Chapter 145 Ying Zheng: My son Zhao Qi is really the God of War!!!


As early as when Zhao Qi appointed Zhao Kingdom, the feat he created for Da Qin had already surpassed Da Qin’s original three generals.

In the Battle of Nanyang, the 180,000 coalition forces were defeated by fire and Pang Yuan was killed.

The First World War in Handan.

Relying on his disadvantages, he blocked Lianpo’s continuous onslaught, and finally went out of the city to defeat Lianpo’s army and kill Lianpo with an arrow.

At the beginning.

Zhao Qin’s merits are no one in Daqin. Strictly speaking, at that time, Zhao Qi’s title would surpass Wang Shuo and the others. The three generals of the dynasty comforted.

But after the battle to destroy the Wei, Wang Jian knew clearly.

The name of the first general of the Great Qin Dynasty is none other than Zhao Qi.

“After the eradication of the Wei, it is time to talk to Zhao Qi. He is now in a high position, but after all, he is young and not deeply involved in the world. If he participates in the party and government of the court, this is not a good thing.” Wang Jian thought secretly in his heart.

“Kill Wei Wuji, and Wei Wang.

Looking at the head of Wei Wuji in his hand, Zhao Qi felt a little turmoil in his heart.

“Infiltrate the Wei Palace.

“It was about to end King Wei.

Zhao Qi ordered Li Qing.


Li Qing took the order immediately.

With a gesture, the guards on the battleship rowed towards the inside of Daliang City.

The city gate has become a piece of Wang Yang.

The Wei Palace in the depths of this beam city was naturally destroyed.

At this moment, Daliang City has completely turned into ruins and sank under Wang Yang.

Da Qin’s warship shuttled across the Wangyang city without any hindrance.

Wei Palace.

Numerous wreckages floated on the water. Many of Wei’s dignitaries even competed for a piece of wood for their lives. Wei Wangqi also lost his majesty and clung to a piece of wood.

When I saw countless great Qin warships approaching.

If Wei Wang also saw the savior.

“Save the widow.”

“The widow is King Wei, and the widow is willing to surrender and save the widow.”

“A real man is willing to surrender to Da Qin… forgive…

Wei Wangjia looked at the warship and shouted with all his strength.


It was his shout.

Zhao Qi’s eyes fell on him immediately.

After all, the Wei Palace has become ruins at this moment. There are corpses floating everywhere, and people struggling to survive. Zhao Qi can’t tell who is King Wei, but now King Wei is screaming for survival.

Zhao has quietly taken out his bow and arrow.

“Wang Wei.”

“Finally found you.”

“I won’t miss the reward for killing the king.”

Zhao Qi sneered and locked Wei Wangjia who was holding the wood tightly.

Bent the bow and shoot the arrow.

With a bang.

A black light flashed out.


Wei Wang faked a scream, watching the arrow piercing his chest incredibly, blood pouring out.

He didn’t understand why he had already stated his identity, and Qin Jun would still release a cold arrow. He was the King of Wei, the King of Wei in charge.

Surrendering yourself can make it easier for the Qin State to obtain the territory of the Wei State, but why does the Qin Jun want to kill himself?

With this incomprehension, the hand of King Wei who held the wood tightly on “Sixty One Zero” became weak, and eventually fell directly into the flooded Wang Yang and sank into his underwater palace.

“Killing him like this, it’s a bit cheaper for him.

Wang Shuo glanced at it and smiled plainly.

“For me, it is not important for him to die or not, but for Da Qin, his death is very important. With the character of the king, if the king of Wei surrenders, he should be given alive, and then imprisoned. Personality, as well as those powerful and powerful in the Wei state, will definitely stir up trouble.

“So it’s better to just kill the matter.”

Zhao Qi put away his bow and arrow, and said calmly.

“You’re right.”

“The hatred of destroying the country, the hatred of destroying the country, they won’t really surrender to my Da Qin, they have killed a hundred.”

“It’s best to cut the grass and roots directly.” Wang Jian smiled very approvingly.

As a military commander of Da Qin, he went straight like this, and he didn’t have too much scruples about the politicians in the hall.

“Li Qing.

“Ling Juwei.”

“Re-seal the Yellow River burst.

Wei Guo “The capital has been broken, and there is no need to discharge floods.” Zhao Qi faced Li Qingdao, who was serving by his side.

“The last general takes the order.” Li Qing immediately took the order.

“Today’s battle.”

“Although it is a bit cruel, Wei Guo can be regarded as annihilated.”


“I look forward to how Qi Chuyan Three Kingdoms feels.”

Zhao Qi turned his head and looked at Wang Ba with a smile.

“Leave the finale to me, go ahead.”

Wang Weng knew immediately and smiled.

“Then there will be General Lao.

Zhao Qi thanked him.

The state of Yan borders the state of Wei.

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses were quickly approaching Wei Jing, all of them were cavalry, it seemed that they were all cavalry of the country of Yan.

In order to be able to assist Wei as quickly as possible, Yan State did not deploy infantry or all cavalry, so as to save time as much as possible.

“His Royal Highness.

“The front is within Wei State.”

“At our current marching speed, we can enter the territory of Daliang in Weidu within an hour.”

A Yan general shouted at Yan Dan, who was riding his horse beside him.


“It took less than two months to allocate 150,000 troops to the State of Wei. This is my Dayan’s all-out effort.”

“Soon, Qi and Chu’s armies will rush to Wei for reinforcements. This time they will surely defeat Qin.” Yan Dan said with excitement.

“Wei will be able to get the help of our three countries, and it will definitely break Qin.


“This time, in order to aid Wei, the general will wait but go all out.

“After the Qin is broken, we must ask Wei Guo for grain, grass, and other supplements…

Many Wei generals laughed.

“Qin State.

“Win politics.”

“You want to swallow the world and complete your wolf ambition, I’m not careless, Yan Dan.”

“You can become a king if you win politics, and so can Yan Dan.”

“After this successful aid to Wei, my prestige will suppress anyone in the court, and my father will definitely value me more.” Yan Dan smiled in his heart, full of expectations.

After leaving in Xianyang embarrassed that day, Yan Dan became more and more unwilling to think about it.He was actually frightened by Zhao Qi from the Qin State, so afterwards the envoys of the four countries met and made a covenant to attack and defend the alliance.

Once Qin State attacked Wei, Qi, Chuyan and the Three Kingdoms would help each other with all their strength.

“Prince, look at it quickly.

“There are war flags on the border.

“It should be Mr. Wei Guoxin Ling who sent someone to greet us.”

A Yan Jiang said excitedly.

Yan Dan raised his head and looked forward. Sure enough, there were many clan flags, but they were too far apart to see clearly.

“Jun Xinling can still send someone to greet him. It seems that Wei’s situation is under his control.”

Yan Dan was even more excited.

Then he said loudly: “Go ahead at full speed.”

“This time I, Dayan, must win the first victory in the battle to defeat Qin Qin, and I can become famous in the world.” Yan Dan was very excited.

The army rushed at full speed.


They were getting closer and closer to the border of Wei, but when they were less than a hundred feet away from that sea flag.

Those hundreds of clan flags were also seen by them.

Under the flag.

However, a few thousand black armored soldiers also appeared in the eyes of all Yan Guo generals.

Prince”, the situation is not right.

“It’s not the person who believes in Lingling, it’s… it’s Qin Jun.”

Qin’s “family flag, and the Qin army…”

A Yan Jiang said in a panic tone.

And at the moment,

Yan Dan’s brows were also tightly closed, and he also saw the Qin Qi in front of him, and the black armored Qin Army.


“If it’s Qin Jun.”

“Then Wei Guo is afraid already”

A Yan will be somewhat solemn.


“Xinling King is famous all over the world, and Wei has more than four to five million troops. Qin has only attacked for two months. How could they defeat Wei so quickly?”

“This is absolutely impossible.

There was something in Yan Dan’s heart that couldn’t believe it.

“If the State of Wei is really annihilated by Qin, then my army can no longer enter.”

“Wei Mie, the front is the territory of the Qin State. If we rush into the territory of the Qin State, they will definitely attack my Dayan because of this in the future, and they will be known to offend my Dayan.” Yan Jiang said solemnly.

“Qin State.

“Ying Zheng.”

“Qin Jun.”

Yan Dan didn’t seem to hear the words of the generals around him. He stared at the Qin army in front and ran wildly with the army. It was getting closer and closer to the border. Seeing that it was only tens of feet, it seemed that he would cross the border in an instant.

But in the end.

Yan Dan’s reason still defeated his own unwillingness.

“The whole army stopped advancing.

At the moment when it was less than ten feet away from the front border, Yan Dan ordered loudly that he also grabbed the horse and stopped the attack.

Wen Ling.

All the Yanjun cavalry stopped their attacks.

In this way, I stopped at a place less than ten meters away from the original Wei border.

But at this moment, Yan Dan’s face was extremely green, filling his anger.

“Yan Dan.

“meet again.”

“Don’t come unharmed.

And at this moment.

On the side of Wei frontier, Zhao Qi sat on a blood-red giant tiger and said to Yan Dan with a sarcasm.

Hear this voice.

Yan Dan glanced intently, almost breathing fire in his eyes.

A few months ago, in the Palace of King Qin in Xianyang, the man in front of him was so angry that he couldn’t say a word, lost his face, and even made him lose face in front of his most jealous Yingzheng and left in a desperate manner.

“It’s you.

Yan Dan looked at Zhao Qi with fire-breathing eyes.

“It’s this general.

“The prince of the Kingdom of Yan led the army for hundreds of miles to rush for reinforcements just to save Wei. This is also a good talk.”

“But it’s a pity.”

“Wei State is dead.”

“You can’t save it.

Zhao Qi sneered, mocking Yan Dan.


Yan Dan looked at Zhao Qi coldly, angrily: “The army under the seat of King Xinling is 500,000. How can it be defeated in just two months?”

“It must be that you deliberately led troops to sneak into this border, just to stop my Dayan from strengthening Wei.”

“Zhao Qi, I have to say, you are very courageous.

“With thousands of troops, you dare to stop my Dayan with hundreds of thousands of cavalry. You are looking for death.”

“As the youngest general in Qin, I don’t know if Ying Zheng will be heartbroken by killing you today.

That’s it.

A flash of madness flashed in Yan Dan’s eyes.

Hearing his words, the generals under his command also throbbed.

after all.

Wei Wuji’s ability is well known in the world. It is almost impossible to destroy Wei within two months, and as Yan Dan said, Zhao Qi’s light cavalry came to the border this time, perhaps to prevent them from entering the Wei’s aid.

In order to increase the time to kill Wei.

“Ben will give you a chance.

“Cross the border and kill the general.”


Zhao Qi smiled jokingly, and contemptuously hooked his finger at Yan Dan: “I was gonna bet that you didn’t have the courage.”

“you wanna die.

Yan Dan breathed fire in his eyes, and the murderous intent to Zhao Qi emerged.

He held the saber tightly around his waist, with a strong urge to send troops across the border.

But looking at the faint smile on Zhao Qi’s face, he was fearless and seemed to rely on it.

Yan Dan hesitated again.

Did Qin really destroy Wei?

Or is it Zhao Qi who is in front of him making a mystery?


He is really hard to choose.

If Wei is really annihilated by Qin, then crossing the border is to step into the territory of Qin. With the character of winning politics, he will definitely use this as an excuse to move troops to Yan in the future, and he will be famous.

But if it is Zhao Qi’s tricky trick, the purpose is to delay their entry into Wei. If this is the case, then he really missed the opportunity.

“Prince, what should I do?”

Several Yan Guo generals also looked at Yan Dan.

Same as other countries.

Yan State also has no famous general, the only one, the Yan State General Qing Qin has not gone on the expedition now.

Therefore, all decision-making power lies with Yan Dan.

Faced with the enquiries from the generals around him, Yan Dan was also very distressed.

The choice at this moment is a choice for Yan Dan’s national destiny. If he chooses the wrong one, the consequences will be disastrous.

This is also true.

The border was so stalemate.

Zhao Qi shook his head disappointedly: “Yan Dan, I would have heard that you have been claiming that you have surpassed my Great Qin King. Now, when I look at it, you are also worthy?”

Hear Zhao Qi’s mocking voice.

And compared with his most jealous Ying Zheng, Yan Dan’s face is full of gnashing teeth. He has a strong impulse to kill calmly, leading the army general Zhao Qi to shatter the corpse.

He held the hilt tightly in his hand and wanted to pull it out, but he lost his guts.

“My great Qin and Qin Wangzhi are in the world, and now the Three Jins have been destroyed, sooner or later it will destroy you Yan Kingdom, as for you… Zhao Qi is not afraid of Yan Dan’s eyes to kill, and continues to mock, if the eyes can kill, then there is more What does the weapon do.

“You were a prince several decades ago, and you are still a prince now. When my Daqin steps down and destroys your country, you will still be the prince, but the prince of the subjugated country.

“When that day really came, it would have broken your country, and you will be captured alive and dedicated to King Qin Daqin.

“Yan Dan, wait.” Zhao Qi sneered.

“Zhao Qi.

“You are looking for death…

Yan Dan was not a man of magnanimous temperament at first, but Zhao Qi’s stimulus made his entire expression look hideous.

He fiercely pulled out the saber from his waist and pointed at Zhao Qi.

“Prince, no.”

“He is deliberately angering you to lead troops across the border.

“If my Dayan army crosses the border and invades the Qin Realm, then Qin will become famous for my Dayan.”

“The prince calmed down his anger.

“Don’t fall into this Zhao Qi trap,

Seeing Yan Dan who was furious, the surrounding Yan State generals immediately discouraged him loudly.

Looking at Zhao Qi who sneered, and the general with an anxious look, Yan Dan’s anger gradually subsided.

“Zhao Qi.”

“You’re good.”

“But I don’t think I will be afraid of you, nor will I be afraid of Ying Zheng. If you, Qin Guo, dare to attack my Dayan, I Yan Dan will make you pay the price.”

Yan Dan uttered a harsh word to Zhao Qi. In the end, he still didn’t dare to turn his horse’s head: “Send the order to the whole army and withdraw.”

after all.

He Yan Dan still doesn’t have so much courage, and he dare not gamble.

“Sure enough, it’s a waste.

“He has no courage, no ability, and he claims to be shoulder to shoulder with Qin Shihuang, which is ridiculous.”

Seeing Yan Dan’s back, Zhao Qi shook his head mockingly.

Before coming to this border, Zhao Qi thought that Yan Dan did not have the guts to commit a crime.

If here is the Qin Shihuang commanding the troops, or Zhao Qi commanding the troops.

He will definitely cross the border without hesitation and defeat the enemy army, but this Yan Dan has too many scruples, and he does not have that great courage. It can be said that he has been just a prince for so many years and it is definitely not only his father who has lived long enough. , Also because of his inability.


“What’s next?”

Li Qing rode up to Zhao Qi’s side and asked respectfully.

“Pass the Wei Jiebao to the great king, and pass the order to Zhang Han to deploy 50,000 troops to the border here.

“If you find an enemy has crossed the border into our Daqin territory, kill it.

Zhao Qi glanced at the retreating Yan army and said coldly.


Li Qing responded immediately.



Inside the Palace of King Qin.

Baiguan is being alarmed by the news that Zhao Qi voluntarily attacked Wei.

“The King.”

“Zhao Qi went beyond his power without authorization and sent troops to attack Wei. Even the generals of the dynasty started the army with one of them. This is a big taboo and no mercy is allowed.

“The king must be held accountable to Zhao Qi, otherwise Qin Fa will not tolerate it.

After finally finding an opportunity to target Zhao Qi, how could Li Si let go of this opportunity and immediately stood up and started.

Righteous words.

“The ministers seconded.”

“Zhao Qi moves troops to exceed the king’s power. This is a big taboo.”

“The king, please deprive Zhao Qi of his military power and take him back to Xianyang for disposal.”

Many court officials also echoed.

The whole dynasty is full of voices to deal with Zhao Qi.

See here.

Meng Yi didn’t dare to sit down.

Immediately stood up: “The King of Enlightenment, Zhao Qi’s move of troops is definitely due to a reason. It must have found a good time to destroy the Wei, so he will act first, and the king has never agreed.”

“I believe there must be hidden feelings, please think twice.

“Master Meng has said that.”

Seeing Meng Yi’s voice for Zhao Qi, Li Si immediately scolded: “The reason why my Da Qin is strong is that Qin Fa is strict. Zhao Qi is good at automatic soldiers. It not only violates the Qin law, but also violates the royal power. Tolerate, then my Da Qin people still talk about how to abide by the Qin law?”

“Such arrogance must be severely punished..

Li Si seized this opportunity and naturally would not let it go easily.

“Ting Wei’s words are utterly absurd.”

“The way of the military, on the battlefield, there are too many variables. General Zhao’s move must be the action of Wei and even the other countries. Could it be that the countries have violated our Da Qin, and even the Wei country has violated our Da Qin, and General Zhao can only Sit and watch, can’t you move troops?”

Han Fei also stood up immediately and scolded Li Si.

“You are sophistry.

Li Si glared at Han Fei.

Since Han Fei entered the dynasty, he has the same power and ranks as Jiuqing. As long as he has anything to do, Han Fei almost has to speak up. This also makes Li Si very angry, but helpless.


Above the high position, Ying Zheng glanced indifferently, and A scolded.

“The king calmed down.

The ministers bowed and bowed immediately, not daring to say more.

And the next sentence.

It directly made Li Si’s face very difficult to look.

“Zhao Qi’s troops were instructed by people.” Ying Zheng said.


Li Si’s face changed, a little unbelievable.

He feels that this is Ying Zheng defending Zhao Qi.

The civil and military officials of the Manchu dynasty also raised their heads one after another, looking at the victory.

“When Zhao Qi left Xianyang and returned to Zhao Di, the real man granted him a secret edict, and this secret edict was also granted to the dynasty.”

“As long as Zhao Qi feels that the time has come, he can send a message to the general king to attack Wei with all his troops.”

“It’s not just them, but the Xiangbang knows about it, and Feng Qing knows it too.

Yingzheng said flatly.


“This matter is my Daqin secret.

“At first, after General Zhao left the capital, the king specifically confessed.

“If it weren’t for the truth and Feng Jie were responsible for the dispatch of grain and grass, and the supply of grain and grass for the army, the king would not tell this.” Wang Shu and Feng Jie stood up and said.

As the two stood up.

Li Si’s original idea of ​​pulling Zhao Qi down was immediately wiped out.This thing.

He didn’t even know.

“The minister does not know this secret, but also ask the king to forgive him.”

Li Si bowed immediately, panicking.

“Wei Tingwei enforces our Da Qin law and naturally maintains the majesty of Qin law.”


After winning the political speech, his eyes fell on Li Si: “Don’t act too much on your own emotions. Although Zhao Qi is young, he is not reckless. Does he know that Qin Fa is strict and the supremacy of kingship?

“The minister understands.

Li Si didn’t dare say anything except listening respectfully.

“This Liz.”

“It looks like he will be pulled down in the future, but he didn’t make a mistake, but it’s not easy to start.”

Meng Yi glanced at Li Si coldly.

“All right.

“The matter is revealed here.

“The ignorant is not guilty.

Ying Zheng said with prestige.

“Great King Shengming.

Li Si, many courtiers who said they would punish Zhao Qi immediately worshipped.

“Calculate the time.

“It has been more than two months since Zhao Qi attacked the State of Wei, and the State of Wei should have reported back.” Ying Zheng suddenly said.


Just as Ying Zheng’s voice fell.

Outside the hall.

Suddenly there was an excited voice.

A sharp soldier with an order of eight hundred miles ran quickly into the hall.

“Wei’s emergency report?”

Ying Zheng abruptly stood up from the throne and looked at the messenger who rushed into the hall.

“The King of Enlightenment.”

The minister is “Handan camp, General Zhao guards the soldiers of the battalion, and gives the general’s order to pass the victory of Wei.”

The soldier was excited towards Ying Zhengdao.

“Good news?”

Ying Zheng was taken aback, and then he was ecstatic.

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty also looked at the soldier in amazement.


It’s been more than two months for Zhao Qi and Wang Jian to attack Wei, right?

To be able to call it a victory, it must be the result of a big victory, otherwise it is an ordinary military report.

“Hurry up.”

Ying Zheng immediately expressed expectation.

But the voice fell off.

Thinking that it was the first time that the son led the war of annihilation of the country, it should have been heard by the Manchu civil and military forces at the same time.

Immediately he said again: “No, you don’t need to submit it, you just read it out.

“The minister leads the edict.

The soldier immediately took the victory report from his arms, opened it, and read aloud: “Chen Zhao Si, pay homage to the king.

“Trusted by the great king, the minister was granted the right to destroy the Wei Dynasty by the king. After returning to the land of Zhao, the minister did not dare to delay for a moment. After three months, he looked for an opportunity to secretly inform the general of the dynasty and let Hangu Daying go out to attack. Wei, and the minister, Zhao Di went south to attack Wei.”

“The minister was at the border and broke through the 200,000 army commanded by Pang Xiong of the State of Wei and broke through the border.

“Wei Wuji withdrew troops from the border and returned to aid, and mobilized troops to defend the main beam, intending to stand by the main beam, and wait until the Qi Chuyan Three Kingdoms aid troops, thus defeating Daqin.”

“The minister Zhao Qi and the dynasty general’s 500,000 army besieged the city for 18 days without attacking…”

Here it is.

The soldier breathed a sigh of relief.

But this pause made the Manchu civil and military and even Yingzheng somewhat different.

After besieging Daliang City for the 18th day without attacking, how did it succeed?

Is it the news of the border victory?

If this is the case for 1.2, this military newspaper does not need Zhao Qi’s personal guards to deliver it in person.

Just when everyone is puzzled.

The soldiers read again: “Wei Wuji is the court pillar of the State of Wei, who has stationed nearly 400,000 troops. If our army is attacked, it will inevitably damage the soldiers and the army, and the army will be greatly damaged. Therefore, the ministers will besiege and not attack, and they will set a plan to break the country.”

“With our army of 300,000 sharps digging and digging dikes, the Hangu Camp 300,000 sharps felling trees to build ships and boats.

“Eighteen days later, the Yellow River capsized and flooded Daliang City.

Hear this.

Yingzheng’s eyes widened, incredible.

The civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty were all surprised by the tactics of this fantasy.

“Break the Yellow River and divert the water from the Yellow River to overturn the beams?”

“Can this really be done?”

“If it can really overturn the waters of the Yellow River, even if Wei Wuji arranges Daliang City like a golden soup, it will be nothing in front of the power of heaven and earth.”

“Judging from such a good news, General Zhao will definitely succeed.

“If it is true, then the Liangcheng city will be overthrown, and Wei has already wiped out most of Da Qin for me. Next, we only need to gradually annex the territory of Wei, and within a few months at most, Wei will be included in the territory of Da Qin.”

Thought of this.

There was a shock in the eyes of Manchu Civil and Martial Arts.

Obviously, Zhao Qi led the Yellow River to overthrow Daliang City. This strategy is really shocking.

It’s too hard to imagine.

“The minister drew the water from the Yellow River and capsized once.”

“In Daliang City, nearly 400,000 Wei troops were crushed by the water of the Yellow River, and Daliang City became a piece of Wang Yang.”

“The ministers and soldiers are not bloody, they will break the capital of Wei and the foundation of the kingdom of Wei.”

“After the beam was transformed into the endless Wang Yang, the ministers drove the boat into the Wangyang city, cut down Wei Wuji, the mausoleum of Wei Guoxin, and cut down the king of Wei.”

“Wei has already appointed most of the ministers.”

“The remaining cities of the Wei Kingdom will take only four months at most, and they will all be swallowed.”

“This is a good news, the minister Zhao Qi pays respects.”

At this point, the soldier’s reading is finished.

But after reading this victory, the soldier’s face was extremely excited.

And after listening to this good news.

The whole dynasty became silent.

Even if it is a winning political position at a high position, he is still in a frantic look at this moment, unable to conceal his inner joy.

“My son, Zhao Qi, is really the God of War, and I am the God of War of Daqin, the unmatched God of War in the world.”

“To have a son is the blessing of my victory, and it is also the blessing of Donger’s spirit in the sky.”

Yingzheng was extremely excited in his heart. After listening to this victory, winning the government could feel the battle situation when the water of the Yellow River in Wei State burst its dyke.

I can feel the boldness and courage of my son, so I can think of the strategy of triggering the water of the Yellow River to overthrow Daliang City.

Two months.

The foundation of a country was defeated by his son, and Wei Guo no longer had the power to contend with Qin.

Wei Wuji died in the hands of his son, as did the aloof King Wei, who died in the hands of his son.

This kind of means, this kind of ability.

Looking at the world, what battle will be able to do?

Except for his own son.

His winning son, Zhao Qi.

PS: Old irons, please don’t make a decision, beg you, this is the key to the author’s recommendation, thank you.

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