Chapter 144 Wang Jian: The First Admiral of the Qin Dynasty is Zhao Qi

Boom, boom, boom.


There were bursts of roars in the entire Liangcheng Tiandi Void.

The roar is so loud.

It’s even more violent than a thousand troops rushing at full speed.

This roaring sound instantly made all the generals of Wei and the defenders of the State of Wei Wei look forward, and even the defenders of the State of Wei in the whole city, the people heard it with their own ears.

Inside the palace of King Wei.

King Wei sat on the main seat.

Listening to the deafening roar, it was a hundred times more shocking than a thousand troops.


His face turned pale, and he said loudly, “Did Qin Jun attacked?”

“Is Lord Xinling guarding the city gate?”

“Can you hold it?”

The entire court was shocked by Wei Wangjia’s continuous questioning.

But soon someone recovered.

“My lord, don’t worry.

“Since these days, Lord Xinling has been guarding the city gate. With him, my city is as stable as Mount Tai.” Wei Xiang said immediately.

“That’s good, that’s good.” Wei Wangjia also breathed a sigh of relief.

Thinking of the tragic situation of the Han royal family and the Zhao royal family being imprisoned by Da Qin, and the kings of the two countries are dead, the Wei Wang has only fear in his heart.

He was afraid that the city would be broken, and he would be reduced to such a situation.

Boom, boom, boom.

But the roar did not disappear, but became more and more violent. It seemed that the Great Qin army was about to attack him and was about to attack his beam.

This also made Wei Wang’s face pale and very frightened.

His eyes turned.

Above the city gate.

Wei Wuji sat paralyzed on the ground.

All Wei Jiang looked at the front of the city in horror.

The source of the roar has been seen by them.

Countless torrents are overturning from the front, and the roar is the sound of the rushing torrent of the overturning water of the Yellow River.

The water of the Yellow River is coming up from the sky.

Seems endless.

For the Yellow River.

No matter which era the Central Plains is in, they are in awe, because this is the extraordinary work between heaven and earth.

In the face of the power of heaven and earth, no one has the power to contend.

At this moment, in front of Wei Wuji, countless waters of the Yellow River turned into weapons to break the city of Da Qin.

Facing the water of the Yellow River, the power of the natural world.

All Wei Jun stayed.

Despair emerged in every one’s eyes.


“Quickly pull the army out of the beam.

A Wei Jiang said in horror.

“It’s late, everything is late.”

“The terrain of our beam city is low, and it relies on the mountains to build the city. The water of the Yellow River is overturned. Our beam city is an urn, and everything in the city will be overthrown.

“If I could see Qin Jun’s purpose in ten days, I might have a better chance, but now everything is too late…too late…”

Wei Wuji collapsed and sat on the ground with despair in his eyes.

Although he is old, the country that he has tried to protect is still unable to be preserved after all. The water of the Yellow River will overturn, and Daliang City will become a piece of Wang Yang. In front of Zhishui is a weak python.

How can the power of ants resist the sky.

All Wei generals looked at Wei Wuji in fear.

Wei Wuji’s words defeated their last fluke.

Boom, boom

The water of the Yellow River rushed and rushed to this beam city in an instant.

The ruthless flood hit the fortified city severely and made a roar.

next moment.


The city gate was never collapsed by the flood, but the city gate was directly broken through, and the ruthless flood flooded into the city.

For an instant.


“The flood is coming.”

“Run away.


The flood rushed into the city, and the elite soldiers of the Wei state in battle armor were swept away by the flood countless. No matter how strong the army formation, no matter how strong the force, under this flood, the power of nature is so weak.

And he looked at the front of the city.

The flood is endless, madly impacting.

This beam city is like a lottery, flood rushing in frantically.

The city gate was washed down, and countless houses in the city were overturned in an instant.Countless Wei Jun was swallowed by the flood, struggling in the water, shouting.

But it is so powerless, no one can save them.

The flood is merciless.

It does not take long for the flood to turn Daliang City into a king.

As for Wei Wuji at the city gate, many generals of Wei state could only look at them with pain and despair.

They are also very weak.

“Qin State.”

“Zhao Qi, Wang Jian.

“You are so cruel.

“Such a poisonous trick was used.

“I have hundreds of thousands of soldiers and hundreds of thousands of people in Daliang City, it’s over.

“I, Wei Wujiu, should be ashamed of my ancestors and the people of Wei.”

Wei Wuji’s eyes were red, and he cried feebly.

Facing this endless flood, he had no other choice but to cry.

The world today.

They are all Central Plains countries, except that the soldiers of the Chu Kingdom may also have some water, even the sharp soldiers of Da Qin are dry ducks.

In the face of this flood and overturning, apart from shouting, they were madly grabbing in the water, praying to catch the straw.

All the calculations of Wei Wuji.

Everything is laid out.

Under this flood, everything was overturned.

His eyes turned.

Thousands of feet away in Daliang City.

On a battleship.

Zhao Qi and Wang Jian stand side by side.

“The power of heaven and earth is superb.

“It’s really hard to imagine.

“How can human power be able to stop the overturning of the Yellow River.”

“Wei Wuji, as the pillar of Wei’s court, has a way of commanding the troops. Pang Yuan and them are not weak or even stronger. With his defense force, it is very difficult for Da Qin to break through the beam. Wait until Qi Chuyan’s three-nation coalition forces arrive. , Da Qin has no other choice but to retreat.”

“But if he is strong, he is strong. It’s a pity that I met you Zhao Qi.

“No matter how well-arranged he is, it’s just nothing in the end.”

“Your conspiracy, let my great Qin soldiers destroy the State of Wei without blood, and Wang Wei admires it.

Standing on the battleship, watching the torrential rush, Wang Jian also said to Zhao Qi with a deep sigh.

“Thanks to the praise from General Wang, Zhao Qi is not very honored.” Zhao Qi also replied with a smile.

Seeing this torrential confession, I did it all by myself.

Even when the embankment broke, Zhao Qi personally broke the embankment.

The reason is that the experience value of this flood swallowing the enemy army of the Wei country belongs to him. Of course, this flood is the embankment created by the great Qin Ruishi, and it should also be counted as the experience value of the subordinate legion.

Of course.

Zhao Qi had already thought of this policy of overturning the water drawn from the Yellow River when Zhao Qi was preparing to destroy Wei.

Because in history.

The Great Qin eradicated Wei.

The Wei Kingdom did not surrender in a bloody battle with Da Qin in Daliang City. In the end, Da Qin triggered the flood of the Yellow River to destroy Wei.

Zhao Qi is also familiar with history, so he used this strategy to destroy Wei.

This is the state of the prophet knowing thousands of years of history.

Beyond this era.

“The power of heaven and earth.

Fortunately, “I don’t need to face Da Qin, otherwise, no matter how good and powerful my Da Qin sharp is, it will be nothing under such power.”

Wang Qiang still sighed, with unspeakable awe at the flood in his eyes.

“Yes, the power of heaven and earth is superb, and non-human can contend.

Zhao Qi also nodded.

But in my heart.

But there is a speechless longing: “Now I am still a mundane, but I have a data-based physique, kill enemies and upgrade, and step into the martial arts. If I can set foot on the level of that fairy god in the future, this is the power of heaven and earth. What’s the matter again? Moving mountains and filling the sea, immortal and supernatural powers, can drive the power of heaven and earth.”

“For anyone in this world, there is awe of the power of heaven and earth, but for me, the future can be expected.

“The power of the fairy gods, sooner or later I can have it.”


For Zhao Qi it is unlimited.

Although he is only in the innate realm now, there is absolutely no one in this world who is his opponent.

And the master above the innate is not too far away from Zhao Qi.

Budo division.

Acquired, innate, master.

There are stronger and higher levels, which Zhao Qi will reach one day.

Time flies.

Two hours passed.

“It’s almost time.”

“This beam city should have become a piece of Wang Yang.

Zhao Qi looked at the flood that had completely risen, and said quietly.

“It’s almost there.”

“It’s time to harvest.

Dynasty also smiled.

Wei Wuji could be regarded as Da Qin’s old opponent.

In the past, Wang had eaten a lot while lying in his hands, but this time, thanks to Zhao Qi’s plan to overthrow the flood, he defeated Wei Wuji. Wang Jian also eagerly wanted to see what Wei Wuji looked like.

For the enemy.

Wang Qiang has never been soft-hearted, watching his former enemy embarrassed in front of him, this is also a kind of enjoyment.

“Biography will order.

“Strike the big beam.”

“Slay the enemy’s evildoers.”

“Those who are willing to surrender can be saved, and those who are unwilling to surrender, kill them.

The army “rescues ordinary people as much as possible, as much as possible.

Zhao Qi immediately issued a general order.


The messenger next to him immediately waved the messenger.

Take a look.

Behind Zhao Qi’s battleship.

Thousands of boats floated on the flood, and each boat had a number of sharps. These are the achievements of hundreds of thousands of sharps in Daqin in the past 20 days.

Naturally, these boats were not strictly built by craftsmen, but they were enough for Da Qin to check and balance everything in this flood-overturned Wang Yang. After all, these boats were only used today.

It’s not really going to be a water battle.

That kind of warship may have to be specially built, and in this era, all countries are fighting on land, and there is almost no water warfare. Naturally, there is no need to build warships.

Following Zhao Qi’s order.

Thousands of warships rushed towards Daliang City following the flow of the flood.

As for Zhao Qi’s giving orders, Wang Jian naturally did not have any objections.

Under Wang Zhao.

All the decision-making power in this war lies with Zhao Qi, and all the credits of this war are attributed to Zhao Qi. His Wang Jian and even the soldiers of Hangu Daying are all auxiliary credits, but they must also be the credit of destroying the country. Great achievement.

Daliang City.

Now it is no longer the magnificent scenery of the former capital of Wei State.

At this moment, Daliang City is already a piece of Wang Yang. Under the floods of these several hours, more than 300,000 troops of the Wei Kingdom were overthrown by the flood. They struggled to survive in Wang Yang. The king’s palace.

It’s all the wreckage in Wang Yang now.

Even the Liangcheng Pass, which is several tens of feet high, has been submerged by the flood. There are many generals of the Wei state remaining on it. The soldiers in Wang Yang looked at the city gate, and were also struggling frantically to swim.

There are also many people who want to find wood to survive.

Wei Wuji collapsed on a wooden board under the support of a group of generals of the Wei State, his old face was powerless and desperate.

What he tried so hard to insist on was nothing.

His Wei state is about to die.

“Qin, Qin Jun is here to kill.”

“Xinling Lord, Qin Jun is here to kill…

A Wei general pointed at Wang Yang outside the city in horror, and countless warships were rushing along the torrent.

“Just kill it.”

“I, Wei, it’s over.”

Wei Wuji smiled bitterly, looking at the Daqin warships that rushed, there was no fear, only a kind of relief.


Countless warships will be killed.

0…seeking flowers…

The mighty rushed into the beam city of Wang Yang.

Looking at those Wei soldiers who were panting.

All the Da Qin Ruishi on the warships hissed: “The general has an order, surrender can live, don’t surrender, kill.”

“The General Has Order”

Da Qin Ruishi’s prestigious shout sounded throughout Wangyang City.

After several hours of struggle, looking at the tens of thousands of Daqin warships and the struggling soldiers of the Wei Kingdom, although the people were afraid, they also saw a savior.

“I am willing to surrender and help.

“help me.”

“I surrender, the general is spared…”

Countless weak cries sounded everywhere in Wang Yang.

“Save people.

When the Daqin Ruishi on the battleship saw it, the battleship immediately dispersed and began to save people.

The beam is broken.

Wei State collapsed.

The last army was overthrown under the flood. They have all lost the power to contend with Daqin. The key to this battle is to save people.

Save people as much as possible.

Although they are enemies, they are of the same race. If they are willing to surrender to Daqin, they will be rescued.

This is humane.

Seeing countless Wei soldiers crying and surrendering, Wei Wuji didn’t say much, just smiled bitterly.

these years.

He paid all his efforts to guard the Wei State and strengthen the Wei State’s national strength. He has never been delayed for decades, but now it is overturned, and everything is beyond his control.

And at this moment.

A warship stopped beside the plank where Wei Wuji was sitting.”Wei Wuji, it’s been a long time.

Wang Fei’s indifferent voice came from the warship.

Hear the sound.

Wei Wuji was shocked, and despite all the humiliation in his heart, he was no longer here because he had already lost.

He struggled to get up from the plank, trying to make himself less embarrassed.

“Wang Jian, you won.”

“My Lord, I lost to you in the end.”

Wei Wuji looked at the king without fear, there was only one way to die calmly.


“you are wrong.

Wang Qiang shook his head.

“What do you mean?” Wei Wuji frowned.

“You didn’t lose in the hands of this general, but in the hands of my general, General Zhao.”

Wang Jian smiled and looked at Zhao Qi beside him.

Wei Wuji raised his head and looked at the young, heroic Zhao Qi in front of him.

“You led the Yellow River to overturn the beams?” Wei Wuji stared at Zhao Qi.


Zhao Qi glanced at it and replied calmly.

“What a Zhao Qi, what a young general in Qin.”

“No wonder Pang Yuan and Lian Po will be defeated by you, Zhao Qi, you really live up to your reputation.”

“The water from the Yellow River flooded my beams, and my lord made every effort to set up an empty space.

“You are so cruel and cruel.

“We have hundreds of thousands of soldiers and hundreds of thousands of people, because you have died tragically because of this strategy.”

Wei Wuji looked at Zhao Qi with hatred. Even though he knew it was a war, he could not obliterate Zhao’s hatred overthrown by the flood.

“Wei Wuji.”

“You are also a veteran.”

It should “also know that strategy is important on the battlefield, and what is important is to kill the enemy to win.”

“Perhaps it would have been cruel, maybe it would be cruel.

“But it’s all for victory.”

“If you want to blame for their death, you can’t blame the general, you can only blame you, Wei Guo for stubbornly resisting my Da Qin, against the general trend.”

“It’s not my Daqin people, that’s my Daqin enemy. There is no need to show mercy to the enemy.

“Moreover, you shouldn’t think that there will be any evil. This is war.”

Zhao Qi said flatly.

The water of the Yellow River capsized and caused such a big killing, Zhao Qi did not feel any guilt.

This is war, a ruthless war.


“Zhao Qi, I remember you.”

“You are right. Wars are already ruthless. If you are Qin at this moment, I won’t show any mercy.

“you win.

“I am ashamed of myself.”

“Do it.”

Wei Wuji gave a sorrowful laugh, knowing that he could not leave Zhao Qi psychologically.

If it is a general general.

Hundreds of thousands of people died because of him. It would be a sense of guilt that would make him live in a nightmare forever.

At first, when Wei Wuji thought it was Wang Jian’s plan, he didn’t mention the so-called hundreds of thousands of sins. It was because he knew that Wang Fei was a veteran and would never care. After learning that Zhao Qi did it, he used it. I satirized Zhao Qi with the so-called killing, in order to make Zhao Qi feel guilty, and live in a nightmare forever.

“Take it for yourself.

Zhao Qi glanced coldly.

The Zhan Lu sword on his waist was unsheathed and uttered a sword sound.

Zhao Qi moved his hand, the blade of his sword stroked, and a flash of blood flashed.

Wei Wuji separated his head, and Zhao Qi directly captured Wei Wuji’s head.

His corpse fell to his knees weakly, sank into the Wang Yang, and dyed Hongze red.

“Wei Guoxin Lingjun.”

“It’s a thing of the past.”

Wang Jian looked at the head in Zhao Qi’s hand and sighed and smiled.

“After today.”

“Zhao Qi’s reputation will be spread even further.”

“Even me, Mengwu, and Huangou are far inferior.

“I am the first general of Qin Dynasty, as Zhao Qi.”

Wang Jian looked at Zhao Qi’s indifferent posture, and thought with sigh in his heart.

General Han was violent and died at the hands of Zhao.

The three generals of the Zhao Kingdom, Pang Yuan and Lian Po died at the hands of Zhao Qi, and Li Mu was persuaded to surrender by Zhao Qi.

And Wei Guoxin Lingjun, known as the head of the Four Young Masters, now also died in the hands of Zhao Qi.

No one in the world can achieve this kind of result, and none of them can achieve it.


PS: Seeking confirmation, seeking confirmation, monthly pass, thank you very much. Ding.

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