Chapter 146 Ying Zheng: Entrusting Zhao Qi as My Great Qin Wu’an Jun

After a long time.

Ying Zheng recovered.

There was a joy from the inside out on his face.

Zhao Qi’s contributions abroad made him a great honor as a father.

In the eyes of many people.

Although he won politics well, none of his sons are outstanding, but with Zhao Qi, this will be erased. Da Qin’s most outstanding warrior, the invincible Zhao, is his son who won politics. .

“Good, good, good.

After Ying Zheng yelled three times, he could hear the excitement in his tone.

“Zhao Qi.”

“It deserves to be my General Qin, such a big victory, such a big victory, who in the world has it?”

Ying Zheng said excitedly.

“Congratulations to the king.”

“I have General Zhao in Daqin, who will dominate the world.”

Seeing the ecstatic Yingzheng, the civil and military men of the Manchu Dynasty also congratulated him in unison.

The victory and results brought by Zhao Qi shocked every courtier.

The capital of the Wei Kingdom was turned into a piece of Wang Yang when the water of the Yellow River was overturned, and Wei Wuji and Wei Wang were killed. How unexciting and not shocking was the result of such a battle.

Fortunately, “Zhao is my Da Qin warrior. If it is an enemy, then it is definitely not my Da Qin’s blessing.”

And this moment.

There are also many people who have the same sigh as the dynasty that day.

In the battle of Zhao, the attack must be overcome and the battle must be fruitful. Zhao Qi’s army has never failed. It can be described as the ever-victorious general of the Great Qin and the undefeated God of War.

“The King of Enlightenment.

“General Zhao will destroy another country again, and make great contributions to my great Qin, and he shall be rewarded and re-appointed.”

Meng Yi immediately stood up and said loudly.

“The minister seconded.

Han Fei immediately agreed.

Immediately afterwards.

Wang Shu, Feng Jie, Manchu civil and military all stood up and said in unison: “The minister seconded.”

“What Zhu Qing said is extremely true.

“Zhao Qi has made great contributions and made a national contribution.”

“How can a widow take control of the Great Qin Dynasty without paying much attention to it?” Ying Zheng immediately laughed.

If Zhao Qi had never left his power, winning the government had not had the opportunity to promote his son in power, but with such a national merit, how could the winning government miss such a good opportunity.

Not only that.

The winning politicians of this battle were promoted in Da Qin, so that the people of Da Qin knew that Zhao Qi made great contributions to Da Qin.

Enhance Zhao Qi’s reputation.

“Improved edict.”

“Zhao Qi destroys Wei and establishes the merits of establishing the country.


“Promote Zhao Qi to the two nobles, and enter the pass.”

“And given the power to control the military affairs of Zhao, Wei, and Han. The three places are related to military affairs. Everything is in the charge of Zhao Qi.

03” Give ten thousand gold, ten thousand pieces of cloth, one more mansion, and three thousand servants.


“Grant Zhao Qi the title, Wu Anjun.”

Yingzheng announced the prestige.

The voice fell off.

Chaotang was shocked again.

Ying Zheng has such a great gift, although there is a bit of speculation in their hearts, after all, Zhao Qi has done too much work. This time, the work of destroying Wei is even more monstrous.

Jue was promoted to two levels and reached Guanneihou.

In other words, it was only one step away from the highest rank of Daqin, Chehou.

But the key is not the title.

It is the title given to Zhao Qi by Yingzheng.

Wu Anjun.

This is not a title, but a title, prestigious to the courtiers, and even a title to the courtiers’ prestige in the world.

Those who are able to win in Anbang from the past dynasties and countries are named “Wu’an”. “Jun” is a kind of honorific title of Doctor Qing.

Looking across the world.

The former Daqin Wuanjun Baiqi got this title, and his fierce name is well known in the world.

But since Bai Qi died for decades, this number has been owned by no one, as far as Daqin is concerned.

Of course.

Looking at the nations.

There is also a person called Wuanjun, that is Li Mu, but that is just a casual mention by Zhao Wang. In the old days when Daqin attacked Zhao and was defeated by Li Mu without success, Zhao Wang liked to call Li Mu the Wuanjun of his Zhao country. rise.

And now.

The beginning of a new era has arrived.

Da Qin once again possessed Wu Anjun.

That is Zhao Si.Wu Anjun, Zhao Qi.

This number completely established Zhao Qi’s authority and prestige as the first general of the Great Qin Dynasty.


The name of Emperor Zhao Wu’an will be passed down to the world, and no one knows it.

“Wu Anjun.

“He was even named Wuanjun by the great king.”

Li Si was struggling in his heart, clenching his fists, very upset.

As far as Meng Yi and Han Fei are concerned, they are delighted at this moment.

Because they are both Zhao Qi people, but both are on the dark side, even the people in the courtroom just think that they have some friendship with Zhao Qi, but not too deep.

“Zhao Qi is named Wu Anjun, do you have any objections?”

Ying Zheng glanced around and said prestigiously.

“Great King Shengming.”

“The ministers seconded.”

No one of the Manchu civil and military dared to violate the intention of winning the government, and Zhao Qi’s contribution was too great this time. If they tried to stop it, it would be an enemy of Qin Fa’s military exploits.

Yingzheng Longyan Dayue, so excited, if they dare to say no words, they will definitely offend Yingzheng,


“Immediately send a quick horse to transfer Wang Zhao to Wei Jing.”

“In addition, I will post a notice on the Zhao Qi Dingwei Jiebao in the whole area of ​​Daqin, and declare to my Daqin people that Daqin will decide another country.” Yingzheng said with a laugh.

“Great King Shengming.” The officials said in unison.

“The King of Enlightenment.

“In addition to Wu’an Jun, the generals of the dynasty also made great contributions to Wei’s work.”

“As a reward.

Wang Shu stood up and said loudly.


“The real person almost forgot.”

Ying Zheng immediately returned to his senses and laughed.

He was immersed in the joy of his son’s great achievements, but he almost forgot Wang Jianzhi’s work.

For the current victory in politics, although on the surface he is very excited, but the joy in his heart is even more so that no one can know.

Wu Anjun Zhao Qi, Zhao Qi, who made three great achievements in establishing the country, allowed Da Qin to speed up the progress of dominating the world. This is his son who won the government.

May I ask the king of the world?

Who can have such an outstanding son, no one else owns him except for winning politics.

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng’s heart is full of pride.

“Wang Jianfu Zhao Qi has done a great job in destroying Wei.

“Give nobles to be promoted to the first level, give five thousand golds, five thousand cloths, and a thousand servants.”

Ying Zheng immediately issued an edict to grant rewards.

Compared with the reward for Zhao, Wang Qiang got a lot less, but the key to this battle is Zhao Qi. Wang Jian is assisting power from beginning to end. One master and one must naturally be distinguished.

“Great King Shengming.”

Qunchen said in unison.

“The King of Enlightenment.

“Wei Jing has not been completely settled yet. As Wu Anjun said, it will take at least four months to complete the annexation of Wei, but Wei Guoding still needs the Minister of Administration to take charge of Wei Jing’s government affairs.” Wang stood up, Started loudly.

“Isn’t there a ready-made one in Zhaodi?”

Ying Zheng smiled.

“My lord.

“Master Feng has been abroad for many years, don’t you still call him back?” Wang Shu hesitated.

“Able people should do more work.

Yingzheng smiled: “Feng Qing has good abilities and has worked with Zhao Qi for many years. They are already familiar with each other. Only when they work together can I secure the territory of Da Qin.”

“The minister understands.” Wang Shu bowed his head and said no more.

“All right.”

“If Zhu Qing has nothing else to do, let’s leave the court.”

Ying Zheng waved his hand at the ministers, and walked towards the apse with an unspeakable excitement.

“Send to the king.”

The ministers bowed and bowed, watching Yingzheng leave.

The officials in the court also slowly left the hall.

And outside the Palace of King Qin.

Han Fei approached Li Si without knowing whether it was intentional or unintentional.

“What, Li Si, let you down again?

“Today, I will remember Wu Anjun.

Some of our “accounts” will be calculated slowly in the future.

Han Fei sarcastically said to Li Si.


Han Fei turned around and left without looking at Li Si’s face.

“Han Fei.”

Li Si clenched his fist, his face was stern.

Today, I originally wanted to take advantage of the situation to pull Zhao Qi down, but I didn’t want to have Yingzheng’s approval behind it.

In addition to being unwilling, Li Si also had a sense of urgency.

Now Zhao Qi is Wu Anjun, and Han Fei has completely become one of the Jiuqing.

Moreover, the relationship between the Meng family and Zhao Qi is even more of a marriage.


Zhao Qi’s wings have developed greatly.

And he was also favored by Wang.

This made Li Si extremely annoyed.

Inside the Zhangtai Palace.

“Qir, Xier.”

As soon as Ying Zheng came back, he shouted loudly.


“Aye, you are back.”

The two little guys heard Ying Zheng’s voice and immediately shouted happily.

Then quickly ran towards Yingzheng.


“Aye happy today.”

Win each hand one by one and hug his grandson tightly.

However, Zhao Gao retired from the Zhangtai Palace in a timely manner, not daring to disturb the excitement of winning the government.


The entire palace knows Ying Zheng’s favor to Zhao Qi’s family.

The status of Zhao Qi’s two children in the palace is also very high. It can be said that the status of the two princesses is higher than that of the princesses. No one dares to offend.

“Your dad can give Aye a face today.” Ying Zheng smiled excitedly.

“Aye, just happy.”

“Aye is happy, and we are happy too.”

The two little guys quickly pleased their own Aye.

They are now more than three years old and will be four in a few months.

For Yingzheng.

Not seeing the growth of my own children with my own eyes, but being able to see the growth of my grandchildren with my own eyes can be regarded as a kind of compensation.

Therefore, he particularly cherishes his two grandchildren.


Ying Zheng laughed, but still did not recover from his ecstasy.

Mongolian House.


“You are always punching again.”

Meng Yi went back to the house, looked at his grandfather, Meng Yu, who had white hair but was full of energy, and greeted him with a smile.

“So happy, what happened to the DPRK?” Meng Zhi stopped punching and looked at his grandson.

“Wei Guo, it’s almost finished.”

In a few months, the three Jins will become the territory of my Daqin.

Meng Yi smiled excitedly.

“So fast?

Meng Nu was a little surprised.

Although he is not in the court, but in the mansion, he is very important to the state affairs of Daqin.

“Zhao Qi, you know.

“He led the Yellow River to flood the capital of Wei Daliang. Wei Wuji’s 400,000 heavy soldiers were overthrown by the water of the Yellow River. Wei didn’t attack himself. Both Wei Wuji and King Wei were killed by Zhao Qi.

“Wei can be said to be gone.” Meng Yi said very moved.

“That Zhao Qi again?”

Meng Di was surprised.

In Fuzhong for many years.

He has heard the name of Zhao Qi many times. Every time he hears it, he has made a lot of great achievements for Da Qin and created a lot of results. Before he eliminated Han and eliminated Zhao, Zhao was indispensable, but now he has made another stand. Great work.

“Grandfather, you know too little about Zhao.”

“This time the Great King Mizhao granted Zhao Qi full power to destroy Wei, so Zhao Qi sent troops to attack Wei more than two months ago, but he took such a quick time to achieve such a result, really let the court, and even the king did not have it. think.”

“Zhao Qi made such a great contribution to our great Qin, and the great king, Dayue, has saved Zhao Qi as Wu’an Jun, Jueguan Neihou, and in charge of the military affairs of the Three Jins.

Meng Yi’s tone also carried a shocking and unspeakable way.

Wu Anjun.

These three characters are enough to show Zhao Qi’s status in Daqin, even if Zhao Qi’s rank is not high, by virtue of the name of Wuanjun, he is above the ranks of the same.

Because he is the honor that Daqin generals pursued all his life.

Now Zhao Qi has done it at the age of 21, creating the most in the history of Daqin. The name of Emperor Wu’an will be widely known in Daqin in the future, and will be known everywhere in the future.

Millions of great Qin Ruishi are in awe.

Proud of it.

“Wu Anjun

Hearing these three words, a wave of waves flashed in Meng Zhi’s eyes, reminiscing, reminiscing about the past.

For him.

The meaning of these three words Wu’anjun is even greater. In the past, he used to be a general under Wu’anjun Bai Qi.

In that era, as far as the world is concerned, it was the era of great Qin’s grandeur. Among the generals and wars, it was definitely the era of Bai Qi.He is truly invincible.

“Wu Anjun.

“You have been away for decades, but finally someone can inherit your will. This person is better than us, even better than you.”

“I, Da Qin, once again have Wu Anjun.” Meng Qin murmured to himself with a sigh.

For his time.

Wu Anjun Bai Qi had too much influence on them.

At the beginning, Bai Qi was given to death and committed suicide.

This makes Meng Li, as well as countless generals of that era, sad and even more sorrowful.

It made millions of great Qin Ruishi cry for it.

But no way.

At that time, I didn’t know who was right and who was wrong.

Maybe each is wrong.

But it’s all in the past tense.


“When the guest comes back from Fuzhong, it will be Han Fei, Shaofu.”

“The grandson enters the mansion first to prepare.

Meng Yi bowed to Mengshi-613 and was about to leave.


Seeing Meng Yi’s performance, Meng suddenly spoke.

“Grandfather, what else is there?” Meng Yi looked blank.

“Your kid, what are you and your father planning lately?”

“You have been very diligent with those court officials recently. Are you now participating in the party fight?” Meng Nu’s expression changed, and he suddenly looked at Meng Yi and said.

“That… Nothing.”

“Grandfather, you think too much.”

“The grandson has something to do, so let’s go first.”

Meng Yi made a sloppy look and was about to leave.



“Looking at my grandfather’s old age, he can’t dance the stick anymore, right?” Meng Zhi directly flicked a stick from one side, and he was about to beat Meng Yi.

“If you don’t explain to Laozi today, Laozi killed your unfilial son and grandson.” Meng Zhi scolded.



“What are you going to do.”

“I really didn’t mess around.

Meng Yi shouted helplessly while hiding.

“Give you one last chance, explain clearly.” Meng Zhi is very firm.

“Aye, do you really want to know?” Meng Yi looked at his ancestor helplessly.


Meng Nu said directly, staring at Meng Yi.

“If I said, then you can’t spread it indiscriminately, otherwise something big will happen.” Meng Yi said solemnly.

“Your father and son really participated in the party fight?”

“Who did you choose?”

“President Fusu, who or is it?” Meng Zhi asked solemnly immediately.

“No.” Meng Yi shook his head.


“You didn’t choose Lord Fusu? Then who did you choose?”

“Although the king is now in his prime, the party struggle seems to be too early, but the unification of the Qin Dynasty is clear, and it is not wrong for you to participate in the party struggle, but my Meng family has always been loyal to the Da Qin orthodoxy for generations. If you want to choose, you must also choose to help Young Master Su. , He is my eldest son of Qin, so he can be justified.

“after all.”

“If you choose the wrong one, my Meng family will fall into a dead end.

“Don’t look at my Meng family now glamorous and in power, but it’s nothing in front of the royal power. Once the emperor and the courtier, you should understand this truth.” Meng said very solemnly.


In his thoughts.

There is only one orthodox among the great king’s many sons, and that is the eldest son Fusu, and his heart is more inclined.


“Neither father nor we chose to help Young Master Su.” Meng Yi shook his head.

“You really didn’t choose?”

Meng Nu frowned, and immediately said: “Just forget about your random elections. Isn’t that stinky boy Mengwu also chasing you with you?”

“You tell Laozi, who did you choose?”

Seeing Meng Shi’s appearance, his expression became serious. Obviously, if Meng Yi didn’t make it clear today, he would definitely not be able to go around.


Meng Yi had no other choice but to explain clearly.

After all, if Meng Shi went to contact Fusu in private, it would not be a good thing.


“I’ll tell you, but you must rot in your stomach.”

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