Chapter 142-Zhao Qi

Facing Wei Jun’s provocation and Wei Jun’s provocation, Da Qin Ruishi did not move. They felt even more ridiculous about Wei Jun’s separation.

For the soldiers who used to work for Korea and Zhao, there is no harm without comparison. For Daqin, their salary is fully guaranteed. Military merit and promotion gave them the opportunity to become masters, while they used to be the decadent court. Effectiveness is not obtained at all, and everything is the first of the powerful.

It would be ridiculous for them to serve that decadent dynasty again.

But with Zhao Qi’s call, the order will be issued.

The 300,000 Great Qin Ruishi who had been silent and motionless suddenly moved.

“Wind, wind, wind.

“The wind.”

Three hundred thousand big Qin Ruishi made a loud shout of wind.

Wei Jun’s shouting and killing disappeared under the heart of the great Qin Ruishi.

All the sky and the earth were left with infinite murderous intent that belonged to Da Qin.

“A battle will determine the universe.

“Wei will be determined in the first battle.”

“I am a great Qin Ruishi.”


Zhao Qi waved the Zhan Lu sword and pointed it directly at the army of Wei State.

“Wind, wind, wind.

“The wind.”

The wind shouted again.

Follow closely.

Zhao Qi’s three main generals moved.

“Fight against the battlefield, Kai.

Tu Diao, Zhang Han, Ren Dao drew out their swords and shouted violently at the same time.

The 300,000 big Qin Ruishi moved quickly.

One hundred thousand cavalry, all equipped with the two treasures of cavalry and war, took the lead in the attack.

Followed by.

Daqin’s 200,000 paces followed.

The battle formation was formed, based on Zhao Qi, the breath of 300,000 sharp soldiers was completely connected, and the morale was soaring.

“Zhao Qi.”

“Today, I, Pang Xiong, will break your myth of the so-called undefeated general.”

“It’s not easy for you to figure it out for Yi Jiang Zuo to join the army, but this is a dead end.”

“If the soldiers are really so easy to deal with, why have the soldiers dealt with them for thousands of years? How can you kill 400,000 Zhao Jun in the old Bai Qi of the State of Qin.”

“After all, it’s still too young.”


Beat “you, even kill you.”

“I, Pang Xiong, can wash away the eyes of the world looking at me, and the prestige of my ancestors in the past can also reappear in the world.

“Take the life of your Zhao Qi to prove to the world that I, Pang Xiong, will not fall under the prestige of my ancestors.”

Seeing the army of the two countries rushing in frantically, the earth was shaking, Pang Xiong felt an unspeakable feeling in his heart, domineering, heroic, and he was about to shame his Pang family.

Reproduce the fame of his ancestor Pang Juan.

With 200,000 troops, this is also the first time Pang Xiong has such power.

Power moves people’s hearts, how can he not seize this opportunity to raise his head.

“Pang Xiong, you have caused a big disaster.”

“Lord Xinling confessed that the only way for my Great Wei against Qin to procrastinate is to keep my Great Wei from breaking. You are now rushing to fight, and the whole army is attacking. You have failed Lord Xinling and the King, and you will let me. Da Wei fell into a dead end.”

Wei Jiang watched all the 200,000 troops attack, and his face suddenly turned pale.

“General Wei.

“The ancestor of the general was Pang Juan, a descendant of Guigu. In the past few years, the ancestors’ reputation has fallen. Today, I will use this Zhao Qi head to tell the people of the world that my Pang family is born again, and I will never fall from my ancestors. Prestige.”

“Soon you will see that I defeated the Qin army in the first battle.”

“I will hold Zhao Qi’s head to establish this victory.” Pang Xiong laughed, disregarding what Wei General said.


“You are a lunatic.

“You pretended to be a humble gentleman in front of Lord Xinling. Now this is your nature.

Wei Jiang pointed at Pang Xiong and scolded angrily.

But Pang Xiong ignored it at all.

“The strategy of Lord Xinling is too conservative. The strategy of separation before me is the best. The battlefield knows that changes are fast. Lord Xinling does have great talents, but he does not know the details of Zhao Qi, let alone the situation of Handan camp, and it would have been early Let it be investigated and made clear.”

“In this battle, I will let you know that Lord Xinling is wrong, and Pang Xiong is right.” Pang Xiong sneered, very confident.

“You fool.”

“Mr Xinling really misunderstood you.”

“How do you know that the information of the investigation was not deliberately leaked by Zhao Qi?

“If Zhao Qi is so easy to deal with, how can Pang Yuan and Lian Po die in his hands?”

“Pang Xiong, I am going to be killed by you.” Wei Jiangzang screamed, full of despair and powerlessness.

But everything is beyond his ability to stop.

The earth is shaking.

The two armies quickly approached.

The same is Sanjin.

In the north, the cavalry is the first.

The two cavalry quickly approached.

When the distance is less than fifty feet.

A scene that frightened the Wei state’s army happened.

“Ride and shoot.”


Zhang shouted angrily.

Pause time.

The galloping Da Qin cavalry drew the arrow from the quiver behind and bent the bow to set the arrow.

“Hu Fu riding and shooting?”

“Zhao’s cavalry stunt?”

In countless Wei Jun’s unbelievable eyes.



Countless arrows seized the air from the hands of Da Qin cavalry.

Throwing away towards Wei Jun.

Random arrows were fired.


Countless Wei Jun died tragically under chaotic arrows in an instant, fell off his horse, and was trampled into flesh by countless cavalry torrents.”Hu Fu riding and shooting?”

“How could he Qin Jun?”

“Could it be possible that Qin was not able to obtain the training secret of Zhao Guo’s Hufu riding and shooting?”

Pang Xiong’s complacent expression changed, and he was shocked when he looked at the way the Da Qin cavalry carried the horse and shot.

And the next moment.

An even more frightening scene happened.

“Just let you enemies see what I call the strongest cavalry in Da Qin.”

Zhang Han sneered.

Raised his hand.

“The Tiger Army.


Zhang Han yelled angrily.

A will order.

An empty formation suddenly formed among the 100,000 Great Qin Cavalry.


Thousands of behemoths rushed towards the Wei State army madly, and the speed was so fast that they used the Great Qin cavalry far behind.

Each of these behemoths is bigger than a war horse, and more powerful and fierce.

It is the Tiger Army that Zhao Qi personally formed a few months ago. On each of the Tigers, there is a Daqin Ruishi wearing black armor and holding a spear.

They are driving the Tigers, and months of training have allowed them to drive the Tigers completely.

“How can this be,?

“Big Worm?”

Qin Jun “How could it be possible to tame so many big bugs?”

“How did Qin do it?”

The Wei State cavalry watched thousands of tigers galloping out in front of them, as if they had seen a shocking scene.

But it didn’t wait for them to come back to their senses.

The moment when the Tiger Army approached the Wei State Cavalry Army.

Thousands of tigers suddenly dispersed.


Roar “…”

Thousands of tigers roared fiercely, and the roar of thousands of tigers shook the sky and the earth.

The shouting and killing of the entire battlefield was obscured by the roar of the tiger.

And at this moment when the tiger roars to the sky.

Abnormal protrusions.

All the cavalry horses that Wei State rushed in were panicked, struggling and beating frantically.

“do not move.”

“My horse is out of control.”

“The war horse was startled by the loud worm’s shout.”


For an instant.

The Wei State cavalry rushing in the front presents a scene of people turning their backs on their backs.

Under the roar of the tiger.

The war horse smashed in fear and overturned countless Wei State cavalry.

For an instant.

Before Wei Jun had a head-on confrontation with Da Qin Ruishi, the army broke up.

And looked at the Great Qin Army Formation.

One hundred thousand great Qin cavalry faced such a fierce tiger roar, but the horse did not have any imbalance, and still rushed forward frantically.

If you take a closer look.

You can find out what is stuffed in the ears of all the Great Qin war horses, and in the previous training after the formation of the Tigers, in the Handan camp, the cavalry war horses have to get used to the tiger roar. At this moment, he plugged his ears so that the Great Qin cavalry horses were not affected by the fear of the tiger’s roar.


Facing the collapse of the Wei State cavalry.

The Da Qin cavalry sipped coldly.

Under the power of the battle formation, the spirit and spirit are unified, and the combat power is doubled.

Go crazy to kill Wei Jun.

And the thousands of Tiger Army also jumped up and rushed towards Wei Jun fiercely.

For an instant.

The moment of killing appeared.

The Wei State Cavalry Army was defeated.

Facing Daqin’s cavalry rushing forward, they acted like a praying man’s arm, and they didn’t have any power to parry.

A moment of convergence.

The army was defeated.

Pang Xiong was completely stunned.

I thought I could stabilize Zhao Qi, and even used Zhao Qi’s head to establish his Pang family’s reputation in the world.

But take a look now.

The confidence on Pang Xiong’s face was gone, only a look of fear remained.

Qin Guo “How can it be possible to tame a big worm that is impossible to tame?”

“And… and also formed an army.

“This is impossible.

“How could Qin State do it.

“And why doesn’t Zhao Han Jiangzao in the Qin Army rebel?”

Qin State “Half of the soldiers in the Handan camp are soldiers, why don’t they help us deal with the Qin people?”

“Did they forget the hatred of annihilation of the country, the hatred of the dead?”

Fear appeared in Pang Xiong’s eyes, and he couldn’t believe it.


He remembered the words that reminded him Wei Jiang just now.

Zhao Qi killed Pang Yuan and killed Lianpo. If it was really that simple, how could he become the general of Qin?

The sentence just now was extremely harsh to Pang Xiong, but to him now, it was so terrifying to him.

“Pang Xiong.

“You are the sinner of my Wei State.”

“At the beginning, Pang Juan made my Wei state’s elites disappear. Now you let me procrastinate the war of Wei state. You Pang family are all sinners of my Wei state. You can’t die.”

Wei Jiang pointed at Pang Xiong and roared angrily.

“I… I am the sinner of Wei State.” Pang Xiong’s face turned pale.

But everything is unchangeable.

If it were not for him to underestimate the enemy, it would not be that he underestimated Zhao Qi, but also the expansion and enlargement of his heart, sending all the troops out to attack, and now there is still some relief. After he stabilizes, the army can withdraw.

But it is too late now.

Daqin army formation.

Zhao Qi sat on the blood tiger, looking indifferently at the killing battle that had been under his control a long time ago.

“Pang Xiong.

Zhao Qi sneered.

A secret message was held in his hand.

There was a sentence written on it: “Shadow infiltrated the country of Wei and identified Pang Xiong, the Wei general who was stationed at the border. This man is a modest gentleman in front of Wei Wuji, but he is self-sufficient in nature, arrogant and arrogant, and can be easily dealt with.”

“The descendants of Pang Juan, but so.

“It’s just a trash.

Zhao Qi said coldly.

A fiery red zhenqi appeared in his palm, and the secret report was directly shattered by zhenqi.

This battle.

Regarding this Pang Xiong, Zhao Qi received the secret report from the shadow three months ago and was already laying out.

The way of war.

It’s not just a single day, it’s more about time, and it’s about strategic layout.

Knowing what kind of person Pang Xiong is and what kind of personality, Zhao Qi naturally prepared a trap for him and led him into it.

“To defeat this Wei army, one battle will determine the universe.

Go straight to the “big beam.”

“Forcing Wei Wuji to return for help, a battle was decided.

A cold light flashed in Zhao Qi’s eyes, and it seemed that all the plans for the Battle of the Wei Dynasty were in his heart.

“Biography will order.

“The enemy is dissatisfied, and the offensive continues.”

“Pang Xiong’s leader is the first one.

Zhao Qi shouted with prestige.

“The general has orders.

“The enemy is dissatisfied, and the offensive continues.”

“Those who go to Pang Xiong’s first level are the first ones.”

The messenger quickly galloped and shouted the messenger.

Stele, stele, stele.

The drum beat of the Great Qin Army became more and more intense.

The armies of the two sides were also fully engaged.

However, with the natural suppression of the Great Qin Tiger Army, the display of the powerful tiger beasts caused the Wei State Cavalry to collapse.

This kind of war.

There is the Tiger Army as the main force, and for the cavalry who has no defense, they have encountered natural enemies.

“I, Pang Xiong, is a sinner of Wei Wei, a sinner”

“How can I lose?”

“I have clearly investigated, Zhao Qi is just a hairy boy, how could he be so powerful?”

Pang Xiong’s face was bloodless, and he mumbled to himself like crazy, as if he had lost his soul.

“Pang Xiong.

“You have not ordered the withdrawal of troops.”

“Do you have to bury all my great Wei’s elite soldiers here?”

“You have lived up to Lord Xinling’s expectations and the great king’s expectations, but you can no longer let my great generals die in vain.”

Wei Jiang roared angrily.

This roar.

Pang Xiong suddenly returned to his senses.

“Withdraw, withdraw troops.

Pang Xiong said with a trembling tone.

“Did you hear me.

“withdraw troops.”

“Retreat quickly…

General Wei of the Warlord roared frantically, his eyes full of anger and shame: “Mr. Xinling, I, Wei Quan, I’m sorry to you, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry Dawei, I can’t wait to kill Pang Xiong this waste with a single sword.”

But everything is too late.

The war continues.

The killing continued.

One hundred thousand Great Qin Tieqi attacked frantically.

Two hundred thousand big Qin steppers also pushed forward frantically.

Above the entire void.

Random arrows, throwing stones.

The madness seized the enemy’s vitality.

For the veterans of Handan Daying, it is their goal to make meritorious deeds and kill the enemy. For the recruits who join the Daqin Army, it is their chance to truly escape from slavery and become real Daqin soldiers.

None of them wants to miss this rare opportunity.

The killing continued.

Every sharp warrior has exerted his full combat power, killing the enemy and making contributions.

And Wei’s army withdrew.

Da Qin Ruishi didn’t want to let them go, chasing frantically.

This battle.

At the moment when the Tiger Army entered the battle, the tiger roared to the sky and directly broke the Wei State Cavalry Army formation, which also established the key to the battle.

“Three thousand tigers are not enough. I will form more tiger cavalry in the future.”

“Fighting with the same race is not a kingly way after all, it is only to kill the foreign race.

“The Xiongnu, Donghu.”

“Your cavalry is the best in the world, but if you encounter this general’s Tiger Army, what other waves can your cavalry make?”

This battle tested the strength of the Tiger Army and made Zhao Qi caring about the real enemy who belonged to Yanhuang.

One will order.

Daqin launched the offensive against Wei.

Two days.

Zhao Tong’s 300,000 Qin army went south and defeated the 200,000 defenders on the border of the State of Wei. The general Juya beheaded Pangxiong to the top.

The 200,000 Wei army suffered countless losses, and the remnants fled in embarrassment.

Half a month.

Many cities on the border of Wei State were captured by Zhao Qi, and the territory was controlled by Da Qin.

Wei Wuji, who guarded the western border of Wei State, and Wang Jian were in a stalemate, and Wang Jian could not break the army, but as soon as the news of the defeat of Wei State in the northern border came out, Wei Wuji had to retreat, and led the army to retreat from the border and back to the beam, mobilizing all the forces of Wei State. , Lose heavy, according to the guard of the capital city beam, waiting for Qi Chuyan Three Kingdoms reinforcements.


The day Zhao Qi broke into Handan and forced Lian Po to return to the army seemed to reappear in Wei.

A month.

The 600,000 troops of the two big battalions of Daqin were unstoppable, and hundreds of miles of territories in the west and north of the Wei Kingdom were annexed by Da Qin.The two armies encircled and went straight to the beams of the capital city of Wei.

Daliang City.

Wei Wuji stood on the gate, looking at the front of the city with a solemn expression. The Qin army had already entered the territory of the beam, and perhaps the offensive would start tomorrow.

Although he has a complete layout, it is impossible to defeat the Qin State with the power of Wei State’s loss of soldiers and generals.

Friends. ”

“I hate my great Wei, who used to be countless outstanding, but now that no one can use it, I have misunderstood Pang Xiong, he was the descendant of Pang Juan, and Zhu is my great Wei minister. He was alone, and my grand plan was shattered. .”

“Ben Jun hates me.

Standing on this city gate, Wei Wuji’s old face was tired.

For the Qin State, Wei Wuji was helpless, but for the Wei State, as the Wei Kingdom, he could not watch the Wei State being destroyed, so he did his best to preserve the Wei State.

Delaying tactics, dragging the Qin army’s offensive pace, waiting for reinforcements, this is his plan.

Originally foolproof.

In his plan.

As long as it is fully implemented.

The 400,000 troops can stop the Qin army for at least three months, and gradually retreat, giving time for reinforcements to come.

But because of Pang Xiong’s arrogance and arrogance, his plan was ruined.

“Could it really be the heavens…won’t we be able to kill me?”

“My manpower can’t beat the sky after all?”

“But Ben Jun is not reconciled.

Wei Wuji gritted his teeth, full of anger and regret.

“Xinling Lord.

“Don’t blame yourself so much. You are wrong about Pang Xiong. This is not your reason, but that I have no use for Wei Wei.”

“Although our Dawei border has been breached and the army has been defeated, but fortunately, you stopped the damage in time, deployed troops in multiple cities and blocked the Qin army’s pace. Now there are more than 300,000 troops of my Weiwei in Daliang City, and there is enough food and grass. For half a year, and with Lord Xinling personally guarding him, he can definitely hold on until the reinforcements come.” Prime Minister Wei Guo stood beside Wei Wuji comfortingly said.

“The prime minister.”

“Originally, I didn’t need to be attacked by the Qin State to be the core of my Da Wei, but because my monarch had misunderstood one person, he was brought to the city by the Qin army. This is a great shame, a great shame.”

“How sweet is this lord?” Wei Wuji said through gritted teeth.

“This is the end of the matter, and it is irreversible.”

“Pang Xiong has also fallen into the trap of Qin General Zhao Qi. Although Zhao Qi is young, he is extremely cunning, otherwise Lian Po and Pang Yuan would not die in his hands.


“We, Wei, can only stick to the beams. After the Three Kingdoms reinforcements arrive, the crisis can definitely be resolved.” Wei said comfortingly to Wei Wuji.

“It can only be so.”

Wei Wuji also nodded helplessly.

“How long will the reinforcements arrive?” Wei Wuji asked.

“It will take one month at the earliest for Yan’s reinforcements, more than one month for Qi, and at least two months for Chu, and these are still the fastest.” Wei Xiang said helplessly.


After all, “the nations are not in harmony with me, otherwise why would we waste so much time on reinforcements.”

“This battle.

“I hope this lord can hold on to it.”

“This monarch uses the beam to defend, following Li Mu’s strategy of confronting the Qin army in the era. The cavalry is supplemented by the left and right sides, and the infantry is guarded by the beam. As long as the Qin army dares to attack, even if the city is broken, I will cause the Qin army to lose a lot.”

“The fish died and the net broke.

Wei Wuji said with terrible hatred.

Just then.

“Wind, wind, wind.”Gale “.”


The sound of wind drinking enveloped the entire Liangcheng.

Look at the heaven and earth.

It seems that they are all shrouded by the sound of the breeze.

One month.

after all.

Wei Wuji was a joke in the face of absolute power in the layout of the abandoned city he let (the king got).

The army of Qin came to the beam.

“They came so quickly after all.

“Zhao Qi, Wang Jian.”

Wei Wuji clenched his fists, full of anger: “Prepare for war.”

“The whole army is passed to fight to the death with the Qin army, and the city is destroyed and the people are destroyed.”

Qin Jun backs.

“General Wang Jian, meet again.”

When the two chariots met, Zhao Qi clasped his fists at Wang Jian.

“General Zhao.” Wang Jian laughed, and immediately bowed his hand in return.

“In this battle, General Wang Jian was faster than I thought. My two camps will be encircled and we will destroy Wei. It is already a foregone conclusion.” Zhao smiled and stared at the vaguely visible capital of Wei.

“The key to this battle is that General Zhao breaks through the border and slays Pangxiong, otherwise Wei Wuji’s old thing cannot retreat. To tell you the truth, I have fought him many times at the border, and the long attack is not good. Wei Wuji is indeed a talent. But it is also my enemy of Da Qin.” Wang Fei sighed a little.

“I won’t mention the past.”

“The key to this battle is to break this beam city.”

“According to the scout report.

“Yan’s reinforcements will arrive in only one month at most.”

“Qi, Chu and the two countries will also come in batches. If the three-nation coalition forces reach the capital, it will not be so easy for Da Qin to destroy Wei.” Zhao Qi said in a deep voice, but looked at Wang Weak.

“Wei Wuji, this old thing, is very shabby.

“Move Li Mu’s deadly battle method in Daidi to Daliang City.”

“Moreover, this beam is not as vast as the land. The two wings outside the city are deployed adjacent to the mountains and rivers, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack.”

“Same as before, if I were to make a strong attack, I would suffer a lot.” Wang Jian said with a solemn expression.

When faced with this situation at the beginning, Wang Jian was a little heavy. If you want to win this kind of war, you will only use your life to pile it up.

“What strategy does General Wang Jian have?” Zhao Qi smiled and asked.

“Wei Wuji is not Li Mu. Li Mu has great ethnic righteousness, but in Wei Wuji’s heart, only the State of Wei is the only one who cannot surrender.”

“At the beginning, you didn’t work with Li Mu’s strategy on behalf of the land…” Wang Jian said thoughtfully.

However, Yu Guang saw Zhao Qi’s slightly smiling eyes, Wang Jian suddenly thought of something, and smiled: “Did you kid think of the plan to break the big beam?”

“Before deciding to destroy Wei, I had a strategy in mind.”

Zhao Qi smiled, staring at Daliang City, a cruel coldness flashed in his eyes.

“What strategy?” Wang Weng asked immediately.

“A strategy that hurts the heavens and peace.”

“The solution to annihilate all beings.

“But for the sake of my Yanhuang clan, in order to completely end this troubled world, I have to use a strategy.”

Zhao Qi said quietly.

At the moment his words fell, the entire surrounding void became cold and silent, as if purgatory was about to come.

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