Chapter 143 Zhao Qi’s drug policy, monstrous experience points

Time passed gradually.

The Wei army, the king of Wei, and the dignitaries of Wei in Daliang City were all living their lives in panic.

But what made all the Wei people in Daliang City panicked.

The Daqin army has been besieging the city for ten days, but they have been besieging the city without attacking it. There has been no tentative attack. It seems that they have been garrisoned outside the city, trying to fight their Wei Guo.

The city is closed.

Wei Wuji’s expression was tense, staring at the Qin army camp that could even be seen outside the city. Although Qin army hadn’t attacked for ten days, his heart couldn’t calm down.

“What exactly are Zhao Qi and Wang Qiang trying to do? Why are they besieging me and not attacking?”

“Don’t they know that Qi Chuyan Three Kingdoms reinforcements are coming?”

“No, it’s not right, they definitely have a plan, otherwise how can they stop the attack?”

“I can’t see exactly what went wrong and what they are going to do.

Wei Wuji had a solemn expression, and his mind was full of thoughts.

If Da Qin Ruishi attacked, perhaps he hadn’t been so panic and solemn. After all, he had been fully prepared to deal with Da Qin’s attack and applied the old strategy of Li Mu in Daicheng and Da Qinyu’s death net to this Liangcheng.

Moreover, under the geographical position of Liangcheng relying on mountains, Li Mu’s defense of Daicheng was even tighter than in the past.

Da Qin wanted to break the beam, if he did not pay the price of hundreds of thousands of people, then Wei Wuji would not be the first of the Four Young Masters of the Warring States Period.

But the current situation is that Da Qin besieged and did not attack, leaving him at a loss. He defended this beam city like an iron bucket, but it was useless.

“Mr Xinling, don’t worry too much.”

“You haven’t slept well for seven or eight days. Now, it may be a good thing for the Qin army to not attack. After all, you have gathered all the strength of my Dawei to defend the beam, even more tightly than Daicheng that day.”

“At the beginning, Li Mu asked Wang Meng and Huanqi to attack Daicheng for more than a month to damage the soldiers. Now Zhao Qi and Wang Jian naturally know that Lord Xinling is powerful, and they dare not attack rashly.

“It’s okay if they don’t attack. We, Wei, wait for reinforcements to arrive, and then we can defeat the Qin army.”

“This is a good thing.”

Wei smiled at Wei Wuji, with a sense of comfort.

“Oh, Prime Minister.

“At this moment, my country is in crisis, how can this monarch be able to sleep?”

“Although what you said makes sense.”

“It might be a good thing for me, Da Wei, that the Qin army does not attack. After all, there is no need to wait for the aid of the Three Kingdoms, but it happens that Zhao Qi and Wang Jian are not simple people. Would they just sit back and watch my Wei reinforcements come and be indifferent?”

Wei Wuji sighed and said helplessly.


“Maybe Mr. Xinling thinks too much.”

“If the Qin army doesn’t attack, he definitely knows that he can’t break the city and has nothing to do.” Wei Xiang thought quickly.

After Wei Wuji came back.

The pressure that had been placed on Wei Xiang disappeared in an instant, so naturally he believed in Wei Wuji’s ability.

“I hope so.”

“If Zhao Qi and Wang Jian are really plotting something against me, Da Wei, that would be a bad thing.” Wei Wuji could only think so.

After all, he who defended the city had no other way to change other than waiting for the Qin army to attack.

“Xinling Lord.

At this time.

Several Wei Jiang walked to the city gate and bowed to Wei Wuji.

“How about the probe?”

“What is Qin Jun doing these days?” Wei Wuji looked at several generals and asked immediately.

The Qin army hadn’t attacked for ten days, which was extremely strange. Wei Wuji was naturally uneasy and sent people out of the city to investigate.

“Xinling Lord.

“All the spies sent out are dead.”

The solemn way of a general.


“Why is this?”

“Isn’t this monarch asking you to pretend to be ordinary people to investigate?” Wei Wuji’s expression changed.

“At the end, the spies under his seat are disguised, but the strange thing is that the Qin army seems to know that the spies we sent are the same. As soon as they get out of the city, they will be captured as long as they get close to the Qin army.”

“It seems that Qin Jun has eyes staring at Daliang City.” The general said helplessly.

“Are there spies from the Qin Army in the city?”

Wei Wuji was thinking about it.

“Now the whole city is blocked, and no one can leave the city without the token of the monarch. Even if the Qin Jun has spies in it, he cannot spread the news. This is really strange.


“The Qin Army is so strict with my Dawei spies, what are they doing? Is it because they are preparing to redeploy reinforcements from the Qin Army and fail? Or sending troops to block the Three Kingdoms reinforcements?””But these seem to be impractical.”

“Damn it.”

Wei Wuji couldn’t figure it out no matter what he thought.

Wei Wuji didn’t know at this moment.

All his movements, all expressions are presented in the eyes of a person.

In the sky.

Several saker falcons are flying, overlooking the entire Liangcheng.

Through their eyes, Zhao Qi saw everything in Daliang City.

North of Daliang City.

No more than ten miles apart.

Wow, wow.

A huge long river is like a dragon, entrenched on the earth, and the rushing river raises turbulent waves.

And at the moment.

Tens of thousands (adbc) black armored sharp men are holding the iron prison, and various tools have dug a large canal from the Yellow River that leads directly to Daliang City.

In ten days, Daqu will pass directly to Daliang City.

As long as the embankment is resolved, the rushing Yellow River will overturn and flood Daliang City.

On the edge of the Yellow River, Zhao Qi and Wang Fei looked at the rushing Yellow River with their own thoughts.

But for the dynasty, there is a silent sigh in his heart at this moment: “Zhao Qi boy.”

“How can General Wang enlighten me?” Zhao smiled slightly.

“I’m really fortunate that you are not my Da Qin’s enemy. If you are my Da Qin’s enemy, my Da Qin’s desire to dominate the world will be far away. Facing you and other means, I am afraid that Da Qin will also have national strength. Great loss.” Wang Jian said with a heartfelt emotion.

“General Wang praised.

“If I play for another country, I am afraid that the official will be no more than a thousand chief.”

Zhao Qi smiled somewhat mockingly.

The nations of the world.

Except for Daqin’s real rule of law, and the strict implementation of the military merit system in the Daqin army, which country can do it?

If it is for another country, no matter how much Zhao Qi kills the enemy, I am afraid that the credit has been swallowed by the so-called powerful.

But not in Daqin.

Because in the Great Qin Army, there were military statistics officers who were directly assigned to the royal power. They went directly to the royal power and would never allow the military exploits to be swallowed up. This is the foundation of the great Qin’s prosperity.


“You are right about that.”

“Throughout the world, apart from me, Da Qin, there will be no second you appearing.” Wang Chao said with a big smile.

“The water of the Yellow River overturns the beams.”

“What kind of picture will this look like?”

Zhao Qi stared at the endless Yellow River and suddenly spoke.

“I didn’t understand what your strategy was before, but you brought me to the edge of the Yellow River, and I understand.”

“This strategy is indeed a poisonous strategy.”

“The water of the Yellow River is overturned, and the terrain of Daliang City is already low, like an urn. Even though Wei Wuji’s arrangement is so rigorous, it is nothing in the face of the power of heaven and earth.”

“He has hundreds of thousands of troops under his command, and everything in the beam will be overthrown.

“Your policy can save my great Qin soldiers from breaking through the beams.

“It’s wise, my king has cut his clothes.

Wang Jian sincerely faced Zhao Qi.

“General Wang doesn’t think this plan is too vicious?” Zhao Qi looked at Wang Jian and smiled.

“The tactics of the strategist are based on decisive victory over everything. The victor is the strategist without caring about any means.”

“This strategy can avoid hundreds of thousands of casualties of my Daqin soldiers, why not?”

“Of course.

“Perhaps Daliang City will be overthrown and countless creatures will die, but as you said in the past, one family is nothing compared to the safety of the entire ethnic group.”

“Wei Wuji thinks he has arranged everything, but he will also hate you for this strategy.”

Dynasty said with a smile.

For this strategy, there is no wave of shame in my heart.

If, on the other hand, Da Qin is holding fast, and the enemy country encounters this time, they will definitely not let it go.

On the battlefield, in the world, the enemy is the enemy, and they will not show mercy to you because of your pity for them.

“General Wang is right.”

Zhao Qi nodded.

Coming to this era for so many years, and also experienced many years of warfare, because he has killed hundreds of thousands of enemies, Zhao Qi’s heart has long been cold.

Everything he did.

All to live better.

And if someone wants to stop, it is the enemy, Zhao Qi will never show mercy, no matter who it is.

At this time.

Tu Bandit, Zhang Han, Wang Qian, Li Xin and others came to the edge of the Yellow River together.

Looking at Zhao Qi and Wang Qian who were talking, they immediately bowed.

“Finally, see the two generals.

The generals bowed and bowed.


Zhao Qi turned around and asked.

“Back to General.

“We, Handan Daying soldiers are responsible for digging and breaking the embankment, and Hangu Daying soldiers are responsible for cutting down trees and building ships and boats.”

“From the current progress.”

“Within eight days at most, the pit will be dug to the beam, and our army will create thousands of ship steps.”

“The day of setting the beam is coming soon.

The female resident excitedly told Zhao Qi and Wang to cut the ticket.

The voice fell.

The other generals also carried a kind of excitement and anticipation.

This time Zhao Qi conspired to fight.

The whole army is excited.

Because they will once again create a bloodless battle to destroy the country after the First World War in Nanyang.

If this battle is settled, the world will be frightened.

“Everything went according to plan.

When the Yellow River’s water was overturned, and the Liangcheng was broken.

Zhao Qi coldly shouted, and at the same time he was certain in his heart: “It is also the time when the general slayed Wei Wuji and the King of Wei.

“This Yellow River bursting dyke will be opened by the general himself. How many experience points will I gain if this battle is overturned?”

To this.

Zhao Qi is full of expectations.

The devastating power caused by the overwhelming flood is unspeakable.

But Zhao Qi will never miss this opportunity to break the country, and it is also a great opportunity for him to gain experience points and improve his strength.

He will never have mercy.

Time flies.


The eighth time has come.

Wei Wuji still stood at the gate, his expression showing a solemn expression.

Eighteen days.

Qin Jun has not attacked, and he has never tried Daliang City. This is enough to be sure that Qin Jun is definitely planning some big plan, one to overturn his heavy defense plan.

“Zhao Qi, Dynasty.

“What are you planning?

“You haven’t attacked for eighteen days. I thought about it for eighteen days, but you couldn’t think of what you were planning.”

Wei Wuji thought with a heavy expression on his face.

Although Qi Chuyan’s reinforcements will arrive in less than ten days, as the Qin army has not attacked, his anxiety is growing day by day.

“Xinling Lord.

At the end will “just got the news.”

“The army of the Yan State will be reinforced in seven or eight days at the earliest, the Qi State will be at most twelve days, and the Chu State will be at most half a month.

“To reinforce my Dawei, Qi Chuyan and the Three Kingdoms all exhausted their fastest speed.

Several Wei Jiang came to Chengguan and excitedly told Wei Wuji’s table.

Wei Wuji nodded absently.

“Xinling Lord.”

“The Three Kingdoms reinforcements are coming, and the crisis of our great Wei will be resolved. Isn’t this something to be happy about?”

Looking at Wei Wuji with a solemn and absent-minded face, a few excited generals of Wei State were a little puzzled.

As they think.

The Qin army had never attacked, so it was absolutely impossible to break Daliang City and could only delay it. This was a good thing for them.

After all, they are fundamentally different from Wei Wuji’s realm.

“Although it is a good thing that reinforcements are approaching, I can’t get happy.”

“My Lord feels that something big will happen.

“Qin Jun is definitely plotting something.” Wei Wuji said heavily.

Several Wei generals could only look at them puzzledly.

And at this moment.

A Wei Jiang looked at the front of the city.

“Xinling Lord.

“The Qin army has withdrawn.”

“Look at it quickly.

A Wei Jiang pointed to the front of the city and said excitedly.


Wei Wuji suddenly raised his head and took a look.

The Qin army, who had been hundreds of feet away from the city gate, began to retreat quickly, and the clan flag that covered the sky and sun also moved away.

And it can be vaguely seen that Qin Army’s camp has been demolished.


It is really ready to retreat.

“Congratulations, Mr. Xinling.

“This is my big joy.”

“The Qin Army must have learned that Qi Chuyan’s Three Kingdoms reinforcements were approaching, and knew that it would not be able to break the Daliang City guarded by Lord Xinling, so he had to withdraw his troops.

“My Dawei finally got out of the crisis.”

“All this is the work of Lord Xinling.

“My great Wei Ruo has no faith in the Mausoleum, talk about how to fight against Qin…

Watching the Qin army retreat, all the generals and soldiers in the city gate shouted in excitement.

In their view.

This battle is over.

Their reinforcements are here.

The Qin army could only retreat in a desperate manner.

But relative to their excitement.

Wei Wuji stared at the front of the city, but he was not happy. On the contrary, a sense of anxiety in his heart became stronger and stronger.

Until the Qin army withdrew further and further, completely far away from Daliang City.

And this moment.

Wei Wuji stared at Qin Jun, who had disappeared without a trace, his eyes suddenly widened, as if thinking of something, a touch of fear and even despair appeared on his face.

“not good.”

“Big things are not good.”

Wei Wuji yelled in horror.

The eyes of the entire Chengguan were all on Wei Wuji.

“Xinling Lord?

Everyone was at a loss and looked suspiciously.

“The reason why the Qin army did not attack during this period was because they had no intention of attacking at all. They were definitely trying to provoke the water of the Yellow River to overthrow our beam city.”

“In the face of the torrent, no matter how I arrange it, it is impossible to stop it.

Qin Jun “must be digging river embankments these days to start the Yellow River.

Wei Wuji said in horror, there was nothing but ashes and despair in his eyes.


Hear what Wei Wuji said.

Wei Jiang, who was originally ecstatic at the city gate, panicked.

The water of the Yellow River.

Once overturned.

If it is really as Wei Wuji expected.

That beam city will become a piece of Wang Yang.

Hundreds of thousands of troops in Daliang City will be overthrown.

“Qin Jun, Qin Jun.”

“Zhao Qi, Wang Jian. You are so cruel.”

“It turns out that you actually undertook such a poisonous scheme.”

Wei Wuji slumped on the ground, full of weakness.

“Mr Xinling, maybe it’s not as bad as you think.” A Wei Jiang comforted.

But his voice just fell.

Boom, boom,

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