Chapter 141

Time flies.

Three months later.

Hangu Daying.


“I don’t know what is important to call us urgently?”

Wang Qian, Li Xin and others came to Wang Jian’s camp and asked very curiously.


Wang Jian didn’t say much, and handed a secret report to Wang Gong.

Wang Rui took it, and there was only one sentence above: “The time has come for the general Wang to cut the generals. The time has come to destroy Wei. Ask the generals of the dynasty to attack Wei east and attack Anyi. I will move troops from Zhaodi to break through the border of Wei and attack the beam.


“Is this a secret report from General Zhao?” Wang Gong said.


“It’s Zhao Qi.” Wang Weakly nodded.

“General Zhao is going to send troops to destroy Wei, and he directly sent his father to send troops, but it seems that he has not been approved by the king before.” Li Xin said differently.

“This is the edict of the king.”

Wang Jian smiled faintly.

He took out another secret edict from his arms.

A few people took a look.

“Three Jins, Han and Zhao have been destroyed, and Wei is a foregone conclusion. The battlefield cannot be accurately grasped by the few people. It will take time to pass the news from Zhao to Xianyang.”

“Therefore, the widow gave Zhao Qi the opportunity to destroy Wei. If he sends a message to the general, you will follow Zhao Qi’s orders and assist in destroying Wei.

There are not many words on the secret edict.

But the key lies in one point. The leadership of the War of Extinguishing Wei was handed over to Zhao Qi, and Wang Qian and Hangu Daying were allowed to obey Zhao’s orders.

“The king actually trusted General Zhao so much.”

“There is no need to report the battle to Xianyang, and General Zhao will decide everything in the battle to destroy Wei.”

“This kind of honor, this kind of trust, is absolutely unique in Daqin.

Upon seeing this secret edict, Wang Gong, Li Xin and other generals were shocked.

The information expressed on this secret edict reveals that Yingzheng has a strong trust in Zhao Qi, a unique grace.

This is equivalent to giving Zhao Qi the authority to command the two battalions of 600,000 troops.

“The King” has a superior vision and a good talent. He will not misunderstand people.

“Moreover, Zhao Qi’s abilities really surpassed him.”

“If he is in charge of destroying Wei, I can completely control the three advances.” Wang Jian smiled, without any displeasure in his heart.

Although Zhao Qi, the young general, may be in charge of him, there may be many criticisms in the army, but Wang Jian’s loyalty to the Qin Dynasty and Yingzheng will naturally not violate Wang Zhao.


When Zhao was destroyed, if it weren’t for Zhao Qi, he helped persuade Li Mu to surrender.

Even if he and Huandi were able to win, it would be a tragic victory, and the Legionnaires would suffer a great deal.

Therefore, Wang Jian and Heng both owe Zhao Qi a favor.

“All right.”

“Zhao Qi has been summoned.”

“Naturally, we can’t go against his will.”

“Biography will order.

03 “Soldiers sent out Hangu to attack Wei State.”

“Be sure to draw Wei Wuji and all Wei Jun to my border.”

“In this way, Zhao Qi’s deployment of troops can reduce barriers.”

Wang Weak shouted with prestige.


Wang Jing, Li Xin and other generals said in unison, and immediately went down to prepare for the mobilization of troops.

“Zhao Qi.”

“Such a young and handsome, being able to be reused by the king also meets Bo Le.”


“Zhao Qi will be another Wuanjun to my Daqin, maybe he can surpass Wuanjun.


“At such a young age, it is inevitable to be energetic. After the unification of the Qin Dynasty, there will be princes competing for the crown. I hope that Zhao Qi can judge the situation and not participate in the party and government, otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable.” Wang Jian muttered to himself.

Wei Guo.


Above the chapel.

Everything went according to order, and King Wei sat on the throne with a heavy face.

Since Zhao and South Korea were wiped out by Qin, he has been living with forgotten worries every day.

In addition, the envoys of Wei state left Xianyang sadly that day, and the envoys of Qi Chuyan and the Three Kingdoms could not force Qin to stop.

This makes Wei Wangjia have a kind of ambition every day, and Qin will move troops to attack him at any time.

And to this.

He had nothing to do, except for worry and fear, he could only pray that he would come a little later that day, or that Qin State would not mobilize troops against him.

But obviously.This is what he took for granted.

“Where is Lord Xinling now?”

Wei Wanghua came back to his senses and asked when looking at the court.

“Back to the King.”

“Mr Xinling is now guarding the western border of our Great Wei to prevent King Qin from being weak.”

“My lord, please don’t worry so much.

“Mr Xinling is my great Wei Tingzhu. With him, my great Wei will not perish. In the past, the Qin State has repeatedly attacked my great Wei. Didn’t all of them return with hatred in the hands of Lord Xinling?”


“Qin will never be so bold. If he attacked me, the three kingdoms of Qi Chuyan would never sit back and watch.”

The Prime Minister Wei Guo stood up and looked at Wang Wei with a sad look on his face, comforted.

The prime minister “makes sense.”

“But everyone is afraid.”

“My three Jins first established the country together and have co-existed for hundreds of years, but now, in addition to my great Wei, Zhao and Han have been annexed by the Qin State, which shows the national power of Qin.

“If the State of Qin attacks my Da Wei, can my Da Wei really resist it?” Wei Wangjia looked sad.

The king was so afraid of Qin, and he naturally affected his officials.

With such a fear of him, his courtiers are afraid that they have also found a way out.

For the nobles standing in this court, there may be loyal ones, but most of them are the nobles of common interests. If the country is really destroyed on the day, those powerful will also run very fast, such as the destroyed Han, Zhao.

Their dignitaries don’t know how much they have escaped.

“Lord, please be relieved.”

“I, Wei, will never fear Qin.” Wei Xiang said again.

But his words have not completely fallen down yet.


“Border Emergency.”

“Qin State has mobilized troops.

“The whole army of Qin Hangu camp is dispatched, and Wang Jian’s personal command has already attacked the border between China and Wei.”

A soldier of the State of Wei ran into the hall in horror and reported loudly.

This sound.

Like thunder.

The entire Wei Guochao hall was still barely remaining calm, bursting.

Wei Wangjia’s face suddenly turned pale.

The expressions of the courtiers of the State of Wei did not improve anymore, and a touch of fear appeared in each of them.

This urgent report shattered the last hope in their hearts.


After all, troops were mobilized against them.

Can Lord Xinling hold onto the border?”

Wei Wang asked in horror.

“The King of Enlightenment.”

“The Qin army is coming fiercely. It has broken through many border cities. Now the king of Xinling is guarding the army in Anyi, and he has told the king to rest assured that he has laid out a complete strategy and is not afraid of the Qin country. Yan Three Kingdoms ask for help.

“If you want to break Qin, you must rely on the power of the Three Kingdoms.

The soldier who delivered the urgent report immediately replied.

“The prime minister.

“Quickly, send an envoy to Qi Chuyan Three Kingdoms for help.” Wei Wangjia immediately faced Wei Xiangdao in panic.

“Please be at ease, the king, the minister has already made arrangements. As long as there is any movement in the State of Qin, the envoy will be sent to ask for help.” Wei Xiang replied immediately.

“Wang Jian is a veteran of the Qin State, and the Hangu Daying under his command was the main force in the capture of Zhao State. Can Lord Xinling be able to resist it?”

“Moreover, if Wang Jian moved troops, will Zhao Qi from Zhao area also use troops? There is no strong city on the border between Wei and Zhao. Can we stop Zhao Qi?” Wang Wei said with a face of fear.

“The King.”

Lord Xinling has arranged all defenses. ”

“In the west, there is Lord Xinling personally resisting Wang Jian, and in the north, there is General Pang Xiong who specially entrusted him. Trust can definitely be alone.”

“The king, please believe in Lord Xinling, but also in my soldiers.”

Looking at the fearful King Wei, Prime Minister Wei had no choice but to comfort him.

In the long history.

Wei once dominated one side, and even Qin, which had never been reformed in the past, was not an opponent of Wei, and even the land of Hexi was captured by Wei, which was a great humiliation to Qin.

But as the years passed.

Everything has been reversed since Qin Dynasty’s merchants reformed in the past.

The State of Wei was attacked by the State of Qin, and the land of Hexi was returned to Qin.

From then on, Wei State also went downhill, and it made Wei State ridiculed by the world. There were many talents in Wei State, but each of them was abandoned by Wei State and eventually became talents of other countries.

In the hereafter.

The State of Wei is also known as the cultivation place of outstanding people from all countries.

This is a laughing stock.

And now it’s time.

Looking at the Wei state with a population of seven million, there is no general talent except Wei Wuji, a Xinling monarch.

If there were no such pillars as Wei Wuji, perhaps Wei State would have died long ago.

Where there used to be many talents, but now there are no generals and talents, it is also very embarrassing.

“No one believes.

“The widow believes in Lord Xinling.”

Wei Wangjia clasped his hands and spoke loudly, but looked at his eyebrows with unabated fear.

Obviously he has been shrouded in fear of subjugation, unable to extricate himself.


“If the king can cheer up a bit and strengthen my morale, maybe I won’t be like that in the court.

Wei Xiang glanced at the decadence in the courtroom, and sighed helplessly in his heart.

Today’s Wei State.

It is indeed already in the state of subjugation. Being surrounded by Qin, there is no other way to change the state of subjugation except for the assistance of Qi, Chuyan and the Three Kingdoms.

Zhao Di.

It borders the State of Wei.

Stele, stele, stele.

The sound of drumming.

The earth resounded throughout the plain, above this vast plain.

One black armor, hundreds of thousands of black armors formed a torrent of army, which seemed to envelop the entire plain.

This is the sharp man of Daqin.

The fourth camp of Daqin, Handan Daying Ruishi.

And on the opposite side of Daqin Ruishi separated by hundreds of feet.

An army of two hundred thousand Wei states is standing there.

The two armies faced each other.

There is a terrible murderous confrontation between each other.

Look to the side of the Wei State Army.

Recommended by Wei Wuji, the Mausoleum of Wei Guoxin, Pang Juan’s descendants, Pang Xiong commanded an army of 200,000, and lined up to meet the enemy.

Now that Wei Guo has no generals available, it can be said that Wei Wuji is the only one capable of Wei Guo.

But even though he has all kinds of talents, he can’t change the situation of the destruction of his Wei state under the general situation.

“General Pang.

“Mr Xinling has previously explained.”

“Our army can’t head-on with the Qin army. We only need to rely on our familiarity with the terrain of the border, move back to fight with the Qin army, delay the Qin army’s offensive pace, and wait until the Qi Chuyan Three Kingdoms Allied Forces.”

“This time our army is fighting the Qin army. We can’t resist hard, we can only fight and retreat.”

“After World War I, immediately withdraw the army, and then find a place to fight Qin.

Beside Pang Xiong, a Wei Jiang explained to him.

Listen to these words.

Pang Xiong’s brows were frowned, and he was a little annoyed.

“All right.

“General Wei, and the general that Mr. Xinling told you all know.”

“For the Qin Army, everything will be procrastinated to avoid deadly battles.”

“This battle is not the final battle between our army and the Qin army, but it is the battle of our army that defeated the Qin army.”

Pang Xiong directly interrupted this Wei general’s chattering.

Hearing this Pang Xiong’s words, there was a kind of arrogance in his tone.

General Wei changed his expression and immediately reminded him: “The commander-in-chief of the Qin army is Zhao Qi. He is the new general of Qin, Zhao Guolian and Pang Yuan are all defeated by him. His strength must not be underestimated, and General Pang must not be underestimated. underestimate the enemy.”

“We already have a comprehensive plan for this battle, just drag the battle.


Seeing the general still chattering, Pang Xiong was completely angry.


“Since Ben General has the trust of the king and the trust of Lord Xinling, he will naturally not let them down.”

“Zhao Qi, nothing more than a hairy boy.”

“What defeated Lian, defeated Pang Yuan, it’s just that Qin State deliberately bluffed people.

“Today’s battle is not only a prolonged battle, but also a battle to defeat the Qin army.”

“You don’t need to say much.

“When the army under the commander defeats the spirit of the Qin army, dragging can be carried out.” Pang Xiong scolded immediately.

There seemed to be some determination in his heart.

See Pang Xiong like this.

The General Wei’s heart became very disturbed: “Mr Xinling, I said at the beginning that although Pang Xiong has some ability to command troops, he is arrogant and arrogant. Zhao Wei of Qin State is famous. How can he not want to defeat Zhao Qi to establish his reputation.”

This “battle, I’m afraid Pang Xiong will not listen to your generals, and use it arrogantly.”

Pang Xiong sneered in his heart: “Zhao Qi, a hairy boy from the Kingdom of Qin, the king of Qin was unconscious. He actually used this hairy boy as an admiral. He was really blinded by the dog’s eyes. Lord Xinling asked me to stop Qin with a drag. The army is on the offensive, but a Maotou boy leads the army, and most of his subordinates are still Zhao Guo’s soldiers. Even if he is forcibly recruited, how can he be able to fight.”

“As long as Ben general shouts in front of the battlefield, he will surely disrupt his military spirit and defeat him in one fell swoop.

Thought of this.

With pride in his heart, Pang Xiong pulled out the saber around his waist and pointed it straight at Qin Jun: “Where is my big Wei general?

“Kill, kill, kill.”

Two hundred thousand Wei Jun shouted in unison.

Apparently, he has a bit of morale.

Wei Jun’s roar resounded through the entire Void World.

“The Qin is violent, and the soldiers of the Xingwu Dao attack our Dawei.”

“I am one of the three Jins, Han and Zhao are all annexed by the Violent Qin, the people of Li suffer, and the Violent Qin kills countless. If we break through the country of Wei, your family will be slaughtered by the Violent Qin, and only break the Qin to protect the family. .”Pang Xiong shouted loudly.

“Kill Qin Gou and destroy Qin.”

“Kill Qin Gou…

The ground is full of Wei Jun’s hissing.

All these voices reached Daqin’s army.

“The soldiers of the former South Korea and Zhao, the original general Pang Xiong, the descendants of my former general Pang Juan, the three Jins, we share honor and disgrace, you surrendered to the violent Qin are all helpless and forced to be unwilling to fight today. , As long as you attack Boom Qin, you will be able to regain your freedom by waiting.”

“Today’s battle.”

“This will surely save you from the sea of ​​suffering.”

“It would have been hoped that you would join forces with my Great Wei generals to defeat Qin Dao.” Pang Xiong roared loudly, with a counter-measure.

Heard this.

Wei Jiang by his side also had 607 turbulence, which is more agreeable.

Follow along.

The soldiers of the Wei Army also roared Pang Xiong’s words, resounding throughout the battlefield.

“General Pang’s strategy is excellent.

“The chaos of the Qin army’s military spirit, this battle can have victory results, but the strategy of Xinling Jun must be implemented to be superior.” Wei Jiang said.

“Zhao Qi, it’s nothing more than a hairy boy. Today, I, Pang Xiong, will defeat your audacity, and let the world see how your so-called Qin Admiral is really famous.” The words of his own Wei Jiang.

He at the moment.

I feel that my own strategy of chaotic army has worked.


Pang Xiong waved the general sword in his hand and pointed at the Daqin army formation.

“General Pang Xiong, our army just sticks to it and can’t take the initiative to attack. This will put our army at a disadvantage.”

“The cavalry is not weak either.” Wei Jiang’s expression changed.

“Shut up.”

“In this battle, Pang Xiong is the commander-in-chief, and I respect the strategy of Lingjun, but I must win the first battle and defeat the Qin army.” Pang Xiong scolded angrily.

Then he didn’t care about Wei Jiang’s dissuasion at all.

Speaking loudly: “I am an officer of Wei.

“Exterminate the violent Qin and save the Sanjin.”

“To Ben checkmate.

Will order.

The messengers around Pang Xiong Chariot Week immediately rode out to convey the command.

Pause time.

Two hundred thousand Wei Jun moved.

The whole earth trembled.

“It’s over.”

“This Pang Xiong is arrogant, arrogant and arrogant. He is honest in front of Lord Xinling, but he belongs to himself after he has obtained the military power.

“Xinling Jun believes in the wrong person.

The discouraged Wei Jiang was ashamed.

And in the Daqin army.

Listening to Wei Jun’s shouting and killing.

Zhao Qi watched without waves.


“The final general has checked it out.”

“Wei’s general who was stationed on this border claimed to be descended from Pang Juan, but he was an incompetent man. Although he had read a lot of military books, he was incapable of ability. Moreover, Youting was arrogant. Wei Wuji sent him to command troops and no one was available in Wei.” The gangster smiled and said.

“It’s really arrogant.”

“Now he should want to use the head of the general to establish his reputation.” Zhao Qi sneered.

Now that the shadows have lurked in the world, Zhao Qi naturally knew about Wei’s intelligence.

For Wei Guowei Wuji, he focused his defense on Wang Jian and Hangu Camp.

As for himself, he dispatched this Pang Xiong defense, although he is not available, but he also has a bit of contempt.


It is this contempt that Zhao Qi wants to take advantage of.

Moreover, Zhao Qi had long let the shadow spread the news that the Handan camps were all descendants, in order to make Wei more contemptuous and to stimulate Pang Xiong.

For Wei, the delaying tactics are indeed very clever. If Qi, Chuyan and the Three Kingdoms are delayed, there may be a turning point in the battle.

But for Zhao Qi.

In the battle with this Pang Xiong, he defeated him and ate him the final battle.

The first battle determined the universe and laid the foundation for annihilation of Wei.

“I want this general head.”

“Then it depends on his ability.”

“This battle is not only the first battle for Da Qin to attack Wei, but also the main battle for Da Qin to destroy Wei.”

“Where is my great Qin Ruishi?

Looking at Wei Jun who had already deployed troops, the Zhan Lu sword on Zhao Qi’s waist was unsheathed and uttered a sweet sword sound.

Qin Shihuang “Believe in me that way, I won’t let Qin Shihuang down.” Zhao Qi secretly said in his heart, full of determination.

“Wind, wind, wind.

Gale “…”

PS: Seek to be determined, old irons,

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