me is you.” Ying Zheng said gently, with loving family affection in his eyes.

“Do you remember the day you were drunk with your father before Brother Qi left?”

“After returning, my brother said to me that although he was drunk, I can be sure that he was telling the truth.

“It’s about mother-in-law.” Li Yaner said very seriously.

“About Dong’er?” Ying Zheng was taken aback, and then asked immediately: “What’s the matter? Tell me quickly.”

“My brother said, one day, he will resurrect his mother-in-law.” Li Yan’er said slowly.

Heard this.

Yingzheng’s eyes widened, and there was a kind of ecstasy that could not be suppressed.

“You, what you said is true?”

“Qi Er said he will resurrect his mother?”

Ying Zheng’s voice became trembling.

Even if he encountered his mother’s betrayal and Miao Dufuquan in the past, he never had any fear, any fear, but at this moment, the heart of the winning government is both forgetful and fearful, but also looking forward to it.


“What my brother said is a bit of a fantasy. After all, it is impossible to bring the dead back to life.”


Li Yaner still hesitated.

I can think of the martial arts techniques taught to me by my brother, as well as the invisible internal force flowing in the body.

Li Yan’er is a little bit convinced, because this is definitely not something that ordinary (adbc) vulgar people can have.

With the help of her brother, she has already entered the martial arts, and her brother also left a pill for herself to make her internal strength stronger. , She can beat it just as well.

But it’s about martial arts, and my brother specially explained it.

no matter who.

“Even Mengwu, even the closest relatives can’t say that this is a big secret belonging to their husband and wife, so Li Yan’er would naturally not say it without Zhao’s permission.

“I believe in him.

Ying Zheng directly interrupted Li Yan’er’s suspicion and hesitation, the firm way.

If it is someone else.

Perhaps Ying Zheng would not believe it, but what Zhao Qi said, he believed.

Because he ate the spirit pill given by Zhao Qi, the magical effect of that spirit pill was impossible for any alchemist. improved.

The effect of this pill is to be said to be an elixir.

Take a look at the world.

Apart from Zhao Qi, who has such an elixir?

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